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  1. So about healing, while he probably doesn't need to think about geting healed, what gets healed depends on his perception.
  2. Good point. But Brandon is cryptic as ever. Well, the only place they got atium was Pits, and all collected from there was used (and rest taken by Marsh). So after Catacendre Sazed could have moved it away, or it simply is no more 'growing' and got replaced along with lerasium by harmonium. So anyway people have no way for gaining it so it's lost for them for now.
  3. Actually some of them aren't really dead.
  4. Like I said before I don't think Lerasium works as universal Metalmind...but your logic about the useness is quite a no sense to me. The Metals don't need to be at the same level. It's not a game where the powers need to be balanced because for the game's sake. It's possible that a metal is quite useless, because for Realmatic reason, that godmetal have to work in that way into a specific magic system. It's powerful in allomancy probably because it comes from same source as allomancy itself - it's like piece of preservation, so it's understandable for it being powerful there, just like atium being able to store anything hemarulgicaly being practicaly piece of Ruin. About them having to be useful in all metal using systems, you have atium being able to store age, but without compunding it would be mostly useless there.
  5. It might depend on how you look, but I think after all they all work same way. You store memories there, but not all the memories you, only those you are thinking about or wanting to store, so you can't acces memories you stored at that moment, just like you aren't able to acces speed you didn't use at that moment untill moment you take it from metalmind. Only difference would be that you don't measure memories by time ( probably you could as i think it's not instant). So i think you would be storing it just like any other metalmind, though it could sound weird like storing five minutes of investiture. I guess storing this could make you unable to store in other types metalminds at same time but don't know that. Hope it made some sense.
  6. Nice grouping in my opinion. Starting to think that theory with Preservation making allomancy that way to keep information about shard might have some sense, after all it would be perfectly preserved knowledge. Also when looking at these groups you could mostly easily apply push-pull logic there like ruin pushing things forward while preservation pulling (holding) them, similiary Devotion pulling together people while Odium push away, and so on. That's the general theme of what happens in Zelda games with the Triforce. The ones who hold the pieces of the Triforce influence how the power behaves depending on the will of their hearts. I think I saw this somewhere on forum, don't remember if it was theory or confirmed but it was like saying that if someone else took Ruin it could be for example Destruction or Entropy, the specific intent would be different depending on person but general intent would stay.
  7. What about the shard trying to survive? When looking like that i think Preservation, Ruin and Cultivation aren't like relating to people but are more general, while Honor, Ambition, Odium could be treated like peoples traits. Maybe it's like in allomancy table having them make both pairs and groups ( maybe Preservation based allomancy on that or wanted to preserve that knowledge about shards, just an idea)
  8. If there was Purity maybe it can be a pair for Odium? Also for pair of Autonomy maybe something like Collectivism (or anything for society) ?
  9. Also there is question (unless it was asked already) when does power loss happen in case of feurochemy - as storing, taking or maybe both? If both taking half efficiency you would then get 5 'units' stored * 5 allomancy 'bonus' / 2, so yes still more than starting input. But then all depends on how much increase you get when burning metalmind.
  10. So as there is power loss when creating spikes would it still be worth to have compounding? The power increasy normally is be big, but here you would have loss both in feurochemical and allomantic side.
  11. Again, why would they be categorized the same. When none of them are. This can be 16:16, if the Hemalurgy is limited to metals only. But it can also be that 16 metal powers are from Preservation, and for each metal there is one corresponding from Ruin. The difference could be (in theory) that Hemalurgy is not only limited to metals from http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/7267-words-of-brandon-compiled-x-2/?_fromLogin=1 So it's a possibility, then Ruin's Hemalurgy would have one power to correspond one from other shards power, so 16 for 16 of preservation. In my theory Ten Essences are relation beetwen Hemalurgy and surgebinding - a gemstone possibly being material for spike, a Herald related directing to order and powers, and body focus like Inhalation or Exhalation ( nose, mouth or maybe lungs), it would then make one possible spike for each of Honors powers. This would make Ruin have 1 to correspond any other shard power.
  12. Mati

    Few questions

    1. Wer'e there atium mistings (Demoux, Yomen) or were there misltings of one of then unknowns metals ( maybe with possiblity for misltings to burn any god metal)? 2. Is Demoux still Kelsier Church believer in Stormlight Archive? 3. Do Ten Essences have relation to hemallurgy? 4. Could Elantrians use landscape of planet instead of their region for more powerful / universal effect? 5. Did Hoid in The Way of Kings as Wit use zinc or brass allomancy to to don't get killed ?
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