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  1. I'm not sure which piece they meant, but you can see the art from the book on Brandon's website: https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-stormlight-archive-series/#RHYTHMOFWAR
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to say this, but I wanted to just let the Rhythm of Previews folks know how much I've been enjoying their YouTube coverage of these chapters. Really good job! After reading the forums on Tues and Wed. I am eager for their take on Thurs. Thank you!
  3. I hadn't read that yet, so thanks for mentioning it. Having read it now, I'm skeptical it's the same universe. With that and the fact that it's a co-written short story, rather than solo Sanderson, I guess I would be surprised if it's the same universe. Someone should ask!
  4. The Jezrien and Vedel images may not be as initially striking as the Ishar and Shalash ones, but they definitely are growing on me. Jezrien is now my phone wallpaper and he looks amazing! I really hope we get all 10 heralds in a similar religious icon style.
  5. I've been getting Stargate Atlantis vibes since the preview chapters started...
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