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  1. WoB has it that we have met the Ones Above before. There are many ways to interpret that remark, but I'm working on the assumption that it means it's a group that has been focused on, not just a group we've met in passing because one of their worldhoppers showed up somewhere. We don't have a solid timeline of the various cosmere stories, but the post script does tell us Sixth of the Dusk is the farthest forward story chronologically in the AU collection. This might make it the furthest forward story that we have at all right now. Edgedancer happens after WoR so, it must be forward of that. Both Mistborn Secret History and Allomancer Jack going into Mistborn Era 2, so it must be forward of that. Since Nightblood is on Roshar in WoR then it must be forward of Warbreaker. Anyway, important part of this is that the story is forward of (at least parts) of Mistborn Era 2. Even in era two the Scadriali peoples are already developing interesting machines and technology, some using investiture. We also know that the plan for Era 3 involves spaceflight. Khriss even speculates that without the Lord Rulers suppression of advancement that the Scadriali might have already outpaced the rest of the cosmere in technological and scientific development. If you look at the interests of the Ones Above, specifically the Aviar. Setting aside entirely the potential interest in the worms that grant the Aviar their talents, who on Scadrial wouldn't want what's basically a coppercloud sitting on their shoulder?
  2. We know from here that Nightblood is a sort of splinter (which makes his creation even more amazing/terrifying to me, cause apparently Vasher and Shashara managed to forge a self aware splinter from 1000 Breaths worth of investiture), and that he was made with at least partial knowledge of Shardblades. I also have reason to believe that Sazeth, who we know is bonded to Nightblood, is NOT bonded to a Highspren but does have the surgebinding abilities of a Skybreaker. (See minor Eddgedancer Spoilers). This leads me to wonder what else might grant surgebinding abilities, and of what sort? Would a person from Sel who (somehow) managed to get to Roshar have surgebinding if they held a seon or skaze (which are splinters of Dominion and Devotion respectively)? If so, what would determine the type of surges they have access too? Thoughts?
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