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    Tenno Skoom
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    Video games, reading, cooking

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  1. Spoilers! (How do I add that tag?) I was bored recently and I was wondering- what would be the most broken mixture of investiture you could get? I mean, stuff like the Lord Ruler having Allomancy and Feruchemy together. I was thinking... Could you go more broken? So I'm proposing a contest- who can come up with the most broken pair of Investiture types? (The Knights Radiant are funky so let's say you can pick one order but you get a shardblade and shardplate in the package). So pick 2 magic systems (like a full Mistborn and full feruchemist) that are as stupidly powerful as you can imagine. I'd go with full Mistborn and willshaper because if I Pushed or Pulled hard enough, I could probably orbit my Shardblade around me and become an evil blender of death. Also worldhopping. Which would you pick?
  2. I'm just saying- you wouldn't have those powers for very long before you died. Also, they had to kill someone with those spikes so there might be some blood. They would taste so bad...
  3. Hi, Elex! They invaded my welcome too and talked about the cookies. We decided they shouldn't be eaten because they would A. taste bad and B. possibly give you ulcers. That would slowly leak toxin and acid into your blood. And kill you. Essentially, mom went overboard on keeping her kids out of the cookie jar. For good.
  4. Hey, I don't want ulcers either. Wait... metal is really bad to get in your blood so you would get ulcers and death by toxin. How do the inquisitors not get poisoned? Is just dissolved metal in the bloodstream bad? If you ground up a spike and put it in your blood would it still work? It's touching your blood... are there any bind points in the arteries and veins?... I'll stop now.
  5. Huh. Well, I'm gonna go rewrite everything I know about steelpushing and ironpulling... again... jeez, this is a complicated magic system
  6. I swear there was a WoB floating around that said metal was just the way the power is accessed, and different allomancers get differing amounts of preservation power. If you're right this entire theory needs to be rewritten and I'm lazy... where does we get the sheer amount of metal necessary to pull an airship out of the sky? Blargh...
  7. The precision part makes sense but I thought mass did matter. Which is why it was such a feat for Wax to push on trace metals in the boulder and such. Also when taking Steris for a ride with steel jumping shenanigans he notes that the iron spine building and tiekel tower are great anchors because the girders are so large... I probably sound like a broken record when talking about that but that's just how I interpreted it when I first read through era 1 so it's pretty hard to change that assumption
  8. In the first trilogy isn't there mention that Elend is an unusually strong allomacer, and that's why he surprised the inquisitor with the extra strong push? He is more closely connected to Preservation through his spiritweb. So he can get more "allomancy juice" from the metal. IIRC, there's a WoB that being a steel/iron savant lets you separate metals into several parts and create a steel bubble. Separating a piece of metal into separate parts would actually get you the same force, I thought- the smaller the anchor, the weaker the push. Also, good points pagerunner
  9. So, can I post a theory here, or what? (Just warning, like 60% of this is gonna be spoilers for Bands of Mourning so go read it if you haven't.) So everyone- let's talk about the Bands. Specifically the nicrosil portion. I think we can figure out what it does from watching Wax and Marasi use them. So when Wax takes the Bands, he can punch through pure rock with just allomancy alone, and drags an airship out of the sky. This obviously isn't normal allomancy or duralumin enhanced allomancy. We know that because marasi gets all of the metals off the guards. There wouldn't have been any duralumin. It's completely useless if you're just a misting. So he's doing all of that with just steel and iron which should be impossible- but wait! WoB is here to save the day! (I don't actually have this WoB but pshhh who needs correctly cited sources.) So I remember reading somewhere that Sanderson built into the magic systems of scadrial ways to enhance each other- allomancy boosts feruchemy through compounding, and feruchemy boosts allomancy by uuh.... the WoB didn't really say. But there has to be some way cuz the great Sanderson said so. So I looked through the metals chart and the only metal that really fits isn't nicrosil- which stores investiture (any cosmere magic). So we can tell how it works from Wax's point of view! Obviously it can give you the ability to burn metals or tap them (see: Wax burning iron or tapping zinc) but it can also affect how much power you can squeeze out of metal in allomancy. So that's how nicrosil feruchemy works! Spend time with weakened investiture (presumably) and you can tap to make it stronger. (Am I the only one that thinks coinshot-soulbearers would be terrifying? They would shred everything or throw tanks!) Any corrections or anything?
  10. You've been inside posting to a theory site during the apocalypse. Geez, spatial awareness, anyone? I just saw Hardcore rampage past your window! What kind of music do you listen to? Also hi.
  11. Groot could also technically say, "I am a stick." My god... the stick is baby Groot!!!
  12. Wait, wouldn't there be problems with stomach acid? Your stomach lining has to renew itself every 4 days to avoid acid leaking into the rest of your body... Basically what I'm saying is that every cookie has to have a Thug or Bloodmaker spike, meaning you need plenty of pewter or filled goldminds in the cookie. Basically, these cookies would taste really really bad and give you extra ulcers that you can shrug off or give you plain, straight-up ulcers. So... don't eat?
  13. Oh hi there! Sorry if they confused you. Pretty much the only way people communicate here is in reference to Brandon Sanderson books- like that guy saying he's a chair, that's a reference to the Stormlight Archive- "I am a stick." Spikes, or cookies, is from Mistborn, etc. Basically memes but more Sanderson.
  14. Ah. Wait, that makes the spikes useless! They have to touch your blood! (Right?) So that's just a waste of murder! Also, my pants set off the scanner once. I've had some experience here.
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