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  1. Alright, let's see how much of this holds true for each book: Privileged life as child of noble or royal Mom died when they were a child No other tragedy Life turned upside down when late teens/twenties gain magic No one understands magic Arranged marriage Feasts and balls expected Assassination attempts Certain destruction Spoilers for a lot of these. Summary: Raoden from Elantris gets the most with 8 out of 9 of these, by my count. Lightsong from Warbreaker has the least with only 1. The average is around 5.
  2. Odium's younger sibling, Tedium, will be featured in the novel Mistbored.
  3. How are the weaves used? Is it like a language to be written down? How is it activated?
  4. 1) Possibly? But silver has similar properties to aluminum in mistborn as well. If I remember correctly, with Allomancy, the investiture comes from Preservation, the metal is just a tool for accessing/channeling it. Mistings are mistings because they are spiritually connected to Preservation. So, 4) No. 5) No.
  5. Obliteration vs. Steelheart: Neither can kill the other because of the prime invincibilities, unless they can use the other's weakness. Steelheart vs. Prof: Same.
  6. If he has enough metals, TLR would probably kill anyone with duralumin emotional allomancy to make them depressed or helpless. Prof vs. Obliteration: Obliteration has no way to kill Prof through the forcefields. Prof might be able to grab obliteration with forcefields, then crush. Because obliteration would be grabbed, teleportation wouldn't save him.
  7. I'm kind of curious as to why and when ironpulls/steelpushes can be blocked by having the affected metal in one's body. Here are a few questions that I haven't been able to find a definite answer for: Are pushes on metals inside your own body resisted? Are pushes on metals inside a dead body resisted? If you can push on metals inside a dead body, exactly when is the body considered dead? Is it about blood flow, like hemalurgy? Or some other way of detecting death besides supernaturally? For example, BoM spoiler, Are pushes on metals inside a frog or other "normal" animal resisted? Are pushes on metals inside an amputated limb resisted? Are pushes on metals inside someone not from Scadrial resisted? EDIT: Changed "Can you push..." to "Are pushes on...resisted" to clarify meaning. I understand that with enough power these barriers can be overcome, I'm merely interested whether these count as the same "barrier" as a living person does.
  8. Entreos

    Ettmetal theory

    Yeah, I think Potassium works mostly the same as Sodium: Explodes in water, but badness happens when exposed to air. But Francium I'm fairly sure is completely impossible, as is lithium. And what do you mean by "get energy from electron stuff?"
  9. Entreos

    Ettmetal theory

    Yeah, Francium is extremely rarely found in nature, and pretty much impossible to use. Cesium melts at about 84 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius), so is also unlikely. Rubidium explodes without water occasionally. Potassium and Sodium are both possible, as far as I know. Lithium will not really explode in water, just ignite.
  10. Aren't atium and lerasium pure investiture though, or similar?
  11. Shardblades only physically cut apart something living on their second pass through though, right? So would the same thing happen to a hemalurgic spike? It's invested, and steals part of someone's soul.
  12. Can shardblades cut through silver? Aluminum? Atium? Lerasium? A hemalurgic spike? A metalmind?
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