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Everything posted by Dracnor

  1. That's a very mean cliffhanger. I NEED to know what was the output of this experiment ! If they did succeed... will they have to fight the kandra to keep the Lerasium ? Could we have a Steris-Mistborn ? (Btw something screems "SUS" with that kandra)
  2. Wild guess : Harmony will offer Wax an old A-iron hemallurgic spike. That's all for me.
  3. Gender has nothing to do with being alloromantic or aromantic. And asexuality has nothing to do with it neither.
  4. I agree with all of it. Dalinar is a judgmental self-righteous tyrant unable to trust others for more than following orders; and the Jasnah/Wit was mechanical at best. Thanks for putting it so well.
  5. Pffff, no excuse, dying takes no effort at all. Everyone can do it, even Amaram (More seriously, both Kholin *fought* against Szeth for some minutes, and in Gavilar's case I really do find it strange that he doesn't recognize the blade)
  6. I love that theory too. Let's just remark that Dalinar too didn't recognize the blade... But in Dalinar's case we can say that he didn't spent hours playing with the blades, so he can be excused.
  7. I noticed that Gavilar *never* recognizes Szeth blade as Jezrien blade... maybe it will be changed in the final version ?
  8. Regardless of whether it's possible or not, I'm ready to bet that the alloy of the weapon would not be the good allomantic proportions, and hence it's be such a good idea to burn it.
  9. Renarin, Jasnah, Navani, or any other scientist. Science nerds time !
  10. Can't the spren break the bond from their side ? (And if so, why haven't the stormfather done so ?)
  11. Taking innocents hostages doesn't seem like Willshaper stuff. It's literally puting someone in bondage. Skybreakers... Honestly taking someone hostage isn't really legal. Like, illegal as storm. There might be an exception for rules of war, but the hostages here are innocents far far away from war. Taking them is just a crime according to local law, and probably according to Alethi law. Bondsmith... I really don't see how this is uniting. Dalinar's issues in book 3 are to make people collaborate with him, not coerce them into an alliance (which would be easy : sneak Kaladin in their oathgate, open it, tada !). So i'm preatty sure that Bondsmith is a no no. Stoneward, lightweaver, truthwatcher : not a clue. May indeed depend on the person and/or spren. Even the interpretation of the first oath could be an issue (taking hostages to protect other people is a wrong journey to a rightful destination...).
  12. I want to see hip keep going down on the path of epitomizing voidbringers. No death, no redemption, just pure void and silence and ignoring his own contradictions.
  13. Not enough light on Shallan/Veil/Radiant relationship and coevolution. (I have over opinions, but they are not unpopular x) )
  14. Nah, it's just that she prefers to be with Adolin. She admired the intensity of Kaladin, was attracted to it, but never really loved him as she loves Adolin. One of the theme of Stormlight Archive is to show broken/disfunctionnalIHateThoseWordsButCanTFindABetterOne neurodivergent (thx Aqua !) heroes, not the usual ideal impossible human with no mental health issue whatsoever. So I doubt that the author would say that "broken people" are people you have to take care of, that they need a "normal" human to rely on. They are adults, not childs. They take care of themselves - and as everyone, they can need or ask for help from their friends. That's all.
  15. Eyup. And her life was saved by the last act of Raboniel, so that can explain things. But still, no hero x)
  16. +1 to the two previous answers : manipulated Navani for creating an awfull weapon, and previously almost wiped out life with bioweapon. I'll had : on a far smaller scale, she let the Pursuer do as he wished in the tower, and same for Moash. (And was about to kill all of the sleeping radiants' spren). So definitly relativly sane but no positive character (and certainly not a hero, sorry navani).
  17. Same here, and that's not the only thing that disappeared in the time skip. What about the Elia stele (huge element of OB end), and the realization that humans are refugees fighting to keep conquered land against its original owners ? Not a word. Or Dalinar/Venli relation (from both the vision and Thaylen fields) ? Nothing. That's what I dislike about roW : while it's a (very) good book by itself, when you consider it as a part of a series... it just feels like a parenthesis ("meanwhille in urithiru..."), and doesn't adress several the problematics introduced by the former book (probably because timeskipped).
  18. No good tactic : Taravangian is even more utilitaristic than her. If he has to see his loved ones suffer to save the many, he will do it. And being Odium, he will try to take revenge. As for if she could do it... we have a WoB stating that Elsecallers allow for a utilitarist interpretation of the immortal words. So I'd say she probably could, but would not be able to take many radiants with her (and certainly no windrunner nor bondsmith nor willshaper, who might even have to oppose her because of their oaths). Edit : there they are : https://wob.coppermind.net/events/35/#e2525 this one and the one after =)
  19. Kaladin x Pursuer. The author spend way to much time stating that the hair of the Fused is their only cloth
  20. WoK prologue. The old magic unleashed, the fights, but also the introduction to the Alethi culture and some of the lore... I loved it. WoK epilogue. Taln comes back, with a dramatic comment from Wit. And there was the novelty of those epilogue were Wit does a small pseudo-dissertation waiting for an event to happen. RoW was awesome but... only because I know so much about Hoid. And it was a hardfan pleasure, seeing the secretly OP character being fooled. Not the genuine pleasure of reading Taln arrival, marking the beginning of the end. Cover... WoR for the open space, but I'm not really a fan of US covers (especially the last one).
  21. Or they just have two different ways to look at historical events and human behavior. E.g., in that chapter, the example that Jasnah gave were ones where she looked for rationnal decision-making from past rulers, while the ones of her opponents who were ultimately right favored human failures / unexamplarity. Add that to the fact that Jasnah might be exagerating (this is her point of view, and she's frustrated, she might look over debates she won but that had little value to her), and it's not that surprising. Bonus : the statiscally 50% win is an illusion. First they can both be wrong. And even so, I higlhly doubt there have been enough debates for the average to converge to 50/50. And even even so, thet debates are not indepedant (methodology / way of thinking, etc, that's a huge bias). So no way you can apply that convergence theorem to the average ^^
  22. Okay. The point of the original post was to use it as a psychological impact during a fight, so that works. Legit. However mistborn also have use emotionnal weapons (duralumin + zinc = overwelming fear) With the above posts, I will skip this : we don't know enough. As you said : "It's hard". - abrasion : not sure of how it works. It will still give the radiant a boost to mobility, and probably will make him hard to grapple. - gravitation : as I said before, even assuming that anti-tunes deletes Lashing or any surge manipulation (which is not canon as far as I know), the kinetic energy won't go away. The before-Lashed rock still smashes you. - aluminium hat : yeah, but if we give stuff, why not give oil pistol (easy to craft, just like a water pistol) and a lighter to the adversary ? There goes awakened clothes. Once again, we don't know if anti-tune = stop all surge manifestation. But if that's indeed the case, then Radiant clearly aren't as good as they are. My conclusion : nah, not so OP in all generality. The issue of the fight would still depend on more infos : the adversaries' personnalities and skills, their stuff, how much Investiture, preparation before, etc
  23. This ship is more canon in my head than the actual canon.
  24. Yeah, Ichor is just a way to make it cheaper. The question is how much it costs without Ichor ?
  25. - the awakeners won't usually have an invested metal weapon, so no push/pull (no need to invest it to get that true). The raw number of Breath required is just too high, and if we allow that much investiture then we can consider fullborn as opponents, and that will be a very ugly fight of compounding vs invested metal. - cloth hard for coin : depend for the position of the cloth. Generally, the more tight and outstretched, the more easy to cut through (an arrow can easily go through a stretched sheet, but will decelerate an stop in contact to an unstreched one). But yeah, you can do a shield with that, and even a moving one. But as any shield, it might fail to be in the trajectory. So shield++, no absolute protection. - Shardblade vs invested cloth : hard to say, we have contradictory WoB on how edgy the Shardblade is in itself, if we take away its magic. It's the same question as "can a shardblade go through an aluminium sheet ?". I'd personally say yes it cuts even if not magically, but no definitive canon. Anyway, invested cloths can at least stop the magic of shardblade and that's a huge counter indeed. - pewter vs awakened : I'd say it depends on the number of Breaths. In my intuition, it's moreless equal. Maybe even a little defensive avantage to pewter as it gives you more resilience. - Plate vs awakened : no, Plate is insanely resistant. You can fall at the bottom of a chasm and it will not break, only leak stormlight. That's a huge fall. And if we fight a radiant, he will have stormlight to feed his Plate. So no, IMO awakened cloth won't go through Plate. - Honestly I don't see a lifeless army hold very well against a lone shardbearer. He will just cut through them and they will be unable to do anything to him. And that's not even using specific orders power - Every dead can be risen : yes... if you can access it and replace its blood by ichor. Not easy during a battle, and I doubt the ennemy will let you take back there deads. - lifeless koloss : good point probably, still vulnerable to shardblade - many vs many : the lifeless won't be a problem for a shardbearer. For mistborn that might be more problematic if they want to fight in close quarter, but they can flee the army by just flying over it. So I don't see how regeneration is dealt with, but maybe that huge numbers can be a problem for a mistborn (however, let's not forget the raw destructive potential of a mistborn, as shown by Vin during the attack on the Cett power. Hundreds of deaths in minutes) The breath trick is problematic. But remember that mistborn are Leecher, so I'm not sure that going close to them with your Breaths is a good idea. Moreover... How do you even touch a mistborn burning atium ? They are never off guard. I'd just say that it's fairer to get rid of atium, as I indeed with invested metal. We don't know how Plate interferes with anti-tones. So no Definetely here. Clearly something to take into account though. Moreover, antitune was unpleasant for Raboniel, but it didn't kill here at all. We don't even know if it neutralized her powers. A remark : you are giving many tricks to the awakeners (as knowing the anti-tunes, or Vasher's trick), and just taking "standard" radiants/mistborns. A witty Windrunner could just stay at distance (outside of anti-tune) and Lash several times huge rocks / metal to you. Even if assuming that the Lashing ends when close due to the anti-tune, the kinetic energy will make it continue its trajectory and smash you. Gravity is scary. I'm pretty sure that almost all orders can find tricks that we don't know of. (Elsecaller going into shadesmar and soulcasting the air into oil then fire from there ? Good luck to survive that) (I have to go home now, I'll answer the rest later. But as you see, I think you are being too optimistic)
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