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    Mathematic, philosophy, and cosmere.

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  1. That's a very mean cliffhanger. I NEED to know what was the output of this experiment ! If they did succeed... will they have to fight the kandra to keep the Lerasium ? Could we have a Steris-Mistborn ? (Btw something screems "SUS" with that kandra)
  2. Wild guess : Harmony will offer Wax an old A-iron hemallurgic spike. That's all for me.
  3. Gender has nothing to do with being alloromantic or aromantic. And asexuality has nothing to do with it neither.
  4. I agree with all of it. Dalinar is a judgmental self-righteous tyrant unable to trust others for more than following orders; and the Jasnah/Wit was mechanical at best. Thanks for putting it so well.
  5. Pffff, no excuse, dying takes no effort at all. Everyone can do it, even Amaram (More seriously, both Kholin *fought* against Szeth for some minutes, and in Gavilar's case I really do find it strange that he doesn't recognize the blade)
  6. I love that theory too. Let's just remark that Dalinar too didn't recognize the blade... But in Dalinar's case we can say that he didn't spent hours playing with the blades, so he can be excused.
  7. I noticed that Gavilar *never* recognizes Szeth blade as Jezrien blade... maybe it will be changed in the final version ?
  8. Regardless of whether it's possible or not, I'm ready to bet that the alloy of the weapon would not be the good allomantic proportions, and hence it's be such a good idea to burn it.
  9. Renarin, Jasnah, Navani, or any other scientist. Science nerds time !
  10. Can't the spren break the bond from their side ? (And if so, why haven't the stormfather done so ?)
  11. Taking innocents hostages doesn't seem like Willshaper stuff. It's literally puting someone in bondage. Skybreakers... Honestly taking someone hostage isn't really legal. Like, illegal as storm. There might be an exception for rules of war, but the hostages here are innocents far far away from war. Taking them is just a crime according to local law, and probably according to Alethi law. Bondsmith... I really don't see how this is uniting. Dalinar's issues in book 3 are to make people collaborate with him, not coerce them into an alliance (which would be easy : sneak Kaladin in their oathgate, open it, tada !). So i'm preatty sure that Bondsmith is a no no. Stoneward, lightweaver, truthwatcher : not a clue. May indeed depend on the person and/or spren. Even the interpretation of the first oath could be an issue (taking hostages to protect other people is a wrong journey to a rightful destination...).
  12. I want to see hip keep going down on the path of epitomizing voidbringers. No death, no redemption, just pure void and silence and ignoring his own contradictions.
  13. Not enough light on Shallan/Veil/Radiant relationship and coevolution. (I have over opinions, but they are not unpopular x) )
  14. Nah, it's just that she prefers to be with Adolin. She admired the intensity of Kaladin, was attracted to it, but never really loved him as she loves Adolin. One of the theme of Stormlight Archive is to show broken/disfunctionnalIHateThoseWordsButCanTFindABetterOne neurodivergent (thx Aqua !) heroes, not the usual ideal impossible human with no mental health issue whatsoever. So I doubt that the author would say that "broken people" are people you have to take care of, that they need a "normal" human to rely on. They are adults, not childs. They take care of themselves - and as everyone, they can need or ask for help from their friends. That's all.
  15. Eyup. And her life was saved by the last act of Raboniel, so that can explain things. But still, no hero x)
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