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  1. helaran wasn't a surge binger ..Assuming if he was a surge binder he would have to spoke upto the third ideal to gain a shard blade which make him a full Radiant (Only lightweaver have shard after speaking the first ideal,Pattern confirmed he was the only cryptic to have bounded in centuries) Don't think Even Kaladin could have killed a full radiant burning stromlight and Full shards with his limited ability Taravangian wrongly assumed him as surge binger because of shallen surge binding ability and how close she was with helaran ..As far as we know there are very few surge binders might be a single knight from each order ( Patter and Syl confirmed they are the only one of their kind to bound ) also Pattern highly implied spren would die only if knight abandon their oath even syl said they could have done something about the dead spren if their bounded knight were alive ... I belive if their knight die their spren would fade back to cognitive realm ... Ps. Syl implied stromfather survived the last recreance when knight abandoned their oath , i bliv his knight die before he abandon his oath or he didnt abandoned his oath.....
  2. I don't want to offend anyone or anything but i have been reading the way of the king again and Jasnah struck me as very independent and strong will .. as evident by her atheism , probably because she knew almighty was dead through her spren and her visit to spren world...but her being gay will also explain why she hasnt married ! Roshar is a very sexist world as far as we know , with strong emphasis on masculine and faminine art , food etc.. I I don't think any of their culture will accept homosexuality ..They will probably claim them voidbringer and struck them in high strom for stromfather to judge which is essentially a death sentence unless you have a spren proecting you lol....However I strongly belive with her Radiant ability which allow her to travel between worlds in cosmera Jasnah is familiar with other cultures from distance world and therefore accepting her own sexual orientation although she might never openly admit in her own home world.
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