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About Luciellav

  • Birthday 03/05/1986

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  1. Eh, no? Its a proverb and it means: who ever attacks is prone to receive an attack back. I have no idea what your wife imagined. But was not that.
  2. It was more a taunt. In that regard, as a proverb in spanish says: "Quien que las da, las toma". But lets close all that ok? It's really not relevant to the conversation. And in that, I would say we agree to disagree in the way Brandon manages romance. Yes?
  3. I'm an Ui/UX Designer and front end developer. We would be talking about how to improve the sales of the platform and THEN he says "just like taking a good dump". Or on unrelated conversations while eating all the team together.....uggggg!
  4. I might pass as snob to you. But I do dislike out of nowhere poop comments. It maybe has to do something with my boss inserting those poop comments in unrealated work conversations. And I'm just sick of it.
  5. I just think those pairings are fun to read about and more interesting than the, you could say "canon" ones, that as other pointed out the same trope romance Brandon uses (And thanx to this thread I realised). And again, I don't like angst bad novels such as twilight, nor is what I'm looking for. There is no need to quote the scene, I finished reading the book from start to finish last week, I remember it clearly. And the poop is the only thing I disliked of the whole flirting. To show your characters are genuine there is no need to talk about poop like a kindergarden. I understand you indetify with that at some level. So don't take it personaly, you like it; I disliked it, as simple as that. As for the rest of the flirting, there were some scenes that happened in the back that I would have liked to read, more than how some Radiants started to show up and get killed (or almost killed). I also specially got annoyed at some chapters pace, I was turning eagerly through some scenes to have a small cliffhanger and changed to another point of view that I found boring in comparison with the chapter I was just reading. I just happened a few times, but in general the pacing was fine. Im no book writter, I just wanted to read what happened after. Instead there is just blank space. I disagree they would just walk back silently for hours, taking that Shallan is always talking about something or other and being funny. Adolin doesn't seem to me like a rich boy virgin. It strikes me as weird that the most he does is give a hug after some sort of catastrophe. Not even a kiss started by him or holding hands, whatever. For having the personality he has, he is a bit tad passive in that regard with Shallan. Afraid of ruining it if he does something? Maybe. But is still weird behaviour for him. So I guess I should not have asked, aye?
  6. Oh, no no I did read it. I just forgot to mention it. Sorry about that. Steris to me has always been "that annoying character". I guess im more into Marasi character because her personality is more similar to mine and to Lessie's. Eh, I guess Im not getting my point across really well. I don't expect something the teenage romance books out there have, where love is the main part and angst angst angst. I don't really like it either. What Im saying is I felt every relationship is laking of page time. I wanted to understand better the hows and twitches of these relationships. Even when I despised them (the Wax and Steris one for example), to me it feels its not enough, compared to the endless descriptions of the surroundings, that it does world construction but not as relevant. I get the backstory of Adolin and Shallan and but still the poop comment gets to me as... inmature, even if she was going for shock. I don't know, they are barely adults anyway. As for Shallan and Kaladin, I really disagree with you in the love type. But if it is with the arranged marriage trope Sanderson has followed I won't look into the deeper implications of the relationship. Even if i wished there was more "page time". And im just going to roll my eyes at you and Pathfinder on your following patronizing conversation.
  7. I agree with you about having different tastes in the pairings. About the chasm after waking up, I wasn't expecting them to look at their eyes and go lovely dovey. I was more on the idea of "that seed that just got planted" and some conflict or maybe more funny discussions between the two. I had so much fun when they were on their dad jokes competition. I guess I wanted more bonding between the two of them. Kaladin is an interesting character because of his continued development as well as Shallan. They are my fav characters, yet in real life I would take an Adolin type of personality 100 times before a Kaladin type (I have to thank experience for that). At the end of the books it seems to me rushed even in the non romance parts. I would have liked to read the conversation of how Dalinar deduced he was also a Radiant. Yet comes out of the blue as well as Renarin. I was like "wait wait wait a sec...what the hell?" A ton of stuff happened on very few pages, they were there like what seemed many days or weeks for so many people to arrive and explore the tower. Ah I really wanted that conversation to happen between Kaladin and Shallan, I thought I would have been funny. But oh well. I'm not entirely certain she doesn't at least feel a very strong attraction towards Adolin. Which leads me to ask why Adolin takes the back seat and never starts any physical advances towards Shallan? As for Steris. damnation I must be the only person in the forum that dislikes her. She passes to me as a very psychotic with serious OCD, extremely low selfsteem and bad personality individual. I wouldn't like someone like her in my group of friends. She is still interesting to read about but I don't think is the best for Wax. But that's just me and my opinion about her. In all I don't want romance to take a first seat on the stories, just a little more development. But you are again right. This is not Brandon's strong point.
  8. Maybe she decided to stay and protect her planet. Or she died of old age. I'm not sure her breath skill also grants her inmortality.
  9. The first time I arrived to this forum I had finished reading Bands of Mourning and was confused about many many things. At that time I had only read Mistborn era 1, the 2 books of era 2 and Elantris. This time I'm very very happy to have finished reading Warbreaker, Way of Kings , Words of Radiance and Mistborn Secret History. I'm still missing some books, but now that yesterday night I finished Words of Radiance, I found that the romance in every novel has been... lacking. Oh I don't l know, maybe because I'm a woman, I unconsciously want more pages about developing romance between my fav characters. But, I do felt disappointed on the following romances: ***Spoilers for Warbreaker, Words of Radiance, Mistborn era2**** Words of Radiance Since it's the book I have just finished and is very fresh in my head. I found that Shallan x Adolin and the maaaaaybe Shallan x Kaladin, lacked pages. We read pages upon pages of place descriptions, politics and religion. But the flirting between Shallan and Adolin...was soo short that I could not believe -when- those two actually fell for each other. I mean, first (or second) date between those two and Shallan asks how Adolin poops. I don't know in Roshar, but here if a guy asked me that in the second date, I would not find him enchanting or irresistible. I would think he is a redneck or lacked basic social skills. Hell, I have dated guys for years and the topic never came out. Anyway, they also rarely talk about the feelings for each other. Seems like their relationship is...like a shadow that sometimes they deal with. I know that the book is not about romance...but heeey something more than a rushed action movie of 90min romance, would be great. Also there are scenes I was hoping to read, like I loved all the chapters when Kaladin and Shallan are trapped in the abyss. I was hopping to read their thoughts on their developing attraction after waking up cuddling each other just after surviving a highstorm. I wanted to read the full way back, not told from another point of view that "and they arrived safe and sound -more and less-". That half day was lost. Damnation, after those two meaningful days, there are like 2 pages given on the thought of each other and then nothing. Not even a shock conversation when Shallan finds out Kaladin is a Radiant as well. They don't even talk to each other at the end of the book! Warbreaker Siri x Susebron. We read so little of their relationship, that to me one day she had a friend and boom then next they got incredibly in love and had sexy time. I wanted to understand that relationship better, with all the implications it had. Instead we go in circles in other plot points that to me had no real relevance to the end story, like Vivenna's tug recruitment quest. Mistborn era 2 Wax x Steris. Steris doesn't really figure in AoL, but she is very present in BoM. There is a period of time between those two books that their relationship starts to bloom, despite Wax's pain. So I would have liked to know more why Wax became enamoured of her, to me he had a better relationship with Marasi. And had more thoughts about her than thoughts about Steris. His love to Steris came sort of weird to me. Not really well stablished. In contrast Vin and Elend have a more stable relationship development, or so I think. What are your thoughts guys?
  10. Holy rust! But wait I'm missing something here. Why is Vasher in Roshar? Is he a worldhopper too?
  11. I'm probably being unfair here (and incredibly out of topic), but...don't you think GRRM takes waaay too long for each book? I mean, look at Brandon, he has fleshed out soo many novels, soo complex, so diverse (I'm just getting aware of this complexity) in the span of 11 years, that makes me a bit sour that GRRM takes 4-6 years for each A song of Ice and Fire book.... with sidebooks that look like money catchers while the main story is still unsolved. Oh I don't know, the main reason I got into reading the era 1 Mistborn trilogy and knew Sanderson, was because I knew it was already complete and I didn't had to wait a bazillion years to know it's conclusion.
  12. Indeed I had no idea. I'm a recent fan since I almost read all 6 books one after the other (with a little break between shadows of self and bands of mourning. But! I read Elantris while waiting for Bands of Mouring) Yet I'm happy to know that now. I would say that order it's a bit counteractive reader experience wise. Then again it's Brandon's stories and he can do with them whatever he likes hehe. You have to agree with me that now days is extremely hard to come by an author like Brandon. What populates our entertainment is exactly the kind of authors/franchises/companies that see a work's potential and they decide to get as much money as possible from it. I guess I'm so disappointed of other authors that I think the norm is this kind of thing. So, I can tell you I'm extremely happy I got mad at the new plot points of Bands of Mourning and decided to ask for help in this forum, since now my collection of books is going to expand as well as I'll be able to enjoy many stories that make one big one. Trusting Brandon on this. P.D. Just read Mistborn: Sectret History and OMG. My mind exploded. I was like: "oh oh OH I remember that from Hero of Ages...that part that made no sense at the time and...it was HIM?" *gasp* D:
  13. I agree with you. You make really good points. I would guess my sin is basically being a distrustful casual fan. To me all those were arbitrary plot points to extend a story that has nothing more to give, or I would say -an after thought- for milking the golden cow. I seriously don't know if Mistborn is Brandon Sanderson's flag ship, but we all know how the entertainment industry tends to milk dry their best cows. (George RR Martin, JK Rowling and so many movie sequels like Mission impossible, Die Hard, Rocky, Fast & Furious, etc.. -I'm looking at you- ). So I guess I'm biased about it, I don't have the whole picture like the fandom who has followed the sagas since published, so sadly my first thoughts are distrusting the author's intentions when sudden plot changes arise.
  14. I made a whole tread about it: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53499-disappointed-with-bands-of-mourning-help/ But thanx to many guys I'm finally getting why I felt so lost afther reading Bands of Mourning. And my list of books to read keeps growing hehehe No Hemalurgic spikes for me! Im on a stric diet... xD
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