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Posts posted by Kingsdaughter613

  1. Influence is not the same thing as presence. He could be on Scadrial, he could be elsewhere. He could even have been on Scadrial during AoL and has since left. We really don't have any way to tell.

    I personally don't think Kell ages. He probably used hemalurgy to come back (Brandon hinted at this YEARS ago, and I doubt that was coincidence) though the exact mechanism is a question. My theory his soul still 'knows' he was 38 when he died, and tries to keep him at the age he 'should' be. It's sort of the opposite of what happened with Rashek. His soul 'knew' he was 1000+ and kept trying to revert him to that age, forcing him to massively compound. In Kell's case he just doesn't age - Atium tricks would be used for the purposes of disguise.

    Even if I am totally wrong (very possible) I doubt Kelsier would use Atium tricks if he didn't have to. It's too iffy. He'd probably try to find a more stable (and permanent) method instead. At least, that's my guess.

  2. I'm sorry. But the books have been out for nine years now. That's long past the point where things are usually considered spoilers. And it's a minor plot point that I called in 1998! That's almost twenty years ago!

    Am I allowed to talk about the Lord of the Rings? (Published in the 50s?) How about La Morte D'Arthur? (Published several centuries ago?) The Illiad and the Oddesey? (Ancient Greece) How far back does a book have to be published to be mentioned without worrying about spoilers?

    This forum usually says six months for information from a new book not to be considered a spoiler. Considering that Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out eleven years ago, we are long past the point where spoiler tags would be expected, let alone required. It would be one thing if the book came out a year, or even two years ago. Eleven years?!

    I'm really sorry that you feel you were spoiled, but eleven years is a bit much to expect someone to use spoiler tags, especially for a well known work.

  3. Alik is talking about how the Sovereign hid the Bands and left orders for it not to be looked for, but that this was interpreted as a challenge to find them because the Sovereign liked doing things like that. And I pretty much went "Kelsier is back!" while jumping up and down screaming. It was just so clearly something he would do, at least to me. I could just see him doing that... so I wasn't all that surprised that he did. 

    Here's the quote: '“Thank you, Wonderful One,” Allik said. He heaved a sigh. “Well, ever since the Sovereign’s elite told us the stories, we’ve tried to find the bracers.” “Find them?” Waxillium said. “You told us he’d left the Bands there for himself.” “Well, yah, but everyone interprets it as a challenge. A test sent by the Sovereign? He was fond of those. Why would he let priests tell us about them, if he didn’t want us to come claim them?'

    Of course, I had been tipped off by Marasi's graveyard monologue... 'The Survivor himself, of course, broke the rules. He always had. Doctrine explained he was not dead, but surviving—and planning to return in their time of greatest need. But if the end of the world hadn’t been enough to get him to return in his glory, then what could possibly do so?' This felt a bit blatant. I was actually disappointed that I didn't get to meet Kell after that.

    After that, there was the Sovereign's Spearhead, the temple con, and a lot of things that just made sense if Kell was the Sovereign. The memory was great, but it felt more like a ' Just in case someone didn't get it' than anything else. Then I came onto the forum and discovered that I'm the odd one... Sigh...

    (Then again, I called Harry/Ginny at the age of seven after reading book one, with only two books released. Never did get why people hadn't realized this was always the plan... Guess I'm just weird that way. Shrugs.)

  4. Pure bismuth is actually a dull metallic grey with a reddish tinge or streaks. The incredible colors are actually from other elements, not the metal itself. At least that was my understanding. I just thought it was cool.

    There are only two Shards on Scadrial, Ruin and Preservation. Harmony counts as two. (Someone asked this one.) Better question: Is there another Shard in the system, as opposed to the planet? Because a Shard doesn't actually have to be present to invest.

    The word Trellium does not actually occur in the books. WE call the metal that; the in world characters don't. A small distinction, but an important one.

  5. Hemalurgy is intentionally more open, and it has been theorized that you'd need, say, a gemstone to spike someone on Roshar. I have yet to see anyone tapping or burning Trellium ( hence this thread.) We don't know that it will work with allomancy and feruchemy; we're guessing. If you can spike someone with a gem stone, would we assume an allomancer could burn it?

    Until we get a WoB on Trellium being a godmetal we have to at least acknowledge the possibility, however unlikely, that it isn't. And it wouldn't be the first time we've been completely mistaken on how something works.

    Anyone else think it's cool that Bismuth can look like Trellium? (This has nothing to do with anything; I just think it's awesome.)

  6. Has it actually been confirmed that trellium is a godmetal? Is it possible that it's simply another metal from a different world that just doesn't exist on Scadrial? The ones blocking Saze could be preventing him from finding out what it is. All we really know is that Harmony doesn't know what it is, and Wax and the kandra think it's a godmetal. Is there a WoB that it is?

    Did you know that Bismuth looks a bit like Trellium in some forms?

  7. The inquisitor at the end of The Final Empire had Iron spikes in his eyes, not steel. Do we know of any other iron bind points?

    And we don't know what metal is being used by the Sovereign, or even what it does. We know that the boon is 'nothing important' but that isn't Hemalurgy's greatest power; it's the ability to alter the spirit web. And eyes are the windows to the Soul...

  8. Too add to this, let's say an ordinary soul's investiture is X. A soul with Breath is X +Y, a soul at the second heightening is X+Y to the second, a Drab is X - Y. A regular Nalthian with Breath has more innate investiture than someone from another world, but a Drab has less. So, perhaps the cut off for Life Sense is X, or the standard amount of investiture inherent in non-Nalthians?

  9. Well, Stormlight is the gaseous form of Investiture on Roshar (like the mists on Scadrial.) The pools are the liquid and we have yet to see the solid (or, at least, have it identified as such.)

    With regard to cold - cold is actually the absence of heat, so the real question is why use of Stormlight appears to draw heat away from an area? Heat is a form of energy, so is it being used as a fuel of some sort? If we can figure out what is happening to the heat then we will know what is causing the cold...

    An Aon that manipulates heat should be able to cause cold by removing heat from an area. That would be my guess anyway...

  10. It should be pointed out that Selish magic is very different from its original form.  We have a WoB that the system changed after Dominion and Devotion were shattered. It seems likely that there used to be to be three systems prior, as opposed to the current one. This theory includes the opinion that the current manifestation on Sel is an outgrowth of the merged system. The individual systems are what was lost, while the merged system expanded greatly.

    This has actually led me to the theory that either something similar will occur on Scadrial as Ruin and Preservation continue to merge, or that Harmony is maintaining the original organization. It also begs the question: Can anyone on Sel, if they knew how, access the original systems? Does anyone have access to it? And why does there not seem be much memory of the world's prior state (setting the Ire aside)?

    Shards do seem to be able to manipulate their systems to an extent, such as Edgli choosing whom to return. The ability to Return is inherent in the magic system. Scadrial is not much with regard to evidence, as it was created by its shards and thus has some interesting effects. The God metals seem to be a natural function of realmatics there; it's the quantity of Atium that is unusual, not it's existence.

    With regard to the OP nature of Scadrial's powers; Mistborn, which make Fullborn possible, are NOT a natural part of the system. That's why the Southern Scadriens have none. You needed to burn Lerasium to open that possibility. It is entirely possible that this is the case for Feruchemists as well, with Ferrings being the natural manifestation. If I'm right about the second part, then the only way to get a 'natural' OP Fullborn is to have had someone hack BOTH systems at some point in the past. Which happened, but I wouldn't call the result a natural outgrowth of the system, since there was no way for that result to occur by ordinary means (just like some RL created elements.)

  11. Appearing in a memory isn't quite the same as actually showing up.

    Personally, I felt the memory was mostly a confirmation of what was already clear; once Alik started talking it was obvious to me who the Sovereign had to be. (As in I started jumping up and down shrieking 'Kelsier's back!!') Once the Bands were revealed to be a spearhead and the whole temple a con, I rather thought Wax should have at least begun to suspect with the memory being confirmation. I'm quite disappointed in him.

    (It is also why I disagree with the possibility of the Sovereign being anyone else; it was the personality that informed me. Though I guessed even before that. My reaction to Marasi's graveyard monologue was 'Okay Brandon, I got it. Kell is coming back in this book, right? You can stop bashing me over the head now.')

  12. Sounds like my husband! His eyes are a super dark olive green. Naturally his passport says brown. On the other hand, my father's eyes are obviously green, but I wouldn't call them 'light.' I do think it could go both ways, which is why I'd love to get a WoB on this too. 

    Don't underestimate self delusion though; I know a man who, after 20+ years of marriage is still convinced his wife has blond hair. Anyone else would inform you that she very clearly has brown hair, which she has never dyed. He, however, was determined to marry a blond... and no amount of evidence will convince him that he didn't.

  13. Note that this comes from people in the world and the culture of that area. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm saying culture shapes perceptions so any Vorin character's view is suspect.

    How often, especially in older books, is dark skin viewed as uniformly black, often described as jet or ebony? In reality, there are many variant shades of brown and you don't need perfect vision to see the difference in gradiation. But if your culture has taught you that all that matters is that that skin is 'dark' are you really going to notice? 

    Vorin culture has taught that darkeyes eye color doesn't really matter. What matters is that it's dark. Lighteyes eye colors matter, so everyone takes note. It may well be that darkeyes eyes are actually very hard to differentiate; but it is equally possible that the culture has caused a strong tendency to view the eyes as 'dark' without bothering to look beyond that.

  14. It should be added that not everyone who goes through trauma gets PTSD. PTSD, like most psychological conditions, is caused by a combination of biological and environmental factors. Breeze's reaction at the end of WoA always seemed to be a form of shock to me.

    He essentially shut down because his mind couldn't handle what was happening. With Alrianne's help he was able to recover. We meet him in HoA at the end of his recovery, not the beginning. Having someone to help you through a crisis is a big factor in recovery and an effective Rioter likely understands the human psyche well enough to help someone through a crisis. Lack of support for veterans in society is one reason so many struggle.

    As a future therapist Breeze's recovery did not surprise me. More people recover, or are able to live healthy lives, after viewing horrors than people realize. And it has been a year. In contrast, Sazed has been drawing away from support, and doesn't really have anyone he feels comfortable turning to. He may also not want to heal; doing so means letting Tindwyl go and he isn't really ready to do that.

  15. It should be noted that the Dark of darkeyes has nothing to with what we would call dark eyes on Earth. There are darkeyes with blue and green eyes, which we might call light. So it's not color, but tint. Or possibly that lighteyes literally have a faint glow behind the iris making the light part of the word refer to something else entirely. (It's kind of how I see it in my head. The eyes aren't actually lighter; they simply appear to be because they actually have a faint light shining through the iris. So darkeyes would have normal eyes, while lighteyes eyes would look kind of freaky to us.)

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