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  1. I've got two ideas. 1: Harmony is balanced between two intents, so adding Autonomy to the mix would give a leg up to one or the other. I don't have the book in front of me, but does it say if more Atium or Lerasium was created in the explosion? 2: Ettmetal is Ruin and Preservation. We've seen plenty of examples of 2-shard combos, but have we seen 3? Maybe the attempt to add a third to the mix was too much power without adequate containment?
  2. Sooooo, what day are people going to start camping out? I need to know, for science...
  3. Just curious if anyone knows when it's supposed to ship. I asked them about it at the end of February, and I didn't get a solid answer.
  4. This book made me so excited I cleaned my apartment after I finished it. And I remade my account cause my roommate is slow and has only read Bands of Mourning and I need to get my Cosmere fix!
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