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  1. I thought that was Odium destroying his Breathes, so he went under the threshold now. I also worry where Design went.
  2. So, we now know of 14+1 shard names, and at least 1 Command and possibly 1 Intent. Command: Change, Maintain?, Create? Destroy? Intent: Emotion (Passion), Material?, Self? Others? Sorry, I don't know how to make a table. Passion, Material?, Others?, Self? Destroy: Odium, Ruin, ?, ? Create: ?, Invention, ?, ? Maintain: Honor, Preservation, Devotion, (Survival) Change: Whimsy, Endowment, Dominion, Autonomy Cultivation, Mercy, Valor, Ambition, not sure how to fit in this grid.
  3. Hmm, I think, Odium is Destroy with Passion, not necessarily Hatred. Odium has power to destroy emotions as well (with Moash's thing), and is one of the reason he is related to Void. But when you FEEL, and your power is to destroy, you become Odium. Maybe Cultivation is Create? Counteract Destroy wavelenght, leaving you with Passion and something else, to give feeling of Freedom
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