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  1. I just want to know when it will be coming out: we waited a while (years) for the Dark Talent; I hope we don't have to wait that long again. I will wait. I just don't want to.
  2. There is an order of events to consider: Wax shot Paalm BEFORE he knew she was Lessie. Up until the Mr. Cravat thing, he thinks she's just wearing Lessie's bones. So we don't know if Wax wouldn't have been completely crippled by the knowledge that he was hunting an insane version of his wife. That may have also destroyed his relationship with Steris and Marasi. He probably would have tried reasoning with her. Can't say for certain, but it could have been significantly worse if Wax had known. Everything he did would have been different. Also, there are larger events in play than Wax. And we don't know what these experiences are going to do to him. Yes, the knowledge hurt him, but he still did what was needed. Knowing that he was potentially being played by Harmony, he still did what he felt to be right (stopping Paalm in a way he knew would be horrifying to her). You saw him at the end of the book. If he'd been that way before the end, he would have lost.
  3. Maybe you can use a speed bubble around a thrust engine and build up kinetic energy, then release it all at once...? Perhaps tapping weight to prevent the vehicle from launching. Don't think that would work like a sling shot, though... Or what if you combine a speed bubble and a SLOW bubble. What effects would happen there? I have no idea...
  4. I think the set (including Wax's uncle) could be Kandra; at least some of them. The memory of Wax going to the bank with his uncle, and the end of AoL seem a bit different than their meeting in SoS; I don't have the book in front of me, but I remember Wax's uncle being more cold and calculating. Not so... jovial and mock friendly. However, I could just be reading too much into it; it could be a facet of his personality that I hadn't seen yet. With rogue Kandra running around, ANY difference in character is suspicious.
  5. I bet it is David. Yes, it's short, yes, it's lacking in bad similes, but David's fear was the depths. And he did push back (not accept) the powers. But facing your fear once doesn't totally conquer it. Which might mean that David is one panicked state away from Rending. Or something.
  6. Playing Ketchup. Would rather be playing Salsa.

  7. I think Melaan sums up Harmony's dealings with Wax well (but I'll paraphrase); doing something good for one person will hurt other people. Sazed can see the future, and that means that he can tell that Wax needs to be somewhere to do something and can see what needs to happen; Harmony's intent may be balance, but Sazed himself can't stand to see people suffering. So it's probable that he needs Wax to grow in ways that those around him won't, so he can save other people from worse suffering or death. The very fact that the feral people in the Homeland were obviously being controlled through that single spike (they were only there to prevent Wax's escape) suggests to me that it's not Autonomy. Also, the idea that Autonomy would be controlling people or manipulating people seems to go against his Intent. That's my impression, though. I am interested in who the "Men of Gold and Red" are. With the Unknown Metal (I think Miles says that). And I'm pretty sure Hoid was there to overhear the conversation. How, I don't know. But he has a lot of abilities that we don't know about. (Reference end of WoR).
  8. Hello. I'm introducing myself. Sort of. Heh. I was on TWG ages ago, and am barely getting on 17th Shard, but I've looked stuff up here for a while now. My name is Matthew, and I'm an Actor / Stage Combat instructor and choreographer. That's all for now.
  9. I don't know that Autonomy would be opposed to Harmony, as Harmony is all about Balance and, really, non-interference; the longer Sazed holds Harmony, the less likely he is to interfere with the world, which means all Autonomy would need to do to lessen Harmony's control is to wait. I'm not saying the theory isn't true. It might be. It makes sense (what with Freedom and all that). And it's more likely to be Bavadin than it is to be Rayse, but it could be either. Even with Shadows of Self and Words of Radiance happening at about the same time; Odium has been active on all the other planets (see WoB, bottom of page).
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