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About Zhevir

  • Birthday 07/14/1995

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  1. Happy birthday! Hope you return to the forums someday!

  2. I don't know why really but for some reason I really liked Galladon .
  3. I tried to write a ketek in school this is how it went: Cooling rain from the north, refreshing and strengthening nature. The rain falls down. Down falls the rain, nature strengthening and refreshing, from the north, rain cooling. It isn't perfect and it is originally written in swedish and it doesn't work as well in english.
  4. Could it be so that the primary attribute is for attracting and bonding an spren and the secondary is used in order to increase the power in the bond? For example Kaladin acting with leadership was was made it possible for him to use the second Ideal.
  5. Well I thought that I maybe should introduce myself, even though I joined this forum a while ago. I live in Sweden and is 16 years old. I was introduced to Brandons books when I wanted something to read and saw The way of kings. I bought it because I knew Brandon was finishing the wheel of time and for the pictures in it. So far I have read all of Brandons books except alcatraz book 3 and 4. I won't post much but I will follow a lot, thats just how I am. I have a habit of trying to understand things i only have the most basic of and after I while give up in frustration because i can't understand anything.
  6. I would like to announce that I have managed to get my brother reading the alcatraz books and that he is loving them
  7. the post above mine made by discipleofhoid
  8. We know that every order had 2 shared abilities and something special for them self. What if that unique thing is just an way of combining the to abilities in a special way. Like while windrunners shared gravity with one order and pressure with another the windrunners are the only one that are able to use the lashings.
  9. Well i would guess that my experience with fantasy is Narnia, but I would consider my real introduction being all of David Eddings books of which I read most at about the age of 8. Another Important series is WoT, which was the first series I read in english, I think I was about 12 at that time.
  10. There is a set date for the third book, it is only in a week or so if I remember correctly.
  11. I think I have read somewhere that stormlight archive will be set in 2 different worlds. If this is incorrect please correct me.
  12. Long time reader, first time poster. I thought I would post my ideas on adonalsium. I know it is about 90% speculation. My thoughts are that in addition to the 16 shards there is a seventeenth piece that is what remains of the original adonalsium's mind. That is because in my mind adonalsium are like the shards, but on a larger scale. That also gives me the idea that that core can be the receiver of the letter, as it could have the non interferance policy because pof a number of different reasons. Any thoughts on the matter. is it even possible? Any thoughts are welcome
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