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Everything posted by soyperson

  1. I've returned from the murky depths! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      I was feeling like a jerk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 

    3. Slowswift
    4. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      Don’t worry, I regret it now!

  2. Shallan-as-Ranette is a very interesting theory and I quite like it. I've also got some growing suspicions that Shallan is Harmony's "sword", mostly due to her DID. If she's able to balance her hold on multiple aspects of her personality, she might also be predisposed to holding multiple Shards...
  3. Hey everybody: I think dogs should vote! Dog vote! Dog vote! Dog suffrage!
  4. Hey kiddos. Remember me?

    1. Slowswift
    2. Kaymyth


      It's a dang good thing that my email showed me your previous screen name, because otherwise I was going to be extremely confused.


    3. soyperson


      I've undergone a bit of a rebrand!

  5. Wow, this thread has survived a very long time. I'm proud of it, in an almost parental way.
  6. Hopefully! I won't promise anything, but I'll definitely try to be more active. Been meaning to do some rereads so I may do updates on that. Time will have to tell! I've missed y'all.
  7. Doin' ok! I saw Infinity War on Saturday, which was certainly an experience. Overall I'm pretty alright, all things considered.
  8. Heya kids, it's your friendly neighborhood lurker back to check in again. How's everybody?
  9. They'll probably do it in two volumes of front and back five, so for the front five I can see it being maybe the Battle of the Tower or a chasm view or something.
  10. On Twitter I'm @honorcamper, which is a long story. Basically, it involves something dumb that happened to me and something I didn't get that didn't really matter in the end, but reminds me on the daily to be a little more mindful about... well, everything. So.
  11. I'm a type one diabetic, so I bleed often. I found the name apt.
  12. I'm thinking either a juvenile Tai-Na, or some unknown aquatic lifeform we haven't seen yet. Digging this discussion, though! It'll be cool to see the expanded biology of the planet Roshar.
  13. I think the fourth Ideal, especially as sworn by Kal, will involve saving those he can, but knowing his limits and letting go when it's needed.
  14. I suppose this would refer to the Pantheon isles, and I also suppose we should have connected these dots beforehand... ah well. Light... *groan*
  15. Out of Ookla-shrouded anonymity, and into celebration! Happy birthday @Brandon Sanderson! Thank you for all you've done and (hopefully) will continue to do. All of your works are masterpieces, and I await your next masterpiece with bated Breath. 

  16. Will Tarah be coming back into the equation, do we think?
  17. I respect your headcanon. Also, as to your second point, I felt no opposition to her actions in the alleyway, but I had no moral qualms against Adolin killing Sadeas, so.
  18. While that's not exactly what I'm referring to, you are right. Amaram was an overall cremmy fellow. Regardless of orientation or strength, I think one of the coolest parts of Jasnah now is that
  19. Sorry, I suppose you're right. As a character he is better than that, but I still believe he and Shallan would work out poorly, if at all. What I'm saying is, both of them need someone to anchor them, to tether them, and they aren't stable enough to do that for each other.
  20. Szeth knows he's guilty. He knows what he did was wrong, and that his sense of honor is not to be trusted. That's why he's sworn to follow Dalinar, because Szeth knows that Dalinar is a better man than he, and that Dalinar is a truly Honorable man.
  21. Yeah, Kal and Shallan would not be a great pairing. Shallan is always fluctuating and is really not emotionally or mentally stable, at least at the moment, and she needs someone who she can rely on. Adolin is perfect for her in that respect. He will be there for her, he'll come running. She doesn't need someone who broods, who intermittently falls into deep periods of depression (which isn't his fault, but certainly wouldn't do well in a relationship), who can just go flying off as he pleases. And Kaladin's not exactly in a place where he can fully devote himself to someone, either, or be any good in a relationship.
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