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Wispsy last won the day on November 18 2011

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About Wispsy

  • Birthday 01/24/1988

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  1. We have seen that he is infact very strong willed, this is what was explained at the end. He trusted the decision of his Stone Shamans and put himself through hell believing he was doing what was right by following the law.
  2. Actually you may think of removing the last one...as you have 11 there!
  3. I thought he was Vasher but dismissed it until coming here because I thought he would have no way of getting breaths on Roshar. I guess though he could either have loads of breaths and just be hiding his aura (same way returned can) or Stormlight could somehow be substituted. Edit: And then I read brandons q&a quotes and notice that it is just the place both want to be...I had to stay away from this site till WoR came out it hurt too much .
  4. Anime would be best for this series. TV Show would end up very bad. Would need soo many movies to make it through first book without ruining it.
  5. U underestimate atium, you see the future, and ur mind is sped up to comprehend and react, would require seconds worth to take out szeth or wax, wax at a distance, shoot a coin where he is going to be and dodge the bullet and from all descriptions we have had of it, it szeth stepped into melee with kelsier when he is burning atium(which szeth cannot detect (and it's possible that kelsier could detect stormlight anyway? So no sneaking up?)) then szeth should be facing instant death without touching kelsier at all.. Only way he would lose is if he were toying with them letting them have loads of silly opportunities. Giving him atium would make it pointless (altho saying that I'm not usually much of a fan of these things anyway!) Dalinar loses, cannot catch anyone ever and has no range at all,
  6. What if they were travelling thru shadesmar and needed another kr to get there physically and cognitively mark the place, so they knew where to pop out. Possibly because they have stronger presence in cognitive realm which is easier to detect then ppl and stuff, or familiarity, or perhaps it was even a conscious effort, sort of like calling out but without needing the words.
  7. Dont know if it is confirmed they are splinters last I heard he said it was "something like that" but then I haven't been keeping so up to date lately! Aondor works away from elantris just not very well and I would be likely to believe it when it says that it is because elantris is a big spirit aon boosting their (spiritual?). The dor may not have been any more powerful in the past as it is in the book, it's lasted thousands of years and there is never any record of it decreasing whilst being used so much, so either it doesn't run out, keeps replenishing itself, or is so big that no matter how much humans use it it doesn't change a thing. Also consider that other people can use the dor without aons and without being in elantris, this suggests the lake does not make any difference.
  8. i dont think honour could lie even if he wanted to
  9. It would more be their swords are splinters or summit and bound to them tho right?
  10. fair one, although it still doesnt sound like he takes in the stormlight as he does with some precision with other gems
  11. i still believe shardplate is a fabrial. Its not even that its necessarily an advanced fabrial, as it predates any fabrials and is infact just a fabrial and the ones we know about on roshar are just very primitive fabrials and they work towards understanding it. In my opinion it is a little like the people on roshar have just started making computers (with stormlight instead of electricity so you can see how its a little different) and i mean like the original computers which were the wonder of their day and all that but really, very very useless as anything but a stepping stone onto greater heights. But on roshar god already dropped a load of the stormlight equivalent of an iPhone (which it turns out is shardplate). These both work on the same basic principles, but if you set your phones up in a head to head draughts(checkers?) battle (chess is too complicated for the original computers) the iPhone is gonna win every time. If you were to look at the iPhone when all you knew how to make was a rly bad computer it would look like magic it would do things that surely werent possible and didnt seem bound by the same rules, as it was made by someone with a far greater understanding of all those rules. But sitting here we can see that they really are the same, following the same rules, based on the same principles but at the same time worlds apart in functionality. that sounded clearer in my head when i started it but i hope you get the jist of what im trying to say!
  12. kandra blessings are just like burning any hemalurgical spike one would assume (possible but not smart!) and a kandra who uses an allomancers bones cant use allomancy so they shouldnt be able to use feruchemy that way either.
  13. Shallan doesn't necessarily need a different truth every time, there is no evidence to suggest she can't just use the same truths (as long as they are still true) and that will presumably give the same power each time (excluding any personal changes). The spren only says that a truer truth will allow for a more powerful acts of magic!
  14. An but that is not the only way to take two measurements!
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