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  1. I don't remember if Prof and Tia every officially broke up, so... Prof? edit: also, sorry for answering the last one and disappearing (oops). notifications were being weird for me
  2. My first was Alcatraz, but that's more of a joke than anything. It was nice and all that, but my favorite will always be his more complex fantasies. mistborn, or sa. i mean, it'll probably tilt toward sa, especially when sa3 comes out...
  3. I picture every section having its own Hoid. When someone asks why the same guy is in every section, let the mists pour out behind you and lightning flashes as you say omniously: "Hoid is everywhere."
  4. I... actually don't own any Sanderson books. *ducks* (I use the public library next to my house. It's convenient enough, but it's sad not to have any physical copies of anything. Plus, signed books would be awesome.)
  5. Reading a new Sanderson book: Me, with my friends: Going on 17th Shard:
  6. Hello, people. I've hung around the joke part of General Brandon Discussion, and haven't introduced myself properly, so yeah. Hey, I'm Kaieldell, you can call me Kai. I hang around General Brandon Discussion for the memes. I'm just here for memes and cake. Anyway, I've read most of Brandon's books already. None of his ebook novellas, though
  7. I realized that I've only posted in joke topics in General Brandon Discussion. I need to make friends xP

  8. Well... I have sad parts that I can share, and people die in them, so... Does that count? Stormlight Archive: Mistborn: So, yeah. Basically agreeing with people above me.
  9. Yo mama's so ugly, she don't need steel for objects to fly away from her. Yo mama's fat. Wanna know why? RAFO.
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