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Everything posted by Nicroburst

  1. When you start looking sideways at people with earrings, wondering if they're slowly being led astray by ruin....
  2. I do this too. I read Silence in the Forests of Hell in the bath......and read a couple of others at times in the shower. Ebooks are very versatile you see....
  3. Do you know who it is? Cause i'm gonna be honest, i would actually put in a police report, if I were you. I am so so angry that someone would do that!
  4. When you talk about the death of characters in a way that people who haven't read Mistborn feel sad about their passing.....
  5. When your profile picture is an Aon, your online alias is made up of Aons, and the idea of Aon poetry excites you just a little too much
  6. Brandon once visited the Nightwatcher and asked for the ability to write fantasy novels unparalleled by any other. The Nightwatcher in turn cursed him with this thread, knowing if he ever came across it he'd be really really embarrassed.
  7. You know you're a Sanderson fan when someone types "BS" and you assume they mean Sanderson, when in fact they mean bull rust.
  8. Floorbreaker gives me life. I had to get up at 5am, so thank you for that.
  9. Actually, you can kill to prevent death, Nightblood's "Destroy Evil" command compels him to destroy whatever evil his wielder sees, because evil is a perception. If you kill a man who would otherwise kill another, you are preventing death. The death of the person that man would have killed. Of course there is the risk of misinterpretation which could make the sword believe that the only way to truly prevent any death is to kill everyone....,
  10. "Prevent death" Given this command, the sword would only be able to kill where it prevented others from being killed. It allows the wielder to defend their own life, but not take those of others where it would not save another life. No issues with the nature of innocence or evil, just straight out a life can only be taken to prevent the loss of another -- or many other -- lives.
  11. When your friends dream about finding special edition copies of Sanderson books for you....I've known this girl a month
  12. It was good for me, was it good for you too? *ahem* But seriously, I see a lot of potential here.
  13. When you're asked if you're a metal fan and you reply "Yeah, I like pretty much everything except Hemalurgy, its too agressive for me"
  14. Every book Brandon has released up to this point has been a "warm up" novel, each was written accidentally. Sanderson was once actually part of the Cosmere, he wrote about our world and the books were so good that the cognitive and spiritual realm reshaped the physical realm in the books image. He is writing cosmere novels in hope of returning the world to how it was.
  15. Actually, now that it's been mentioned that's decidedly odd. Have we ever heard of Shards not being powered with Saphires? Now that its been brought up, i'm inclined to believe that Sapphires are used -- not because of its efficiency with adhesion -- but because it's not as useful in soul casting. It's been said that emeralds are most useful in working with organics like food, it might just be that Sapphires hold stormlight well but aren't as useful in Soulcasting.
  16. When you walk into a workshop and the pile of iron filings is a tempting meal.
  17. Cstryon, I love that idea, but I don't know how much that would have helped. Over a thousand years, Ati would have corrupted TLRs concept of self hugely.
  18. When you begin to add sule to the end of sentences addressing friends. Kolo? You also know you're a Sanderson fan when you end sentences with kolo, sule.
  19. I'd like to join under Temai Nimiad Name: Temai Nimiad Gender: Male Personality and History: Temai is a brooding soul whose family history is somewhat clouded in shadow. His father married a foreigner, dark skinned where most were pale from the ash. His mother was a light hearted woman, who never seemed to let anything worry her, when his father was brought to tears, his mother was always there with a smile and encouragement. She never seemed to be able to believe that anything truly bad could happen to her, or her family. It was something of a twist of fate when an Inquisitor came upon the small hamlet and, in the attempt of taking his father, killed his mother. The Inquisitor took the man back to Luthadel, never to be heard from again. Temai has a hate for the final empire matched only by his hate for the Inquisitors and Hemalurgically spiked.
  20. @King of Nowhere I had actually forgotten about good old Lews leaking into Rand's poor brain. Taking that into account......well it makes things different.
  21. @Aleksiel, what picture would you have used? I'm partial to this one... source: http://kurohomura.deviantart.com/art/Kaladin-360654322
  22. Haha, its absolutely fine to be that guy. The WoT community overall tends to be a bit involved in Cosmere, so they should know better.
  23. If I had full access to the Liar of Partinel I would be very very happy indeed. I've enjoyed the samples a lot. I'd love to get my hands on Dragonsteel, too.... @Winter Cloud I also go under Nicroburst on tumblr, i've been fascinated with the applications of Nicrosil since I first heard of it, I suspect it will end up being one of the more interesting metals.
  24. There's a fiction fight happening on facebook, and the WoT community has called in their facebook members, I beg you guys to go like Kaladin's photo here: https://www.facebook.com/FandomBattleRoyale/photos/pcb.1092473484101357/1092471544101551/?type=1&theater In a fair fight it would be Rand without channeling and Kal without stormlight, and we all know who would win that.
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