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    What is a taco really?
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  1. wait you were inactive for five years and.... wow

  2. Uuuuu... I really think Rowan Atkinson should have some kind of role. It's to good an opportunity to miss
  3. NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Kaladin cant die like Ned!!!! That would totally make me cry. ( I might never recover ) EVER!
  4. Cleanse the palette huh! HERESY!!! Just kiddin bro/broette. I read Red Rising and Golden Son by Pierce Brown
  5. Big Boy Last Chance Sticklicker Chullbait Supermutant Dr. Zedd's Regret ( Borderlands fans will get it ) and last but not least ( drumroll ) Getim! ( I have actually seen of a dog named this and the results are hilarious!!! )
  6. I want to Bond with a Hungerspren!!! We are ONE!! Food is king!
  7. YOU HAVE ALL DONE WELL!!! I AM PLEASED!! Kings to you bro/broette and welcome to the forum. Free upvote for you!
  8. The Stormfather maybe? Is just a guess but its the best I got! Good question though! Kings to you!!!
  9. The Mushroom speaks true!! That being said who should play Hoid/Wit?
  10. Im still in shock youve only read it 38 times! Do you not love it?! ( Bawling uncontrolably ) Someone give me a nappykin please! My own brother an infidel!! Fie this life!! FIE!!
  11. How about Alexander Ludwig for Adolin? You know, Cato from the " Hunger Games ".
  12. If the parshendi have gemhearts that means they can hold stormlight right? Then why were they so surprised when they saw Kaladin streaming stormlight? I would think they would streamstormlight too especially since the Voidbringers were known too hold Stormlight perfectly. That being said couldnt parshmen hold Stormlight too maybe, THAT would have definitely drawn notice. Just an observation not criticism.
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