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  1. Jasnah is a perfect example of someone who we love on paper/on tv, but would HATE in real life. We all know those people who "just can't handle stupid"--well, unfortunately most people are going to seem stupid to Jasnah. It's definitely a personality flaw, and if she doesn't resolve this, she'll make a terrible ruler. Hopefully we get to see her evolve in the next book, because she is overall a good person trying her best.
  2. Shallan's journey in this book really confused/worried me. She continued to push the truth below the surface (Kaladin killing her brother, her association with the Ghostbloods, multiple personality disorder), and rushing into a MARRIAGE at the end was a terrible way to "resolve" her crisis! Additionally, she has separated two core parts of who she is (Veil and Radiant), from herself and we have no evidence that she's even allowing them to advise her decisions. Is this kind of haste truly something BS thinks is a good idea in real life? It felt so forced and weird. The next book had better begin with some kind of wedding-day catastrophe, like Aladdin or the 2nd Pirates movie.
  3. Yeah I guess I should re-phrase, I thought it made sense for the Radiants to find out and abandon their oaths, but in OB I didn't think it made sense for the human kingdoms to be SO shaken by this and just throw in the towel. It would have really thrown people, but probably not caused them to just give up and go home. Most people would have been like "I definitely don't have the moral high ground now, but what am I supposed to do, just lie down and die?"
  4. I was really bothered by the "big secret" that humans were invaders on Roshar--I thought it was a great reason for the Recreance, but it was totally unrealistic for the coalition of humans to break apart because of this revelation. There are so, so many real-life examples of humans KNOWING they are invaders, yet still fighting tooth and nail for their land. This would be especially true against a force that wants to wipe humanity off the face of a planet where they've lived for thousands of years. People have committed genocide based on so much less.
  5. Granted. But now you're in a constant state of motion and can never sleep. I wish it was summer.
  6. I don't doubt that they're related, but I don't think the breaking of the Oathpact was the direct reason for the Recreance, since in the prelude to WoK the Heralds seem to think the Radiants will still be around to protect everyone.
  7. Become a volunteer fire fighter and use it to cut through walls, wreckage etc. I don't know what else I could even do with it that wouldn't cause any harm. Now if I had the shardblade AND the powers of there Lord Ruler I could do 10000000 times as much
  8. My favorite thing about Renarin is that he's the most relatable of the characters, in terms of his similarity to a normal person. The main characters in books always get to spend the whole time plotting and fighting with other extraordinary, good-looking, intelligent people, and it's depressing to think that if any of us were to be inserted into the story, we would probably be completely ignored and sidelined. It's cool to have Renarin there, a relatively ordinary person who isn't quite so perfect, talented, and likeable, because we get to see how everyone interacts with him (i.e. Shallan is rude to him, Kaladin is generous, many people just disregard him). I view Renarin's acts of bravery as more of an attempt to seize control of his life, though they are also brave. But sometimes he ends up just giving his brother and/or father another thing to worry about. Also, he did help Adolin out in that duel by running out unarmored and probably saved them. Basically, I like Renarin because he hasn't had this charmed life where everyone loves him. He has had his own unique form of suffering, but you rarely, if ever, hear him complain. I feel like he (at least before the end of WoR) represented what an ordinary, klutzy nerd with limitations (aka myself) can do to be brave.
  9. Granted. Your head immediately droops and breaks your screen. I wish I could ace every exam I took.
  10. It wasn't so bad if you spread it over multiple years back when you were too young and simple-minded to know better. I didn't *personally* do this, obviously... I couldn't swear to never tell a lie, never procrastinate, or never watch terrible movies.
  11. Yeah, definitely wouldn't want to see that happen. I just feel like there is a real knee-jerk reaction to the trope of boy-meets-girl-meets-boy. Just because something has been done in other books doesn't mean it can't be done again (in a better, less nauseating way). It WAS pretty annoying to read about Shallan's simplistic internal debate, i.e. Adolin has such a cute smile but Kaladin has such intense brooding eyes. Buuuut she is also seventeen years old, even if seventeen is actually older in her world, so expecting her to be extraordarily mature about boys might be unrealistic.
  12. A lot of people seem to be worried about some kind of love triangle, but it has already been pretty well laid-out in WoR. It would be pretty sloppy at this point for him not to go through with whatever drama he has in store. I don't see why it's such a problem. Ignoring the ideas of love and jealousy would mean ignoring a massive motivating factor for humans and would make for an unusual story.
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