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  1. I have Talked about this in multiple threads, I think Moash is being set up to, at the least, be Odiums new champion. Personally I think he will end up holding the Odium Shard. He makes a great villain. I don't think there is any other character in the books that has caused so many mixed feelings. I just love to hate him. I want to see Kal kill him them give him the bridge 4 salute, while Lopen gives him his new 2 handed salute. But I want all that to happen at the end of book 5 or 10.
  2. This is what I have been thinking as well, with the WOB saying what happened was based on the same fundamentals as hemalurgy, it seems most likely that the gem took part of Jezrien's spirit web, the part making him a CS. Big question now is, can someone else attach that to their own spirit web, maybe through swallowing the gem?
  3. This is a fun idea! I don't buy into it personally, but you obviously put a lot of work into it and most your arguments are well reasoned and supported. I think the argument of whether the Amians are from Roshar, or not, is a moot point to the majority of your theory. the only thing it affects is if Cultivation created them or not. Correct me if I am wrong, but they wouldn't need to be created by Cultivation, for her to invest them to the level of slivers would they? The Bolded section is what makes me question this theory. Why would the loss of Honor, Heralds, and KR cause the Aimians to lose their magic, if that magic is coming from Cultivation. On a side note, when reading that I wondered if this implies that the Amians had access to the Surges and shards without the Nahel Bond? I could be reading too much into this one line, but it does seem important to me. Also, I think your weakest argument is the good\bad luck argument, you really only have one supporting statement that Siah Aimians are bad luck. The source on that one seems very unreliable, and I think it may just be superstition because people are scared of them. But, you could be right, hard to say with so little evidence.
  4. well, I only put in the first part of the quote as it was the only relevant part. the full quote is "If the satellite is indeed spiraling inward as deduced from astronomical observation, then there is little alternative to the hypothesis that it is hollow and therefore Martian made. The big 'if' lies in the astronomical observations; they may well be in error. Since they are based on several independent sets of measurements taken decades apart by different observers with different instruments, systematic errors may have influenced them." I don't the WOB rule out the moons as space ships. I think the issue with Urithiru being a spaceship is 2 fold, getting it into space, then landing it without destroying the planet. If the moons were created in space, and don't land that makes them much more plausible.
  5. Well then, let me see if i can make an argument for that. First I think we need to clarify that Odium is not about being the enemy of everything. in fact, his destruction of sentient life seems to be very limited, the only destruction we know he directly has caused is the deaths of 3 other Shard holders. Odiums intent is Hatred, but not just that, it also seems to be Passion, or in my mind, the negative emotions that usually cause hate. things like Envy, Anger, and Pain. Odium wants sentient beings around who experience these things, so he can take the emotions from them. I personally don't think he is out to destroy Roshar, I think he wants to divide the sentient being on Roshar to encourage them to feel hatred for each other. Moash is very in line with the emotions that Odium is looking for, but he is worse for the fact that he has given up on Humanity, he wants to overthrow them so that another species can have a chance. I think we will see his hatred for humanity grow in the next 2 books, to the point where he wants to exterminate all humanity, and maybe even all life. He feels Let down, Betrayed and hurt by all Humanity. And he is envious of people like Kaladin, who are the few who redeem Humanity in his eyes. but now he has betrayed the only person he knew who he thought was a good person, and has given himself fully to Odium to deal with his hatred of himself. I think Hatred is becoming the theme for Moash, and I don't think that is a coincidence.
  6. At first read I was pretty skeptical of this theory, but then I did some research on Phobos and learned that in the 60's, due to an error in some of the measurements of Phobos, the science advisor to Eisenhower had the following to say. "If the satellite is indeed spiraling inward as deduced from astronomical observation, then there is little alternative to the hypothesis that it is hollow and therefore Martian made." Seems a very big coincidence that Peter, who minored in astronomy, would use a Moon, that was once thought to be artificially created, and hollow, to explain the moons on Roshar. I am now a believer in the Roshar moons are spacecraft theory.
  7. We will have to disagree here. IMHO Moash is the single greatest threat to Roshar. Moash is the Evil version of Kaladin. He and Kaladin have very similar back stories. Both were high dawn darkeyes, who were wronged by petty lighteyes leading to the deaths of loved ones. Both joined the army with dreams of fighting on the shattered planes to win a shard, only to end up on bridge crews through the betrayal of light eyes. Both are naturally skilled fighters who learned the spear quickly, as well as being dedicated to working hard to perfect their skills. Both are natural leaders, who lead by example. And Both hated lighteyes. What is important here though, is where they differ. Kaladin holds himself accountable, and that lets him channel his hate into motivation, while Moash blames others, letting it stoke the flames of his hate. At the end of OB Moash has decided that all man kind should be overthrown because of his hatred toward them. He has become a leader among the Parsh, and now holds an honor blade. He is also the only person we know who has permanently killed a Herald, and for no reason other than Odium asked him to do it. Who knows what other powers Odium will grant him before the next book. If Moash isn't at least the enemy Champion I will be shocked. Also, on the note of Ishar, Nale, and Thadikar Ishar is a possabilty but I doubt it, he is more crazy than Hateful Nale, sorry but no way this happens. he doesn't seem to have any emotions at all. he is the embodiment of justice. Thadikar, we have almost no information on who he is, I think your idea is interesting, and possible, but with no serious evidence. If the new odium is someone not even introduced until book 4 or 5 I think that would feel rushed, and not at all like the well thought out and foreshadowed stories from Sanderson. Personally I would rather see Dalinar than any of those.
  8. I don't think they can have another child until their current one decides to let them Mate.
  9. I don't think picking up a shard is as easy as just grabbing the power, you have to a close connection to the intent of the shard (i.e. Dalinar is connecting to the principles of honor so he is able to start to picking up the shards of honor) I think Sazed was a special case, as he could connect to both Ruin and Preservation, and was able to find the Harmony. We do know that having 2 shards has made it very difficult for Sazed to act, as his intent limits him significantly. yes he is powerful, but he is also restricted. I think there is some WOB that basically talk about Odium not taking on other shards because it would change his intent and restrict\weaken him. I think Moash has a strong connection to Hatred, maybe even a stronger connection than Rayse. as far as Honors shard goes, I think Rock would be a great holder for Honor.
  10. Odium is supposed to be one of the better shards at predicting the future isn't he? I always figured that, because of the fear of telling\predicting the future, that it was associated with Odium, and this seems to confirm that. I don't think any of this is coincidence, I think Odium has been planning this for 4500 years, and the only 2 things that seem to be messing him up are Cultivations minor interference, as she supposedly is good at seeing the future as well, so I think she can mess with his plans, And Renarin. I cant wait till we figure out more about why he is such a blind spot for Odium.
  11. I'm personally a fan of the Moash theory. I think Moash as the big bag is a good counter point to Kaladin as the Hero. I agree, I think we will see many changes in the future books, and I don't trust Cultivation at all, her shards intent seems like it could work against our Heros and much as it could work for them. I think we must consider her a grey character whose actions will always benefit her idea of cultivation, and until we know that that is, she is a wild card. I personally think we will see Dalinar "unite" the splinters of Honor and pick up that shard, somehow use it to kill Rayse, probably through sacrificing himself Vin style, then Moash will pick up the Odium shard and start the true desolation. but I think the break in the middle will be because someone will take up the oathpact, even if only temporarily to give them time to prepare.
  12. this covers most of the issue, just to add a few things. Alethkar, on top of everything above, they have no source of reinforcements, so the troops they have are all they get, and the most effective of those troops have been severely weakened. Dalinar's, Alidar's, Roion's, and Sebarial's armies were devastated by the battle of Narak, and Dalinar's and Aladar's armies were among the strongest in Alethkar. 2 of the high princes have not joined them, and Sadeas\Amaram's army has been, at the least, weakened if not pretty much destroyed in the battle at Theylenah. the Alethi armies are pretty tapped out at the moment. Add to that the economic disaster of losing your working class, and the loss of their home land, and you end up with a very vulnerable Alethi people. Jah Keved, once again, on top of everything above, Jah Keved also suffered a huge hit to its army in the civil war it just had, up to 50% of its armies destroyed themselves in the fighting for the kingdom. it was probably the second most powerful armed force on Roshar and is severely weekend and destabilized. Azir (More accurately Makabakam kingdom) seems to be a fragile union of wildly independent states that only in appearance remain united. also, they do not seem to be known as a strong militant force. that covers the 3 largest groups on Roshar and that does not look good from a defense stand point. I also don't think we have seen a serious Parsh army yet. the ones they took to Theylenah were meant to see what happened, so that it would inspire them. they were probably not a serious fighting force. I imagine a real battle with the Parsh would be more similar to the battle of Narak X10. I actually think Rayse will be defeated in book 5, and that someone else, most likely someone worse, will pick up the shard, and be the big bad for the back 5.
  13. So, I'm doing a re-read\listen of OB, and I noticed in one of the scenes with Wit\Hoid and Shallan he says something a little odd. Well, I guess its more normal for him, but still seemed to imply something. He mentions Wisdom and says something to the effect that She and He are often at cross purposes. (If anyone has the exact quote it would be much appreciated) So, basically, I think Wisdom is a Shard and is held by a woman, and she doesn't often agree with Wit\Hoid. not a huge reveal, but it would get us closer to knowing all the Shards. I couldn't find anyone else talking about this so I thought I would see if anyone else noticed this, or had any thoughts.
  14. I had a crazy thought, but I haven't thought it through much yet. What if Eshonai's spirit web or cognitive self some how latched on to Timber as she died. a few reasons I could see for this are that we don't really understand how the parsh bonding with the radiant spren works, it may be even more involved than the normal Nahel bond. The thing that seems most important to me is that she died in a highstorm! What if she and timber were bonding as she died, and part of her latched on to timber. I guess this would still mean she is dead, but also still kind of alive. It could at least explain how we will get her flash back as a relevant part of the story.
  15. I was actually just listening to one of the Mr. T interludes and he remarks at one point that on the day he created the diagram "He was a God on that day". At first I just assumed it was hyperbole, but what if it wasn't? what if he was so heavily invested with Cultivations power he was literally a sliver of Cultivation. It would make sense, as according to Honor, Cultivation is better at predicting the future than him. That would explain how the diagram predicts so much. Also, if Cultivations goal is to stop\kill Odium then this would be a great way to misdirect him into a position where he could fail. My only concern is that since we know so little of what cultivation actually wants, and her intent is not one we can count on to be favorable to the humans on Roshar, that we may be completely off on what she is trying to accomplish. anyways, I agree that something is suspicious with the diagram, and its goal is not what we have seen.
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