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Link Start

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About Link Start

  • Birthday 05/13/1995

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    Legend of Zelda, Linkin Park & Sword Art Online

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  1. Not always, it didn't push out the rings in Sazed vs. Marsh.
  2. Aluminum doesn't break that easy, as it bends. I don't think this is aluminum, otherwise, why go through all the trouble to build half-shards when you can line your shield/armor with it? If aluminum coudn't be cut by shardblades, somebody would've noticed. Also, it's not that soulcasting is the only way of obtaining aluminum on Roshar. It's more likely that they don't have the technology to refine it yet. Here on earth it was still more expensive than gold even after the industrial revolution, and unavailable before. Scadrial had it, but they are more advanced in metallurgy and were in the beginning of an industrial era before TLR took over (gunpowder and canned food).
  3. TLR could push on trace metals inside someone, but not other allomancers, not even Elend. This suggests that, no, in general allomancers cannot push on salts, but an exceptionally strong pull/push can. Inquisitors can see them, but no push on people. This might be because the spikes gives them extra power, but then, Zane also had a spike and he doesn't appear to be able to see like inquisitor. I guess that the inquisitor's ability to see metals inside people was something special given by hemalurgy because the placement of the spikes in place of their eyes, like the Koloss's spikes can change their body and so on.
  4. Well, you posted no wish, so I'm going to give you Kobold's curse... You will feel sick like you would if you touched Nightblood, and vomit. I wish for single popcorn.
  5. Granted, they are the best boots you will ever have. Before you can try them you wil hit stumble and hurt your pinky toe badly, and won't be able to put shoes on for a month. I want a Death Note.
  6. Granted, now you can only influence the cogniteve realm, since you are a cryptic. And your curse is that you will never bind to anyone, since this is the real life. I wanna be the very best.
  7. He thought the question was about bloodmakers when it was about thugs. But then he said it would be the same for both, thugs and bloodmakers.
  8. Link Start


    I don't believe it would take Savant level. There's a possible explation for this that doesn't require different metals having distinct ironlines. The lines appear to be thicker/stronger the heavier the piece of metal is, and the closer it is. All metals and alloys have different lines, so in a fixed distance, different metals would have lines of different thickness compared to their size. With some practice, a misting could tell the density of the metal by looking at it and burning iron/still, and could tell the metal by its density.
  9. Yes we do. I think it is in the fixed topic at the WoR forum. Wounds won't magically heal around an aluminum bullet until it's pulled out.
  10. Granted, you now can only talk in rhymes, with metric. I want a magical horse that fits in my pocket. And an endless supply of cake.
  11. Perhaps. But I remeber from WoB that hemalurgy is not Ruin's creation, he just understood and made use of it, and that hemalurgy could work with any other magic system, anywhere in the Cosmere. So Lerasium couldl hold hemalurgic charges just like any other metal.
  12. This one is a wild stab in the dark: could a lifeless be controlled by emotional allomancy, the same way the Koloss can? If not, could they be affected at all? And an important question, I couldn't find anyone asking it before: Are Atium and Lerasium investiture in solid form? Edit: Given that Stormlight healing works based on one's perception of oneself, could a Surgebinder holding enough stormlight use that to change his appearance by changing how he perceives himself, like a Returned can?
  13. AFAIK, the Blessing of Awareness improves all of one's five senses. Which includes sight. Where did you read about tin spikes stealing one sense?
  14. Good point. In the end of the first book, he could have killed Marsh easily like that, if he was able to push agains Vin's body, but instead left him alive. Why?
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