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Everything posted by Betrail

  1. Yeah, I could see flamespren, rainspren, or other force related spren coming before the shards, but emotion. I am still suspecting something else.
  2. Something that has got me confused is why there are emotion spren. I am under the impression that most of the spren are of honor from the shattering. But honor doesn't really care about emotion... Not shardicaly at least. Odium however.. What do you all think of emotion spren being a damaging blow to odium from honor. Where the spren might be actually corrupted by honor himself rather the other way around. That would also explain how odium is bound to roshar.
  3. The one i would want: I would enjoy endowment, just to see what people could do with it. I would rather sit down with people i like and develop new technology with them. The one i hope i am more aligned with is honor, but the one i probably would be more aligned with
  4. So long as they don't divide by zero. But.. would they require a chaperone? Would love to have shallan be there then as they start talking have her blurt out "No Mating!"
  5. I figure the oathgate is resting on top of the land it isnt actually part of the plateau. You can't teleport something that is connected to the ground.
  6. I'v taken the day off so i can download oathbringer and listen to it for the whole day slumped in a chair Then once the book arries I might have time to reread it too!
  7. I am starting to think lift did not get through to darkness at all, but merely delayed him.. We see in oathbringer chapters where the everstorm healed the parshmen. The heralds are repeatedly stated to be going mad. I am thinking that the everstorm actually healed him as lift helped break him out of his thinking. Think it was actually lift or somewhere in between of the everstorm and lift?
  8. Was just about to post this, with the minor addition. Secret histories
  9. Just throwing ideas could it be part of the mimicry of the other ...spen? I think she drew 3 items, it drew 3 items.
  10. That might be a reference to the ancient style of... kamar? (Audible listener here) that Szeth uses to fight unarmed... that or some windrunner having fun!
  11. I honestly thought that the moment Dalinar married, he would instantly forget Navani... So I was surprised, that he remembered his first wife instead... So I still agree with this theory.
  12. Simplistic I can think of, give it a shardblade and shardplate, or if you can get around the breath issue a nightblood. Another possibility, could a soulstamp restore the memories of the former lifeless?
  13. Wasn't meaning that you shoot through the bubble, just set up the aons in there. Of couse unless the elantian figures out heat seeking missiles
  14. Use a speed bubble to create aons in battle. Or draw on speed to do the samething. Also speed of mind when working on creating new aons. Also if you were to use determination to keep you on task and not get distracted. But i feel like having soulcasting and soulstamping would be interesting.
  15. Haha seeing how history can change could people in the past been angry how the "tariffs" were nothing more than the draining of spheres? It drains more, the more people you bring. Which if radients never explained it would look like something they were doing to get more stormlight.
  16. Well I wouldn't think that the stormfather infuses the gems rather than creates the connection between them and honor temporarily. But yeah it would be a big turning point if Dalinar gains the power.
  17. While roughly on the same page could bondsmiths be able to create connection, rather than borrowing the abilitys of others? We see multiple times how the stormfather is there when someone makes an important oath (when they are forming a connection). And his response was "the words are accepted" as if he had to acknowledge the fact that kaladin said those words. Then he regained his connection to syl. Side note, the fact that the stormfather was there to enhance the bond between kal and syl , I don't see how he couldn't have also temporarily created a slight connection to honor allowing him to draw stormlight- or a connection to every gem in the palace so he didn't have to go to them. I really do think that bondsmiths could with practice infuse gems that are drained. Or knights, so where with is blessing they would become ilight with power.
  18. Technically didn't sazed pick preservation up first?
  19. Well it is said that the dead will slumber until called on to fight in the tranquiline halls. Or at least just the skilled... maybe those who die with investure aka knights? Which if given a way to manifest into the physical world then bam instant army.
  20. I might also add that the alethi also soulcast their dead to stone, or it is preferred.
  21. Shades are actually spiritual entites and not cognitive entites (cognitive aka spren)
  22. Oh well yeah that would be a good reason that no one has said anything about that thanks for the clarification! As for worldhoppers dieing I would be very interested in that, as they may not know what is dangerous due to not being grown up around there- and i wouldn't expect the to all be immortal. They may not have the time to do a study as some can. So i would place any death that seems commonplace suspicious.
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