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  1. @Windrunner: In the latest episode of Writing Excuses, they discuss Emperor's Soul, and Mary mentions how she likes the “different specialties" of the magic system (singular) saying "there’s the forger, then you’ve got the resellers, and then you’ve got the guy who does the blood magic…” and Brandon went along with this ("mmhmm, mmhmm" etc.). Not very solid proof, but it sounds like Bloodsealing is apart of the Forgery magic system.
  2. This image is supposed to look like he is about to say something. Serious, composed, waiting to spring, if you will. I also got the impression that he was a rather bored character, who made all of these lively comments but really was missing something and sick of his virtual captivity.
  3. This is my concept for Lightsong for a character design project I am doing for school. I have used quite a bit of artistic license, I know, and I couldn't find what his hair colour is supposed to be (so it is brown, like Llarimar's). I have gone with a semi-Victorian style because: 1) 'semi-Victorian style' is awesome. 2) he would have looked like a Gryffindor Quidditch player or the Dalai Lama with more traditional robes. I hope you like it.
  4. I was under the impression that Atium was all about what OTHER people did. I know we only know of two Atium based metals (Atium itself and Malatium), but it seemed that it turned whatever the normal metal did into not so much an external power as a power that is relating to others. Even external metals have abilities which is not so much about others as you influencing others. But Atium does not affect others, it shows them. Malatium does exactly what gold does, but for you to see in other people. So here is my theories: Iron: Sees other peoples metal lines when they are burning iron. Steel: As above but with steel. Tin: You can see what others can see. Pewter: Can see what others strengths are. Zinc: See others thoughts. Brass: See others emotions. Copper: See copperclouds. Bronze: Hear the pulses others are hearing. Gold: Malatium. Electrum: Atium but with a specific person (Like Voidus) Bendalloy: See Bendalloy bubbles/gives comprehension or speed to mind so you can see what is happening inside a bendalloy bubble in what seems to be real time. Cadmium: See Cadium bubbles/?. Aluminum: See others metals (inside). Duralumin: See what power of metal is left but not specifics? Chromium: Blocks others use of atium (like coppercloud that stops affect of atium compounds) doesn't quite fit. Nicrosil: Above but with Duralumin effect. I know these aren't as cool, but they with how I always imagined Atium to work, and seems to be a fair opposite to Lerasium, in that these alloys lets you see power in others while Lerasium (and its alloys) creates that power it in yourself.
  5. Didn't Brandon say that the ability to use magic was based on your spirit web? Could this force, or whatever it is, be hereditary in the spiritual realm just as genes are hereditary in the physical realm. This would mean that all magic is based on heritage without being genetic, which is what I assumed.
  6. How much Atium did the Feruchemists have access to before the ascension? The Pits wouldn't have been in the same place, and they might not have had any Atium-minds at all. Also, isn't Feruchemy very instinctive? I can't quote this, but I seem to remember Sazed saying something about Feruchemy being natural to its users in a way that Allomancy isn't (due to snapping). Thus, with a combination of Atium only storing physical age and Feruchemists natural use of Feruchemy, wouldn't even a baby be ably to use Feruchemy if they got to that baby stage through Atium? (i.e. The brain doesn't seem to become senile or underdeveloped in old age or childhood thought Atium use, so why should it stop functioning for a baby?) Just a thought.
  7. Just what I needed! Another copy of the Way of Kings for "bludgeoning" skaa. My last copy fell apart after a good thousand or so beatings. Not to bad, a page per beating is good value! Hehe
  8. I remember the Breath from Nightblood, but not breath from those attacked/killed by Shardblades. Do you mean the shriveled eyes or can you provide reference for when we see this breath (in WoK)? I can't find it.
  9. If they are wanting to use hemalurgy, however, they can only steal one ability, so it would be a wast to harm the feruchemical line to steal allomantic abilities when they can steal allomancy from the general population and feruchemy from the Terris people later if they feel the need.
  10. I didn't see that. I read most of the main AOL forums, but missed that part.
  11. Possibly. Marsh did say "very dangerous", but nothing about Harmony/Sazed specifically being upset by this dangerous thing, only that it needs to be seen to in a particular way. Also, did anyone notice the metal symbols on the Elendel Basin map? They run Iron, Larasium, Iron, Steel, Tin along the top and Atium, Malatium, Gold, Electrum, Chromium, Nicrosil down the side? Perhaps latitudes and longditudes are given metal symbols with the 'centre' of the world, if you will, being above the Tyrian Sea, where Atium and Larasium lines cross? This doesn't particularly fit with the traditional compass directions (see Luthadel map), although the Irongate river does run East/West, and Iron was the symbol for West. Any thoughts?
  12. I don't know if I just can't find the post, but it seems that no one has brought up the information Marsh gave Marasi? What was Wax beginning to discover that Harmony was concerned about? Anyone able to shed light?
  13. So, each of allomancy and feruchemy are stolen through a 1, 2, 3 and 4 metal (going by your notation)? Would, then, metals 2 and four of the enhancement quadrant steal spiritual human attributes and metals 2 and 4 of the temporal quadrant steal whatever temporal links to? Also interesting to note that, although not very helpful in this case, pulling metals are elements and pushing metals are alloys.
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