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Kobold King

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Everything posted by Kobold King

  1. The ghost of the old green upvote buttons, still haunting their final resting place.
  2. snorts line of time dust

    SO if Time Lords committed the anchoring of the thread and caused the universe to be directly affected by Gallifrey's Observer Effect, which is why so many races evolve to be humanoid on radically different planets, what if that means VAMPIRES aren't REALLY the Yssgaroth spilling over from an alternate reality but are in ACTUALITY the distorted reflection of how the first Time Lords gained immortality by extracting the blood of the TIMELESS CHILD and this dark act of exsanguinating an innocent to prolong their own lives creates a crimson stain on the fabric of the universe itself and inadvertently creates their greatest enemies, not just in the form of the Great Vampires they fight during the Dark Times, but also COUNT DRACULA, whose state of quantum impossibility ultimately causes him and his lineage to become THE ENEMY the Time Lords face during the WAR IN HEAVEN???


    passes out

    doesn't post again for three more years

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frustration


      Well, we're closing in on year one, and no posts, who's willing to be he goes all three?

    3. Telrao


      *shrugs* I'd say if the man keeps at it, he'll probably make it (much to the sadness of us all)

    4. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Nope, he commented in sharder’s legacy. He was close.

  3. Eldest of five, with about a decade and a half's distance between me and the youngest. I'm almost in the "honorary uncle" zone.
  4. It's actually pretty dumbfoundingly obvious now that it's pointed out to me. I think my eyes just slid right past it because my brain is still stuck in 2014.
  5. Hello Delightful! It's been a while! I'm still around. I don't post very often, but I still check a couple of times a day just to see if anyone's paged me or shot me a message. Usually no one has. But every now and then, I go through that double take of realizing today is the day... Also. We have a Discord? Have we always had a Discord? Is a Discord always a form of communication that the Shard has embraced and reveled in? I'm on Discord just about every day.
  6. Recent photograph of the Hasbro digital marketing team:
  7. As a child I was very serious about memorizing the "red touches yellow" poem for telling the difference between coral snakes and milk snakes, and to be frank, I'm kind of disappointed it hasn't even once come in handy.

    1. Quitecontrary


      Knowledge is like that. But you never know, life's not over yet. I memorized lists of things I'm never going to use in life, like the names of all the cranial nerves, the dynasties of China, the gravity of planets, etc. All useless trivia now. 

  8. Really weird thing just happened. We found a gecko in the fridge. We thought he was dead, but I was a little bit hopeful, so I very gently pulled him out and brought him to a sunny place in the garden to warm up. After a minute he started flexing his toes, and after a couple he made a few short jaunts where he ran about six inches up my arm in a bid for freedom. He'd become gray and discolored in the fridge, but his color was actually starting to come back somehow; finally he regained enough energy to spring unexpectedly out of my hand, leap into the grass, and take off at full speed quickly enough that I wouldn't have been able to catch him if I wanted to.

    It was a really weird, really interesting experience.

    1. Slowswift


      :wub: Godspeed, little gecko!

    2. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Here they are immediately after coming out of the fridge. They recovered and ran off too quickly for an after picture.


  9. Hey, welcome back! I'm still more-or-less around. Not too active, as Voidus says, but even at my least active I check back here at least once a day. The forum's changed a lot and I am not even remotely plugged into whatever current events or trends are going around, but I'm far too much of a nuisance for time alone to get rid of.
  10. What I admire most about YouTube ghost hunters is how they have rigorously trained themselves to use only advertiser-friendly swearwords even when being terrorized by freakish paranormal beings. Massive respect.

  11. To be fair you must be of at least primary intelligence to understand Superiority political doctrine. The stratagem is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of peaceful statecraft most of the citizenship requirements will exceed a typical species' grasp. There is also our diplomatic outlook, which is deftly woven into our interstellar policy--our philosophy draws heavily from past experiences with the human scourge, for instance. The varvax and the dione are races that understand this; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate being part of a greater whole, to realize that it isn't just mutually beneficial: it says something deep about SAPIENCE. As a consequence races that oppose the Superiority truly ARE inferior--of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the importance of using Superiority-designed hyperdrives instead of relying on unstable cytonics, which only have a negative effect on civilizations everywhere. I am clicking my mandibles in dismay right now merely imagining those poor lesser species being erased off the surface of their planets as the delvers' unspeakable horror strains itself through their planet. How avoidable... how I pity them. And yes, by the way, I DO have a licensed human. And no, you cannot see it. It is for integration with our special defense force only--and even the other applicants must prove they are within 5 intelligence points of our own civilization (preferably lower) beforeclaw.
  12. My fear of forever being "That guy who hasn't written his novel" is matched only by my sheer terror of becoming "That guy who wrote an awful novel."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tesh


      I feel the same way all the time.

      But through writing that novel, you will improve! I have personally experienced a huge change by doing NaNoWriMo. My piece was still crap, but I'm better through that.

    3. Kaymyth


      Write the awful novel! Then set it aside for a couple of months, read through it, and identify what makes it awful. Then fix the awful stuff. Poof! You have made the first revision out of about 7 that will turn it into a GOOD novel.

    4. Kaymyth


      Though to be fair, with as much experience as you have writing scenes and stories through roleplay, you can probably get it done in closer to 4 drafts.

  13. Haven't read Worm, but if some sort of giant apocalyptic monster attacked most of my Epics would probably just book it out of town. (I'm picturing something like Godzilla or the thing from Cloverfield.) They have very little to gain from fighting a massive doomsday beast and quite a lot to lose. Lightwards is an exception because he has a lot less to lose than others. He'd probably throw everything he had at a giant monster in an insane hope that he could kill and reanimate it. He'd probably lose, but a ton of innocent people would be murdered and used as cannon fodder before he finally gave up or was killed so many times he went insane. Assuming they were somehow inclined to help... Arsenal would be the most useful because he could both stock the military and provide evacuation vehicles for civilians. Glamour, Deathwish, and Redlight would be pretty much useless, assuming Deathwish's damage reflection and Redlight's momentum-freezing can't do anything to the monster. Darkrose can dish out a pretty hefty amount of damage, but anything much more durable than steel isn't going to give way to her vines. She might be able to keep something restrained for a while, maybe long enough for evacuation efforts to get underway. Her chances of contributing something worthwhile are raised exponentially if Alastair is there and providing direction. Aldo and Cricket are pretty useless but will be enjoying the show from a distance. Backtrack could be used by someone much smarter than him to figure out the origin of the monsters, and is thus potentially the most valuable of all. (I'm probably forgetting someone because it's been a while.)
  14. I have now reached the "depressed and binge-reading every melodramatic fan fiction in sight" phase of my annual life cycle. It is now a matter of sheer chance and environmental factors whether I remain in this state for the duration of the year or whether I emerge from it as a true Angst Author in my own right.

    Isn't nature fascinating?

    1. Kaymyth


      NaNo season approacheth...

    2. Kidpen


      *casually plugs HPMoR even though you've probably read it because it's my #1 favorite book of all time and is fantastic*

  15. I've exported a lot of my Oregon characters into an original setting, tweaking their backstories to fit with the new scenery and also to give them more agency over their lives than "Calmity made me crazy." The main ones are Mobius, Revolution, Backtrack, and Darkrose.
  16. I've had a lot of sore throats but I think this one might be the sorest I've ever had. I can barely even talk.
  17. "So for this setting, Kobold, I'm going for a sort of 1920s/1930s aesthetic in a fantasy world-"


    "...yeah, there could be rigid airships, but also some other stereotypical features of the era, you know, like flappers-"


    "...yeah, maybe, and maybe something with Prohibition and the Mob-"


    "...ahem, and maybe have some fantasy versions of famous individuals of the era..."

    "Ooh, actually, you know which individual definitely needs to have a representative in this fantasy world?"



    1. Kaymyth


      Man, there's an article I shared on Facebook a few days back that would make you so very happy. (There's a company considering trying to reinstate international cargo transport via zeppelin.)

    2. Kobold King
    3. Slowswift


      For real though. It's 2019. Time to try again with zeppelins and do it right this time.

  18. Idea: deliberately fracturing your psyche into multiple personalities so each fragment can learn a different kind of magic. (Assuming different kinds of magic are best suited to different personality types, as is often the case in fantasy.)

  19. Given one of the rules of the SCP canon is "There is no canon," even different articles on the site can have radically different power levels. It's why it annoys me when people post "Who Would Win" threads with the Foundation. Without a canon specified, no "Who Would Win" question has an answer.
  20. Decent healing powers fit to make motivators out of are apparently pretty rare, since Knighthawk in Book 3 puts a lot of emphasis on how badly he wants a sample of Prof's DNA so he can possibly heal his wife. While there are probably a decent number of Reckoners cells with some sort of Epic technology, chances are that they don't have access to healing. If they do, it's undoubtedly a far inferior version to what Prof can gift that won't be healing any mortal wounds.
  21. Poll: would you be afraid of a supervillain if his "costume" was just a cardboard box he put over his head. If not, what if he's drawn a crude smiley face in marker on the front of the box. If not, what if there are no eye holes in the box because his powers allow him to perfectly sense everything within a mile radius of him without need for his other senses. If still not, what if he can choose to disintegrate anything around him into black dust at will. If still not, what if underneath his box he's actually a whirling, stirring mass of black dust in the rough shape of the human he once was before he disintegrated himself, now only clinging to life by sheer force of will and desire to crumble everything else in the world.

    If still not, please help me, because Box has been in my head all week and I'm scared.

    1. Kidpen


      *proceeds to have constant nightmares even though I'm awake*

  22. Me too. Looking forward to it, though. Vague spoiler threads on various websites tend to have some pretty hyped up titles I don't understand.
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