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  1. 9 likes
  2. song idea maybe????: bay blue baby blue sky blue eyes my girl, my love with eyes like stars, could never tell me lies
  3. nobody: literally nobody: every single worksheet/page of notes i own, for actually no reason:
  4. guys help i'm so burnt out i can't even like write a poem about it i'm so done i just want school to go away and never come back LIKE WHY DO I HAVE TO MAKE 85 ANNOTATIONS ON THIS 8 PAGE PACKET?!?!?! i got it today it's due tomorrow and it's a *test grade* like WHUT ugh i'm so done but yeah i'm feeling burnt out and stuck and empty
  5. I been writing a lot. Lot to process. Thx to those who read and care. ~ Stick
  6. I'm legitimately thinking about going 30 days without internet, as the detox is much needed to help me kind of reset as I'm averaging 10-12 or even more hours online everyday. The only thing that is making me think twice really is that I won't be on hear at all during that time. Which...I know I can do it, but I really wanted to do the next hunger games and some SE and random interactions with y'all are always the best. I mean...it is only 30 days, then I'll be back...for a few weeks before I'm gone for two months...and then college. Sigh. Hard choices, but I think I need to do this... we'll see ig.
  8. So this is a chat for girls, right? And girls usually talk about tea, right? Well, boy do I have tea!!! Here are the bullet points: - I’ve liked a guy for nearly 2 years - we barely interacted until the end of last year - we started texting (like A LOT) (like for hours every day a lot) - I asked him to a dance as a bribing technique to make him come to creative writing club - we went on the date - the next Wednesday he told me he knew I like him and he likes me back - all of our friends say we’re dating when we’re not - he asked me to ModProm - WE WENT TO MODPROM AND IT WAS MAGICAL!!!
  9. Eleven twenty five, on a Saturday night. Careful white blossoms that are almost sickly sweet are strewn upon the ground, beautiful in their carelessness. There’s laughter. And singing. So much noise, Followed by a perfect quiet. The quiet is the eye of a storm. A place where emotions, And thoughts, And words fade away. The world crumbles beyond it but here, Here All is well. For a moment, There is no terror, No desperation, No longing, And no exhaustion. A single ball, A single night of glittering dresses and earnest gentlemen. A single night where reality is gone, And we have stepped into wonderland. And oh, It is beauriful. Eleven twenty nine, on a Saturday night, and I am home in the eye of the storm. One family… No mourners.
  10. Life is so busy right now but I’m in such a good mood and I wanted to share the joy. i am so proud of myself for committing to getting something done, no matter how good or bad, and not expecting perfection from myself for once. Here it is. a webtoon im starting… GRAY https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/gray/list?title_no=95459 please come read it! Like it! Comment! Or subscribe! It would mean so freaking much to me. thank you all for being so amazing
  11. 7 likes
  12. BEGIN LOG If love is so fragile, then why continue to repair it after it cracks? Once it has filled its surface with this many cracks, wouldn’t it be easier to leave it be and let it decay and shatter and fall apart over time? Yes. It would be easier. But that doesn’t mean it’s the correct thing to do. Love is so fragile because it needs to be constantly repaired. It is an essential part of love, that need for constant repair, for maintenance, for reassurance of devotion. Some may wonder why to keep that lamp on, to keep its ornate ceramic looking beautiful, despite the cracks. “Look at your lamp,” They say, “It is cracked and flawed. Shouldn’t you discard it and put a new flawless copy in its place?” And I say to them, “You know nothing of this. This lamp has seen much. Endured much. It’s stories are nestled in the cracks spreading across its ceramic. It’s journey is weaved into the stone it is made of as if a testament of all it has seen and heard. Is this not a sign of flawless and perfect existence? Perfection in imperfection?” This lamp, this love.. It will dim. It will brighten. Sometimes the power will blink out, leaving us in the dark. But the lights will come back on. And we will fight to love. We will choose to love, and to live, and we will nurture the cracks. Let them settle. And when someone asks about them, we will tell that story. I will engrave bluebirds into our lamp. I will stamp ravens to the surface, let crows flutter onto the stone. I will put roses, and chrysanthemums, and moonflowers and sunflowers, and I will sprinkle it in color so that when it is finished, it will be colorful in ways you only could have dreamed of. I have made mistakes. I have cracked our lamp. I will mend the crack. I will transform it into something beautiful. I will build on it, and build into a future with you. This is my vow to you.
  13. GOOD. *throws love and chocolate at Stick* Eat, my child. <(._.<)
  14. guys guys toothpaste is just teeth soap
  15. Just won $5 off of each of my family members in a game of poker. Final week of teaching Gonna get good sleep Much good things are happening.
  16. 6 likes
  17. ok so remember when i said said that my ren faire outfit is too hot cuz there’s too many layers? i’m gonna put together a few different options and i want y’all to help me choose :3 thanks in advance!!!
  19. Because you said you don't make anyone happy, which is one of the biggest lies we've ever heard. So naturally we needed to show you why you're wrong.
  20. hey guys I promised I'd post pictures from prom, so here they are
  21. My AP art teacher finally got me pictures of some of my recent paintings!! A bigger piece that took me forever: (watercolor/colored pencil) My reference was a still life set up I put together myself, using fake flowers and a plaster bust my teacher had. A smaller one I did quickly for a local auction happening in the area, we'll see how it does: (watercolor/colored pencil): The reference for this one was a photo I took myself in the area where I live. The lighting is always very warm in the pictures he takes lol . . . the colors are all a bit brighter in real life. I do have some character doodles and sketchbook stuff I could show, but that'll have to wait till I get home from school.
  22. *side eyes entire shard population* So... why'd I win yesterday? -_^ I have something cool to share!! My dad gave me a new travel mug thingy last night and it's my favorite color! AND I PUT A STORMLIGHT STICKER ON IT SO I HAVE TO SHARE A PICTURE- ISN'T IT GEORGOUS!!!??!?!?! I'M SO HYPER AND YET I HAVE NO ENERGYYY WTHECK IS THISSSSSSS T-T IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY!! LOVE Y'ALL!!! ~ STICK
  23. Making songs is hard. Idk why but I felt like writing my own song(s) and I have a pretty good idea of one in my head, but chords are just like ?????? and I'm very confused. The lyrics part isn't nearly as bad though, cuz I can words okay enough, but I don't think I have the confidence in my singing skills to actually sing the lyrics but oh well. It's still fun. Music is really cool.
  24. I haven’t talked about this yet on here. But I am currently on a mission for my church. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints and am about 15 months into a service mission. It’s been really great and I have truly seen miracles and many amazing things. I know this may come as a surprise especially to those who I met at Dragonsteel because I didn’t mention it. But I just didn’t feel comfortable at the time. This post is more about me becoming more comfortable about sharing my beliefs than a life update. So if you’re not interested or don’t really care that’s fine. This is for me. This community has meant so much to me the past several months and has given me the motivations and courage to push my self to do more and be more proactive. You are all great and I know I am going to be here a long time. I hope this doesn’t make anyone feel alienated, that is the last thing I want, but I am who I am. And that is a son of God, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints, a Missionary of the Lord, and have depression, ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. I know this is a lot to say for one statues update but I felt that I needed to stope being afraid to have the discussions about my beliefs and my struggles. I have been on meds for years for both my depression and ADHD, and have been in some dark place both before and after I started the meds. I also have had my faith tested many time, but I also have had it reinforced countless times. If anyone has any questions about my faith, my mission, or my disability feel free to ask. And if anyone is struggling with dark thoughts, whether it do to depression or not, please know that I am always willing to talk about it. I have been in the deepest depths of depression before and I will all ways be here if someone need to talk, or even is they just need someone to listen. I hope you all have a great day and cant wait to see what happens next on this amazing sight Your friends and fellow world hopper Evan (aka Silver Phantom)
  25. sorry, they threatened those that follow Stick. My phrasing was poor. Also: That is not true. Often, war can have bad results, but it is not inherently bad. Many good things have happened through war, like @The cheeseman said earlier. That is not true at all. Was the defeat of Nazi Germany just so the US could say, look at us, we're big and strong? No, there was much more to it. Again, not true. War is not about just one person or there wouldn't, and couldn't, be a war. war cannot exist without two parties fighting. the greater good is an undefined thing. Hitler thought that what he did was for the greater good. that doesn't mean it was right. While some of the greatest goods have been done under the mantra of "for the greater good" some of the greatest evils have as well.
  26. ok i know i’ve posted twice already today but heres a mini life-update
  27. Blue and orange tiles? Perry the blue and orange tiles!
  28. From the album: Stormlight artworks 2023-2024

    I present to you my favorite men from Rhythm of War (from left to right): Dabbid, Teft, Kaladin and Rock! Bridge Four artwork in progress~ p.s. Syl is the best girl So, a little background: I promised to draw a big art piece every month, but February flew by unnoticed (let alone half of spring lol) and I had this sketch lying around for a long time, simply no move from a dead point. Today I decided to work on it and this is what it turned out so far! Dabbid turned out to be very difficult because he has no official reference other than the description in the book, but I imagined him as a sad-eyed, slightly intimidated, but attractive young man (younger than Kaladin). His backstory brought me to tears and his moments in ROW are simply wonderful With Teft and Lunamor everything is easier, thanks Brotherwise!! I plan to add other characters (except Renarin and Moash). I hope you enjoy it & hope to finish it by the end of the month
  29. Poem. last night was rough. ~ Stick
  30. Spoilers for all of Mistborn Era 2 I recently reread The Alloy of Law, and I was somewhat stunned by a particular line said by Miles about the tenants of survivorism: To me, this sounds almost word for word what autonomy requires of her followers. Ruthless self determinism and the need to prove yourself through individual survival. These tenants also seem far removed not only from Kelsier's actual beliefs, but from the origins of survivorism in the final empire. This may just be due to the obvious shifts in the religion due to power structures within their society, but it seems so similar to the tenants of autonomy that it stuck out to me.
  31. *sighs* Guys... I think I'm dying. Here's a poem. Another SU coming soon. You have to read this one to understand the next one though. ~ Stick
  32. here’s more of my OC Nova! She’s angry/sad in the first scene because she and her boyfriend kinda fell out but she doesn’t remember why because she lost her memory from the past two weeks, and he’s not really willing to talk about it and so she’s really confused and nothing makes sense and it’s aggravating so she goes and beats up her bedpost and ends up with injured hands and so they end up lookin like this but yep i had like 30 minutes this morning to doodle so these just exist now
  33. No vote, as the relevant entry is not an option. I can drive a manual transmission, but do not currently own one. (I neither love it nor hate it) Funny story:
  34. don’t ever take fundip powder (or anything of the sort) straight it’s not worth it unless you want to have a brush with death due to asphyxiation your eyes burn and well up and you can’t see anything and your body is like trying to cough and throw up at the same time while you’re hacking into the sink, trying to breathe and when you finally do it burns like heck don’t do it you guys 0/10 do not recommend
  35. guys GUYS today’s a palindrome 4/20/2024 4202024
  36. Me: Woah, I'm sure getting some weird ominuous vibes even though I'm just chillin' on the couch . . . *The dune soundtrack playing loudly in the background, which I turned on randomly a few minutes ago and promptly forgot about because it's gets really quiet at some parts*
  37. elantris lore (And yes if you saw this on tumblr, it was made by me)
  38. to have someone head over heels for you and not being able to reciprocate is like the worst feeling ever tempted to write a poem about it ON THE OTHER HAND today was amazing idk why it just was and i got three whole assignments done in just my spare minutes during classes THREE!!! i have three more to do before i’m done for the day, and i’m saving the other six for tomorrow. or later today, i dunno. BUT IM GONNA BE HELLA PRODUCTIVE!!! and it’s gonna be awesome!!! and if i get it all done before 4:30 i’ll post a song let’s do this :determined-smile:
  39. I want you to know you're quickly becoming one of my favorite Shardcast peoples. Whenever I hear you in the intro, I'm like "Oh, Ene's here! It's going to be a good one."
  40. Yeah... That moment when you stumble into someone else's writing And are returned to the crying wreck You were Earlier... April 18 - A day for tears.
  41. you guys i have discovered a way to access school-blocked websites
  42. YKYASFW you're in the middle of 3-4 other books, (2 of which are Sanderson) and your hand automatically reaches for Warbreaker...
  43. guys I got some pictures from prommmmm I have to double check with @Dead to make sure I can post them, because he's in the pictures with me but yeah I'll ask him within the next two hours or so
  44. When you see somebody wearing all grey and think "Uh, oh - Awakener, watch out. . . "
  45. GUYS I got my first salary From a tutoring side hustle
  46. They would not be benefited at all. They can't use Stormlight, Stormlight doesn't "fill" metals. Metals are a Scadrian thing, Stormlight is Rosharan. Unless a Feruchemist is also a Surgebinder and has a means of unkeying Stormlight - which is hard as nobody ever did that - they can't use Stormlight in combination with their Metallic arts. Lots of WoBs for you:
  47. I can’t- Exactly- Words. It’s the sort of night where I smell blossom on trees and cannot describe them with ink. Where I feel arms around me and cannot recreate them on a page. Where I can smile and laugh at friends who I deeply love, and yet cannot force that laughter into sterile words. But you make me happy.
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