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Showing most liked content since 04/18/24 in Posts

  1. 9 likes
  2. So this is a chat for girls, right? And girls usually talk about tea, right? Well, boy do I have tea!!! Here are the bullet points: - I’ve liked a guy for nearly 2 years - we barely interacted until the end of last year - we started texting (like A LOT) (like for hours every day a lot) - I asked him to a dance as a bribing technique to make him come to creative writing club - we went on the date - the next Wednesday he told me he knew I like him and he likes me back - all of our friends say we’re dating when we’re not - he asked me to ModProm - WE WENT TO MODPROM AND IT WAS MAGICAL!!!
  3. 7 likes
  4. GOOD. *throws love and chocolate at Stick* Eat, my child. <(._.<)
  5. 6 likes
  6. Because you said you don't make anyone happy, which is one of the biggest lies we've ever heard. So naturally we needed to show you why you're wrong.
  7. My AP art teacher finally got me pictures of some of my recent paintings!! A bigger piece that took me forever: (watercolor/colored pencil) My reference was a still life set up I put together myself, using fake flowers and a plaster bust my teacher had. A smaller one I did quickly for a local auction happening in the area, we'll see how it does: (watercolor/colored pencil): The reference for this one was a photo I took myself in the area where I live. The lighting is always very warm in the pictures he takes lol . . . the colors are all a bit brighter in real life. I do have some character doodles and sketchbook stuff I could show, but that'll have to wait till I get home from school.
  8. sorry, they threatened those that follow Stick. My phrasing was poor. Also: That is not true. Often, war can have bad results, but it is not inherently bad. Many good things have happened through war, like @The cheeseman said earlier. That is not true at all. Was the defeat of Nazi Germany just so the US could say, look at us, we're big and strong? No, there was much more to it. Again, not true. War is not about just one person or there wouldn't, and couldn't, be a war. war cannot exist without two parties fighting. the greater good is an undefined thing. Hitler thought that what he did was for the greater good. that doesn't mean it was right. While some of the greatest goods have been done under the mantra of "for the greater good" some of the greatest evils have as well.
  9. Spoilers for all of Mistborn Era 2 I recently reread The Alloy of Law, and I was somewhat stunned by a particular line said by Miles about the tenants of survivorism: To me, this sounds almost word for word what autonomy requires of her followers. Ruthless self determinism and the need to prove yourself through individual survival. These tenants also seem far removed not only from Kelsier's actual beliefs, but from the origins of survivorism in the final empire. This may just be due to the obvious shifts in the religion due to power structures within their society, but it seems so similar to the tenants of autonomy that it stuck out to me.
  10. No vote, as the relevant entry is not an option. I can drive a manual transmission, but do not currently own one. (I neither love it nor hate it) Funny story:
  11. elantris lore (And yes if you saw this on tumblr, it was made by me)
  12. Hey guys!! I am a huge fan of epic fantasy and sci-fi. My dad was the first to get me into Sanderson's books. I now have read a lot of his best works, such as the Stormlight Archive and Mistborn. (I think stormlight is better) I just wanted to make myself known and to say hi.
  13. They're ADORABLE, I love them. YKYASW you have spent hundreds of dollars on your Sanderson collection and it's theoretically worth thousands?? (Book collecting is wild, man.) When there has been a magnet of Shallan saying "I am plotting tax evasion" on your whiteboard for like a year. When you met some of the people most dear to you in the world on this website.
  14. Hi, I’m fork and I’ve been reading Sanderson for a couple years now (started with cytoverse) but I’m only now really getting into Cosmere stuff after my first Dragonsteel con :)) Happy to be here, Fork
  15. I feel this is necessary. Why? To make sure our great friend @Just-A-Stick still feels good about herself. Here’s some people who I know she makes happy, but that’s only a few people, add your names below if she’s ever made you happy @WhyEverNot_8, @Through The Living Glass, @Part Of The Narrative, @RoyalBeeMage, @Edema Rue, @Shardwatcher01, @Wierdo, @Lunamor, @The cheeseman, @SmilingPanda19, @Weaver of Lights, @Block, @shortcake
  16. Here's a bag with 13 different board games (different being a relative term) I've got an outdated model of the atom
  17. No problem! Happy to help. Asexual and aromantic are not interchangeable. The easiest way for me to explain this is probably: Picture a book written for younger teens, like KOTLC or Percy Jackson. The romance in these books is very chaste and not very suggestive. The characters are probably experiencing primarily romantic attraction. Aromantic people don’t really fall in love, but can experience sexual attraction. Alloromantic is the opposite of aromantic. Now picture a book written for older teens or adults, like Fourth Wing or Colleen Hoover books (I assume, I haven’t read them). Spicy books. Not a lot of simply romantic, cute, cuddly scenes like in KOTLC. These books are really mislabelled as romance novels, and the “romance” in them is based on sexual stuff. Asexual people can experience the cute cuddly stuff, but don’t really experience sexual attraction. It’s not necessarily people thinking sex is gross - many ace people actually enjoy sex - but there isn’t that… pull??? To have sex with people??? Idk I’m ace through and through. Allosexual is the opposite of asexual. Sorry for the long-winded rambling, hope this helps!
  18. Just me, Yumi, saying hello :)
  19. I recently had a thought about the nature of Hoids bond. It always baffled me why Hoid bonded with a Liespren as he already has lightweaving abilities. Yes they work differently and could compliment each other but it still felt like a loss. But when I read the order descriptions from #saythewords I saw that Lightweavers are different from the other orders, in that, that they do not speak oaths (except the first) and say truths. Which makes them quite unbounded by restrictions like other orders. And Hoid deliberatly decided not to get a Shard as it would chain him in ways that the others did not see. He did not want to be bounded by things. What do you think?
  20. They would not be benefited at all. They can't use Stormlight, Stormlight doesn't "fill" metals. Metals are a Scadrian thing, Stormlight is Rosharan. Unless a Feruchemist is also a Surgebinder and has a means of unkeying Stormlight - which is hard as nobody ever did that - they can't use Stormlight in combination with their Metallic arts. Lots of WoBs for you:
  21. I don't know if someone already did this one "I wish England was real" - @justice magician
  22. Hello! After completing the Mistborn trilogy recently, I really wanted to make a Vin costume for myself since I absolutely loved her character, and I am Vin-sized (at least vertically ). Now that I've completed the most complicated part (her mistcloak), I wanted to share some WIP notes and photos! More updates will come as I complete more pieces, but I just have the belt and accessories to go now. First off, since I tend to obsess over accuracy, here are the sources I used for the mistcloak design: Text from the novels This quoted email from Brandon: https://www.17thshard.com/forums/post/282302 A search of "mistcloak" in the Arcanum section of 17th Shard Some of the official Vin art, but mostly this picture by Ben McSweeney - https://coppermind.net/wiki/File:Vin.png I also partially followed the tutorial in this blog post, which is (in my opinion) the best fan-made mistcloak I found in my searching of the interwebs. I already had a pattern from a previous costume I made that was almost the same as the one they used - Emmy Mom--One Day at a Time: Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Mistcloak (emmymom2.com) The blog poster mentioned fleece, and I thought that would be a little too thick and warm and wouldn't match the feel of the fabric mentioned in The Final Empire, so I looked for something a little lighter and smoother that also wouldn't fray (so a knit) and wouldn't curl at the edges. I found a really nice polyester knit in charcoal gray at Joann's. It looks, feels, and drapes right, and it moves sooooo nicely! I made one embellishment. Ben McSweeney draws swirls in the mantle and hood of Vin's mistcloak in most of his art, and I've been wanting to try out the free motion embroidery mode on my sewing machine. So as an homage to Ben's work, I added what I have decided to name "McSweeney McSwirlies" to my cloak. As for the clothes, I just got them from Kohl's (the just about perfect shirt in my size off the sale rack was a VERY luck find!), and the wig is from Epic Cosplay Wigs. The dagger shown is version 1.0 off the resin printer (modeled in CAD by my husband as I was doing costume research). Our clear resin got a little yellowed from sitting in the tank, so we're going to reprint both of them.
  23. I can’t- Exactly- Words. It’s the sort of night where I smell blossom on trees and cannot describe them with ink. Where I feel arms around me and cannot recreate them on a page. Where I can smile and laugh at friends who I deeply love, and yet cannot force that laughter into sterile words. But you make me happy.
  24. a: you spout nonsense a lot, I spout nonsense a lot, it makes me happy when other people also like to spout nonsense. b: you give off the vibes of a good person in denial of their being good. I happen to associate with a lot of people like that and happen to think all of y'all are just dumb thinking that you're not a good person (hey, when I do it, it's called being smart. That's the rules.), but ya see the truth is that you are a good person and I'll prove it to you. You try to uplift others, even if it's subconsciously doing it. If you don't beleive me, go look at you SUs and the SUs you've replied to. Look at the reactions. Case in point. If you still don't believe me somehow, I have a crazy plan that would absolutely never happen, but is still fun to think about. I could gather together a team among the active sharders that live in this country to congregate at your house to sing a song about how awesome you are then give you a few cakes and pies as well as a nice thick book of poetry and a pile of hugs. OOOOH, it could be like a heist! And I could shapeshift into George Clooney and like show up at some bar and Panda will be there and I'll be like "I'll buy your drink" and then I have like the plan and I'm like "I need a team with a special set of skills" and all that shebang. And then Eddie will be the bartender and go "Hey, can I join in too? I can do not-nerd-related skills." And I'll go "Sounds good. We start tomorrow. Don't be late." Then Panda will totally be late because pumpkin pie and- (no, I still haven't watched Oceans Eleven, however... today is a Saturday.... hhmmmmmm... anyways.) DOESN'T THAT SOUND FUN???
  25. This was intentional initially. Maybe there's enough detail to put in, now, but I'm not convinced. It is perhaps because of my desire to not copy real life topics. It would be a pretty tricky article to write if we did choose to want it. I feel like at least some of the differences that are listed in this topic are not special to humans, and so are maybe more appropriate on Investiture / Realmatic Theory pages. So anyway, this wasn't an oversight, it was intentional as we didn't really want to make one. We could reconsider.
  26. *GASP* THE BRIAN JAQUES HOOMANS DO EXIST- I HAVE READ ALL 22 BOOKS AT LEAST 4-5 TIMES EACH!!! Okay, favorites are: Rackaty Tam, Marlfox, Mattimaeo, and a bunch of others! Redwall is somewhere, we have it, but I'm too lazy to look
  27. I totally respect everybody's takes on this, but I'd like to share my opinion: It's possible that I'm extremely biased towards Adolin because he's my second favorite Cosmere character, but I honestly, genuinely, don't see him dying. It just doesn't make sense. His arc so far has been about figuring out how to live in his current situation, and support his family. Dying wouldn't complement that arc, in fact it would completely negate it. Not to mention if Adolin were to die, both Kaladin and Shallan would fall apart (maybe even Dalinar). Specifically Shallan. Killing Adolin off would probably mess up four books worth of character development so far for several characters, and would go against some of the books main messages. SA is about rising above the past and moving forward, making the future better for those who will come after you. It's about change as a society and the slow path to becoming a better people. If Adolin, a young highprince with the power and will to change things dies, Brandon can't use him to convey that central theme. Adolin is meant to be different from his father in that he learns from his fathers mistakes and tries to do better, so that his children can do even better. Killing him would make it hard to convey that idea, and that theme. He can't live on to be a better highprince then his father before if he's dead . Not to mention, with Kaladin, Adolin is a character that emphasizes different people from different backgrounds learning to work together. While not the only one, Adolin is one of the noble/lighteyes that Kaladin actually trusts, and learning to trust each other adds to that central theme. If Adolin were to just die, a lot of that faith in each other that could have otherwise been built up on would no longer have impact in the story. I couldn't disagree more, as stated above, killing Adolin would hurt character development for his friends, not help it. Kaladin and Shallan are both on thin ice when it comes to mental health, maybe being able to move past a death is something Kaladin needs to do eventually, but not right now. Right now, that kind of death would ruin him. He was able to move on from being suicidal in RoW, but that doesn't mean he's emotionally ready to watch one of his friends die, same with Shallan. If Wind and truth is going to cover the ten days to the final duel, and perhaps the aftermath, there is not enough time (imo) for Kaladin and Shallan to become stable enough to except a death that close to them. (EDIT: I also just realized killing Adolin might also mess up any healing Maya has had thus far as well, ruining the point of his bond with her in the first place) Sorry for the rant, I just think he's one of the least likely to die. (or maybe I just really, really don't want him to lol) Characters I could see dying: -DALINAR (my dudes he's gonna go, I really think he is) -Szeth -Jasnah -Shallan (a little less likely but still an option) -Moash (I'm imagining a Darth vader 'redeemed through death' situation) -Literally any of the Bridge four side characters whose names I don't remember--these would actually be handy to kill off, because the reader knows them and their history enough to care, but taking them out of the story doesn't really hurt anything. That's what I was thinking
  28. Forts Board makes a good point and there is a question about how many side kicks. Moana has Pua and Heihei. Luke has R2 and C3PO. Harry has Hedwig and Buckbeak. Spin has a slug and a spaceship. Let me offer this other point in defense of 5th ideal (Stead). Brandon excels at world building. His works stands apart in the genre for the vibrancy and uniqueness of the ecology. Not since Tolkien, have the plants and animals been such a part of the story. I have this theory that there is an impending ecological catastrophe on Roshar. There are hints at this, Ashyn, visions, the very destructive nature of the storms. If the radiants journey ended back at connecting to the natural world it would be a pleasing convergence of themes.
  30. You know, there could be a counterpoint to this theme in RoW, with Raboniel and her daughter. She made a choice that she felt was merciful. It's an antithesis to the decisions of Kaladin and Dalinar in the first three novels. I also feel that Kaladin, Dalinar, and possibly even Navani would seriously struggle with being in Raboniel's position. Navani (who is literally one of the most intelligent people in the Cosmere) didn't even consider what Roboniel did, as a possibility beforehand. She was caught entirely off guard. I could be wrong, but it would be very Brandon-like (to me) to give this example, almost like a ketek, in theme with the first 3 books. And I'm assuming we'll get the culmination of this theme in book 5.
  31. “Pig robbery!” - Friend 1 ”Gimme your pigs!” - Friend 2 ”You can have my wife!” - Friend 3 ”Hold on just a second…” - Me (We were playing the card game Cover your Assets and friend 2 stole friend 3’s piggy banks)
  32. 3 likes
  33. I think it can still have merit to the degree that as his bond increased, the number he could draw did increase (Some in the Chasms learning in WoR, More fighting Szeth (after third oath), even more turning the Highstorm Winds to protect the captured humans, etc. )it's just that they were not being pulled from Shadesmar, but from the environment (and were therefore a different group each time - until he was able to form Plate). Well, with a possible side of "Some Surges are limited by the level of Oaths." (such as Skybreakers cannot access Division until the Third Oath) This, of course, relies on the interpretation that Squires (whom are First Oath - without a bond) are "borrowing" the Third Oath abilities of their Radiant; which is distinctly different from First Oath Kaladin in WoK, and partly different from Second Oath Kaladin in WoR.
  34. I provide a second opinion. As a current chemistry student, an Oxidation-Reduction reaction is indeed a chemical change, redirecting the formal charge of the constituent particles, affecting which bonds they can form in the future. Color is a property of chemistry; depending on the structure of the measured particles, different forms of light can be absorbed, reflected, and emitted. A chemical change would certainly effect the color of a material. Sorry, @Treamayne. It is my duty to support fact. With simultaneous approval and apologies, the Ultimate Archivist.
  35. You know your not wrong. Maybe Autonomy is using misdirection and playing the long game. Giving Harmony and those allied with him an obvious target, the Set and Trell, all the while slowly corrupting a pre-existing religion that has become the most prevalent to her own ends. Sounds almost poetic, the religion created by Kelsier to give the Skaa hope and the will to rebel against tyranny, becoming slowly corrupted by a tyrant far worse than the Lord Ruler to control the masses. In fact: Elantris Speculation Spoilers
  36. For the longest storming time I couldn’t figure out what tea meant in the context and then a friend explained it during a conversation a few weeks ago. Anyways who wants some from the guy with a 1 in charisma but somehow picked up a cursed jacket that gave him a +17? spoilered for length:
  37. When a kid in Seminary comes to class wearing a Bridge Four shirt so you keep trying to secretly signal him during class. *bridge four salute* Alternately when you draw a gloryspren on your Book of Mormon.
  38. ok i sorta had a mental breakdown yesterday... i was at my grandparents house and everything started crashing down... because i am not enough... im not strong enough i am annoying people tell me these things every day... every single day... im hated nobody loves me...im not wanted... im not good enough... every day... every single one... and it crushed me yestrday i was talking to a couple of my friends about it... one of my friends...she somehow just saved me yesterday i was at my grandmas house and she just called me i walked to the side and just talked to her about it... she just talked told me that i am loved and that i am cared about she said im a great friend and shouldnt feel that way she said im funny and nice and care about others always no matter if it hurts me...she told me I should start journalling so I'm gonna and she said that we should like go on a hike sometime... she just saved me...she is a great friend she cares...
  39. literally any time I get a notif from you I get excited and check it immediately you're super fun and nice, and I love reading your poems I think of you as the kind of sister I never had (the nice, fun-loving, ball-of-energy kind) I love you (platonically)
  40. Note: this reads better if you read it out loud, monotone, and don’t stop between lines, it would be great if we didn’t need to breathe and it could just be a continuous flow of prose but this will have to do Other note: I have Circus of your Mind from Finding Neverland stuck in my head. Circus of my Dreams:
  41. Wait I realized halfway through reading that that I know what the reference is and that made it so much better- (no spoilers)
  42. Whoopsie, I didn't turn on notifications for replies so I never came back to this. I've actually been avoiding all Cosmere related stuff to fully avoid spoilers until I'm done. Here's my updated place: The Final Empire The Well of Ascension Hero of Ages The Eleventh Metal The Alloy of Law Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania Shadows of Self The Bands of Mourning Mistborn: A Secret History The Lost Metal Elantris The Hope of Elantris The Emperor's Soul Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell Sixth of the Dusk Warbreaker The Way of Kings Words of Radiance Edgedancer Oathbringer Dawnshard Rhythm of War Tress of the Emerald Sea Yumi and the Nightmare Painter <--- I am here The Sunlit Man White Sand Omnibus Wind and Truth @The Honorable One that's a tough one... Probably a tie between Words of Radiance and The Final Empire.
  43. Interesting Theory, though I always had the impression that it was Nightblood she was trying to find. I doubt Mraize would pass the "Nightblood test" and be able to carry the sword without killing himself. Also we do not know what power is bestowed by Mraize's Aviar. I would say if somebody other than Vasher brought Nightblood to Roshar, then it may have been Yesteel - but we won't know how what happens there until Warbreaker 2 comes out (if ever). And that book may or may not cover how Nightblood and Vasher came to Roshar (together or separately). It is odd to note that as of RoW, Zahel knows where Nightblood is (in Szeth's possession) and does not seem to care. (RoW Ch 15) PS: "Going" is mispelled in the thread title. If you edit your post, you will be able to edit the thread name.
  44. Yes. Yes, because there would be no Preservation or Ruin anymore. There are some pairs of Shards that are just hard to combine and would push against their Vessel like what Sazed is experiencing, but others would be easier to combine. Ultimately we have only Sazed as an example of merged Shards and this is just my understanding of what's going on. But the fact that before the Shattering there were no Shards, there was just Adonalsium and all investiture was of Adonalsium points into this conclusion that Sazed should be fully united one Shard, with one power. No Ruin and Preservation should exist if he were able to properly merge those Shards. They are particularly difficult to merge, they are the most polarized Shards there are right now, so it's not truly his fault that he can't fully combine them. He was faced with an impossible task and managed to do something that was never done before. But in my opinion he is only halfway there.
  45. I will lend Drake a shield made of the bodies of newbie elims, and my trusty Cloak of Inactivity. Use them wisely and sparingly for their cost is great.
  46. ok hello lovely people i'm new here and i have a question i'm sorry if this is, like, awkward asf so i've been straight my entire life, right? right ok but for a while i've been questioning things help how do you know?
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