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Showing most liked content on 05/15/22 in all areas

  1. I need to take a break, I think... Please don't forget me.
  2. Hello. I feel very sad all of a sudden. Have you ever had that feeling where your heart doesn't feel broken, but it's feels fragile and like it's one step away from being shattered.
  3. Why do I do it? Once every couple of months I ask myself this question. I feel like I'm a charlatan and an imposter. Why do I write? Why not quit and delete my work. It would be so simple to remove all traces and stop acting as though I have any skill whatsoever. As usual rejection is what brought this on. I had a real chance to break out into the world with my work. Last night it was slapped aside as not good enough. My heart and soul once again rent and torn. Is the pain worth it? Why subject myself to constantly being told what I have long suspected? All I have to do is stop and hit delete. The world will never know what it is going to miss. I doubt that it would even miss it in any case. If I'm truly as incapable as it seems then the world will never know my work anyway. The knife just carves out my heart. I want to believe that I'm capable, but its so hard. One friend called me the most creative person he knows. For all the good it does me. I apologize for my rant as usual. This last rejection really got under my skin and hurt.
  4. i am going to a bookstore tomorrow, all on my own! its one of mumabi top bookstores! its got long winding starcases, and its woodpanneld, and its got a huge collection of books, and i get to go there on my own and stay for hours. and im also going to a library and getting a membership
  5. On a whim earlier today, I decided to see what might happen if I fed the opening lines of the prologue of WoK into a bot and watched what it came up with. Bizarrely, it seemed to have some idea of what the Stormlight Archive is, who some of the major characters are, and even concepts like bridge crews, lighteyes, spren, etc. It also managed to be marginally coherent, at least until the character limit ran out. Of course, being a bot, it has no idea of the context of anything, and so ended up producing a twisted funhouse mirror version of WoK where Kaladin and Bridge Four are trying to build a bridge under the not-so-watchful eye of a nameless king, while Kaladin is apparently pretending to be Sadeas's son for some completely inexplicable reason. Oh, and Szeth may be the Dragon Reborn, but I'm not entirely sure on that. The text I gave it was, of course, "Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king." The bot I used was here:https://app.inferkit.com/demo As for the "story" itself, behold behind the cut! And yes, I know it cuts off in mid-sentence. That's part of the charm;).
  6. I'm doing a thing where I'm gonna write a story every day for a month. It might be 200 words, it might be 900 words. It can vary. The first one is a horror story written in second person pov. 1. SIlent starts, violent ends. [Content warning- mention of smoking] Edit: i made an illustration
  7. OH FRICK I FORGOT So, uh, yeah, apparently it's already been nine years. (And fifteen days!) Thanks for keeping me around! Can time just stop moving please I don't like it
  8. I am either an extremely skilled athlete with thousands of hours spent learning the complex rules of Tarachin, or some random guy who just shows up to tournaments and wins them by sheer luck. (Probably the latter.)
  9. This must be what they call poetic justice.
  10. Oh no what have i unleashed into the world
  11. Nice, no outlandish ingredients that cost a kidney. I hate it when a recipe uses "ingredients you have at home" and then they ask for like, half a bottle of chocolate liquor or something.
  12. Finally we agree on something!
  13. Yeah, it's not bad, but it's especially good if you put chocolate chips in it
  14. I mean, that's confirmed via WoB and Jasnah's RoW PoV. Being asexual does not preclude romance, though, and it’s obvious that she finds Hoid (or at least his knowledge) attractive. That said, the reasons that most people are not huge fans of the relationship probably fall under one or more of the following categories: A. They ship Jasnah with someone else (usually Shallan), B. They don't like how the relationship makes Jasnah/Hoid seem less superhuman (they prefer Jasnah as the strong independent woman atheist genius queen, and/or Hoid as the aloof trickster who refused godhood but is basically a god), C. They feel the relationship is doomed (because neither is really willing to give anything up to be with the other, their desires are not well aligned and are likely to diverge over time). D. They are weirded out about some aspect of the relationship (the insane age gap, the fact that Jasnah is not sexually attracted to Hoid, etc.) I personally fall under category C, though I think if their relationship had been given more buildup/screentime I would be more on board with it (because tragic/doomed romances can make for good storytelling, so I don't think it's really a dealbreaker). It's just hard to be invested when it sort of came out of nowhere.
  15. So you think it should have been a scene of Ash reacting, followed by a scene of the Stormfather reacting? How about I say it like this, if Cultivation's arival changed the magic, it would have predated Ishar, so he wouldn't have it. If the catycalism changed the magic why? Whithout knowing WHY, he still knows where he needs to be. That does put a damper on my argument, but as it's the only thing even slightly luck related I'm going to say we don't know enough. Personally I think of Fortune as more of a gut instinct, that you can expand into deeper and deeper knowledge. That is true, but you have to admit that the reason Brandon put it there was as kind of an act of divine intervantion for Kaladin. If that is the case why did Honor, perhaps the shard most attuned to Connection have such bad future sight?
  16. Crackpot theory: Someone is going to make a hemalurgic spike using ettmetal. and I don't mean stabbing someone with ettmetal, I mean using the charging of a spike as the priming use of Metallic Arts to prime a primer cube. What will that do? I have no rusting clue, but I want to know.
  17. So this is a little bit of a tangent, perhaps, but I think this is probably as good a place as any to discuss. It’s about the bit in the prologue when the Herald dies: It’s the frost that got me thinking about where else we’d seen that. We’ve seen frost appear a number of different times throughout the series. It crops up when Szeth and Kal are using Lashings. Dalinar’s Blade is noted to be frosted once when he summons it in WoK. But the times I want to focus on are when we see frost appear while Radiants are swearing an Ideal. Specifically, we see frosted Windrunner glyphs appear for Kal’s third Ideal (WoR 84), Lopen’s second (OB 121), and Huio’s third (DS 18). There is also a burst of frost and power around Lopen when he swears his third Ideal in the Dawnshard prologue. So what’s going on here? Well, everybody’s favorite mad god-king has the explanation, I think. From RoW 111: So Ishar is telling us that when a Radiant swears an Ideal, they touch the Spiritual Realm and that’s also when we see the frost appear. Seems to me, given the frost in the prologue, that there is likely something similar going on mechanics-wise when a Herald dies (and presumably is returned to Braize). This perhaps explains Ishar and Nale’s misguided belief that Radiants swearing Ideals would potentially allow the Fused to return. From Edgedancer, chapter 9: And here’s Szeth describing it in OB 90: Mraize says something similar in his letter to Shallan in OB 40: And lastly, here’s Nale in RoW 77 responding to Venli’s suggestion that the Heralds’ actions had allowed Ulim to get to Roshar: Assuming that Nale is, in this last one, talking about the same concerns relating to Radiants, what I still don’t get is why a Radiant swearing an Ideal and touching the Spiritual Realm would create a Connection between Braize and Roshar. But I guess I just wanted to point out that the frost appearing in both cases seems to suggest that there may be some kind of similar underlying mechanics going on when the Heralds travel between Roshar and Braize, and when Radiants swear Ideals. The last thing I wanted to mention here, since Ishar features prominently in this thread, is that the one other time we see a frosted glyph, it’s Ishar’s doing. From RoW 98: Make of that what you will.
  18. This is pure atium! Just hilarious! Syl with daddy issues? And then this - "He raised his free hand, summoning the bridge." - I'm dead! Just imagine Syl as a Shardbridge. Can't wait for Words of Radiance!
  19. Gavilar pretending to be his own son? Now I'm imagining Elhokar suddenly reappearing in KoWT, only to reveal that he's actually Gavilar.
  20. Is it just me, or does Elhokar Sadeas, Kaladin's father, seem to be a decent fellow?
  21. So... We have had Raboniel and Navani name the new combined light warlight, and that naming convention is unlikely to change. They could however, have an incomplete understanding of it's intent at this time, only revealed at the climax of either SL 5 or 10, with the formation of a new unified shard, who discovers the intent. I believe that Justice, or perhaps, Judgement Is a more fitting name for a combination of honor and odium. It is stated that Odium is dangerous because it is Adonalsium's divine rage, separated from the rules that gave it purpose, and meaning. I think that this is foreshadowing for the end of Stormlight. Honor is clearly about what is right, and odium is about destruction. Together, they might perhaps be the hard hand of justice. The rage of odium, channeled only at the unjust. This could play out interestingly, with perhaps altered skybreakers becoming the most attuned order to this new shard.
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  22. lunar eclipses are cool
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  23. My entire family except me and my sister got covid It's so friking unfair because this was right before a vacation that i was really, really, really, really looking forward to, and for this entire pandemic but especially now we have been more careful than literally anyone i know, we wear n-95 masks in spaces that do not require any masks and we mostly keep big gatherings outdoors and we are so careful, even to the point that some people made fun of us, and then we let our friends stay with us for a night and they weren't careful and now we have covid. And now our three week vacation that i was awaiting desperately is probably gonna be canceled. i think i'm gonna cry Anyway, covid is still out there guys, be careful
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  24. But zucchini bread is THE BEST
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  25. Hello newcomer Welcome to the Shard We hope That you so dearly enjoy your time here ( my failed attempt at writing a welcome poem)
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  26. So good! I love it. Your writing is amazing and I love your descriptions. The second person is really cool too. Not many people can actually pull off writing in second person, but you did it really well!
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  27. It would be hilarious if Brandon knew about this theory and is trolling with the SP5 prologue hints.
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  28. Sorry it was never my intention to say one can never get better. I link it with the nature of diabetes or something of that sort. Sure you can improve and feel better and such like that but then at any moment you can feel that darkness trying to get out again. Those without the mental health issues seem to link it more towards a sprained knee. At least from my experience.
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  30. Anybody else ever want to reach out to someone because you're struggling, but you don't because if you talk about the one thing, all the other things are gonna come out because they all feed into each other and it'll probably be fine eventually because it's probably just a storm of teenage confusion that'll go away one day? In other words; I'm very confused, tired, and a little bit miserable and I don't know why.
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  31. 480. Schools are inherently dangerous, and a random number of people are likely to die each year.
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  32. Sooo, not much meme making experience but I was talking to a friend who is currently reading RoW, this came to my mind and I had to share it. RoW spoilers
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  33. I understand the hatred people show towards Moash but I do not understand why everyone wants to F**k him. Moash again:
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  34. LOL, so true though.
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  35. I feel like this deserves revisiting as well.
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  36. Someone sent me this without knowing who was in the picture, but fair warning, it's a little sweary.
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  37. I agree with the sentiments above, thanks for making this site as wonderful as it is!
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  38. that is the most accurate LDS meme I've ever seen, my gosh. the sacrament prayers really do be radiant oaths tho
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  39. My mom is reading RoW, so she has had the book out recently. My 2 year old sister has developed a fascination with it, even falling asleep face-first on its pages. However, we’re starting to potty train her, and she peed on the book. Naturally, being the Sanderfan I am, this was my reaction.
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  40. A mistborn also runs out of metals, they dont have an infinite supply, and given jasnah fought for hours id say neither will last longer investiture wise than the others. Sure a mistborn might try hit and run, but as already stated, they cant do much damage and the radiant will eventually catch them, either by running them down (mistborn burning their investiture faster) or by catching them with stormlight and shardplate. For a 4th oath radiant it doesnt matter how fair, thats the point. The only way a mistborn wins is while the radiant sleeps and they are always covered by shardplate amd have a non sleeping spren so the chances of getting their one hit kill in the tiny eye slit of invisible armour is almost 0
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  41. So it can be pushed but not cut by a shardblade leaving only the aluminium which is not a very "strong" metal. Why doesnt it then blanket block allomancy then? If it doesnt block allomancy it doesnt block surgebinding In a fight where bith combatants already have their investiture it matter for nothing. If they need to refuel their dead, a mistborn csnt stop mid fight go to a foundary and get some steel. If one doesmt have access to investiture they are limited yes, but thats not what this thread is comparing. Could a mistborn with bags of metal beat a 4th oath radiant whk has no stormlight sure but thats not what the comparison is hence location doesnt matter. Its super cut and dry for a 4th oath, you keep bringing up tenuous things to try and give it to the mistborn, all of which are by the mistborn trying to hailmary their way to victory, does that sound like the kind of strategy used by someone with the advantage? Your ignoring the limits of allomancy significantly. A radiants powers where designed for combat a mistborns where designed for theives.
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  42. I've sided with Mistborn so far, but I've gotta agree with @Ookla The Frustrated here. If we start allowing the use of God metals and various magic from other systems than the combatant's home, the use of some kind of Ruin-Light, presuming that Lights are similar to God metals in that they exist for all Shards, could probably suppress Allomancy (although the details of that are pretty blurry, still not entirely sure how Voidlight specifically suppresses Radiants and Towerlight specifically suppresses the Fused, maybe it has to do with Intent as they're currently fighting each other? In which case Autonomy-Light, assuming that Trell is Autonomy, might be more appropriate?). Aluminum darts probably wouldn't penetrate Shardplate, but aluminum bullets might not be a bad idea, assuming they suppress Radiant healing the same way they suppress Feruchemical gold. EDIT: I wrote this before @Ookla The Frustrated's most recent reply, see below for my response to it.
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  43. Wax, for the most part, uses a speality weapon, firing specialty bullets and has incredible skill at both shooting and pushing bullets. Brandon also in WoB its said as possible, not that wax can just fire off a shot and it work, it also assumes hitting the target. Which a radiant can turn their shardblade into a shield and just run them down. You mentioned a modern bolt action rifle, of the mistborn has just any gun, so can the radiant, also a radiant could have a similar gun, afterall they dont require magic to use. But in either case sprenblade becomes a shield, they run down the mistborn at inhumanly fast speeds while bairly burning through their resources and the mistborn needs to use everything to stay away. The bullets and coins shot csnt damage the shield and will barly scratch the exposed (no flat) pieces of plate and their range is nullified. I disagree both have good mobility, but the mistborn requires anchors to push/pull a radiant just has better than pewter constantly, live plate plus stormlight. They also have significantly more deffence and healling, a mistborn cant get hit at all, while a radiant cant tank several life threatening attacks. And again keeping that distance will be hard even if it mattered, because they cant get through live plate. There are 4th iath skybreakers that arnt even named, wax/vin/kelsier/elend/kaladin etc etc are more skilled than a normal non named person. The oaths are also less about skill and more about the person (ie accepting and living the oaths). But even so, Kaladin would beat Vin, and that was before he had liveplate, now he slontzees her, and she was the most skilled mistborn So a radiant in almost impenitrable armour, with a weapon that kills transforms and kills the soul (and can become an unbreakable shield) that is both inhumanly strong and fast, coupled with insane healing cant beat a person throwing/shooting coins and bullets at them. The fight is litterally a person vs a tank. Are the mistborn incredivle assassins, yes, can they take down a litteral magic knight, in magic armour with a magic sword in a 1v1 fight not a chance. And given live plate is also always around, the assasinatiom turns into a 1v1.
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  44. IsWhat it always comes down to for me is instant lethality. Can a Mistborn kill a Radiant with one attack? For any Radiant 3rd oath or below this is possible, even moreso with Atium. The higher the oath the more difficult it becomes but it's possible. But from what we've seen from Oath 4 a Mistborn is going to need multiple hits. They have to pierce the armor, then get to the skin, then either deal enough damage to overcome the healing factor or deprive them of fuel so that they can be killed by normal attacks. Can a Radiant kill a Mistborn with one attack? They have several instant kill options at their disposal. Shardblade to sever a soul, an armor punch about as strong as a duraluminum enhanced pewter punch, not to mention whatever surge gets granted by a particular Order. The margin for error is extremely slim. If I were a Mistborn there's no way I'm going up against a Radiant openly regardless of level unless absolutely necessary. Anyone 4 oaths in or more I'm not trying to be within a mile of. The only reliable way to kill him would be to keep him from realizing he's in a fight at all. I would approach him in friendship, carefully soothing his emotions to reinforce my trustworthy nature or my harmlessness. I would reach in for a hug. Once within my grasp I'd hit him with duraluminum and chromium to instantly wipe his Stormlight and preventing him from summoning blade or plate. Then, while he's off balance, I'd plant an aluminum dagger in his eye. And hold it there.
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  45. I hope the bomb doesn't explode this time, I'm saving it for later. What's the worst thing you can say before you preform someone else's surgery?
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