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Showing most liked content on 04/26/22 in all areas

  1. Day 13/14 Sorry I missed yesterday, it was a very chaotic day. I’m having a good day today. It’s a very chill day. I never even got close to a panic attack today!!!!! I love you all :)))
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  3. Y'know what would be really funny? If Brandon Sanderson made an undercover account on the Shard and then just RPed and chatted with us. Or like posted theories, some of which he actually ended up using. Or took our theories and went "huh, that's not a bad idea" and found a way to incorporate them. Like, if a fansite was made for me (dunno why it would be, this is very hypothetical), I would 100% make an account without telling anyone who I was and just get to know my fans without them fangirling over me (and I'd also prolly mess with them a bit lol)
  4. I've been rereading the Stormlight Archive (first time since consuming all other cosmere content), and can I just say... THEY ARE THE BEST - THE STORMING BEST BOOKS IN THE WORLD I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but like, bro- these are so so so beautifully crafted. I was reading them, and I was really enjoying them, and then last night (reading WoR), something snapped within me, and the enjoyment has morphed backed into an obsession. enjoy this shallan rant
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  6. We do see that the Singers were kind, welcoming those from Ashyn after they accidentally destroyed their own planet. They gave the Ashynites Shinovar, which is why the whole area is a lot more Earth-like. However, we now see that these Ashynite humans eventually went on to take over the entire planet. The interesting thing to me is that at one point, Odium was the god of the Ashynites, and Honor and Cultivation were the gods of the Singers. So something happened during that ambiguous time lost to history where the two groups basically switched gods. Perhaps conflicts were arising between the two peoples, and the Singers called on Odium for help, or something along those lines. The thing to keep in mind when reading Stormlight is that the real villain is Odium. The Singers, for the most part, are just a people who have constantly been given the short end of the stick. When looking at Singer viewpoints in Words of Radiance and Oathbringer, and especially the scenes where Kaladin temporarily joins a group of Singers, we see that these are good people, with a unique culture, who have suffered and been enslaved for far too long. There are some other scenes in Rhythm of War that kind of help to enforce this. I don't know how the rest of the conflict is going to go, but I do agree that the Singers should be able to live peacefully and freely on their own world again, ruling over it rightfully, once it is all over. If any humans remain on Roshar, then they should be living peacefully with the Singers, instead of trying to rule over them. I'm sure most of the singers would be overjoyed to be freed from Odium, and I think that if all goes well in this war, that goal just might be able to be achieved. Especially if most of the humans are able to return to their original home of Ashyn, though considering the state it's in, I have absolutely no idea of how you'd make it fully habitable again. (Except maybe a Dawnshard, but those are what destroyed it in the first place.)
  7. I'm new here, and I have a whole list. When people at your school who are complete non-Sanderfans know what Shardblades are. When you spend $200 on the Secret Projects. When you have a dream where you hover slightly without realizing it, and attribute the ability to Windrunner powers. When you have another dream where you summon a Shardblade when you're attacked. When the white board at your work always has a stick drawn on it saying "I am a stick." When you're writing a persuasive speech in oral comm about why people should read Brandon Sanderson's books, then get distracted and spend half the class period looking at quotes by Brandon Sanderson. When you stay up till midnight finishing Rhythm of War, then spend another hour and a half reading articles on the Coppermind. When you daydream about meeting someone who is just as big a Sanderfan as you, because you seem to be all alone in your Sanderfan-ness. And I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting, and more that will come in the future.
  8. Update on the neck; we saw a neurosurgeon and HE said he didn't see anything wrong with me on the MRI. Which just... absolutely pisses me off. Apparently the radiologist was wrong? Apparently I'm insane for having so much pain every day for three years? I dunno. But we're going to see another specialist in June down in Iowa City. I cannot tell you how upsetting today has been. I thought that we finally had answers and that there was a clear path to fixing things, but now that hope is just gone. Hopefully we'll get some more answers from the next doctor, but who knows... in the meantime... I guess I'll just keep trekking like I always have.
  9. Yes, at least Cognitive Shadows that can bring their own Physical form to the table, since being the anchor in the Physical Realm is one of their functions. At least one Herald has pulled it off, and they are cognitive shadows. For what it's worth, it's also apparently possible for a Cognitive Shadow to Merge with a spren. That might take shardic intervention, though.
  10. I read about 70% of the first Mistborn book a while back. Apart from that, The Way of Kings is my first cosmere book. You're welcome! Thank you all for following along! Second interlude. Shallan's brother is creepy! I find it unsettling that he likes to kill animals. Reminds me of Ender's brother in Ender's Game. I felt like this interlude was not so much a recounting of events, but rather hinting at events. The moment something happened, the interlude ended! Third interlude Szeth is the most interesting character in this book so far. I really wish he had more chapters. My favorite part was that section about how he speaks like a lighteyes and knows way more than his masters. As I mentioned before, about Kaladin, I enjoy characters who go from a high social standing (or at least from being very worldly) to a low social standing, partly because I went though something similar in my own life and I identify with them (for me it happened in a number of ways, one example being that when I was a kid my family went from upper middle class to lower middle class), partly because I want to see how they get themselves out of the mud whenever they do figure their way around, which usually happens in these stories. (I hope I'm making any sense.) Anyway, I wonder what happened to Szeth to make him Truthless (is that the term that refers to him being bound by the Oathstone?). Also, I realized the first part is called "Above Silence" and I have no idea why, even though I read all of it. Can anyone clue me in?
  11. Ok people this is a long thread because I have to tell you everything that happened over the weekend. As some of you know, I have a crush on a very close friend of mine (K) On Saturday, I did a little Esther Melodrama with K and some other friends for a Primary activity (Latter Day Saint church, iykyk) That was two hours, and was very fun. Then, K carpooled to my house and we spent 4.5 hours making cinnamon rolls. We tried to make them purple, but they turned out gray lmao. They still turned out really good though, and we watched ATLA as well. She then went home to spend like 3 hours getting ready for church prom that night, we were going as friends. (please explain to me. do girls legit take that long to get ready bro????) So, I carpooled with her and her brother (who I am also friends with) to the stake center for the prom, and as per tradition, while I was waiting at their house to leave, I read a few pages of The Rithmatist. I do this every time I'm over there and waiting for something. It's become a ritual. But we're getting off topic!! Anyway, she finishes getting ready and... *ahem* *inhale* OHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHH DUUUUUUUUUUUDE SHE LITERALLY LOOKS SO GORGEUOUS I MEAN WHAAAAAAAT AAAAAAAAAAA SHES SO PRETTTYYYYYYYYYY Anyway, she looks absolutely amazing, and I'm blown away because well (see second line of this post) that. So we go to church prom, pictures happen yadayadayada. All that stuff. We go inside, and it's in the gym (it's indoors thank goodness). We acclamate to the loud chaotic suit/dress filled environment, (the theme was Roarin' Twenties, so I was in a vest and fedora like a champ, and she was in this beautiful red and black bead covered dress,, and her hair was up in this wavy bunch around her head with like mini pearls in it, and she looked absolutely stunning) and then Bang! by AJR starts playing. Now, I've been looping Bang! for weeks, so you already know I start singing along and dancing towards the middle of the dance floor. K's brother C follows me and during the chorus we go absolutely ham. We quite literally started a dance riot for the whole song it was awesome Anyway, the Dance goes like usual, except theres like a photo booth thing behind the stage, so we go do photos. Me and K do a Bonnie/Clyde photo and it's now my phone background because it simply can be. So like three slow songs happen, and I cannot for the life of me come up with the courage to ask her to dance, because I'm a shy loser (but also not but like you know) But, then they play Fix You by Coldplay, and I just blurt out, "K, do you want to dance with me?" She immediately says yes, grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the middle of the gym lmao. We start dancing, and this was easily the best part of the night, because lemme tell ya, slow dancing with someone you know AND also have a crush on???? best. experience. ever. 2 things happened during that dance: (A) twice, I looked down at her (she's like 5'0" and i'm 5'10", and she also took her heels off for the slow dance lol) and she was just smiling up at me, so you already know that was good to see. (B) she did that thing where she just let her head fall forward and rest on my chest for like 3 seconds. that was nice So, we just hung out the whole day basically and prom was the best thing ever I've also come to the realization, that based on everything that happened yesterday, one of two things is true. (1) she likes me back (2) she has just become comfortable around me Thank you for reading my rambling post about my feelings for this girl.
  12. Here's Riva on page 141 of Masquerade after Caden throws her in the mud.
  13. Thank you! I'm happy to be here. I'm happy that I can talk about things here like Cognitive aspects, Spiritwebs, Surgebinding, and supposed gravitational time dilation due to massive amounts of Investiture, and people won't look at me weird. The Shard is a great place. There's another one: You know you're a Sanderfan when you can talk about things like Cognitive aspects, Spiritwebs, Surgebinding, and supposed gravitational time dilation due to massive amounts of Investiture and people look at you weird.
  14. "Hauer, report." "Hauer. Personnel Code R-2-1-T-0-7-E-1-8. Project Osprey." "Confirmed. Report, agent." "Subjects under observation. Actions being observed. Statements, recorded." "Statements are being analyzed?" "Yes, sir. Segregation has begun. We'll discover the targets soon enough." "What's the basis for segregation?" "Instinctive Model, for now. Immediate first response to their statements are used to perform segregation. To be more precise, in an anthropological sense, similar to what one may describe as gut-feeling in a human being." "That... might not provide accurate results, agent. That is a cause for concern." "Instinctive Model is only used in the initial phase of the mission. As observational data volume increases, analysis will shift to the Superimposition Model - combining all data from a subject to form a clearer picture." "Move forward with it. Anything else to note?" "Yes, sir. Subject Falcon has created all permutations of 3-subject lines of communication with two stationary lines at my port and Falcon's. According to observation, similar lines of communication has been opened with other subjects. Order?" "Talk if information is deemed important to be gathered. Otherwise, do not waste your time. If the subject wants to speak with you, they can open a private line of communication." "Understood." "Agent, affix your Segregation Report, along with your Kill Target post-call. Command, out." "Roger that. Hauer and out."
  15. OK, I entirely think the Fools are a cultural construct born out of the Heralds going crazy while wandering Roshar, interacting with people and leaving them disappointed when compared to their mythic persona's. But I like your version way better!
  16. A specific turn of phrase in SP4 caught my eye. Could just be a coincidence, but I think this very specific turn of phrase could be a clue. I've often thought that Nohadon in visions sometimes seems very similar to Hoid. He wrote a whole book of parable type stories that Hoid loves so much. His mannerisms in the Oathbringer dream/vision were also lighthearted in a Hoid-like way. The whole Nohadon dream/vision in Oathbringer felt just like the typical therapeutic pep-talk we've seen Hoid give to Kaladin or Shallan before. Was Nohadon an apprentice to Hoid?
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  17. When I'm really super sad, I cry. And maybe eat chocolate. But usually I just cry. To cheer myself up in general I read books. What's your favorite thing to make with paper? (can be folding, cut crafts, drawings, writing, fire, etc. Basically anything that you can make that includes paper.)
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  18. Am re-reading Oathbringer and can't help but want a Total war game based off the Kholin conquest of Alethkar. They'd need to add new mechanics for the regeneration of shardplate, and for equipment and customization for more than just the army's general so you could have multiple shards in a single army (and ideally make the unit pathing less stupid but let's be honest that's just how Total War works). Extreme High Storm attrition would make places other than cities important to hold, and of course, capturing enemy shards and enhancing your own shardbearers would be a central mechanic. The Thrill would prevent armies from breaking when they fight near it and it would move to battles with high casualties, berserking units that are winning. Potential problems: The Blackthorn in full shards at max rank and accompanied by the Thrill could singlehandedly destroy the standard 2000 men most total war games allow armies to max out at. solution? smaller maps, but larger max army sizes with a 'reserve' mechanic that allows troops to be held back off the map until sent in. It would also be the first total war game to have a reasonable explanation for why your armies don't need supply lines because of soulcasters
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  19. "Ah. Thanks. I'll go there." Nameless gasped. He'd known he forgot someone. How could he have forgotten the Skiens? Admittedly, they wouldn't be coming to the party, but that was no excuse for leaving them out.
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  20. Autumn. What's your favorite season, and why?
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  21. Little late, but welcome!
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  22. Welcome to the shard! I'm glad you're here!
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  23. this player gets it is both ok look example here Quartz Zebra is villager Sapphire Elephant is kandra. ellie is evil terribad no good and stabs zebra zebra dies then ellie devours him to become him & become more powerful & big & stronk & unstoppable ahem anyway ellie loses ellie account, takes over quartz zebra account zebra swaps teams but is not dead yet zebra gets a taken doc with ellie ellie's car now but zebra is wingman riding shotgun until ellie decides he likes sunburst toucan better & steals sunburst's body instead then zebra goes to dead doc still evil and sunburst becomes new wingman bro clear? pls say it's clear
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  24. Honestly, screw politics or money. The feeling of power you get sitting in front of a piano is unmatched.
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  25. So, recently it got confirmed that I'm going on my church mission trip, which is awesome, I went last year and it was the best week of my life. I'm really excited to go again! I actually speak a little Spanish now, so that's nice.
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  26. It's a lack of suspicious presence that fills me with suspicion. I think I'm the one with the color closest to black, so...
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  27. thanks for the follow may i ask after the reasoning tho? as I don't think we've ever interacted on the shard before
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  28. Yes you can. Its a magical extra sense and thus something you can store.
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  29. You keep saying that. I do not think it means what you think it means...
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  30. True, I've definitely wondered what these moons could be, e.g. if they're made of spores too or they just produce spores. Especially with the statement that the moons are 'Big enough to fill a full third of the sky', which seems either impossible (12 x 1/3 = 400% the area of the sky is moons?), or Hoid is exaggerating in his storytelling. Or maybe this means the angle subtended is 1/3 of the horizon (i.e. 1/3 of 180 degrees = 60 degrees), which translates to an area of 6.7% of the sky per moon, meaning the 12 moons together cover 80% of the sky, still pretty extreme. However, the orbits I've drawn and the timescale calculations don't actually care about the mass or composition of the moon, only of the planet. It's the primary mirror of the JWST! I've heard great things about Worm but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I get where you're coming from, but I'm not sure what I could name it without making it completely unclear what the post is about. I could change Lumar to SP1, but surely the fact that the SP1 planet has 12 moons is more 'spoilery' than the fact that its called Lumar. And if I remove 12 moons, then the title is barely descriptive of the content...
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  31. Kelsier is a cat. He's the type that can go out and enjoy killing something and then go back to its family and snuggle. Kaladin is an ostrich, because he like to bury his head in the sand.
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  32. Thank you both!
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  33. But did he break an oath? He never said he wouldn’t steal but that’s splitting hairs and I don’t think this is the place to have this discussion anyways
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  34. I firmly believe that it is not right to punish someone if they aren't proven guilty.
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  35. I would release them, if I can't prove that an individual commited a crime I have no right to punish them.
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  36. Hoid said he would let the world burn if he had to, so I think that is what is going to happen.
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  37. I probably would have judged the same way that the lord did. Imprisonment for all of them. Killing four people, one of whom you know to be innocent, is wrong. Imprisoning an innocent also feels wrong, but as Taravangian said, the lord's duty is to prevent further murders, and I can't let them three murderers remain loose.
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  38. Thank you! Chapter 10 Flashback to Kaladin's childhood. Nice to finally find out who Tien was! It feels almost like the start of another plotline, and I'm curious to see how Kaladin ends up becoming a soldier despite his father trying to make him a surgeon. My theory is that Kaladin's surgery knowledge will come in handy at some point Hm, my rep says I'm an Obligator now; wonder what that is...
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  39. I have always thought the hidden ending was the vision of Roshar being destroyed. We know that is one possible outcome, so what if it is actually THE outcome.
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  40. Any one else feel like this is a wasted opportunity for Shardle to tell you: "This word is not accepted"? That would be sooo cool! PS: Big Wordle fan over here so compliments to the chef on giving us the worldhopper version.
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  41. Given that the back 5 are supposed to be more about the Heralds, I think maybe this could be how the Ten Fools relate back to them.
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  42. Just for fun, I gave some thought as to the hows and whys you'd go about making mechas with the different invested arts. Allomancy: Use Southern Scadrian mechanical allomancy to push and pull on the appropriate parts to move the mecha around. Additional coinshot weapons systems can also utilize mechanical steel burning, or even cadmium bubble grenades like Marasi used in BoM. Unfortunately, it would be hard to scale up very far unless Southern Scadrian technology can store wight from an inanimate object in an iron-mind (or perhaps reinforce the material strength of the mecha in some other way). Awakening: This might actually be the single most intuitive invested art for mecha to arise out of. Thanks to the Law of BioChromatic Parallelism, shaping a gigantic hunk of metal into a humanoid form would actually make it more effective than it would otherwise be (or at least less resource-intense to create). The major hurtle would just be getting enough breaths and finding the right command. AonDor: While it probably can't do everything, AonDor is one of the more versatile invested arts we've seen. Beyond just finding the right Aon and modifier combination to reinforce and animate the mecha, I also imagine you'd also need some sort of 'power core' to fuel the whole thing, possibly incorporating AonRao. One of the obvious downsides to something like this is that it wouldn't function very well outside Arelon's borders, if at all. Dakhor: Instead of an inorganic mecha like other arts, I actually imagine Dakhor making an (at least partially) organic, 'living' mecha from a heavily modified human. It feels like it'd fit Fjorden's general vibe, plus we've already seen Dakhor modify and reinforce skeletal structures before; this would just be taking that existing principle further. Bloodsealing: "Hey, what if we stuck a whole lot of skeletals together into one really big skeletal?" "Duuuuuuude, that would be rad!" - two bloodsealers after partaking of a particular Dzhamarian swamp plant. Surgebinding (and fabrials): With either a radiant or fabrial capable of using the surge of gravitation, you could lighten the mecha enough to get around most square-cube issues as long as you had enough stormlight. I can pretty easily imagine various fabrials being used to make all the parts move in a motion-capture-type way, especially now that Navani's figured out a trick for magnifying an applied force between two parts of a paired fabrial. I also think that, rather than going for a humanoid look, Rosharans would probably take inspiration from greatshells and make animalistic mecha. Rosharans also have the advantage of already having the basic idea of powered armor in widespread circulation, which lends itself well to making the mental leap of "what if we made shardplate but bigger?" Sand Mastery: Possibly the most 'low-tech' mecha type. Build a light frame, probably out of wood, that sand masters can then wrap their lines of sand around and through. Make sure the mecha caries plenty of water with it that the operator can use to rehydrate.
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  43. The sequel is going to be killer, Jewels was taking Clod to Yesteel for some upgrades so we have definitely not seen everything they’ve got yet. With Yesteel making better ichors, I’m almost seeing a Frankenstein’s monster kind of storyline happening
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  44. That is intentional. Each book (with a few exceptions) misspells his name in a different way.
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  45. A glyph for our favorite (umm…) answer. I'm putting it here because uploading to "general" does not work and it's not a SA fanart, even if the alphabet is Rosharian. Big thanks to Harakeke, who translated the alphabet used here. (warning, link leads to WoR subforum) I had to do some guessing for this one.

    © whatever

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  46. Why not twok.wor.o.row.kowt? so book 5 title can be kowt and it has to be an in-world book title of Shinovar so, may be something like keeping oathstone when/ with/while truthless kneeling of worthless truthless or Some such title.
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