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  1. Yes, generally these conversations assume a united planet. Unless you would like us to assume Roshar can: Learn and use Hemalurgy to give a Dustbringer or Edgedancer twin-steel + A-chromium to make a horrifyingly effective killing machine with massive stockpiles of metal thanks to Soulcasting. After all, Hemalurgy is open to everyone even more than Surgebinding is, and as long as they keep below 4 spikes, they should be fine. Learn how to make and use medallions Learn how to make and use Bands of Mourning-esque objects Either intercept or win over people involved with ettmetal and use it for either Leecher cubes or (very theoretically, no book backing for this) even Surge cubes Even better: they can combine ettmetal with spren fabrials to form devices such as Leecher-painrial grenades capable of draining and incapacitating Metalborn nearby Convince, bribe, or coerce the very very very few Twinborn capable of posing any threat into joining them (there's what, five total of the real dangerous types combined at any given time, maybe?) Additionally, Scadrial better hope we're assuming united planets, considering: The North is on the brink of civil war, and this has not been solved, and in fact is probably worse after Bands considering they think Wax killed Kelesina: The South is fighting the "Deniers" (which they are worried enough about to seek out the Bands of Mourning to fight) The North and South have hardly any relationship of any kind besides initial drafts of hypothetical trade agreements made by a few lone people that neither government has even had a look at yet, much less approved, and certainly not any close military alliance
  2. I’m suddenly obsessed with memes insulting Moash. Here’s another!! (plus some more)
  3. So a random weird game idea I just had: A Serial Killer type role but with a very nonstandard killing power based on information gathering. Every night they can submit one role+alignment guess for each player. All players whose roles and alignments were both correctly guessed on that night are attacked. Now, this would be horribly unbalanced in anything but an extreme role madness game, probably one where each player has a unique role or set of roles, and there are some possible configurations of roles that never even appear in the game. But for such a game, it might be balanced. The Serial Killer starts out extremely weak and probably unable to kill anyone on the first cycle, but gets stronger as they accumulate more information, to the point where if the other factions let them live into the late game they are a massive threat who could theoretically end the game in a single night. Serial Killers often have a much harder time hiding in the late game compared to the early game, so this sort of escalation sort of works. Also, it gives the Serial Killer quite a bit more to do than just avoid being caught. Also, it provides a significant mechanical incentive for everyone else to avoid roleclaiming like the plague, which might be desirable in some setups. Idk how well it would actually work, but I am generally rather fond of unusual SK roles that impact how the village and elims play the game.
  4. Yes, yes we are. We established multiple times that we're assuming a United Roshar and a United Scadrial, to keep things simple. Otherwise, you're dealing with complicated geopolitics for both planets and an interplanetary war. That makes things complicated for both planets and is generally no fun. Cool, let's start talking about all the Metalborn that can defect to Roshar and potentially help them figure out the anti-light equivalent to the mists! Two inconvenient facts: 1. RoW happens 5 to 10 years before Alloy of Law. Kaladin went from proto Radiant to Oath 4 in about 3. There are some 200 other Radiants currently progressing. You're looking--conservatively--at about 100 Oath 4 Radiants. 2. Adolin's entire story arc in RoW was ensuring that were absolutely would be more Radiants. Can you point out to me a place in Roshar or Scadrial that is completely and utterly devoid of stone? The funny thing about planets suitable for human life is that they generally have a crust made from rock. Okay, this is a fair point, actually. Scadrian's have access to an ability that can make anyone a super genius, and abilities that make for wonderful spies and scouts. However, this is ignoring the fact that Rosharans also have tactical geniuses, also have Realmatic geniuses, and also are capable of spying and strategizing. I think Scadrial would edge them out in the tactics and laymen weapons department, but do not assume that Rosharans are bumbling fools that wouldn't be hitting them hard and adapting too. Again: Roshar has 5 to 10 years to advance in tech and tactics. Assuming United Roshar, that means the full R&D might of a Urithiru where ancient Singers, Heralds, and humans are working together. It's not like we're literally sending WoK-style spear formations at them. My loyalty? I have no loyalty, except to the (fictional fantasy universe lol) facts. The accusation of bias--while gently and humbly delivered props for that--is somewhat laughable in the face of your willingness to afford Scadrial every advantage including asserting that a significant population of rifleman are going to even remotely resemble Wax. I've said it before--this isn't supposed to be a "Roshar good, Scadrial bad" discussion or the other way around. It was supposed to be a hypothetical scenario to play with ideas and conflicting magic systems and see who we think would ultimately have the advantage. If you feel Scadrial isn't being represented, why not bring up the "Hemalurgic Fullborn abomination" scenario that's been brought up? A United Scadrial actually has the power to make Fullborn. That argument alone ended the last S v R thread, why don't we talk about that? Instead we're grasping at straws, floundering about, and ignoring the canon of the books repeatedly in a floundering attempt to assert that Metalborn should be able to slap Radiants around like ragdolls when no intellectually honest and sufficiently read individual would even entertain the notion. End Rant.
  5. Pfft, whatever Dannex This is one of the most iconic games out there. Not only was it the birthplace of AraRaash, it’s why my pfp and my cover image in my profile are what they are. And that’s not even mentioning the Shouty-Shout Agency.
  6. Okay, I have to post this before the Bad Pun Police stop me: What did Tanavast get at the science fair??
  7. You know what? That's fair. Wider cosmere implications are fascinating.
  8. So I just rewatched A Quiet Place to prepare for the sequel, and I realized that, in the Quiet Place universe, farting has become a leading cause of death. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
  9. Ok, this one’s not a honor pun, but it’s still “good”: Why did Leras and Kabsal become friends?
  10. Apologies if any of these have been done before: EDIT: I keep adding more. I really like the Cap in the elevator template... XD
  11. Okay so I posted a theory about Odium’s champion in the ROW lore/magic thread and I feel like nobody saw it or maybe just thought it was too unlikely or insane or something... BUT I was just rereading the ROW prologue and gosh I’m so damn convinced that Odium’s champion is going to be Gavilar!! This is what he says to Navani in the prologue: This is freaking me out. Like at first I was just trying to think through all the possible candidates for Odium’s champion and people like Szeth just seemed a bit too obvious to me, so I thought who would be the most surprising AND crippling to Dalinar? And who better than Gavilar himself, the one he looked up to and failed. Now I do actually think this could be possible! And maybe even likely from these words that Gavilar says. And since we know that the next prologue is going to be from Gavilar’s perspective, what if we get to the part where he’s killed and he appears in the cognitive realm and finds a way to stick around? He was slightly invested like Eshonai was. And the more info we get about him (RoW prologue and Venli flashbacks), the more we learn how much crazy cosmere stuff Gavilar was in on. His relationship to the heralds, and to Axindweth who seems to clearly be a worldhopper of who knows what allegiance - he even seems to know of Kelsier/Thaidakar. So what if he figured out a way to stick around and his motives are not what we think. His whole stint with the Sons of Honour seem to have been a cover for other intentions, since he already knew the heralds were around? It just seems crazy to me how much Gavilar was in on - like where did he get those void light and, especially, the anti-voidlight spheres?! So many questions. Can we get all the answers to them in one prologue? Or will we get those answers from Gavilar as an actual character in the next book!! He is so obsessed with being extraordinary, with unending existence, so what if he finds the opportunity for this by joining Odium’s forces? I at least think it’s possible that we will find out in the prologue that Gavilar has stuck around, and if he does I think he would be an excellent and surprising candidate for Odium’s champion. Also one death rattle I remembered could perhaps support this theory... Interested to read thoughts!
  12. From the album: Biochromatic photoshops

    I asked for knowledge, and was cursed with Vision.
  13. Yes a tank dropped in the middle of pre ww1 forces isn't garunteed to be almost unstopable, uh, no, they will destroy. There will be far more Windrunners/skybreakers than there are Coinshots, and flying ships would take years to build but could be destroyed in seconds Elendel basin is on the verge of civil war, and north and south don't trust each other, I think it's best for you to assume both sides are unified, as Roshar is a lot closer to that than Scadrial is. I also find it ammusing you think Scadrial needs Rosharan magic to beat Roshar. They can go through the ground beneath them and fly how do you propose to trap them in a box? And a net wouldn't work. There are plenty of Thunderclast. Draining Stormlight won't do anything, neither will draining Voidlight, and they make bodies almost instantly. Saying that they would take more force when moving towards them asumes they get hit, which vastly decreases the faster they go. And no, an ordinary marksmen isn't shooting bullets out of the air, with enough accuracy to hit something around a corner. That is supperhuman I highly doubt it will be possible to use medalions to become fullborn. In fact I'd go so far as to say inpossible. In order to burn the nicrocil you need to be a nicroburst, so that is your allomantic metal, but medalions contain two metals that you need to use so you would have to be able to burn both of them something you can't do, esspecially since you can only use one medallion at a time. Mistborn are non-existent and evern in era three they will be rare, Brandon isn't putting something in that can make any random non into a fullborn. No they aren't Scadrial has never dealt with Shards, and the powers the Rosharans have are far beyond them, they haven't practiced war in over three hundred years, even our moddern police forces which are much better equiped wouldn't be able to hanndle a single oath four, and even the US Military would be hard pressed to fight one. CR travel distance will not increase in any dramatic fashion, And Roshar isn't far behind Scadrial in space travel, and in fact are several decades ahead. Saying a nicroburst could cause a thunderclast to explode is like saying they will instantly kill a human as they burn up their soul, it's wrong.
  14. Those are the terms. Doesn’t specifically mention a fight I suppose…but it’d be quite the triathlon if they had to participate until the death lol
  15. We have no clue what nicrosil compounding does, and for medallions the nicrosil portion works like Copper (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/316/#e11247) and Compounding Copper might not do much (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/122/#e3327). We also don't know if you can store abilities granted by Medallions into different metalminds, as those are technically foreign to the Body/Soul. They would be nothing like Revan, as Revan was fighting against forces he first intentionally depleted, and whose battle tactics he devised along with top general that seceded with him. Sure they will think fast and come to conclusions with great speed, but they need information to work off, so they would need to see tactics/strategies and powers first, they are not psychic. For rioting soldiers -> suppressors, so Rosharan's are shielded and Scadrial forces can be randomly disrupted by lashing suppresors. Also Radiants are shielded thanks to being heavily Invested + Plate, *-form Singers are also most likely a bit more resistant since they are already under similar effect, and Fused are heavily invested Cognitive Shadows. But mental manipulation is a nice idea, so let's unleash Thrill on unprepared Scadrians, and maybe add Heart of Revel on their command center. Also why are you bringing up other fictional universes with completely different rules? Of course each side would try to play to their strengths and would prepare their strategies accordingly. This however means that Rosharans and their Radiants would try to force encounters in close quarters, and since they have much better mobility they would be able to do so more often than not. Scadrial has access to exactly one perpendicularity on their planet, and to only two on Roshar and both of those are not easily accessible (mountain peak and underwater; either at Origin, or in the middle of super-hurricane) and so would really complicate invasion. Radiants with gravitation can easily fly 2km high (out of range of anything Scadrial has available at this time), and drop down under 10 seconds under six lashings. Since they cancel normal gravity when lashing, any direction is as easy to travel into so the height is not a problem. And since Kal (at 3rd Oath) flew few thousands km as fast as he could using only the light he could carry, I think they are safe on that front. So these Radiant can appear in the sky over the Scadrian camp, and drop down faster than anyone could shoot them (and they can form their spren into shields, and since they are right on top of them, they would shield most of their body). Radiants with Transportation can literally appear in the middle of camp, again forcing close quarters battle, which favours Radiants a lot. (and they could carry some other Radiants with them). Stonewards could probably form tunnels and lead the rest to the camp, again popping up in the middle of the camp. Thunderclasts can form wherever they want, so they would simply form, again, in the middle of Scadrian camp, behind the cannons (or you know, right under the cannons, disabling them just by appearing). Only Scadrian cannons can have range of thousands of yards, their rifles have at best range of ~1000 meters (and that is effective range which assumes every other shot misses), and revolvers have effective range of tens of meters only, at best 50. Also Scadrial has absolutely no fabrials that can serve as ability enhancers, unless you mean medallions, but even those are not exactly making someone much more deadly from range. Wax's skills are completely and utterly legendary, in Era 3 they will have comic books of him for christ sake. To claim that anyone could train to be that good is utterly ridiculous. He had one in a generation talent, maybe even rarer, you will never see armies with his accuracy, only individuals maybe. And the only rapid-fire weapons Scadrial has are few relatively new machine guns, and those are comparable to gatling guns, which were accurate to somewhere between 180 and 800 meters (and again this is effective range, which assumes every other shot misses). These are distances Radiant can cover in seconds with lashings. There are maybe a 100 total Metalborn alive that could challenge 3rd Oath Radiant, and a few dozen at best that could do that to 4th Oath Radiant, mostly good F-steel twins. Killed Metalborn is lost forever, killed Radiant gets replaced relatively fast, especially in the middle of war. It might snap some, but since Sazed changed it, most snap so easily that nearly everyone that can has already snapped. Thunderclasts would not do Scadrians the favor of appearing away from their camp, they would simply form right under. So no cannons or artillery (unless you had a system of camps where each one kept some cannons pointed at the others, to which I say there are more than one thunderclast), explosives would wipe out your own forces and would only temporarily disable Thunderclast (until it formed a new body). Those hammers are probably not ordinary hammers but Shard hammers, wielded by plated individuals, so nothing Scadrial could do on their own (unless there were multiple F-pewter ferring that survived the initial appearance). Also the stone body is only effectively a puppet, the Thunderclast itself is the Fused soul within, so the only thing that might hurt it are Leechers, but there are two complications Chromium burns fast, (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/101/#e881) and Cognitive Shadows are heavily invested, and Fused even more so. Chromium works like larkin do, and larkin don't kill Fused or Cognitive Shadows, hence leecher might take away their Voidlight, but the Fused animating the stone would remain unharmed. What effect would have that on the stone body is a good question, but to leech away all the Voidlight would probably take at least at least a dozen seconds of sustained contact, which would be detrimental to health of a Leecher. Not to mention that Thunderclasts would most likely not attack alone, add in a couple of Lightweaver to take advantage of the chaos and it would get real fun.
  16. Here is Elsa as different orders of Knights Radiant and as Highprincess of Fashion. Enjoy!
  17. (0.) Choice or crying Honor, death or flying Light, storm or dying Life (1.) Death to Storms (2.) Light flying (3.) Dead Honor cries (4.) "Choice." (I.) References Choice or crying honor, death or flying light, storm or dying life? "Death to Storm and Light flying," o dead Honor cries. "Choice..."
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  18. So after listening to some excellent podcasts from Shardcast and their musings on the weirder things in the cosmere, I was struck by a theory about the term "Vax". There have been other posts here about Vax and various explanations, but the comments were closed, so here goes. I believe that Vax IS a location...in the Beyond/Spiritual Realm. Going off of Ati's last words before he goes to the beyond, he dies, shows up in the cognitive realm, looks around, and asks (mostly to himself) "Vax?", gets suckerpunched by our pal Kelsier, and stretches away to infinity. I think he was expecting to be in the beyond, and that it is possible for some, probably just shards, to travel there and back. Adonalsium could probably do it, so why not the shards? Brandon has said in the Arcanum that investiture works differently in Vax than other places, and considering the spiritual realm is the source of all investiture, I can't help but think it makes sense. Your thoughts?
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  19. From the album: Biochromatic photoshops

    An illustration of a fun idea posted on Karger's thread: "Amazing Yet Stupid Things to Do With Breath"
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  21. That's my thought - she isn't quite there yet and goodness it's bothering her. Context for this next reaction: not only is my sister an art historian/anthropologist with a master's degree and a nerdy streak a mile wide. She has ridden horses since she was 10. So her geeky research brain is making her as paranoid as Elhokar.
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  22. *pulls fire alarm* DID YOU SAY SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY?!? Hehehe that was fun. And also yes this game feels iconic to me. Partly because I think it was my first LG, and also Ararash. hyyyyyype! And yeah there was a little game discussion. A very little. Also transcripts are interspersed in the LG66 thread.
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  23. A platted Radiant is basically a tank. I do know it will be the case, we went zero to fifty full Radiants in about a year and a half, and with Adolin's plotline that number will only go up. And that's without the Skybreakers. Meanwhile Coinshots are rare, we saw only a small handfull, not entire regiments. And what will be the problem? the airships that can be put out of commition in a hundreth of time it takes to make? How? It has not the outer cities still do not trust Elendel and the basin is not a cohesive nation, just city states. Any magic system can be co-opted by anyone, and the metalic arts are easier to steal. Really? Coalition is working just fine for Radiant Nations, Odium's Nations are unified, With Maya's revelation Spren will come around etc. The fact that there is a planet says there will be rock, do you think it's just soil all the way to the mantel? And they couldn't make bodies of dirt A few Scadrians will not be able to shoot thousands of bullets in that time, that would require hundreds. And then there will be multiple Radiants so they can't all focus on one. Oh really? Are there plenty of them? Yes we see them all over in the past Kholinar, Kalak's battle, at Theylan's field, and that time only the weaker of Odium's forces had come, do you think there are only a few of them? Really? A corrupted Spren brought one as an escourt, you don't do that with scares weapons. Can they hold storm/voidlight? no, no gem heart, so obviously it isn't dependednt on light. Make bodies almost instantly, Yes we see that. How? There are two metals and you need both, Wax specifically notices this and Brandon has unintentionally confirmed https://wob.coppermind.net/events/332/#e9579 https://wob.coppermind.net/events/316/#e11247 Additionally Medallions are more restirctive than the actual feruchemy https://wob.coppermind.net/events/361/#e11519 There are liekly additional restrictions https://wob.coppermind.net/events/402/#e13353 Dealing with Shards makes no difference? Really? A man who can survive multiple bullets without being scratched changes eerything My loyalty is towards Roshar? I like it more enough to ignore factual evidence no. You accuse me of repeating points but ignore yourself? I can find posts from months ago of you saying the same thing you are now. You ignore the closest thing we have to cannon in exchange for what suits your oppinions. The only thing I reppeat are the fact you refuse to acknowledge It's not about being a bond, it's about being Connection, if it is they can steal it, and even if not they can seriously mess up someone's soul It's the second metal you need to worry about.
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  24. I never mentioned a Tank that would come later. It doesn't matter if you think the numbers favor Windrunners/Skybreakers over Coinshots. A you don't know that will be the case, and B it is not just coinshots that they need to worry about. No that has been resolved. No it is a weakness of Rosharan magic that it can be co-opted by anyone. Given the current situations it is more likely that Roshar is divided so making an assumption of unity is naive especially given the warlike nature of both the Alethi and Odium. Break their dirt bodies first since they are surrounded. Nothing says there will be rock to form the body from. You don't know that. Any of it. Thousands of bullets and flack, of course they will be hit, and most wont have armor. Even the ones that do it will be a source of stormlight loss because of impacts if not entirely ineffective against some projectiles. Sorry I don't think you have thought this through and I disagree. You actually only need one medallion at a time to become a Fullborn if the first medallion grants Nicrosil compounding. Dealing with shards makes no difference since Roshar has practiced archaic war not modern war. They are not equivalent. Tsun Tsu's army would be wiped out in short order by Sherman's battalion. There really is no comparison. Only later would Rosharans start to get up to speed. You are overestimating Rosharan Magic, weapons, and tactics. No its more like what happened with the light, anti-light in the gemstone. I thought that was obvious. Another thing I thought was obvious was that the stunning of the Spren would be caused by the massive surge followed by no void light at all. At which point they are very vulnerable to capture at the very least. One other weakness to Thunderclasts is the material at hand. Maybe that is why we have seen them so seldom. Your loyalty and bias toward Roshar is admirable if misplaced. honestly I would have skipped responding to you like I have been for days if I didn't have time on my hands and if someone else had responded. I would have skipped it not because you have particularly insightful arguments, but just the opposite. At least the runner and Technivore among others force me to consider how to respond and frequently bring up challenging points even if I don't always see eye to eye with them. Really though you thought this discussion was out of ideas and yet you still respond to me. You keep saying the same things, and think that proves your bias. Yes but what shape will the united Roshar be in. You cannot assume it will simply consist of a merger of the current forces. You can assume that Scadrial might because their political situation appears to be mostly resolve or at least on the verge of it. Aluminum is the anti-metalborn answer. Of course it is also a general response to investiture as well. Metalborn don't need the mists to operate so anti-mists are kind of a non starter. It is the difference between stormlight and metal. one is a powersource, and the other is a bridge so what works for one wont necessarily work for the other, except Aluminum. Kaladin could very well be the exception since there are only 2 modern 4th oath Radiants and it has been stated that Higher oath radiants were few in the past compared to the total numbers. Again that was a relative statement so doesn't define specific limits. For now 4th oath radiants are about 1/100 if your estimate of total Radiants is accurate. I suspect Shallon with be 4th oath soon which will make it 1/70. The developments in RoW also potentially insures a drastic decline in the Spren population. Not all rock is equal or structurally durable, and thunderclasts are limited to the available materials. Yes potentially tactical geniuses in medievil warfare, but that doesn't compare to late 19th and early 20th century tactics. the differences in Tech is not 5-10 years but centuries. The difference in timeline is 5-10 years. Not the same. With their military focus Roshar could probably get up to speed quicker than other cultures, but would experience drastic losses in the beginning, and Scadrians wouldn't stop advancing as well. You will notice my own implied bias in the statement which I have chosen because I think Scadrial has been under represented. In actual fact I think this would be a nasty near equal contest with terrible casualties on both sides. From this time forward even Spren and Fused can be utterly destroyed not just become dead eyes or insane. I don't ignore the books cannon I just don't always agree with what others think is cannon. I really don't think metalborn would slap Radiants around like ragdolls, but I don't think the inverse is true either. Since I see a lack of that perspective I choose to focus on ways metalborn and Scadrians could challenge Radiants. First before we address the potential to create fullborn in era 2 let me address one of the supposed uber Radiant attacks. It has been stated by some that a bondsmith might be able to steal the bond from a metalborn, but because mistings and ferrings abilities don't rely on bonds for their magic like Radiants do don't think there would be a bond for a bondsmith to steal. Because of the nature of the abilities of a Nicrosil compounder to be able to store pure investiture there is the potential for them to become a full born. First they would need to get medallions (avoid hemalugy because of the spirit holes it creates) for each of the metal arts which you might need as few as 6 to 8 of each can store up to 3 powers. After the N-C stores each ability they compound that ability to gain both power and duration of its use. Then they do the same with each other medallion. Once they have stored and compounded each of the metalborn abilities they can then proceed to add the other 30 metalmind to compound those for both duration and power and stock up on those same metals for allomancy. It would be easiest to start with a N-C, but might be achieved using a Nicrosil compounder medallion as well. As a fullborn the N-C would be able to compound but would miss out on other forms of resonance that normal twins might develop. They might also need to be using 2 power at once to access their full adopted abilities. The limit to their degree of ability would be the storage capacity of their many metalminds and the sever leaning to really use those powers most effectively singly and in combination. The more likely situation to using Nicrosil this way would be squads of complimentary twinborn where they can become masters of specific abilities instead of a Jack of Trades of abilities. Any fullborn might want to master being a sparker first, followed by a slider to give them time to plan how to use their abilities most effectively on the verge of combat. Aluminum even for a fullborn would still be a potential problem, and perhaps more so. I think we will see aluminum cuffs in era 3 because it can potentially cause metalborn problems and inhibit their abilities. I think a fullborn created this way could fight at a 4th oath radiant to a draw and depending on what we 5th oaths able to do maybe them too in one on one combat. The balance might be tipped by any additional factors for either. I have shied away from hemalurgy for the same reason Hoid does. Too much downside for the power. Where a bondsmith might not affect other metalborn, they would almost certainly destroy a hemalurgic abomination which is why Harmony probably wont use Marsh in any conflict. Any Radiant who dared to use Hemalurgy would be increasingly vulnerable to being controlled and destroyed. I did think about it though. It is likely that only an aluminum compounder could use hemalurgy to their advantage to become a fullborn because they have the potential to erase any spirit holes created by the process while permanently adding connections to the various powers into their identity so might not become a hemalugic abomination. Thanks for the hemalurgic abomination mention though. Medallion method is safer and potentially more effective. Assuming that I haven't read or haven't sufficiently read to come to my own conclusions as to what is and is not cannon is also disingenuous. I don't think I have accused any of you of not following cannon in the books only in disagreeing with me on what is cannon or more often in over emphasizing some potentials while underplaying others. In response I have chosen to strongly emphasize some counter potentials while downplaying others. Thanks for the fullborn challenge. I suppose we could go into more specifics on how a fullborn would fare against the current ultimate Radiant. It would probably still come down to whether one or the other could arrange the situation to their advantage not to who has more powerful magic. Even the smallest thing could probably tip the scales in a fight at that level and I hate to consider the collateral damage that would be involved. That fight might make a great case study of the magics. Even how the fullborn was created would likely affect the contest. Of course that also opens the potential to squads of varied metaborn and squads of varied Radiants clashing. The learning curve for a created fullborn would be huge.
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  25. Interesting, if a tad infuriating when trying to figure out what about me this quiz seemed to think indicated I would make a good lightweaver. Regardless, thank you for your input.
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  26. I asked the Magic 8 Ball, and it answered similar to my thoughts and Frustration. ”Signs point to yes”
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  27. Someone asked Brandon about them before RoW released. There is a possibility that the two aren't related, but knowing Brandon and the fact that he has a person whose job it is to keep track of the timeline, it might be that some of the Fused are traveling around the cosmere. Speaking of timeline, here is a WoB that mentions that Shadows is before Stormlight timeline-wise. For some reason, I remember something about it being set around book 7 of Stormlight, but I can't find anything like that anywhere. Maybe I'm just confusing some things, though.
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  28. Wasn't complaining, just observing! I felt I needed context for my post. Yall do yall.
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  29. Watching Love and Monsters. It's pretty good, setting aside the fact that I have to fight the urge to throw up every five minutes. Apocalypse by giant insects. And I just ate.
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  30. Welcome, we do that sometimes.
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  31. Vax has an associated system of Investiture and a way to be Initiated into it. The Spiritual Realm basically is Investiture. The two are not going to be one and the same.
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  32. How many Nicrocil compounders have ever existed? How many exist? Radiants are uneffected doesn't even matter for a Thunderclast They have one perpendicularity not dozens, I never said they couldn't just that they only have one way to do so, and one that can be easily taken away. Conflict will not snapp new metalborn, snapping has changed they have already snapped Chromium likely would not have any significant effect on a Thunderclast as it would have to leech their souls, which they likely can't do Even if they could do that it would be far too slow to actually incapasitate them as Chromium burns too quickly https://wob.coppermind.net/events/101/#e881 Heavy artillery will not save them, maybe with really high grade explosives, they might do something, but always at great risk to themselves as Thunderclast can littrerally pop out of any stone, why would they place themselves a mile away from everything?
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  33. Imo it should be Kaladin vs. Moash. That would bring their arc since the fracture that occurred in WoR to a final close in a monumental way.
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  34. So I guess every Scadrian soldier becomes Waxillium Dawnshot if you give him an aluminum pistol and a pass to Roshar. Even an aluminum gnat is metalborn so he is automatically the most deadly gunslinger in the Cosmere. Meanwhile Shardplate is as strong as wet cardboard as long as it gets hit with an aluminum bullet and the literal Surges of Creation are a minor inconvenience to deal with for a Mistborn. No offense but how ridiculous does that sound? Just say you like the Mistborn books over Stormlight. That'd be more honest. As powerful as Wax is the only way he beats Jasnah is with the Bands. I'd give Kaladin about equal odds even if you gave Wax the Bands. The only people from Scadrial's magic system that can stand toe to toe with a full Radiant regardless of order is a Fullborn. Next likely is an R-Inquisitor or a Double Steel or Double Gold twin. Then it's standard Inquisitors, Full Feruchemists and finally Mistborn with Atium. Those are literally it. I don't care what type of Mistings or Ferring you throw at a 4th Ideal Radiant, a candle flame in a hurricane has a better chance. I'd be willing to change my mind if Scadrial had modern weaponry and Roshar had no way to get it. As it stands now there are at most 5 people in the entire Mistborn series that would stand a chance of beating a Radiant. Vin, Marsh, Sazed, TLR and maybe Wax. As far as armies, maybe Scadrial can mount an entire army full of Metallic Arts users. Unlikely but possible. But to rely on the regular soldiers to snap en route or once the fighting starts would be incredibly foolish. How many Mistings are worth anything in direct combat? Steel, Iron, Pewter. Everything else is either useless or strictly support. Meanwhile every Radiant on the field would be a menace, every individual with Plate is a tank, and Surges are just as much a gamechanger as post Civil War guns are.
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  35. Lightweavers are not defined. That is kind of the point. We are infinitely variable or at least act like we are. This tends to make us unreliable but also allows us a kind of adaptation most other people can't quite crack.
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  36. Registrations for scrubs like me open up on noon eastern on the 29th (so next Saturday). I don't see on the website how many are remaining, so I'm planning on playing the old F5 game. Last time I went, we didn't do anything formal, but those of us from the Shard were basically going to the same panels, and then we all kind of hung out in the game hall or the lobby. I'm planning to bring Mistborn: House War and Call to Adventure: Stormlight, and maybe some RPG books so I have an excuse to bring along the fancy new metal dice, so you'll probably be able to find me with the board games, at least.
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  37. Ah yes, why would priest be studing odly phrophetic words that dying people speak. You know better question. Why wouldn't people be studing it?
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  38. No it isn't, it's A way, but not THE way.
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  39. I mean, that was only the second worst thing to happen to her. She is an orphan after all.
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  40. Mistborn adventure game Edit I pulled both images for this meme from coppermind so credit to Ben McSweeney and Shuravf respectively
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  41. My problem with this theory is that Shallan isn't an only child, but one of 5 and the other 4, who are her full siblings, are fairly undistinguished. Nor does it explain why a Herald would have chosen to marry Lin Davar, of all people, and pop out 5 kids in quick succession. The only connection between Chana and Shallan is that both have red hair if the picture is to be trusted, but that's not enough, surely? Concerning "mother's soul" shining in the safe, now that we know about liitle Shallan's interaction with a Seon, this is what it likely alludes to. As to Lady Davar's secrets, I now suspect that she was the first Ghostblood in this family. And that her attack on Shallan was an attempt to force her daughter to demonstrate her abilities for an associate. Veil's experience may not have been completely fictious, after all - Shallan may have been groomed into a Ghostblood operative by her mother.
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  42. It won't happen. Taravangian clearly stated that this has to work no matter what Dalinar chooses. The idea is to checkmate him. Placing a child forward would force Dalinar to sacrifice several valuable peaces but if he went through with it Dalinar's victory would be total. For Taravangian to do this he would have to be absolutely certain that Dalinar won't go through with it. Sure it seems like a great plan at first but if you think about it you are essentially depending on Dalinar acting a certain way. Given that Taravangian made the mistake of underestimating him once already him doing it a second time seems rather foolish.
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  43. Gavilar appears to be heavily invested with Plotium.
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  44. I disagree. I think you're spot on for the 'common' or 'lesser spren,' those without sapience. But we also know that Radiant spren have a personhood in addition to their raw investiture and that any sufficiently-large body of investiture will gain cognizance. So while the investiture itself may well have been annihilated, I think it unlikely that the 'soul' or personhood of Phendorana was similarly wiped out. It's a difficult set of distinctions to draw, but a big theme so far in Stormlight has been the agency and personhood of the Spren (particularly the Radiant Spren) and it seems out of theme for them to revert to 'lesser beings' upon death than humans.
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  45. VERY compelling... I think you may really be on to something. One question: what is the evidence Gavilar was Invested when he physically died?
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  46. Damnation it, thank you. This is exactly how I feel about a lot of this. People keep saying sexuality changes their world view and I DON"T GET IT. What changes, I seriously want to understand. I've asked my friend, and he just shrugs. And writing-wise, BS not having people's identity centered on their sexuality is not bad as that represents a sub-group in the LGBT community. I can see people wanting to see someone who does have their sexuality an important factor (Though I will say, the cultures on Roshar may throw some monkey wrenches into that.) but we should not say he is doing rep badly.
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  48. Awaken a salad and let them create an account on this site.
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  49. I find this one funny.
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  50. Spoilered this one because it's spoilery Here is a non-spoiler one
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