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  1. Lol okay so, I get on, one of the first things I do is check for spambots, and I find one. In the about me she says "to meet and storm her" and I went ?????? for a good 10-20 seconds trying to figure out if this was an innuendo I was missing before remembering our swear filter You're not even sure about your own product, I think you MIGHT JUST be a scam too I'm dying, this is legit just a shutter ad. I thought it was a weird nickname but they're genuinely selling something they call the Ultimate Shutter. Why is this so hilarious https://www.17thshard.com/forum/profile/41834-ultimate-shutter/ *deadpan voice* oh no Man, we had a lot of spammers today...
  2. With the Radiants?! No way!
  3. From the album: Painted Mistborn Minis

    I recently finished painting the mini’s for the Mistborn House War board game and it’s expansion, The Siege of Luthadel. These were a lot of fun to paint and I’m very happy with how they turned out. Enjoy!
  4. Ok. You probably gave 50% of the forums a jolt of nostalgia!
  5. From the album: Painted Mistborn Minis

    I recently finished painting the mini’s for the Mistborn House War board game and it’s expansion, The Siege of Luthadel. These were a lot of fun to paint and I’m very happy with how they turned out. Enjoy!
  6. I'm thinking Truthwatcher
  7. Have you watched the Magic School Bus? After Arnold says, “Please let this be a normal field trip,” Wanda says, “with the Frizz?” and then all the other kids say, “No way!” So I was basically continuing the intro. Continuing: Surging down Hearthstone, you’re relaxed and feeling good, next thing that you know you’re seeing - a Fused in the neighborhood?!
  8. Just got my first moderna shot! Second is scheduled too. Nice to have done finally.
  9. I wanted to know their stories and felt it was important that they shouldn’t be forgotten. I also interviewed both my grandmothers and my great-uncle. I was going to go to England to interview my great-aunt, but she died before I could. When Covid lets up enough for me to travel I’ll be going to interview her children and grandchildren. There aren’t so many Survivors left that we can afford to lose the stories of those that remain.
  10. I'm currently rereading tWoK, and came across an interesting passage in an early Shallan chapter. “For a few extended moments, Shallan was back in that hallway again, watching something that should not be: a heretic wielding one of the most sacred powers in all the world. The power of change itself, the power by which the Almighty had created Roshar. He had another name, allowed to pass only the lips of ardents. Elithanathile. He Who Transforms.” It could definitely be coincidence, but "the power of change itself" seems too spot on as a description of the Change Dawnshard. "The power by which the Almighty had created Roshar". Now, we know that Roshar was created by Adonalsium, not Honor, but we also know that the Dawnshards were used in the creation of all things. Also, we now know that Soulcasters originated in Aimia, the location of the Change Dawnshard. Is it possible that the Dawnshard was used in the creation of these fabrials? It sort of makes sense, seeing as Soulcasters "change" a substance into something else entirely. Now, this could simply be one of the ten aspects of the Almighty, relating to the Surge of Transformation, not the Change Dawnshard, but I thought it was worth pointing out.
  11. From the album: Painted Mistborn Minis

    I recently finished painting the mini’s for the Mistborn House War board game and it’s expansion, The Siege of Luthadel. These were a lot of fun to paint and I’m very happy with how they turned out. Enjoy!
  12. From the album: Painted Mistborn Minis

    I recently finished painting the mini’s for the Mistborn House War board game and it’s expansion, The Siege of Luthadel. These were a lot of fun to paint and I’m very happy with how they turned out. Enjoy!
  13. From the album: Painted Mistborn Minis

    I recently finished painting the mini’s for the Mistborn House War board game and it’s expansion, The Siege of Luthadel. These were a lot of fun to paint and I’m very happy with how they turned out. Enjoy!
  14. Just got my act scores got a 33
  15. Is this the Radiant bridge crew?
  16. It’s so great of you to do this, Tesh. I don’t have an diagnosed mental illnesses myself, but I have close family who do, and it’s always great to see it recognized. You are all amazing people, and I wish all the strength in the world to you. I don’t know some of you enough to give the sort of specific support I would like to, but I’ll do my best with those I do. @Shard of Thought, I hate seeing you hurting, too. That letter to yourself is maybe one of the most sad, but also wholesome and uplifting things, I’ve ever read. And it’s because you’re so genuine and real. And because I care about you. We’re a fantasy community here, and we read a lot of sad things that happen in fiction. Characters who go through horrible things. But you may be living through that in real life, and I hate that that has to happen to anyone. But I know that, just like the characters we all love, you will persevere and come out better for it, and that’s because of the kind of person you are. You’re fierce in all the best ways, and both you and your friends are lucky for it. You won’t let this get the better of you, and neither will we. @Tesh, you are a genuinely amazing person. I am constantly happily surprised every time I learn something new about you. I’m not generally into musicals, but your unbridled love of them makes me happy every time I see you talk about it. And the same goes for all your other passions. I’m so glad you’re coming to learn more about yourself. It’s always great when we can discover something new about who we are, or have what we’ve always know validated, and I hope it helps you deal with all the challenges you will have to face. Now and in the future. @Vapor, you don’t have to say anything, if you can’t put it into words. I understand that. But I do want to say that you are a sweet, kind, and strong friend. I say that as, I hope, a friend of yours, and also I’m sure for all of the other people who care so much for you. We are lucky to have met you. I want to give you a hug so much, if only to show you how much you really do matter. Every interaction with you, I have come out happier for it.
  17. When you have made so many Cosmere memes that you can identify a good template for almost any comment you see.
  18. I know there's a contingent on the forums who think that Todium will choose a child-champion and that this will cause Dalinar to either break the contract or lose the contest of champions by refusing to fight/kill the child. But let's set that aside for a minute, and consider what I think is a simpler and more likely way that Todium might manipulate events so that Dalinar breaks the contract. First, here are the three key contractual terms with which the parties must comply: On the tenth day of the month Palah, tenth hour, each side must send a willing champion The champions must be allowed to meet at the top of Urithiru, otherwise unharmed by either side's forces The champions participate in a contest to the death These are the terms that, if violated, would constitute a breach of contract. Now, if you're Todium looking for a way to maneuver Dalinar into breaking the contract, which of these would you try to exploit? Number 1 doesn't seem likely. It's pretty hard to see how Todium could arrange things so that Dalinar either doesn't show up to be his own champion or fails to send an appointed champion. To maneuver Dalinar into violating number 3, Todium would have to find a way to ensure that either Dalinar's champion doesn't participate in the contest at all, or that his champion quits the contest before one champion dies. Again, I struggle to see how Todium can arrange things in a way where he can be sure that Dalinar's champion will violate this provision. (Please let's not go down the child champion rabbit hole; there are enough other threads where folks have been through those arguments ad nauseam) That leaves number 2, which I think has the most wiggle room and the most factors that Todium might be able to control. The reason for this is that the terms forbid either side's forces from harming either champion. Dalinar would violate this provision if someone from his forces harmed Todium's champ. But it would also be a violation if someone from his forces harmed Dalinar (or his champion, if he changes his mind about being his own champ). So Todium can plot on two fronts - manipulating someone into harming Dalinar (or his champ) and also manipulating someone into harming his own champ. If he's successful with either, that's a violation of the contract. For Dalinar, I imagine there are plenty of folks out there with a lingering grievance against him from his Blackthorn days. Or, perhaps there's a religious zealot who hates Dalinar for his blasphemy against the Vorin church. I'm sure there are other options as well, but suffice it to say that I imagine there are a significant number of folks out there who might, given the opportunity, take a shot at Dalinar. For Todium's champ, who's the most hated person you can think of on his side, someone that a number of characters would probably like to harm? Storming Moash. Todium can make him his champion, then try to manipulate Gavinor, or someone from Bridge Four into taking him out. Again, there are probably lots of other folks out there that might want a piece of Moash. And if the scheme doesn't work, with Moash now blind, there's still the possibility that Dalinar's champion may think that it's not a fair or honorable fight. Alternatively, depending on how his story plays out in Book 5, Szeth might be another option for a Todium champ that lots of folks would probably like vengeance against. Actually, Szeth is also a prime candidate for someone that Todium might try to manipulate into harming one of the champs. Manipulating Szeth is, after all, T's go-to move. There are two main problems I can think of with this theory. One is that I may just be reading the language of the agreement too technically. Dalinar says "otherwise unharmed by either side's forces" but it could be that what he meant - and what Odium understood him to mean - was "unharmed by the other side's forces." But the terms of the contest of champions seem like the type of thing where Brandon would be very intentional in his word choice. And reading the terms the way I suggest fits with Todium's realization of the subtle opportunities available to him. Another problem with this theory is that I'm not entirely certain who is considered to be part of Dalinar's forces. Further, would a person be considered to have defected if they moved against Dalinar's champ or harmed Todium's champion against Dalinar's will? I don't think these issues kill the theory; they're more things that would have to be addressed and sorted out. In conclusion, this seems to me like a much more straightforward route to arranging things so that Dalinar's forces cause him to break the contract. What do y'all think?
  19. From the album: Painted Mistborn Minis

    I recently finished painting the mini’s for the Mistborn House War board game and it’s expansion, The Siege of Luthadel. These were a lot of fun to paint and I’m very happy with how they turned out. Enjoy!
  20. In the Way of Kings Wit tells Kaladin the story of the Wandersail. The ship that sought the Origin of the highstorms, found an island, accidently destroyed their society and then got back to the mainland. At the end Kaladin objects "But how could they? Highstorms only blow one direction." (WoK Ch. 57) Kaladin, buddy, the planet is round. If they kept going the same direction with the wind at their back they would eventually get to the other side of the continent they departed from. Kaladin is very stubborn. I can imagine him creating Flat Roshar club to denounce the idea that the planet is shaped like a sphere. Instead of "moon landing was faked" he's all "Derethil and the Wandersail was faked"
  21. The Nightwatcher: Hey Odium! I'm thinking of making the Valley into an automated system so I have some more me time. Odium: Tell me more. N: Well, I’ll put two pieces of Investiture out in the Valley for people to take. One is for a boon, the other for a bane. I'll put a sign out telling people to take one of each. O: Interesting. But how will you know people won't just take a boon? N: Oh, it's honor system. O: ._.
  22. Sunreach (Skyward Novella 1) Final Draft - 50%
  23. I'm sorry to hear about your great-aunt. What you're doing is really great. To tie the subject back to the Cosmere a bit, one of my favorite moments in Mistborn: TFE is when Vin takes the extra baywrap to keep the bread for later, because whenever I heard stories from survivors they said that when they were rescued and given their first opportunity to have food without worrying about scarcity, they did what Vin did in that scene, just in case they wouldn't have another opportunity to get the food. It made the scene feel very real, and it hammered home for me how difficult Vin's life would have been. (Yes, I know, "big surprise, Brandon is a great author," but still.) And now for something completely different: I am too young for it to give me nostalgia and it gave me nostalgia. Also, now I'm just imagining hundreds of overlapping spanreed messages from across the world all saying "Is this the Floating Platform?"
  24. Raboniel wasn't reminded of War, the tone meant War. That was the Rhythm's meaning and what the Shard would likely be once made.
  25. TLM canNOT come fast enough.
  26. It being mental health awareness month, I'm going to call you out on this - though I probably would've anyway. Shallan is not schizophrenic; she is part of a DID system.
  27. Green for May! This marks the first Shard tradition I've done twice, so that's cool. Stay tuned later this week for my Shardiversary update. My very long Shardiversary update
  28. No. By this logic the Contest of Champions is void too. Which is highly unlikely
  29. It's a conspiracy of lightweavers, they're always lying
  30. Sigzil: Kaladin, how do you explain the curvature of the earth? I know you've seen it from up there. Kaladin: Altitude sickness, a well documented phenomenon. That's why all the rest of you see it too. Sigzil: I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life, and remember just who I used to be an apprentice to. Kaldin: Who's the former surgeon here? Sigzil: You are. Kaladin: And who's carrying the highmarshal's baton? Sigzil: You are. Kaladin: So storm off!
  31. A few possible answers. One, he is just personifying them and feels like he can, and there is nothing overtly special going on. He is the type to do that. Another explanation could be the whole 'child of tanavast' thing. And lastly, the it could be that all pieces of wood are sentient and the spears kaladin have wielded are the only chance for peace between Humans and wood now that Shallan insulted the great Stick, who is now rallying the other woods to war!
  32. A literal weird ship? Fourth Bridge x Sibling. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
  33. Why hello, I just made my account today. I have read the entire Stormlight Archive, having just finished Rhythm of War today. I'm also about halfway through The Final Empire and a few chapters into Warbreaker. I've come to the 17th Shard because I kept trying to tell my brother, who is also reading the Stormlight Archive, how cool the events I've read are and accidentally spoiling. So I needed a place to discuss the cosmere in a way that won't end with my bro y er attuning Violence and whooping my butt. As for my name, I have combined the name of my DnD character with the order I've gotten every time I've taken the Radiant Quiz.
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  34. I also agree that Cultivation + Odium would be Malice or Malevolence - growing, nurturing hatred. Freaking terrifying, I hope this isn't what Taravangian does!
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  35. These are some good points, though I'd still argue that the two are more opposed than two shards would normally be. The way Raboniel talked about it, the Rhythms were pretty hard to imagine fitting together. Though you're right, Ruin and Preservation are certainly more diametrically opposed. Though, Preservation would probably have problems with a lot of shards, there's a WoB about how he wouldn't have gotten along at all with Cultivation, and I'd imagine Ingenuity would too
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  36. When you're doing econ HW and have to write out the graph axis names and you write "real gross domestic product" and think of 1) what Wit would say about that and 2) what Lightsong said to that other Returned about not wanting to hear any secrets involving him (the other Returned, not Lightsong) and a privy. When the red squiggly lines under Cosmere words no longer bother you. Mostly.
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  37. *hugs Luna* Crem, that's no good - have you seen a doctor?
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  38. I'd never heard Gillian Welch before, Time (the revelator) is one of the best songs I've heard this year! I love Gordon Lightfoot, I once killed a party when I was in college by showing up with my gord's Gold volume 2 tape and putting on the Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald. Not a party song I guess. Let's take the Twang train down south again to Austin Texas, to get a trio of songs from one of the best singer/songwriters alive today, Sam Baker. This first song is an autobiographical number about how he was nearly killed by a bomb planted by the Shining path guerrillas that exploded on a commuter train he was riding on in Peru. This one Circles back to Townes Van Zandt, with a different take on Waiting Round to Die. And one of the most powerful songs I've ever heard, about Baker's fingers that were broken in the train explosion and which he's never been able to use since the accident.
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  39. Welcome to the shard! Which allomantic or feruchemical power would you want?
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  40. I do like the mysterious DustBringers!
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  41. And it deserves it's own post. Here is when she finished the book. Thank you to everyone who suggested this reading order. You were right. This reaction was the one she deserved.
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  42. Honestly I wouldn't trust anyone I teamed up with to slaughter, shred apart, and assume the mantle of a deity. They've done it once, what's to stop them from doing it again?
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  43. This is hard. I second the suggestions: 'Keeper of Words' or 'Keeper of Winds' I cannot think of a single decent 'k' world that hasn't been suggested. Lots of variants on 'kin' if Brandon adds a sexy vampire invasion subplot. 'Over' is another preposition. Also 'off', 'out', 'onto', 'outside'. More suggestions: Keeper of Wills [for Ba-Ado-Mishram / Melishi / Recreanace] Kingdom of Walls Knights of the Writ Knitter of Wrongs Key of Worlds Shinovar xenophobia suggestions: (Kindly) Keep Outside Walls Kick out these Worldhoppers Titles for Nohadon's bestselling cookbook: Kneader of Wheat Ketchup on Wings
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  44. HI EVERYONE! So a while back I heard Megalovania for the first time and it...utterly destroyed me. So I had to write a Sanderson parody of it, of course. Oathbringer ending spoilers, alternating Odium and Venli POVs. I will probably try to record this later and edit that in, though my voice is trash lol. I really hope you enjoy it, and all feedback is treasured! Odium: Glowing with Light Eager, ready cause they think it's their fight Highprince's army, darkeyes and light All those Radiants, shiny and bright Silly young Rosharans There's Dalinar, not Thrilled to be here (), flaming like a star I appear and victory's not far This is gonna be the deciding spar You're my champion Venli: Humans, you won't win today All his Rhythms punctuate your death Don't you try to make a storm now, just relent The wrong sister lives today - I just don't know what I'm doing here Murderous cries and Light-killing smiles acquaint me with your goals Odium: Sparking through the Everstorm and into the sky The Fused and singers, my whole army, come to take what's mine A son of Honor dares to look me in the eye? Your words are accepted but it's too late I'm here to lay a claim to all your agony and hate Come a little closer ~ I promise you won't regret it What was that you said? You invite pain into your head? (Venli:) Oh, your Passions are strong But my enemy, you are wrong What is this new song?! What is this new song?! My people, massacred, no reason why Any why you tell yourselves is a lie Gemstones start to mean nothing when it's only one day squeezed out of a lifetime I sing, I hum, I scream, I cry I watch as families fall beside me These powers mean nothing when I'm just bluffing Three Realms combine and then I say the Words, now I have the key My lightspren hides deep inside of me Ambition is vicious, yet it vanishes and I'm left kneeling here I've sworn the Oaths, but do they mean anything Voidspren swirl around the Shardic king My sister died so I could be here tonight Can I do better? Glowing with Light, I only want to end this whole fight All those singers, skin patterns bright Keep my hope desperately in sight I'll cross any border I'll disobey any order to free who i can
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  45. She might not have Oaths. She could have an Honorblade... Maybe the lightweaver one? It would explain why no one knows she's a woman, she makes herself a man.
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