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  1. You guys. If the afternoon is called the afternoon, then why isn’t the morning called the beforenoon?!
  2. Hey, if anybody has some good vibes to spare, would you mind sending them my way? I'm looking for a new job.
  3. Words of Radiance. I think this may be my best one yet.
  4. Mistborn and minor OB spoilers
  5. Happy belated birthday @Channelknight Fadran! I’m so sorry I didn’t check the Shard yesterday. Hope you had an awesome day!
  6. When I read RoW the first time, the biggest thing that stuck out to me was that Sanderson's character work on Taravangian was masterful. Halfway through the book, Sanderson had set up a single choice for Taravangian, a choice that would define his character, a choice where he could have legitimately become the redeemed hero of the entire series but instead became its darkest villain. Taravangian, in contrast to Dalinar, has a fatal flaw, and it's more than just "end justifies the means". It was so subtle though, and I haven't heard anyone else comment on it, so I wanted to pull it out here: The choice I'm talking about is this one here, from Taravangian's final interlude: It's the choice to tell Dalinar. At this point, Taravangian realized that he was wrong. Humanity isn't absolutely doomed. There is a way to defeat Odium, and he keeps thinking about telling Dalinar...but he never does, always finding a different reason not to. They could have finished it together, but in the end, he resolves to do it himself, just as he had before. Let's observe the setup. Throughout every Taravangian scene is pulsing this question: "What are Taravangian's true motives?" From his 1st inerlude: From his conversations with Dalinar: You can see it here. This question. Was Taravangian a tragic hero? A man with the noblest of intentions who had done what he thought was best with the wrong information? Or has he been subtly lying even to himself, has he pushed this narrative so deeply into his subconscious because he wanted to be the hero, the one who saved everyone? Is it his self-sacrifice or self-ego that drives him? His whole conversation with Dalinar danced around this, and at the end you get a glimpse at what could have been the alternate storyline for the Stormlight Archives. Taravangian, after learning his Diagram was mistaken, lets go of his ego and surrenders his role as the hero of the story to Dalinar. He tells Dalinar of Odium's weakness to Nightblood, and Dalinar defeats Odium once and for all. Taravangian's reputation is tarnished forever by his earlier betrayal, but humanity is saved. He lives on, hated by humanity, but he earns the respect of one man, ending the series as Dalinar's closest friend, working together for the good of humanity. In the interludes, we see Taravangian himself wrestling with it. This is his conversation with Renarin: I remember thinking at this point that we were in for a Taravangian redemption arc, and I was all here for it, but Sanderson bamboozled me yet again. I believe the light flickering in the darkness was Taravangian's wavering decision to confide in Dalinar, and the deep darkness of him rejecting that is our present reality of him having become Odium. His refusal to take Renarin's hand is symbolic of his refusal to accept help from Dalinar or anyone else. He's battling against admitting his own deep flaws. And his most fatal flaw pokes its head out as he goes back and forth about going to Dalinar. Check out this sequence of moments where Taravangian thinks about talking to Dalinar. The truth that his actions reveal is in the end he is too proud. It's his fatal flaw. He can't admit he was wrong. He can't share the spotlight. He can't play second fiddle. Everything is building up for him to turn around and make the right choice in his 11th hour, but he can't do it. It's the inverse of Dalinar at the end of Oathbringer. Come face to face with the worst of himself, Dalinar took the blow head on. He acknowledged himself as a bad man, but instead of cowering away, he exposed himself to the world and took the next step forward. Taravangian, in one moment of brutal honesty, acknowledges to himself that his entire motive has been built out of justifications...but he keeps going. And he hasn't stopped.
  7. Hello 17th shard, I recently had a desire to write out what I think would be really cool movie trailers for each of the Mistborn books. I know that others have done this exact thing before, and that is what partially inspired me to try this out. Hope you enjoy. Also spoilers for the trilogy, and add whatever music you think works best. The Final Empire trailer Opens with a wide shot of Scadrial: falling ash, brown landscape, red sun. Cut to black. New setting, a man is looking out a window with his back towards us. He begins to speak. "The Skaa..." Cut to scene of a taskmaster whipping a Skaa worker, we can see in the background hundreds of slaves. "The Nobles..." A scene of a Noble within a lavish mansion overlooking the plantation. "The Final Empire." A sweeping overshot of Luthadel. "For a thousand years I have ruled it" Cut back to speaker. " I am the hero of this world." Cut to Skaa slum. "And yet..." "There are those who fight against me." We get a wide shot of Kelsier's crew. Vin, Kelsier, and Sazed are not included in this shot. "Those who resist me." A scene of Elend drinking wine at a ball, Sazed is standing just a few feet away off to the side. Cut to black. "Those who... reject me." Scene of Vin and Kelsier flying through the mists at night, leaping around buildings. Scene cuts to black once they jump towards the camera. "But it matters not." We see Vin running in fear at night. "Whatever numbers they raise against me." We see the Skaa rebels preparing for battle. "However hard they fight." Scene of Kelsier brawling with several hazekillers. We cut back to Vin running and we can see glimpses of what is chasing her. " Nothing will change the outcome." Very short cut to black, opens with Vin breathing hard and hiding. "They will be crushed." A large figure lands near her, giving us a look at its steel eyes. Title of movie. The Well of Ascension trailer We hear metal scraping against metal and low frantic breathing. "Please, listen to me" Scene of Sazed studying manuscripts. "Whatever I said in the past." Scene of Elend standing before the Assembly. "However strong my arguments have been." Scene of Vin leaping to the top of Kredick Shaw. "Despite the events that have proven me." Cut to black. The speaker is now shouting. "You must listen to me!" Straff approaches Luthadel with his army. "Enemies descend upon us!" A scene of each of the crew, all with concerned expressions. "Friends and allies are manipulated against us!" Scene of Vin within the mist, she looks and we get a brief image of the mist spirit. "And even worse dangers have appeared!" Cut to black with an open of Elend looking out over the valley below with fear covering his face. "But a worse foe rises!" Close up of a screaming koloss. "One that will bring ruin upon us all!" Cut to black. Scene of Vin crying in a corner. "I say to you now." Scene of Elend with his hands on his head. "All I have said and preached." "I recant!" Dockson looking up in fear at an enormous foe. "I recant!" Breeze hiding in a building with snow and ash around him. "I recant!" Sazed holding someone, screaming. Title of movie. Hero of Ages trailer We have an opening of Scadrial, the sun almost blacked out by how much ash is falling. We see an ashmound explode in the distance. An unknown person speaks (Ruin) "The Hero of Ages shall be not a man, but a force. No nation may claim him, no woman shall keep him, and no king may slay him. He shall belong to none, not even himself." A scene of Vin flying over thousands of koloss. She speaks: "The Hero will have the power to save the world. But he will also have the power to destroy it." A scene of Elend leading an army against an unseen foe. He speaks: "The Hero of Ages was not simply to be a warrior. He was a person who united others, who brought them together. A leader." A scene of Sazed sitting in his tent looking at a stack of papers, looking weary. He speaks: "The Hero of Ages was removed from the Terris people. He was not royalty himself, but came to it eventually." A scene of Tensoon as a wolfhound running towards a distant city, Luthadel. He speaks: "He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be discord, yet they shall love him for it." A scene of Marsh walking towards the camera with a volcano erupting behind him. He speaks: "He left ruin in his wake, but it was forgotten. He created kingdoms, and then destroyed them as he made the world anew." Cut to black. Open to a scene of a burning building. We see someone coming out of the flames, holding someone in his arms. Spook speaks: "The Hero will bear the future of the world on his arms." Cut to black. Title of movie.
  8. @therunner I just told Luke to not source the coppermind! anyway here's the WoB gems glow from the spiritual realm not the stromlight
  9. I just.... wow called it five years early. @Sirce Luckwielder You are a legend Sirce Luckwielder (paraphrased) So each anti-investiture is like its world's investiture, but can't be effected by it. So aluminum can't be affected and destroys Allomancy, ralkalest can't be Soulstamped, Shardblades are blunted by that one thing. Is the black filled sphere that Galivar gives to Szeth the anti-investiture to Stormlight? Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased) When I asked this, he became much more tight-lipped and said that was an interesting theory and that I would learn more in book three. Salt Lake City Comic-Con FanX 2015 (Jan. 31, 2015)
  10. Eleven million thanks to @Dannex, @Aspiring Writer, @Spren of Kindness, @Experience, @revelryintheart, @Emi, @Doomstick, @The Storming Stormfather!!! Last year, when I turned 16, I posted a status update for my birthday and didn't get a single response. I didn't exactly expect any, but it was still kinda depressing. And now here you guys are posting the statuses for me! Thanks a ton, guys!
  11. Taravangian is kind of like Thanos.
  12. For my 4000th post, here is my first fanfic! (Or fic in general, really ) I’ve always loved the story of the Girl Who Looked Up, so I decided to flesh it out and write it as a complete story. I also got really bored a couple of days ago, so I just started writing like crazy. Warning, it ended up being way longer than I expected. (Spoilered for length)
  13. Assuming the deal Odium made with Taravangian is still valid as Todium, couldn't Dalinar choose literally anyone from Kharbranth and force him to lose no matter what happens?
  14. Journal of Thankful Dolittle Geology Graduate at Miskatonic University Forest Expedition Day 43 (((writeup to be added later))) Gears has been killed! They were a Scribe and Expeditioner! They had a Pallid Mask Azmine_king has gone insane! Player List This turn will end Sunday, May 2 at 5 p.m. PDT.
  15. Brandon, did you just start another non-cosmere novel? Unacceptable.
  16. This was wrong. Now you have an hour and 15 to get in your orders. EDIT: Ninja'd. Yes, thank you Matrim
  17. Was 'on' another Livestream again. I wasn't able to make it until the end, and I couldn't read my own stuff because of the wisdom teeth, but Mr.Dunn was considerate enough to read it for me. Check it out.
  18. ... how am I simultaneously "playing high visibility" and "flying under the radar"? It feels accurate, seeing as I've played two games in a row with no votes on me until outing, but it's... something's weird there.
  19. Preliminary emissary? I don't see how it is reasonable for Dalinar to know everything he does about Odium and then have this conversation and think "so I'll be your political ambassador?" Odium intends for Dalinar to be on the front lines of his war effort. This doesn't seem questionable to me, so I don't have much more to argue on that topic. And I don't think this is an matter of utilitarianism. Dalinar isn't thinking "Well, Odium waging war across the universe is inevitable, so I might as well let Gavinor kill me. The war on Roshar will be done and the rest is unchangeable. That is the antithesis of who Dalinar is. It's the antithesis of Dalinar's "hope" speech that he gave to Jasnah and Yanagawn right before with Odium. Dalinar will NOT accept that he cannot save lives by resisting Odium. Heck, if the deal is this sweet for Dalinar, why is he even bothering? Swap out Gavinor with... ANYONE... And you're saying that changes the math for Dalinar? If he would kill an unquestionably guilty person for the sake of defeating Odium then surely he has some motivation for winning? You think the horror he felt at making the decision was really so small that the guilt-tier of his opponent is a big enough feather to change the equation? I have a hard time understanding how any of this is consistent with the nature of the challenge and Dalinar's character.
  20. Odium chuckled softly, rotating his scepter beneath his hand so the butt ground against the golden stone at their feet. “Do you know why I make men fight, Dalinar? Why I created the Thrill? Why I encourage the wars?” “To destroy us.” “Why would I want to destroy you? I am your god, Dalinar.” Odium shook his head, staring into the infinite golden distance. “I need soldiers. For the true battle that is coming, not for one people on one miserable windswept continent. A battle of the gods. A battle for everything. “Roshar is a training ground. The time will come that I unleash you upon the others who are not nearly as well trained. Not nearly as hardened as I have made you.” [...] “My life? Odium, I intend to be my own champion. I’ll have died if you win.” “Yes,” Odium said, eyes shining golden. “You will have. And you will give your soul to me. You, Dalinar, will join the Fused. You will become immortal, and will personally serve me. Bound by your oaths. You will be the one I send to the stars to serve my interests in the cosmere.”
  21. If we're doing a Trolley Problem that is... Option A: Kid who willingly joined a hateful god (who is leading a war of vengeance and has plans to conquer other words) by agreeing to a fight to the death with his uncle Option B: Thousands (if not millions) of human lives ... I don't think it's a very interesting Trolley Problem. I am, for the record, not in agreement that this is the level of "willingness" that the contract allows. But even if we're entertaining that possibility, I still think this is rather absurd. Children who do really stupid things that get thousands of people killed are absolutely guilty for what they did. It's a terrible situation, but they're not innocent. We don't normally sentence such a child to death for such a crime... But then we're not talking about this as a judge or jury deciding after the fact how severe their sentence should be either. We're talking about the morality of protecting the lives of many from their foolish actions in an in-progress situation.
  22. 2 likes
  23. The contract explicitly stated that the champions must be willing. A child convinced to do something that they don't really understand is not willing. A child who is willing to be a god's fight-to-the-death champion is not innocent. I don't understand this at all. The stakes of losing is that he becomes a Fused and leads Odium's war effort across the cosmere. That's like... worst case scenario for Dalinar. By NOT fighting he would be agreeing to kill innocents at Odium's command for the rest of his immortal life. Sounds like pretty darn big stakes to me.
  24. I'd like to also point out that Adhesion, as described in the Ars Arcanum, is the Surge of "pressure and vacuum". Seems like a pretty good way to turn a tower into a livable space station.
  25. well, since I'm a gyorn guess I gotta try to convert y'all to Shu-Derethi and not Korathi.
  26. Welcome to the club of "Araris is vaguely suspicious for unspecified reasons"!
  27. Last night I had a dream. This in and of itself was notable, because I don't usually dream, which is why I think it's worth a status update. Anyway, I was playing tennis, except me and my opponent both were using lightsabers lightsabers instead of tennis racquets. And somehow, it was actually working. I also vaguely remember a minigun with a label or sticker or something about friendship. Now go wish Fadran a happy birthday.
  28. Interesting, I need to pay close attention to broadsheets on my re-read of Era 2. This puts their artillery tech at around ~1880s compared to IRL, about 15-20 years further than I assumed. They do have good cannons, but I do not think you can make assumptions about machine guns, they do have some, but main issue with machine guns is them getting stuck, big cannons are comparatively easy. In that broadsheet you can also read that others mock this nobleman, laughing at the idea of needing weapons of war. If they do not see a possibility of war, why would they keep professional army? Even these ships were built as a private project, Scadrial by Era 2 does not seem to have standing armies (at least in the north where large scale conflict is virtually unknown). Additional issue for any heavy weapon of Scadrial are Radiant soulcasters. Considering how many moving parts weapons/ships like this have, using soulcasting to render them inoperable is relatively easy. Modified glove fabrial Kaladin used could also be used to create what is effectively basic artillery as follows Set the fabrial in desired direction and either attach it to stone or soulcast air into stone/metal. Activate the fabrial (probably by using another conjoiner fabrial to be able to active it at distance). Watch it fly with acceleration and destroy your foes. This design would be limited in how deep wells Rosharans have available, and targeting would be crude, but I am sure few improvements could be done.
  29. this is an excerpt from the newspaper articles published in BoM "Each ship carries 12-inch twin gun with each turret, having a range of six-teen miles, said Severington. Other improvement include reinforced armor hull, electrical rangefinders, and a top speed of 24 miles an hour". it is a presentation of a fleet built by a noble. It seems clear to me that Scadrial has both the technology and the industrial facilities needed to mass produce heavy weapons of war. And if they have a navy it means they also have a ground military force with cannons and machine guns. Even just as a precaution in case the Koloss want to go to war. The fact that the books focus on the vicissitudes of a policeman does not mean that Scadrial does not also have a military force at its disposal.
  30. Scadrial has a few basic machine guns, nothing a bit of soulcasting could not get rid off. They could hide bombs in aluminum casings to shield them from this, but all Radiants still have healing on par with F-gold, so with enough Stormlight this is not an issue outside of direct hits. Weapon advantage of Scadrial would be something they can use a few times only, before Roshar adapts tactics. Already they had to quickly adapt to the presence of Regals and Fused, so adapting to fighting against guns should not be an issue. So long as they kill 1 Scadrian for every 10 Rosharans they lose, Roshar wins just due to population. Plus they can use fabrials to make primitive guns themselves pretty much right now, and Era 2 Scadrial is still at least 10 years in future. Roshar has unchained Bondsmiths, few people who figured out how to let Cognitive entities leave, people actively working on the problem and we know that Radiants can leave by a point ~10 years in the future. They have all the tools needed to to figure out how to let them leave. You are also ignoring the dangers of Warform/Stormform parshendi and Thunderclasts, those are also definite threats. EDIT: Scadrial has no modern warfare tacticts, since Scadrial has no modern warfare at all. In our world it took one 4 year war with machine guns to abandon the line tactics, and it did not take people years to realize that. Scadrial would have advantage in few first battles, but once Roshar has seen what they have they would adapt. After all machine gun is not that different from a couple hundred archers (in principle of avoiding it), it is just more localized and faster. They are also getting experience fighting Fused and Regals, and a lot of Surges are very effective on groups, so not bunching up would be something they know even if they only see it as something only occasionally useful. Also Scadrial does not really have flack shells, they have no airborn forces at all (what they have are in effect big blimps, flying because they are light not because of aerodynamics). If Scadrial follows real-world they are 30-40 years before they develop any effective anti-aircraft weapons, and flack shells are further 30 years in future. That is almost 70-80 years from RoW, by then Roshar will be very different place. Plus Radiant is much smaller than airplane and more maneuverable. Roshar has all they need to make grenades however, all they need is a way to automate process of drawing light from one gem into the other. The second they have that, they have bombs, if you miniaturize that, you have grenades. Again, Scadrial cannot make anti-light, because regular light has nothing to do with Stormlight/Whateverlight. Please do quote Brandon on aluminum being anti-investiture tech, since he quite specifically said that aluminum does not necessarily negate magic (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/370/#e11798 , https://wob.coppermind.net/events/219/#e7942 ), what it does is interact oddly in most magic systems compared to other things. All Investiture is wave based, more specifically, coding of all investiture is wave based. Ruin and Preservation have pure tones. It might not be as immediately obvious as on Roshar, but just like metals have some effects even in other magic system, so do Rhythms on other planets (or colors like on Nalthis for that matter). There is nothing to disagree about, you are wrong. Navani needed Stormlight/Voidlight to work on her experiments (and to actually make anti-light) + Pure Tones (what you need to create Anti-light) are not frequencies but Rhythms, just take a look at Coppermind (https://coppermind.net/wiki/Rhythm#The_Pure_Tones). Light of some frequency will do nothing at all to Stormlight/Voidlight etc. , remember that Stormlight and Anti-stormlight have the same Rhythm just phase shifted. Do you know what you get if you phase shift a photon? The same photon, nothing changes. So again, stormlight = gaseous investiture (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/103/#e1023 , or check the Coppermind), light = photons, not investiture. You seem to be repeatedly confusing real world meaning of words (burning, light), with their magical meanings inside Cosmere ('burning' metals in allomancy, Storm-'light'), which makes for a frustrating discussion. Just because they are the same word, does not mean they are the same thing. Again Aluminum does not necessarily counter investiture, it just ignores magical effects/does weird things (look at the WoBs above). And Fused use it because it is the only thing they can get in large amounts that cannot be cut by a Shardblade like a butter. Aluminum does not disrupt, it ignores or modifies. The effect seen in conjoiners is interesting, but so far only happens there, and conjoiners have cut a single spren in half, so they are a bit extreme. Spren outside of conjoiners do not seem to have aversion to aluminum. If Aluminum was as effective as you are saying against Shardplate someone would have noticed over the last 2000 years since Recreance and it would be a standard weapon against Shardbearers. It isn't, hence its effect cannot be as extreme as you are saying. It will ignore the magical aspect of Shardplate resistance, but not the thick and hard metal itself. I put that WoB there to show that Wax does have some increased ability, not to support the point but to contrast two different pieces of information on this particular topic. If you would read the passage from WoA with Sazed, you would see he does nothing like what you are claiming, quote (WoA, pg.679): This is quite explicit, without his pewter he would not be able to stand after tapping his ironminds, hence there is some upper limit beyond which you tap too much and your body cannot keep up. The interaction idea is interesting, however to get appreciably heavier he would need to use up more of his strength then what he stored due to losses, so they would be heavily limited by stored strength. And the issue with pewter is not that he is slower due to bulk, it is that at some point the muscles are too large and prohibit movement. I think it would work to get larger amount of mass fast, and some better amount of speed but not drastically so. Exponentials are fast yes, however even the most invested metalminds (BoM) ever seen created by a Compounder/Fullborn-like person are not as invested as a single Shardblade, much less Nightblood. To put it bluntly, when it comes to amounts of investiture, Scadrial is lightweight, most other major Shardworlds push around much greater amounts. You are also completely forgetting that to Compound, you need to burn the metalmind (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/98/#e851). To burn flakes of metal (10s of grams, if we are being generous) takes hours, to burn a single metalmind would take days. And to compound you need to do it repeatedly, with possibly larger amounts of metal each time. So no, six compoundings would not take minutes or seconds, it would take two weeks or more. And even then, full metalmind is still much less invested than a Shardblade(https://wob.coppermind.net/events/217/#e7299), much less Nightblood So yeah, if someone sat around for decades doing nothing but Compounding, they might have enough to open a perpendicularity, maybe. Since stealing in Hemalurgy using Nicrosil requires for the power to be in spiritual Realm (so Breaths might not be stealable), and F-nicrosil is spiritual metal, they might have little ability to affect investiture that is in Physical Realm, so all lashings for example, or Stormlight that is not inside them. And you are forgetting that all Feruchemy does is store Feruchemists attributes, not those of stuff around them. If they cannot store weight of their clothes, or speed of train they are sitting in, they cannot store Investiture that is not in them (spiritually), so no storing of Lashings. Thugs can fill only F-pewter, F-gold, F-steel, maybe F-brass (unless the resistance to temperatures is due to enhanced health) and F-nicrosil (but so can anyone), so not much universal donors. You are describing how the powers enhance the individual, that has nothing to do with the powers themselves being suited for teamwork. Of course a more capable person will be a more useful, but that has nothing to do with team. Also bendalloy bubble randomly deflects bullets, you cannot really fire accurately from it, even Wax pulled it off only once. Everything you listed has little to do with helping team. Metallic arts strengthen individual greatly, but have little in ways of directly supporting others, unlike Rosharan Surges where over half is directly applicable to others to help them.
  31. The topic of war tactics has come up before, we discussed it exhaustively in the 20s and 30s of this ridiculously enormous thread. I'm just going to link what I said about that topic, it's the first spoilered section of the post: TL;DR, in my heated opinion, Scadrial has far superior technology and the potential to create a superior army. What they do NOT have is an army. They have a police force. They don't have artillery, they don't have tanks, they don't mass produce grenades and machine guns and explosives. There are weapons manufacturers and talented gunsmiths, obviously, but they don't have the scaled production lines to make arms of that type and scale. They also don't have soldiers and generals that have any experience concerning the realities of war. And it would take months to years to get there. Roshar has the superior military experience, numbers, resources, and battle hardening. They have more soldiers, they have more generals, and while they're grossly behind technologically and tactically, they have enough thinking minds to adapt quickly, and, since the time of this hypothetical is about 10 years after RoW, they also have the time to close it. Scadrial does not have a clear advantage in the tactics department. I won't say that Roshar has a clear advantage, I don't think that either. They're just very different with very real exploitable weaknesses on both sides.
  32. I count votes by the vote count, so since the vote count didn't count your vote, I don't count your vote in my count. And now that I've outvoted you, it might be time to vote you out.
  33. My Dearest William, This journey is becoming more treacherous than I could have imagined. Even knowing I’d be facing the shades and hell itself, I had never considered that my own companions would be the problem. At least with the shades, there are the simple rules. Don’t run. Don’t draw blood. Don’t light a fire. What do you do when humans are the ones presenting the greatest danger? A companion was killed today. Not by unnamed and hidden figures working in the dark of night, but at the hands of university folk caught up in fear and outrage. I fear I will not make it back to you. Even if I survive the forests, I do not know if I can survive the wrath of those who would turn against their own. Nor can I survive the old gods that are awakening. I do hope this letter makes it to you. It would mean at least someone survived the expedition and returned to the university with news. That, though, seems more fantastical an idea these days than an ancient civilization of gods older than the earth itself. Until we meet, in this life or in the Beyond, Thankful Random Bystander has been executed! They were an Expeditioner with a Spellbook! Vote Count Random Bystander (4) - Quintessential, Jondesu, Ashbringer, Araris Valerian Flyingbooks (2) - Archer Quintessential (1) - Szeth_Pancakes Szeth_Pancakes (1) - vonnegut Gears (1) - Illwei Player List This turn will end Friday, April 30 at 5 p.m. PDT. Scribe Notes
  34. Stormlight and minor Warbreaker Final Empire
  35. A drawing of Szeth.
  36. Hahaha, my daughters and I were checking the butterflies on a recent dog walk to see if they might have some beneficial effects if we cooked them up with some deer bones (lots of hunters use the BLM trails in Oregon, and one of my dogs is a deer bone coniseur.) I was just out looking for Morrels, and I turned over a burned out log and found a hightail lizard: And later I found a hot footed frog:
  37. @Hoiditthroughthegrapevine I’m so glad you like it, and thanks for the welcome. Here’s another I’ve drawn - not the mural, but a depiction of the shattering.
  38. So I was re-reading Oathbringer when things started to come together I'll put this into chronological order. **note all spoiler tags are used on WoB to shorten the length** First Skybreakers and Nale Nale seems to have an uncanny ability to find Radiants, even going so far as to turn, to Lift before she starts using Lifelight, without reguard to distance as other investiture detection we've seen. Nale knew about Lift, Gavilar, Tien, Shallan, The Stump, and The Shoe Maker. With no explination(Baring DS) And only the ones who were needed by Cultivation(Or because of their actions) did they live. Intrestingly Nale Misses Kaladin despite being in the same place as Tien, and even Taravangian discovering his wereabouts, he likewise ignores Dalinar, despite finding a way to kill Gavilar, and misses Shallan(although her killing Testement was likely responsible). So I think Cultivation was leading that. Renarin, Gyls & Sja-anat The amount of Corrupt Radiantspren surprises me, they last seven thousand years and only now allow themselves to be corrupted, why? I believe Cultivation wants Voidish Illumination to spread to further muddy Odium's sight and protect the Radiants from Odium's manipulation. The blacking of the words also was used as a contingency to get Taravangian close to Odium as we have seen. Timing, and other unlikely chances Things are falling together at this time for a reason, Taln broke just as the radiants return in any substantial number and when the first bondsmith in millennia is around. Additionally the only working Oathgate happens to be the one the heroes have access to, yeah that was planned Cultivation planned all of this. Cultivation herself Cultivation has personally seen 3 people who came to the Nightwatcher(Dalanar, Tanavangain and Lift) which she hasn't done in centuries. All of whom where large peices of what she needed, Additionally on page 717 of RoW Venli mentions hearing a Pure Tone of Roshar, I doubt it's Odium's and Honor doesn't make sense, I believe Cultivation is growing her, so she will rescue Rlain, and give the others an ally. and on page 837 Chiri-Chiri remarks that a Rhythm told her she could no longer do easy things, Likely Cultivation Due to recent event's I can no longer ignore Kaladin's part in this despite calls against it Kaladin, he is here for this WoB I think this is in reference to these WoB Additionally these WoB stick out to me as being off. Potentially nothing but Perhapse a hint at something deeper and given this I'm inclined to think so Dangerous why? Dangerous for his charecter potentially but it could be a severing from Honor. And recently Kaladin was one of two Radiants to retain contiousness during the occupation of Urithiru, and I don't buy him being almost 4th ideal and having Adhesion, The Stormfather himself worries for Dalinar, who is far more powerful, and has Adhesion himself as he would have to overcome the Sibling, The only other person who stays contious is Lift, who was touched by Cultivation in a powerful manner. Kal was touched himself. Kaladin being the Son of Tanavast is mentioned in every book, and he's done things we haven't seen anyone else do, feeling the winds in WoR, The Stormfather considers stoping for him, despite him not being bonded to him. Additionally on page 579 of RoW Kal is allerted to The Pursuer without knowing why. On Page 622 the Sibling comments on Kaladin's closeness with his Father, Honor, Tanavast. New WoB Anything I missed would be nice, critic welcome.
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  39. Do inquisitors go blind if they run out of steel?
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  40. I can vote for you if I makes you feel better. Not saying I actually suspect you, but if you’re worried…
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  41. For those that are such strong believers in the child champion theory, can you explain how it plays out in any kind of satisfying or fulfilling way? I understand that there's some support in the books for why it could possibly happen. But what I still haven't seen is any kind of explanation of how it would be good storytelling. And I think there have been a lot of explanations of why it wouldn't be.
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  42. I thought about it :P. But Jondesu's question provided an opportunity. That team would be insane.
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  43. I don’t think this Mistborn was ever named. They are simply, a Mistborn. I assume they died during the final months before Harmony. They weren’t Zane, Zane was living in the Eastern Dominance during this time. It also wasn’t Straff’s Mistborn, most likely. We know that Straff only had one child who was a Mistborn, and he isn’t trusting enough to hire one from outside his family.
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