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Showing most liked content on 01/14/21 in Posts

  1. I believe it's spelled please ship me out of here but not to australia because they have spiders
  2. Faleast was very uncomfortable. For one thing, this was another of those outside-the-cosmere places that needed quite a roundabout journey to get to. Randland, it was called - somewhat. That seemed a bit like if Harmony took to calling Scadrial "Elendland" instead of just renaming the main city Elendel. But it had its own powerful magic, the One Power, and AraRaash wanted to investigate seeing as getting out of Nowhere would need a similar journey anyway. For another thing, he was wearing a dress. She, whispered AraRaash's voice. "Shut up," Faleast whispered. Apparently the magic here - saidar and saidin - could only be used by males and females, respectively. Faleast had agreed that they should pretend to be a channeller the entire time while they worked on finding the secret for the ability. And then AraRaash revealed that the male power didn't work right. Something about brutally murdering the user. So... now Faleast was a woman. "Aren't you a male kandra anyway? So this exercise is entirely pointless?" Faleast whispered again. His - her - gahhhhhhh - voice was familiar, but much higher than usual. "We'd still get saidin." That's not the part I'm really worried about. People use saidin where we're going, and I think it's fixable, AraRaash's voice sounded. The Evil One's touch doesn't reach outside of Randland... I think. Odium's doesn't. Besides, kandra are gender-neutral. So technically I'm a they, biologically speaking. I just go by he because people seem to think stabbing people is a masculine art... but it's also one handed, so, what's up with - "I thought Rashek made you from people," Faleast cut him off. Evolution go brrrrrrrr. "... huh?" Sorry, said AraRaash. We evolved out of it. Somewhat. Mistwraith details are fuzzy. I could probably find a book about it if you - "No." A few people around Faleast jolted and started staring. Her face flushed. There you go! AraRaash exulted. You're getting the hang of this. You'll be an Aes Sedai in no time. "Why couldn't I just pretend to be a Warder," Faleast grumbled. Just because you have a fancy sword that can cut anything now doesn't mean you get a put a heron on it. And besides, you still can't stick two pieces of Velcro together with it. You're no Bondsmith and no swordsman. But being a channeller will be fun. "I can't imagine it being worth this much," she replied. Oh, pull yourself together. I haven't even started making you anatom- "NO!" ... This will be fun I'm not claiming Ajah I just wanted to make a crossdressing Faleast Edit: also someone please post I have things to actually contribute with
  3. I think it is fine if people want to hate on Lirin. Not every character will resonate with everyone. However, I do think people are being a bit too hard on Lirin. It seems that a lot of the arguments against Lirin boil down to two arguments: 1. Lirin is terrible because he harshly condemns the act of Kaladin killing the Regal I know people seem to be pro Kaladin in this case, but I think Lirin actually brings up a good point. Lirin had just spent the past couple years in a town that was peacefully occupied by the Fused. As long as the Lirin didn’t antagonize them, the Fused seemed to be far more fair than the light eyes. Then one day the heroic Kaladin comes to town and kills a Fused. Even though Kaladin didn’t intend any harm, his actions would realistically put the lives of the townsfolk at risk as the Fused could easily interpret this as a Radiant attack. It makes sense that Lirin would see cohabitation as a viable option. During the invasion of Urithiru, Lirin’s insistence on yielding to the Fused occupation is by no means foolish. If the honorable Leshwi was in charge of the invasion, killing a Regal would have made it much harder for Leshwi to peacefully occupy the tower. If the Pursuer was in charge of the invasion, the Radiants would be dead before their bodies hit the floor. We as readers know that Raboniel would have killed them eventually. But Kaladin and Lirin didn’t have that luxury. In that moment, Kaladin and Lirin both had no way of knowing what the best option was. Lirin knows that the Fused aren’t all sadistic monsters, so handing Teft over would not only save most lives, but it would also save his family from attack. I don’t think this decision is black and white enough for Lirin to be hated for his philosophy. 2. Lirin is terrible because he suggested that Kaladin should act like a “good slave”. Lirin wasn’t supporting slavery as a concept. He is simple of the opinion that working within the system will yield better results than actively opposing it. It would be nice if a poor dark-eye could challenge the status quo without repercussions, but honestly, that usually isn’t the case. Especially in a feudal society where eye color matters. I know people like to romanticize living in poverty, but in reality, if you are low on the totem pole, you simply don’t have the option to fight against the system. If someone doesn’t have the power to change their station, their first thought usually isn’t “we need to fight the system!”. Their first priority is survival. People have mouths to feed, whether that be their family or themselves. You can’t be productive when you're out of a job or in jail. Openly rebelling against slavery would never be the safest option in the short term. And a lot of the time, the short term is the only thing that matters. Lirin in particular understands the price that usually comes with fighting against a corrupt system. Lirin simply spoke out against greedy Roshone and the ensuing conflict ended with his two sons being killed. I am not blaming Lirin for Tien’s death, I am simply emphasizing that, realistically, a poor dark-eyes would not stand a chance against a rich light eye like Roshone. I personally think Lirin’s approach is far more relatable and honest than Kaladin’s. --------------- I just want to stress that I really like the Kaladin and Lirin relationship, even though these characters aren’t the nicest. Their disagreements make each other's beliefs more layered and interesting.
  4. Cycle One - Murders in the Night Anaiya ran for her dear life. Something had gone horribly, horribly wrong. She turned, looking at the shadowed figure closing in on her. It didn’t seem to be moving, but it seemed to catch up on her nonetheless. How had things gone so wrong? I was just… at our usual meeting place. Sure, it seemed like a weird time to meet, but we’d been having meetings for a while now and nothing had happened. Anaiya risked a glance backwards and immediately regretted it. She couldn’t find her pursuer. She started looking around and- Pain. Immense unimaginable pain. Not the physical kind, but one of the mind. The pain of loss… Setagana. No. She ran. Not away from her pursuer, she didn’t care about that now. She ran towards that familiar tugging sensation that pulled her in his direction. She could sense that feeling diminish with each moment and she ran faster. After what seemed like a long time, she stumbled onto Setagana’s body. She could no longer feel their bond now, but she checked for his pulse nonetheless. She stumbled and fell to her knees as she couldn’t find a pulse and let out a heart-wrenching scream. They said losing a Warder was extremely tough for an Aes Sedai, but nothing could prepare her for this. Setagana. Poor Setagana. What did we do to deserve this? She laid there sobbing for what felt like an eternity till the approach of footsteps indicated the presence of her pursuer. Suddenly, she seemed to be aware of her surroundings. She knew this person had come for both of them, and she needed to survive to tell the others. She prepared her Weaves to attack the unknown person. Just as she was about to release them, she felt held back. Like something was restraining and holding her back. What in the- Her eyes widened in realization. She could feel her opponent’s Weaves of Air on her arms but she could not feel them. And that meant only one thing. Saidin. She tried to shake it off, but the Weaves gripped her harder until one of the Weaves entered her mouth. As the mysterious person started walking closer, the Weaves grew thicker and increased in number, choking and suffocating her. Tears streamed from her eyes as she struggled to breathe. The last thing she saw before she took her final breath was a familiar face. Halima. As dawn broke, the news of Anaiya and Setagana’s death travelled quickly. Whispers of Black Ajah ran around the camp, and there was a general sense of panic in the air. The Amyrlin Seat had to deal with this, and deal with it quickly. She immediately called a meeting with the Hall of the Tower to inform the Sitters and to get to the bottom of this gruesome event. Anaiya was killed! She was a Rebel Aes Sedai of the order Blue Ajah. Setagana was killed! He was a Warder in the service of Rebel Aes Sedai. QF50 has begun! Cycle 1 will end on January 15, at 23:30 IST [GMT + 05:30]. All the PMs should have been sent. If you have not received yours, let me know. Please try to bold your votes, and give retractions in green. Have fun and don’t forget to put your actions in! Player List:
  5. Wasing of the existing!!! Hello! I exist! My brother, Enter a username, has mentioned me a few times, so you may have heard of my amazing Awesomeness(I am allowed to spell Awesomeness with an uppercase A because I am an Edgedancer).
  6. I would be significantly less defensive of Moash if there were more characters who were openly critical of the caste system.
  7. I don't trust any history of the Recreance. Every Radiant had to have made the decision to abandon Oaths. There's no evidence that half of them decided, with a protracted war killing the other half, etc. This was a community-wide decision and a universal act to dispand the Knights Radiant and remove surgebinding from Roshar. As such, the Skybreakers didn't quietly betray the other Orders. Nor would the others allow an entire order to decide to not take part. I believe the Skybreakers were left behind to make sure all Radiants broke Oaths, as a police force, to prosecute any that refused. Once assured that all others broke Oaths, they would do so themselves. When the Skybreakers saw that spren were killed by the act of breaking Oaths, they couldn't very well kill their own spren. They didn't grow their order, however, and eventually it mostly died off to old age. Except for Nale. He couldn't die, nor could he break Oaths. As an aside, it's possible that the Recreance itself was a reason why Nale bonded with a highspren in the first place. To be part of the monitoring team. He eventually regrew the Skybreakers to watch for the return of Radiants, essentially continuing the reason they didn't abandon Oaths with everyone else in the first place. Only, by this time, he was insane and decided that Radiants must die to stop the return of the Desolations.
  8. I've edited the The Way of Kings Prime cover to make covers for a few other unpublished works, as I thought the cover looked rather nice, and that the other unpublished novels needed covers anyway. The Pimp My Aether thread explains how to convert the Word files to eBook formats and attach covers. White Sand: Aether of Night: Dragonsteel Prime: Liar of Partinel: Mythwalker: Mistborn Prime: Final Empire Prime:
  9. Here to write down my opinions on how Shallan's past all fits together. There's so many ways to interpret it, especially when you bring WoBs in. I like mine, and I think it has some interesting implications about the nature of deadeyes. Shallan bonded Testament at a young age. Probably some family troubles that drove her to it? Something giving her reasons to want to hide in the gardens and dream. As we have seen, the Cryptics have been very eager to bond humans though. Recall how Shallan saw several of them in Kharbranth? Pattern was present when Testament bonded Shallan, and may have even been following her around for years afterward. So Testament and Pattern were part of the same group who saw the coming need for Radiants and went looking for humans. They found Shallan. Testament bonded her first. It lasted for... a couple of years? Months? We don't know exactly. But the bond eventually broke. Pattern is considered brave at least in part because of his willingness to bond her after what happened to Testament. Now, I think that Shallan advanced all the way to (at least) her second truth with Testament. Her third ideal. This is because I prefer to assume that all orders get their Shardblades at the same level. Could be a faulty assumption... but until we've seen otherwise, it feels like the best bet that she would summon Testament in self defense against her mother after she had spoken the usual number of ideals (3) to obtain a Shardblade. Then things go south. She breaks off her bond with Testament... Or does she? What does it mean to break a bond with your Nahel spren? The books so far have suggested they become a deadeye. And, well, okay... they do. Obviously that's what Testament is. But I don't think they necessarily have to follow the rules of the deadeyes we've seen. I think it's very clear that, despite Testament's state, she and Shallan still have some shred of a bond between them. She knows where Shallan is, and followed her around. (plus more that I'll get into momentarily) In Shallan's final chapter she talks specifically about how odd it is that she had powers after killing Testament and before finding Pattern: So when Hoid shows up one year at Middlefest, holds up some spheres of Stormlight, and Shallan seems to interact with them briefly? That's because she still has the tatters of her bond with Testament. There's... something in here about the imprisonment of Ba-Ado-Mishram that matters, but it's very difficult to speculate on what that means for Shallan's bond. Anyways, then we get to the Soulcasting of the goblet in TWoK. People have often assumed that her bond with Pattern allowed this. I don't think it was him. Note this line: The voice Shallan spoke with in that scene wasn't Pattern. Or at least it dosn't seem to be. Kind of an odd line no? It makes sense though. Testament was following her. She's "dead", but they still have a bond. Shallan can still summon her deadeye as a Shardblade. She can still make use of their bond to Soulcast. And that's what happens in her rooms in Kharbranth. I think the truth that she seems to speak in that scene ("I'm terrified") was either an advancement in her bond with Testament, or maybe it was a slight reparation of it. Not clear how "repairing" a bond like that works. It's somewhere at this point that she begins to bond Pattern as well. She speaks her first truth to Pattern at the end of TWoK ("I killed my father"), and that's why he begins to manifest a few days later on the deck of Wind's Pleasure. The biggest problem with this idea is that she believes the blade to be Pattern on several occasions. She's an unreliable narrator to the extreme. I absolutely think this could be one giant self-deception. I don't think we have any clear descriptions of the Blades well enough to say if the descriptions do or don't match unfortunately. But I'm sure this will bother some people. Nevertheless, I think this is what Shallan is admitting when she says she had two Shardblades in chapter 115. In any case, at the end of Words of Radiance Shallan speaks her 2nd truth to Pattern putting them at "level 3". Meanwhile, her bond with Testament is still there. There's a notable WoB that Shallan is "a step higher than Kaladin" at the end of WoR. This may be because she originally advanced with Testament to "level 4" and that doesn't entirely regress just because she broke her oaths. (Kaladin being at level 3 at the end of WoR) It's also possible that Shallan originally made it to "level 3" (Shardblade level) and then her "I'm terrified" actually advanced their bond further. Remember when Adolin asks about Shardplate in OB chapter 15? There were theories that her bond with Pattern had advanced this far and she's holding back. This always bugged me. Why should she have trouble admitting this? Testament makes it all make sense. She can't summon Shardplate because it would require her to acknowledge her bond with Testament--the one that's far enough along to grant Plate. But she's not there yet. Where's Shallan at the end of RoW? Both of her bonds are now at level 4, with "I killed Testament" being her 3rd truth with Pattern. Shallan has not just one but TWO more truths to go, perhaps. One for each spren. EDIT: Added qoute about the holes still in Shallan's past, and a mention of the "two Shardblades" quote. EDIT #2: I've reevaluated some of my opinions and added a bunch of analysis on page 3 of this topic:
  10. Odium is bound by agreements made by past holders of the shard. Rayse agreed with Taravangian to preserve Kharbranth no matter what. But now Taravangian holds the shard. Is he bound by that agreement? The simplest, and most likely, answer is that Taravangian can represent himself to himself and abrogate the agreement. But this still might not be so clear-cut. If that is the case, though, the tragic irony is that all that work and treachery and evil that T put into protecting Kharbranth was a complete waste of time.
  11. So far it seems as if Shallan and Adolins next step is to find BAM and release her, as they both have deadeye spren and Kalak indicated that BAM being captured lead to dead eyes. However there are only ten days left till the battle of champions and they are stuck in the middle of shadesmar, more than ten days away from the closest perpindicularity. So by that logic BAM is most likely in shadesmar and within ten days journey. Kalak was there for the capture of BAM so he could have her in shadesmar. But if he did he likely would have told Adolin and Shallan at the end of RoW when they all talked together about BAM, dead eyes, and Maya. However we know that another Herald was there at the capture of BAM other than Kalak. We know acording to maps and RoW that Lasting Integrity is on the between Tukar and Emul right near where Dalinar and Odiums forces faced each other, and where Dalinar talked to Ishar. AT the end of which Ishar went into the congnitive realm. So he is somewhere close to Lasting Integrity in the cognitive realm. I believe that Ishar was the other Herald there for the capturing of BAM and that the radiants gave him the perfect gem that holds BAM. Because if he has it, Shallan and Adolin could get it from him within the ten days as he is right outside Lasting Integrity. But there is more, near the end of RoW dead eyes started gathering outside Lasting Integrity. The honorspren said it was because they were finally going to get justice, but what if instead they were drawn to BAM. Because again acording to Kalak dead eyes only occured after BAM's capture and said that BAM was conected to all of Roshar including spren. So the dead eyes could still be connected to BAM enough that they are drawn to where she is. In that case it would mean that BAM was near the border of Tukar and Emul, right where Ishar was, waiting for Dalinar. In sumation, another Herald was at BAM's capture, dead eyes who only exist because of BAM's capture are flocking to Tukar and Emul's border where Ishar is, Ishar went through a perpindicularity and is now right outside Lasting Integrity, and there are only ten days left for Adolin and Shallan to find and free BAM. The only logical thing is that Ishar has BAM.
  12. So. I was going through the "Hero of Ages" prophecy and I found the line, "That which has been sundered must again begin to find its whole." (here's a link: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Terris_Prophecies#Prophecy_quotes) Now, supposedly the prophecy is only referring to Sazed, but let's think about it for a bit. "That which has been sundered . . ." (by the way, sundered is a synonym for split.) Well, Harmony wasn't sundered. Adonalsium was sundered. So presumably, this line should be referring to Adonalsium. Which means that "[Adonalsium] must again begin to find its whole." Whole??? Yeah, we saw Ruin and Preservation combine into Harmony. But Harmony isn't whole. Harmony is 1/8th of whole. 12.5%. Therefore, I predict that all the shards of Adonalsium will eventually be collected and fused back together. Seems like a cool way to end the story of the cosmere. I went through the other lines from the prophecy, but those all talk about the Hero directly, and most of them do sound like they refer to Sazed. Although, wouldn't this be fun, what if Sazed isn't the Hero of Ages? He just fits the prophecy well enough that nobody's looking for the Hero anymore. They think it's him, Harmony. When really, it's somebody we haven't been introduced to yet so we can't compare them against the prophecy. I don't know. For now, I'll assume that Sazed is the Hero of Ages, but I am confident that Adonalsium will eventually become Adonalsium again. I mean, Odium already did a good portion of the work. How many shards has he splintered so far? It's at least, like, five. Somebody just needs to go collect the splinters. If Sazed did that, maybe his Intent would change enough to let him be more useful. Anyway, that's all I got.
  13. Blood and Ash i've ruined myself! Its simply impossible for anyone but the elims to be aware that the mastermind GM can witness their secrecy and schemings!
  14. you would think doggo would learn from the jalapeno incident.
  15. I'm here xD Dannex (3): Shard of Reading, James Brafin, Condensation Matrim's Dice (1): Illwei Gears (1): Liranil StrikerEZ (1): Archer Condensation (1): Matrim's Dice This should be correct.
  16. Conden is a lot more circumstantial, but here goes: Post #63 is a sheepy, naked, serious vote very early. Granted, there was (is) some real concern about Dannex, but it contributes nothing, just a blind hop onto a wagon that was mostly just discussion. That bothers me -- and then we get to this: These are the three votes between Dannex's declaration and Dannex's unvote. They explain nothing. They revolve around personal meta which is evidently not reliable. And they contain fluff. In fact, Condensation never did explain why they thought it was s good vote, they just voted and left it there and never went back to it. That reads strongly of soft-bussing to me, trying hard to put yourself in a place early to protect one's self if Dannex goes down later. (It also doesn't help Dannex's case at all.) The other half I'm not going to quote, because the majority of it was my lack of reading comprehension skills and fluff. If you're interested, it's posts 124 through 151, so the very end of Page 5 to the very start of page 7. What I want to point out is Conden's participation here. This is by far the most active they have been this cycle. NAI, I know. But he's so readily encouraging this fluff conversation, nudging it along here and there when they feel the need. That's suspicious to me -- that sounds exactly how I would think as Elim in a QF; waste as much time and text as possible so as to run down the clock. And it worked, conversation mostly ground to a standstill after that point. I'd really question Conden's motivations here, because they might be playing the long con. Point being, This feels like soft-bussing from two players trying to create some conflict and distance; honestly, if feels kind of contrived, if you ask me. I think it's very indicative of scum, and that's why I have a hard read of Elim on both of them. Edit: (I'll get to my Quinn stuff in a bit, alongside my logic in-depth on Dannex's #47 and #55 here in a bit. I've been at this for 4 hours, I need to shower and rest my brain because it's been running a marathon)
  17. YKYASF when you reach out with A-Iron to retrieve a soda, but then remember the cans are made of aluminum ...and that you aren’t a mistborn. or even a misting.
  18. Okay, I'm two pages in and I'm slowly getting some headway and thinking in. As of the top of page three, here's my general overview: Hard townlean on Quinn. Has been pretty productive already, very town!solve Illwei, I'm on to you. I figured out what you were going after in #16, but I can't decide if I believe you or you're baiting (and I'm leaning towards the latter). At any rate, I'm pretty sure you haven't succeeded at this point, so that's that. FoS on you Dice I have you between two things as well, but again I don't know where to put you; you're very NAI to me right now (which isn't a great thing). I appreciate being a grass-colored sheep but it's hard to read like that. Mild townlean on Ash, Condensate, heavier on Devota. I'm super, super sus of Dannex right now. Like, hardcore want to vote but don't know the structure yet so don't want to do anything stupid. There's powerhunting, there's high-effort/low-value, there's a possible PM slip; and I still need to parse #46. Leaning town!shard for his contribution to this, btw. Wish I could say more about Liranil, Unknown, and Lotus, but they've been super NAI so far. Will be back in about 30 minutes with next batching.
  19. The tone of her voice changes. Where before she was regal and imposing, now the Queen sounds biting and angry. Obviously this is a sore point for her. Friends. Humans and their words. All that means is that they must pretend, they must act as if they care. I have no such illusions. I care for you, Janice, but only as a master craftsman cares for her tools. Your friends have no vision, they only see the world as it is, not as it could be. I don't seek for peace or for power, only for simplicity. The world condensed down to predator and prey, strong over the weak. Become the strong or become the prey, Janice.
  20. Vote Count: Dannex (2) : Shard of Reading, Condensation Quinn0928 (1) : Illwei StrikerEZ (1) : Archer Illwei (1) : Dannex Condensation (1) : Matrim's Dice Do tell me if something is off.
  21. I never get suspicion for not voting D1... (Somewhat seriously, the last time multiple people read me village for a single post I was promply shot twice in the head...)
  22. @Vapor and @EmiTheNinja, you guys are both gorgeous human beings, and you're super loveable and great friends.
  23. Couple things: Wit technically broke his agreement with Odium. Odium isn't aware of it because Hoid stopped the bubble before Odium could be made aware of it. Rayse had beef with Hoid. Taravangian only knows that beef through whatever memories Odium transferred to him. Evidence from the Epilogue says that Taravangian is more interested in what Hoid knows than any beef Rayse once had with him. TOdium just doesn't know how to get that information without cluing Hoid in to the fact that Rayse is dead. Whatever the agreement is between Hoid and Odium that protects Hoid, it never precluded removing short term memory stored in Breaths. TOdium removed the Breaths while stating that he could do so without harming. So I don't think there's anything here. TOdium is not aware of Hoid interfering with Odium's corrupting of Kaladin. Since he isn't aware, there is no danger to Hoid.
  24. My theory on Wayne is that his Spiritual Restoration and Time Manipulation are working together to maintain his Age that is closer to his Objective Age rather than the Subjective time he's experienced through all the Time Bubbles. A normal Slider that burns as much metal as regularly as Wayne does could potentially die of old age in the 40's. Making matters worse, Bendalloy is toxic and WOB confirms the standard way to deal with that is to burn any excess off before you sleep, so even being prepared to Slide forces the average user burn metal and thus Lifespan each day. Wayne has the option to instead use his Gold Reserves to heal the damage of the Heavy Metal Poisoning, assuming he rations his limited Gold Stores for that purpose (which I dont see evidence of). TL;DR Wayne is using a combination of the thematic abilities to Restore/"Preserve" his Spiritweb via F-Gold and his ability to manipulate Time to "reset" his age back to the objective Timeframe.
  25. Just realised you won't get notification if I edit the previous post. To be clear, sign-ups are closed
  26. @Knight of Iron @Isabelle6060@King Aragorn of Gondor @Tesh @Channelknight Fadran
  27. Welcome, Iarwainiel! And also welcome to the older than all these young pups club...you'd be the second person on the Shard that I know to be older than I am In all of the Middle Earth related art I've seen over the nearing 40 years since I first read the Hobbit, I've not seen that piece. Thanks for sharing it. And thanks for sharing the story. I think I'm right in saying I love the books as much as you do. I think the LOTR trilogy is worth seeing. I don't have trouble seeing my vision of how the book looks. I might have more trouble with that if the movies were more directly visual representations of the words on the page than they are (every book has to get adapted in some way), but I've never had trouble keeping them separate. The only places I may struggle with that at all are Rivendell (which, honestly, surpassed anything in my imagination) and Minas Tirith, which they did so very well (and, honestly, Tolkien's description is so explicit) that I kinda incorporated it into how I view things. Ymmv of course, I don't want you to feel pressure with it, but I did very much enjoy the LOTR trilogy.
  28. Ah, thanks. He does seem to try to do better in TWOK and WOR but boy howdy is he overprotective and accidentally smothering. Poor Adolin's the one who gets Judgemental Dalinar and Actively Stifling Dalinar. The way my buddy put it is like this. "Dalinar is good at "I don't get it more more power to you" with most people, but Adolin is too close to him for him to accept "not getting it". So he has to invent a version of Adolin that he does get." Which definitely fits with Dalinar's fears of Adolin being a mini-me. It's just that Adolin is SO different from Dalinar and Dalinar doesn't understand that he ends up crushing Adolin's passions and treating him as a disappointment for not abandoning Maya to do the practical thing and get himself a hotter, younger spren.
  29. I like this idea a lot, I think if Shalash finds out this is possible it would be big for her character as well. I don't think Vasher would do that though, I doesn't feel like something he would do without prompting, Vivenna on the other hand...she might.
  30. I liked you better when you were hijacking Enter's account
  31. Since I think part of Kelsier’s era 3 plan involves conning multiple Shards so Harmony can acquire enough others to act... this fits quite nicely. To add: I am very much of the opinion that the ending of Era four Mistborn is hidden in Era 1.
  32. He spent most of his formative years being thrust into a semi-parental role for his special-needs brother because his dad was a broken alcoholic whose psyche was shattered by decades of badly handled PTSD. What we see as readers is the result of that experience, we don't see the fumbles he made along the way. And frankly, even if he is a rare kind of person, I still love the guy, because I love characters who are just plain good. And Adolin, the polar opposite of Amaram, the supportive guy who's just plain nice because he can do that, the guy who won't discard Maya as a case of Too Bad, So Sad, Nothing To Be Done, the flaming bisexual dandy with a keen eye for others, the guy who knows how to be supportive rather than just protective and who cares so little for stupid Alethi propriety that he'll throw himself in prison to protest some darkeyed spearman's unjust imprisonment after that guy ruined a plan Adolin nearly died for, but who also will take his father's disdain for his passions with minimal complaint for years before finally openly chafing in the middle of a literal apocalypse when Dalinar decided to add "Son, why don't you get rid of that deadeye, what a sad case, but there's nothing to be done, just get rid of it and we'll get you a shiny new spren who'll give you cool powers and stuff!" and "I think you might be turning into the psychopath I was when I was younger because you stabbed a sociopathic asshole who, after years of actively trying to provoke you and deliberately trying to get you and me killed AND being inhumanly cruel to poor nobodies even by Alethi standards, told you to your face that he was going to keep on being a backstabbing asshole until you, me, and everybody you love is dead and the world is doomed" to his judgemental lecturing... Look, I just storming love Adolin. I love characters who are introduced to us as good, remain good, and whose flaws and foibles are reasonable things they can work through with some help--if they ever get it. In a cast where the other mains include a domestic abuse survivor who killed her parents and has DID, a guy who went through so much torment he literally nearly committed suicide twice and frankly should be a twitching wreck huddled in the corner of a dark room at this point, and a mass-murderer who had to have brain surgery to become a decent person, it's really nice to have one guy who is just a pretty good dude, has been since he was a kid, and is there when the traumatized hot messes need a hug.
  33. Thought of this meme the other day while I was talking to @Butt Ad Venture
  34. Hero of Ages minor spoiler This one isn't a spoiler
  35. If you see some specific memes that you want to upvote at this instant, then you can go find other posts that you upvoted, remove your upvote, and then give it to the place you desire. Generally, however, it is courteous to leave an upvote once you have given it.
  36. Whatever fault is involved, Shallan doesn't deserve it. When I read that I wanted to shake every single Cryptic by the shoulders and tell them they cannot bond children.
  37. Ooh this is a really good one! Speaking of - have we seen this any other time this happened? Didn't Taln have some burst of lucidity in other books - Oathbringer for sure. But I'm unsure if it was before or after Szeth said his oath, and Teft was at the Tower when he said his. Also - could the Heralds be going insane so bad because of the Recreance, and no one was swearing Oaths anymore? Could having more and more Radiants swearing help the Heralds?
  38. That is what happened. While talking to Taravangian, Odium says that he's angry because he had lost his champlion again. First Dalinar, then Stormblessed.
  39. /whisper Burnt Can you hear me? Edit: No wait this looks really bad in context-
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  40. Think of Breaths like portable coffee mugs full of steaming hot coffee. Breaths are designed to be held and transported around. They also refill automatically when you use up the coffee. And you can hand off the mugs to other people. And instead of being inconvenient and heavy, carrying 2000 mugs of coffee around makes you not age. Or something. Think of Stormlight like coffee being held in colanders. The colanders are filled by a huge storm that rains coffee and fills them as it goes by. Then, when you want coffee, you have to take some from the colanders and hold it in your mouth until you're ready to drink it. And the coffee's hot. And you keep swallowing a little and spitting some out all the time. The metaphor kind of breaks down, but yeah.
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  41. I 100% believe that somebody at that meeting was responsible for the attack on the palanquin. If it was some other rando, that becomes a very convoluted coincidence and a mystery that is not even worth unraveling this many books later. However, I can see that we both want to believe that Kelsier is not as evil as Shallan believes the GBs to be. Maybe the middle ground here is that we can agree not every action done by every person in the GBs is something that was ordered by the leadership. Mraize directly tells us that their members have freedom to act independently, within certain confines. This is consistent with the Crew. And in this case, I can't wait to see a scene where Kelsier beats Mraize senseless for what he did to Lift. In fact, I can't wait to see a scene where Kelsier wipes the floor with Mraize's pompous, slimy face as a general punishment for being such an annoying blowhard toward Shallan. You know, life would be easier if Shallan could just become the bad guy. Then it'll be fine that Kaladin killed her brother. Fine that Tyn & co tried to kill both Shallan and Jasnah. Fine that the GBs have been so stingy about giving her the password to their iCloud. Etc.
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  42. What’s interesting about this answer is that it also clarifies at least one question: Kelsier really did want to help the Skaa as part of his motivations. I adore Kelsier. Not because he’s a hero or a protagonist. But because he’s a trickster. I love tricksters. I keep comparing Kell to Silk (Belgariad, mostly heroic) and David Xanatos (Gargoyles, mostly villainous) for a reason. He fits perfectly into the same archetype they do. Anti-authoritarian to a dangerous degree. Somewhat sociopathic. Always needing to out smart the next guy. Acquires massive resources, but doesn’t actually care about it beyond ‘keeping score.’ Lives for the con and the challenge. Is inherently selfish by nature. And yet: is fiercely loyal to those he considers ‘his.’ (And that can be fairly extensive.) Has a personal code that he sticks to. Has lines he won’t cross. Genuinely does want to better things - for himself and others - but doesn’t care much for the moralities of the method used. Capable of genuine kindness and compassion, though it isn’t always evident if you don’t know him. That type of character fascinates me, because good or evil really depends on one’s perspective. Most of Brandon’s major protagonists would be heroes no matter where you put them. Kelsier - and, possibly, Jasnah - are exceptions. Kelsier is, like most tricksters, an almost perfect chaotic neutral. And that is such a fun type of character to play with.
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  43. Made this a couple days ago but realized i probably couldn't put it in cremposting. Thank you so much for creating a meme page where RoW spoilers are fine!
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  44. Great rap, Archer! You've set the bar high. Now, onto my own roast.
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  45. That seems like quite the stretch to me. The only one I would really agree with is the parallel between Delious and Sebarial, the rest share one or two similarities with their "counterparts" but realistically most characters do; Harry Potter shares some personality traits with Kaladin, it doesn't mean they're similar.
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