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Showing most liked content on 01/14/21 in Status Updates

  1. Heh, I forgot to give that here earlier, so here you go. A dragon and a Kippy :
  2. I sent this in the Discord already, but I just love it soo much!! Enjoy!
  3. Why is it that the instant you're looking for a kind of LEGO, it's gone. Vanished. Never existed. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I can find eighty-one cents, but not a LEGO mug.
  4. Hey everyone!! Vote on @Vapor in the king thread!!! She deserves it!
  5. Hey! All you! Go to king of the thread and vote for @EmiTheNinja as soon as the poll's up.
  6. Just randomly came up with this magic system, do y’all think it’s worth continuing into something? It’s based on an idea I’ve had brewing in my mind for a while, those of you who read my one Christmas Advent Calendar submission will see the similarities. I haven’t edited or refined this at all, pure stream of consciousness, I came up with an idea and wrote it, so any and all input is appreciated. Is it too similar to anything that already exists? Please, be as harsh as you want, this took me like 3 minutes of brainstorming, so I literally cannot take offense.
  7. I’m a small human rep-wise (mainly cuz I don’t do many memes). BUT I currently have the most rep I’ve ever gotten in one post-from a theory! 14 rep ain’t record breaking, but it is quite a lot!
  8. So my teacher told us we could leave the online class once we finished our assignment, but apparently we had to message him saying we were done before we could leave. He wanted to check our work so he could give us approval to exit the class, but I just left the class without asking because I didn't know... And then he personally sent me an email being like, "Please never do that again", and I can't decide between being terrified and laughing. This was like ten minutes ago and I'm laughing so hard, but I can also imagine the anger/annoyance on his face when he saw I left the class. What makes it even funnier is that I was writing a fantasy story while I didn't know I was supposed to still be in class, and I was just writing and saw this random message pop up that was like: "Next time, please ask me before leaving the call." Anyways, that's been my last few minutes. I almost panicked, but it's honestly kind of hilarious that he messaged me about it and I was completely clueless.
  9. This is the longest freaking two weeks of my life...
  10. It has been my goal for a while now to have more reputation than I have posts. The past 3 days I "Won the Day", and 4 days ago I was in 2nd place. These have drastically helped me and I am now closer than ever to achieving my goal! Thank you to everyone who has seen my posts and thought "I might as well humor this otter and give him some reputation". I greatly appreciate the support and upvotes I have received! Right now I have exactly 400 reputation, making me an Envisager. I have 421 posts (That is kinda cool, each number is half the number preceding it). Also, a little riddle for you, how can you take 2 from 5 and still have 4 remaining? Answer
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  11. Two things: 1. I need ideas for my 2000th post. 2. Samuel L Jackson is a chaotic genius. The actor famously has a stutter, right? And he's a household name. But the name he chose to get famous under includes his middle initial. So instead of saying Samuel Jackson, everybody who ever talks about him has to say Samuel-el Jackson. He makes everybody else sound like they're stuttering too.
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  12. Okay, so my brother(experience) and I had this great idea. Were going to film the way of kings! But it is taking forever to write the script. Anyone want to help? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19so2FvcSXqXdZixlVsHOrDM0Xj6RgR9k Just remember, no deleting any one else's work unless they say that it is okay to do so
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  13. A huge windstorm knocked out the power in my area.
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  14. Before anyone panics, Queen did say she was gonna be gone for a couple weeks.
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