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  1. From the album: The Stormlight Archive

    Slowly going to upload some of the fan art I did in the past months... here's Renarin!
  2. From the album: The Stormlight Archive

    Here's another fan art of Shallan. I drew her in Veil's outfit this time because I love the red/white! (Painting her hair was really the best part about this...)
  3. Truthless had a status update awhile back. How did it go? *Wakes up. It's a beautiful morning.* *Goes outside onto my balcony, feeling the sun on my face.* *I look up, then sing into the dawn.* "Never gonna GIVE YOU UP!!!"
  4. 50/100 memes because @Ookla the Editor asked also @BreezeCauthon @DramaQueen (Guys what's salads new name?) @Chinkoln @Ookla the Grammatical General memes are in the spoiler tag, individual book spoilers are in their own sub-spoiler, so you can enjoy WoK memes wihtout OB spoilers SA Mistborn Warbreaker Shadows for Silence White Sand General Brandon no spoilers Cosmere Merry Christmas.
  5. From the album: The Stormlight Archive

    I tried to paint Syl! This was quite a bit out of my comfort zone (all in blue!) but she's so lovely.... I just hope I did her justice!
  6. Jes-son-Laal knew Surgebinding when he saw it. Someone had used its powers a few days ago. Someone who had been standing close enough to him that he could see the Light steaming from their breath. He didn't know what they were doing, but they were obviously focused. Trained. Not in force, as the Bearers were. But in subtlety. He had to know. He rounded the corridor, finally coming to his destination in the dark. The room of the tailor, Ganeth-null-Shantis-Mawelar. They were... peculiar. Nervous. Untrained in the ways of the Bearers, which wasn't incriminating on its own. Many people became Bearers suddenly in this past week. But combined with what he saw... Ganeth's head shot up hearing his approach on the wood floor. "What is it?" "Are you the Bearer of Ishar's Honorblade?" Jes asked quietly. Ganeth shook their head. "No. What makes you-" "You lie." The tailor laughed. "I do not bear that Blade. I don't think I've told a lie this entire venture. I don't want to become the next Truthless." Jes's expression turned stony. "And yet you used Adhesion." Ganeth stilled. "You used it a few days ago. I saw. The only way for a true Shin to have used that Surge is with Ishar's blade. That or-" Ganeth whirled into motion as only a Surgebinder could, and a golden knife buried itself in Jes's throat. 'Was that a gem in it's hilt?' Was his final thought. 'May it be a hallow for my soul...' * * * Ganeth panicked. So, they'd need to be more careful. Jes may have been chasing the wrong axehound, but he had still been so close to the truth- "You can drop the Lightweaving." They turned. Standing at the door, looking at the body on the floor, was the one person he hadn't wanted to see. Kaladin stepped through the door, Lightweaved persona dropped for the moment. "I can't forgive this. Not this time." "I didn't want your forgiveness. I wanted you to understand. Instead you abandoned me." "And you ran right to Odium's arms. I'm sorry, Moash." Ganeth scowled. "I... am... Vyre." They hurled themself at Kaladin, grabbing another knife. But they only met the point of Kaladin's spear as it coalesed from the night. Ganeth's Lightweaving faded as their eyes burned, revealing an Alethi form. One Kaladin knew all too well. "I will protect those I hate, Moash. But only so long as it is right." * * * Ookla the Hypodecedal / Devotary of Spontaneity was killed! They were Vyre, a secret role, and the Bearer of Jezrien's Honorblade! Ookla the Sprinkle / JesterLavorre was killed! They were a member of the Shin High Council! Jezrien's Honorblade has been added to the Honorblade pool, and is available to be claimed by Devotary of Spontaneity's killer! If it remains unclaimed, it will be redistributed at the end of the turn. * * * @Vapor has replaced Ookla the Watcher / Kings_Way! Please welcome them to the game! @Whysper has replaced The Windrunner Supreme! Please welcome them to the game! @Gears is up for the inactivity filter if they do not post this cycle. (It might have supposed to have been this cycle, but I forgot a warning, so... one cycle.) PMs are *sighs audibly* still open until the next Day turn! All PMs must be between two players only, and must also include @Ookla Fell From The Sky and @Elandera (but NOT Elbereth - she's requested to keep out of Player PMs). Other than that, go wild. The Day Turn will end at 5:00 PM PST on December 18th, in about 47 hours. Get your actions in! Honorblade List: Player List:
  7. We went Elving! It's kind of like your Boo-ing, @Ookla the Grammatical, except that we do it during December. If you don't know what either of those are, then it is going around to a certain(or random) house, putting a treat or present on their doorstep, and ding-dong-ditching. Then we hide and watch the people come outside. It is so fun. So, today, instead of Elving a certain family we didn't know, we Elved our best friends. Since they knew about Elving, we had our dad call them, and him and my brother be on facetime while we Elved. My mom and my sister hid in the trees across the street, and I snuck up to them and left the presents at the door. They have a porch with long steps, so I figured the easiest way was to jump off the porch. I put the presents near the door, and knocked really loud. Then I vaulted over the porch(and fell nine feet, almost twisting my ankle), and ran away. I watch from behind their neighbors porch as they came outside. They found the presents and acted really confused as we had Elved them once before, and they thought that we were facetiming them at the moment. I ran down the street, and my mother and sister looped around the street in the car. I met them at the bottom, and we drove off. Success!
  8. I'm finally actually becoming a willshaper!
  9. I posted a theory in the stormlight subreddit some weeks ago. I've discovered this forum since then and realized that it is a much more appropriate place for long theorizing. I'll therefore post the theory here too if that's ok. While reading the Navani/Raboniel chapters, I was shocked to see what sounded like a really good analogy to a fundamental concept in higher-level math and physics that usually does not get good popular-science explanations. I don't know if this was just a coincidence that I'm reading too much into or if someone in Brandon Sanderson's orbit learned the concept somewhere. Either way, I had to make an account to write about this. Field Theory: This section is going to be pop-science, so every detail is going to be a lie. However, the overall ideas and intuitions should be correct. Modern physics theories think of the universe as a made up of a bunch of things called fields. A field can be thought of as a bunch of abstract waves that permeate space. Physicists then apply some standard mathematical concepts for studying waves and eventually derive all the normal particles and laws that we hear about. To go further, let's discuss two intuitive and familiar versions of waves: light and sound. The first step when studying a wave it to break it up into a combination of basic, "pure waves" that, when combined in the right proportions, can make up any sound or color. For sound, these are the pure tones and for light, these are pure colors that a prism breaks it into. The list of pure waves depends only on particular symmetries that the field satisfies. For light and sound the pure waves are sine waves which behave very nicely when translated around (slightly more precisely for those who know, they satisfy the angle-addition formulas from high school trigonometry). Translation symmetry is important because that's the symmetry satisfied by the laws sound and light waves follow. The more complicated fields in physics satisfy more complicated symmetries. For example, rotational symmetry gives you "pure tones" that look like the electron orbital pictures you might see in chemistry class. Mathematicians call these generalized pure tones "irreducible representations". Just like breaking up sound into pure tones gives you the notes that make up everything sound-wise, breaking up the more complicated physics fields into irreducible representations give you the pieces of the universe that make up everything---all the fundamental particles: electrons, quarks, etc. While you don't need so many fancy words to just talk about the concept of decomposing into pure tones, field theory suggests that this is the fundamental idea needed to understand reality. The Fantasy Version: Investiture: In the real world, this analogy between sound/light and the physics fields that make up the universe is just that, nothing more than an analogy. However, something with Intent seems to make it much more than that with investiture in the Cosmere. Navani's chapters suggest that Investiture breaks up into different "pure tones" corresponding to different shards. Instead of just being complicated irreducible representations of the symmetries of some "investiture field", they also correspond to analogous and much more intuitive things: literal tones/rhythms or colors. Somehow, having the right Intent when creating the corresponding literal sound tone turns it into the correct tone of investiture. It lets you turn "base-state" investiture into investiture of the type you want. Because she was born on Roshar, Navani had been hearing the tones of Honor, Cultivation, and Odium her whole life and knew them almost from memory, so this was possible for her to do. Some Wild Speculation: Now, here's some wild theorizing if thinking about investiture in this way is actually correct. First, you should be able to use light instead of sound to imprint an investiture type onto base-state investiture. Light is another human-intuitive form of decomposing a wave into pure tones so it should work similarly if you have the right Intent. However, making pure colors is harder than pure sounds and might require a laser or something similar. Much more interestingly, you should not be restricted to tones you know from memory. In real physics, the "tones" correspond to irreducible representations of the symmetries of the field. If you know the symmetries, it's not too difficult for modern, Earth mathematics to enumerate and describe all the irreducible representations. It should therefore be possible for scholars on Roshar to mathematically derive all the rhythms, tones, and colors for all the other shards. In total, they would then be able to create, for example, devotion-light or ambition-light without having heard the tones for devotion or ambition before. Maybe Connecting(?) light to other shards in this way is the method for moving it off Roshar. As one possible path to this, the equations stormwardens use to predict highstorms should have something to do with Honor's "pure tone"/irreducible representation. As anyone who's worked with difficult equations knows, the best tricks for dealing with them involve finding hidden symmetries, so I think the stormwardens might already know some. These hidden symmetries would be the symmetries of the "investiture field". Some stormwarden might, just out of curiosity, decide to figure out which other equations satisfy these hidden symmetries and suddenly discover the patterns governing other shards. This same type of story has played out a lot in the history of real-world math. Finally, this might give some insight into how Adonalsium was shattered. A good analogy might be splitting light into its pure colors by sending it through a prism. I'm going to run into an issue here of having lied in the pop-science section, but in some sense (that's an even worse lie), light in a vacuum has some extra symmetries that make all frequencies the same. In a prism, this symmetry is ruined and different frequencies travel at different speeds, separating them out. Maybe Adonalsium was shattered in a similar way: put into some medium where some symmetry of investiture was broken and then refracted into all the shards. Why RoW is amazing science fiction This fundamental idea--breaking up waves into pure tones--is something that I really don't see that much in even popular science, no matter how important it is to actual physics. Imagine then my shock then when the first mass media I see it in is, of all things, an ostensibly fantasy novel. It's not just a side-note; it's a critical piece of the magic system that I can use above to build wild theories involving real science concepts. This is what science fiction should be: deep concepts and ideas, not just the superficial trappings of the genre, like robots and spaceships or whatever. It is the pure opposite of technobabble. I didn't even talk here about how Navani's chapters present a more accurate view of what it feels like to work on a science problem than anything I've read before. She sees some strange phenomena that confuse her: the voidsphere explosion and the Thaylen guild's fabrial methods. She thinks deeply about all the implications of what they must mean. She then puts together some simple ideas derived from those in complicated ways, experiments with them, and figures out something amazing. This is what science is at its most basic level.
  10. This is my first posting here, and I am currently going through a re-read of Stormlight Archive. I have a tendency to devour new books and I have to go back through them to catch all the little things I missed the first time around. I completely missed the subtle reveal of who Thaidakar really is, for example. Anyway, on to my theory. Taravangian is quite possibly the most arrogant character in the entirety of the Cosmere works. (Hoid is right up there, of course.) But when he ascends to Odium's Shard, he thinks to himself about Cultivation "Oh you have no idea what you've done." Not a direct quote. That being said, throughout Stormlight, it is said that Cultivation sees the future better than any of the other Shards, and clearly she chose Taravangian for a reason. I guess my point I am trying to make is that Taravangian thinks he got the better of Cultivation and Hoid. My theory is that Cultivation will probably turn out to the the most important Shard as the series goes on. Taravangian is clearly more dangerous than Rayse was, and ultimately, I think that Cultivation was counting on Todium taking Hoid's memory breaths. I think that him gaining that knowledge is going to be his downfall.
  11. hello, i'm a new sharder, i and i have a thought, does each shard have an opposite shard like Ruin and Preservation, or is that unique to those 2, because if not, a shard could be Charity, to oppose Odium
  12. And then crash it into a cliff!
  13. Last night I finished... One of the best books I've ever read, y'all.
  14. Same. They could also hypothetically be made into Fused now.
  15. I'm sorry I've been posting so many status updates... But this one is important. Kaladin was letting me take pictures of him this morning without hopping on my phone. HE'S SO STORMING ADORABLE. I MEAN JUST LOOK AT HIS LITTLE FACE. *melts*
  16. When you make a cursed Lopen gingerbread cookie …yeah it didn’t turn out like I thought it would
  17. Okay, the Stormwarden part blew my mind. And it fits too! That knowledge must've been how the high-level Sons of Honor managed to create anti-Voidlight.
  18. I think the secret sauce is Ishar, Bondsmith Unbound. If Ishar, or anyone really wielding the Honourblade, strips Odium from the contest and replaces him with another participant, then Dalinar is still bound win or lose, and Odium suffers absolutely 0 consequnces, win or lose. This ups the stakes of Kaladin and Szeth's Shinovar adventure. I'd put money on this.
  19. I really dislike the general theory that Odium's champion will be a child (Gavinor or whoever). More generally, I hate the theory that Odium's champion will be "someone Dalinar refuses to kill". People seem to like this for a few reasons... It certainly puts Dalinar in a difficult situation, and it's always fun to watch characters squirm. There's the epigraph about the suckling child that everyone wants dead. And most significantly I'd say is that it's a logical culmination of Dalinar and Taravangian's philosophies. Taravangian is willing to sully himself morally for the sake of the world while Dalinar thinks ends don't justify the means--so sure, if Taravangian wants to road block Dalinar he can put him in a no-win moral dilemma. I hate it. Why? It just sounds dumb. I try to imagine this battle of champions, presumably one of the biggest moments of the book 1-5 arc, where Dalinar walks out to see someone he can't kill. Taravangian says, "lol, now what are you going to do?" And Dalinar just falls down crying that he can't do it so I guess Odium wins? Seems wildly anti-climactic. Okay, let's go deeper than "sounds dumb". The main problem with this, to me, is a meta argument that I don't think many readers will be able to sympathize with Dalinar. Very few people hold to a moral philosophy so rigid that they would agree with Dalinar's decision. You have the choice between "not killing this person" (who willingly went along with the idea of being Odium's champion by the way) and saving the world. What percentage of readers would actually pick option A? It's a very extreme minority. So we've reached the most emotionally intense moment of the first 5 books, and 99% of readers are totally unable to sympathize with the protagonist's decision? And Dalinar making such a decision is a terrible direction for his character, I think. Taravangian follows EXTREME Utilitarian logic, right? But Utilitarianism isn't a terrible ethical framework in and of itself. It's Taravangian's extremism and the specific decisions that he's willing to make which are controversial and troubling. Dalinar follows a more deontological ethical framework. (the idea that certain actions are inherently right and wrong--ends don't justify the means) "Journey before destination" is a wonderful philosophy, but taking deontological ethics to an EXTREME is really no less problematic than what Taravangian is doing. Dalinar is our protagonist. (The one Brandon named his own son after.) I really don't want to see the culmination of Dalinar's character arc be about him deciding that his arbitrarily selected moral framework matters more than the survival of many people that he loves. Of course, I can't see Brandon doing this because he's NOT this extreme. Dalinar doesn't like killing, but he's the leader in the Coalition's war effort. He absolutely recognizes that it's needed sometimes. I just can't believe that ANYBODY would freeze Dalinar up so much that he needs to make such an exception... It absolutely undermines ALL of Dalinar's development in Oathbringer because there's no logical way to write such a moment as any sort of victory for Dalinar. You can sort of squint and figure that it could be a moral victory for Dalinar in the midst of defeat, right? "Dalinar chose not to yield on what's morally right, even in the face of defeat." But there's no logical way for Dalinar to make such a decision! Remember, if Dalinar loses then he becomes a Fused and has to serve Odium. You can't tell me that serving Odium in his greater cosmere war doesn't involve killing a bunch of innocent people. Dalinar isn't being given the option to "kill this kid or lose". He's being given the option to "kill this kid... or else I get to order you to kill a thousand more innocents." This is the clear and logical outcome of serving Odium. More war. More death. Surely Dalinar realizes that.... if nothing else, the reader will. So... how can he CHOOSE the latter? He can't. It's against his moral framework even if Brandon (foolishly, imo) were to make him an extremist. So Dalinar can't make a decision here. The only way he goes down this path is if, amidst his internal struggle, he simply melts into a pile of mush and let's himself be killed. Remember "you cannot have my pain"? Well, toss that moment in the garbage I guess because he wasn't strong enough to fight back here. There's probably more... but I've ranted enough. No judgement on people who like this whole idea. There's certainly not a whole lot of evidence against the possibility, in the books. I just think it doesn't make for a particularly logical, enjoyable story or character progression.
  20. We're about to enter the time of year known in the movie industry as "awards season." In honor of this, I decided that it is of the utmost importance that we, the Shard, determine our all-time favorite movie. Hence: the All-time Shard Film Awards, nicknamed the Brandons (instead of the Oscars? Get it?). Here are the rules: nominations are now open. Nominate up to three films by DMing (or is it PMing? I can't remember) them to me. Nominations will close at 11:59 PM EST on December 31. The top ten vote-getters will then be voted on in a public poll. Certain film series (ie Lord of the Rings) will count as one film. In the case of ties, I will break them with my personal opinion. Feel free to campaign for your favorites, and be sure to drum up participation! May the best movies win!
  21. A collection of quotes from things that aren't by Brandon Sanderson that (fairly poorly) describe the arcs of some of the major characters through each Stormlight book: WoK: WoR: Edgedancer: OB: I was going to have more of these, but I had trouble coming up with them. If anyone else thinks of more, please add them.
  22. RoW set up book 5 to have 10 days until the big clash of champions. Meaning everything is going to move really fast, but people like Shallan and Adolin are separated from everyone with no obvious way to get back in the action quickly. How will they get back to the others? Kalak will send/take them. One of his surges is the transportation surge. Oh but Heralds can't surgebind without their blades and he doesn't have his Honorblade ... or does he?!?! He was away from the fortress for months on "patrol" which is why the trial had to wait for him to come back (RoW Ch. 78). Mraize makes a vague comment to Shallan about how the Honorblades were in Shinovar, but the Ghostbloods are having trouble tracking them recently.(RoW Ch. 78). Ishar took his blade back and said Shinovar was a big 'ole mess. (Ch. 111). Simplest solution to Shallan and Adolin's problem is Kalak has his blade and will use Transportation to get them back. Why get more involved when he's been hiding this whole time? I dunno, maybe he feels bad and wants to help. He does write in the epigraphs that it's important that BAM is released and finding BAM is Shallan's goal.
  23. It has been 5 minutes and so I'm back to vent. I just had one of the singularly most stressful moments of my professional career. In my line of work I help college students of many backgrounds improve their writing. This means that there are times when care and patience a needed because for some the English language is unfamiliar. I do my best to move slowly and clearly through the work at hand so that the students will get the maximum benefit from the sessions. I am always respectful of the students and never lose my temper with them. Any frustration that I may feel is never vented at the students. I have never been accused of being anything other than professional. This afternoon a student for whom English was a second language came for help and well things did not go well. There was a time limit on the session as I had another an hour after this one (that is the standard length of a session.) The student's paper required work so we went through it step by step. However, the more that I explained the more frustrated and confused the student became. I calmly kept reexplaining what I was saying to ensure that there was no misunderstanding. No matter what I said the student insisted that this is what they had done. I never lost my temper. I stayed calm and collected throughout despite my rising annoyance. Things boiled over when the student lost their temper at me. They accused me of not being professional and not caring about their work. I was almost speechless as I have never been called to task like that ever!! I didn't know what to say. Time ran out and I even gave them more to try and explain things again, but it was hopeless. I ended up apologizing for not being helpful and then I ended the session. I'm just so drained. There is little more that I could have done, but the whole thing rattled me. Now ya'll can go back to your regularly scheduled programming which I rudely interrupted.
  24. Axindweth is most likely a Terriswoman and is almost certainly a feruchemist. The dragon had been confirmed as cultivation's vessel.
  25. Rock says he's going to the gods. Then he refers to Wit as the one god who lives in Urithiru. So it's pretty obvious, along with their much higher Cosmere awareness, their proximity to Cultivations Perpendicularity, and their abilities, Horneaters send people out as worldhoppers. Rock, due to "this thing I have done here with all of you", is being sent to do something off Roshar and won't return.
  26. "The reason I haven't killed him yet is because I haven't killed him yet."
  27. That's the first four months. 2020: part two
  28. There are eight lines running from Nale, because there are now only nine in total and therefore each Herald would be connected to 8 others via the Oathpact. So Jezrien is gone, 7 of Nale's cohort are weak, one is hunky dory, and then there's Nale who is insane but otherwise intact I guess.
  29. Well, I hope that's true. I certainly am left feeling that Brandon wants us to think that Rock is dead, at least. But such a casual throwaway line...I still think he's alive and kicking. Just not "Rock" anymore.
  30. I think her mistakes and scientific flaws come down mostly to not really having a scientific peer. Very intelligent people in real life have progressed work off wrong assumptions which were found to be wrong after the fact by others. Navani has centuries of scholar studies to draw on with peer reviews and later studies whereas Raboneil was mostly on her own without much to bounce ideas off of. We've only seen two Singers with scientific mindsets so far. Even in Urithiru it didn't seem like Raboneil had anyone working with her other than Navani.
  31. Moonglow thought for a second, before nodding. "If you'll come to my base in the city centre tomorrow I'll get a second associate of mine to accompany you," she said. "I won't be sending someone today, there'll probably be other epics trying to deal with our newcomer already. No need to get drowned out by the noise." Besides, showing up immediately might make it seem as if she was anxious, nervous at the appearance of a new Epic. Better to show up a day later, make it seem like less of a threat as well.
  32. I understtan why people probably don't give the SA ars arcanum too much attention- because knowledge gets piles on it, to get to the new stuff you have to sit through pages of really basic level and a bit outdated-feeling explanations of stuff we're already well familiar with. And honestly, the main reasons I'm really excited about the newest addition to the Ars Arcanum in rhythm of war is not really for its content, which is basic information about Intent and connection with some obvious big neon arrows going "OOOOH LOOK AT WHATTHE STONES DID WITH VENLI, PAY ATTENTION TO THAT". No, the things that interest me in this Ars Arcanum and that I'm suprised to see no one is talking about is information from the way Khriss writes things, and worldhopping.combination magic related information. Three main things got my attention: 1. As far as Khriss knows, this is the first proof of the existence of previously theorized Anti-Investiture!! everybody give a round of applause to Navani coming up with this with much less cosmere awareness as Silverlight scholars. 2. FOIL FOIL WHO IS FOIL! right at the end of the bit, Khriss writes along the lines of "and I think that Foil, deep in his ocean will have to admit this fits my theories more than his". (I can't qoute cuz I don't have the book with me, but I'm surprised people aren't theorizing on this already. The mention of Oceans makes me think maybe this is the name of the specific Avatar of Autonomy to live on Obrodai? but the whole autonomy avatar situation is very vauge and I never liked relying too much on WoBs about it cuz it feels like information we don't have the context to entirely place. Also, I find it odd to think a shard would be engaging in scholarly discourse writing with Khriss 3. Much smaller, but Khriss calls Urithiru "The Mountains of Ur"- that's... an old name to the place, y'know. just how long has Khriss been around? 4. Another small one, but, she has sent her "best agent" amongst the stonewards to investigate. So either this is a place to look specifically for Nazh in the future, or in general a place to look for a worldhopper currently. 5. And I guess the actual topic of the Ars Arcanum is also worth mentioning: what is up with stone Identity and Connection? they seem to really do have more personality and memory, one could even say a consciousness, than your avarage material. Seeing as people have been talking about how maybe Culti's influence on Roshar is in the Crem that makes the ground, and this could be pointing to that. and why Stonewardsand willshapers? I doubt it's related to Taln, but it is odd how these two specific orders stand out in the current order of things, with us seeing very few stonewards up till now, and Willshaper spren taking a unique side in the war and also showing up pretty late, even just from a Doylistic standpoint of- oh, this will probably be a significant twist saved for Later. So yeah im just here to raise awareness of what i found interesting about this easy-to-overlook segment and see what people have to say about it, cuz I think at least some stuff here is discussion worthy.
  33. Spoilered just in case
  34. Thank you for illustrating a Renarin that looks thoughtful without looking too derpy. Some illustrations take out the genetic good looks that run in his family and just focus on the studious nature. This really captures both!
  35. Can't Dalinar just take the connection to Odium's champion has during the contest and kill himself? This is something I can see him doing if it is Gavinor.
  36. Definitely the worst for me. I still like it a lot, obviously, and I think most of the big things are just amazing once again, I want that to be clear up front. But for the first time in the series, there's things (mostly details) that I think Brandon did a bad job with. Like, not in the sense of a reaction like "I don't like this" but more like "this needed more work". Some examples (spoilered for length, although it's not terribly long): Anyway, there's more, especially to the last one, but I don't want this comment to get too negative. Most of these things are details and only really important for a bunch of chapters. The main character developments (in Kaladin, Shallan, Navani, also less major characters like Rlain and Taravangian) were all great in my opinion, I loved the world-building, most of the action (especially in Part 1, what a sequence!) and all the important twists. It also has several of my favorite Stormlight chapters ever (the Syl interlude, the second Taravangian interlude, "Dog and the Dragon", Taravangian's Ascension, Eshonai's death). So don't misunderstand me. It's merely the first time that a Stormlight book has things that make me feel llike they would have needed more revisions. But the contrast between one of the other Stormlight books and this one is more like ... "one of my favorite books" and "not one of my favorite books", not anything more dramatical than that.
  37. As long as the redemption arc involves Moash's body decomposing and fertilizing some nice flowers, I am ok with it. Anything else would be terrible. Edit: A friend has made the valid point that mediocre flowers would also be acceptable.
  38. I had zero expectaions for Moash and was disappointed by him in RoW
  39. Not every character deserves redemption. After what he did in this book, Moash falls in this category. Sadaes and Amaran had more redeeming qualities than this monster.
  40. Up until the end of RoW I wanted Moash to be redeemed. The second that Teft died, Moash became my least favorite person in the Cosmere. He killed the best character in the Cosmere. Now my favorite character is dead. Moash can be locked away on Braize with Odium.
  41. I think after Rhythm of War, that train has left completely. It would have been doable over the course of two Stormlight-sized books, even though a satisfying redemption arc is hard to do even under those conditions. But now, instead of taking a few steps in the right direction, he's only gotten worse. One book before a 10 year time jump is just not enough for such a journey, and if that book really spans 10 days, it's completely impossible, and I can't imagine Brandon being so delusional as to try it. It's fair to say that's not what he has in mind for him. Although whatever it is that Brandon plans to do, it seems to be very important for us to hate him when it happens, given how much his depiction in Rhythm of War is aimed at making him seem as insufferable as possible. . .
  42. I hope not. Moash is the most villanious character in the series. He is more of a villain than Sadeas, Amaram, even Rayse. The only one who comes close is Taravangian. And having Moash go through a redemption arc would be too predictable, too much of a "been there, done that" arc, and require too much time. He is much more interesting as the guy who constantly, despite having better options, chose to turn away from everything that the Radiants represent. The guy is the perfect anti-Radiant.
  43. Spoilers if you haven't finished the book, but I'm assuming if you're on the spoiler thread you either have or you don't care...
  44. People who don't like Moash, you're gonna love this
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