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Showing most liked content on 10/14/20 in Status Updates

  1. I'M A KING'S WIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!! Get roasted!
  2. I was just thinking and felt like I was being called to write this post so here it is. You may be having a hard day, if so this message is to you. I would like to tell you that everything is going to be okay and that you just need to stay determined and have hope. I believe that this will reach someone who will take this message seriously and changes a piece of them. Whoever you are. You are loved! okay. that was it. Hopefully reaches someone who needs it.
  3. 5 likes
  4. I'm a Son of Honor! Of course that isn't very significant anymore...
  5. Status: LOL! What do you call a snobbish criminal going down the stairs? I don't know why I'm laughing, but I find this so hilarious!
  6. I'm going to my grandparents. Connie will still be at home, and Mist will have her phone. Adios, mi amigos.
  7. I woke up 3 minutes ago, stumbled around in a blur and now somehow I’m at school im so confused how did I get here
  8. 100 memes update 2 25 memes complete 1/4 of the way there
  9. In the past two days I have grown taller than both of my older siblings and I’m now the tallest person in my family, this is an exciting accomplishment for middle children. @Vapor
  10. 1 like
  11. I was gone for an hour and fifteen minutes and came back to more than 45 notifications. WHY!!! Oh apparently Connie told a joke, okay that checks out.
    1 like
  12. Two things. One. How do you pronounce Siri? Is it, "Hey Siri, how many days until November 17th?" Or, "Look at poor Sigh-Rye over there. She can't go riding into the sunset and forget all her problems." Or something else? Two. Book advice. I just finished rereading Frankenstein (holy crap it's so good) and am currently reading Lord of Chaos and a short story anthology. Ignore the anthology. And I really want to re-read the first trilogy Mistborn again. My bird's being super weird right now, by the way. Do I continue reading Lord of Chaos and try to finish it before November 17th (I'm about halfway through), or kind of read it in the background and try to re-read MB before November 17th (which I can easily do)? Or do I do one, and if I finish it do the other? Thoughts? Bonus question. Male or female bird? I'll be getting Kaladin a buddy soon. Males are super fun, make beautiful chirping sounds, and don't bite super hard. Females make these sort of squawking noises, (guys, Kal is talking to a piece of paper right now (actual words, by the way)) and hormones can be really dangerous. (Egg laying). They can also bite to the point of drawing blood. But I am fine with all these issues and know how to deal with them. What do you guys think? For names, if it's a boy, I'll probably name it Spook, and if it's female, I'll probably go with Syl or Vivenna depending on colors. Thanks for reading this super random thing! I'm just really indecisive.
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