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  1. I made a pattern gif! I’m not sure if others have done this (they probably have) but it was good fun.
  2. So I figured I could start, give you some arguments to work with @AonEne Thinking about this ship, I have to admit I see many reasons why it could work very well. Shallan is intelligent, observes the world and loves to delve deep into its secrets. Rashek on the other hand, is far from stupid himself, so that they are able to hold a longer conversation, both parties benefit from and find entertaining. They could learn from each other, broaden their horizon and see a world they never knew that it even existed. Shallan evoled to be a self-confident, strong woman and I can easily see her stand up to him, or support him, depending on what is neccessary. With their knowledge and skills combined, the moment they work together, they are really, really dangerous for everybody who opposes them and I think, they should be able to reach nearly every goal they set themselves. They are both fighters, each in a different way, and they both are willing to sacrifice a lot for their believes and their loyalties. I can see them clashing when it comes to methods, especially regarding government, but I doubt that this is a real hindrance. Despite the fact that Rashek has a far lower border than Shallan, they both fight with everything they have for what they believe and also for their people. I think they can understand each other in that regard, and they can find a better, an optimized way together none of them would be able to walk alone. Their experiences and the different types of cultures they come from offer them many different options and also gives them the chance to combine them into something new. We don't know for sure how Radiant's age, so there is even a chance, that they could live for a long while next to each other, which is especially important, given Rashek's abilities. And let's not forget the optical part. Shallan's and Rashek's hair colour compliment each other perfectly. Both have rather pale skin, and her colourfull cloths with look awesome next to his darker ones. He is tall enough, that Shallan is smaller, which is also a nice plus.
  3. Hello, I am a new/old fan of Brandon Sanderson. 3 or so years ago I read Alcatraz vs the evil librarians, but I just moved on and forgot about it. Then a few months ago I discovered the Reckoners which led to Mistborn and eventually almost the entire Cosmere. The only books I have not read are White Sand 2 and 3 because I don’t like reading the graphic novel forms of books, so I am dragging my feet a little. Anyone else out there who feels the same? P.S. I am a stick?
  4. Its spelled Salas. The Cusicesh thing is a big leap, as is Honor set the moons. The planet was designed by Adonalsium, the moons were probably set by him as well though it is strange that they are colour coded to the resident Shards
  5. When you flip someone off with your safehand uncovered.
  6. If anyone finds typos in Arcanum Unbounded, please report them here.
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  7. From the album: Warbreaker Painting

    Based on Warbreaker, where power is measured in amounts of magical breath. Vivenna gives her breath to stop the war. I loved how colorful this book was. Oil, 8 x 10.
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  8. So Brandon Sanderson is definitely going to go into detail with this. At the end of OB, the standing of all (big) kingdoms and alethkar includes: Azish- in the coalition, but not fully until they can trust the alethi to keep their armies Thaylens- greatful to the alethi for saving their city, but Fen may or may not be bitter about it. I can see the thaylens and the alethi presenting a unified front in any political battles coming. Vedens- ..hard to say... Dalinar won't trust Taravangian as much, given adolins (correct) suggestion that he's with odium. Given that the veden government (as we've seen so far ) are massively influenced by the followers of the diagram, who work for odium. The shin- no idea. They happen to be a corrupted government so... My prediction is that instantly the coalition will begin planning a new place to attack, as the voidbringers have lost their momentum, and are regrouping the coalition have a perfect chance to grab a kingdom (alethkar?) Afterwards they will start stabilising the coalition. dalinar and alethkar would become sperate. Jasnah will simply not let him take any of her power... Not agressively... Just... Jasnah like.... Dalinar will now represent the Radiants, talking on their behalf, not the behalf of the kingdom, where alethkar's next action is depends on if kholinar gets taken back. The major factions in the coalition I can predict are azir's faction - opposing dalinar and the Radiants but still wanting the benefit of the world (probably the Makabaki kingdoms and azir in this one) And of course dalinar's faction, support of the Radiants, and of course wanting the benefit of the world. (Alethkar and thaylena, as one of them has a radiant at its head, who happens to be related to dalinar) It's hard to say where Jah keved will stand in all this... But I'm guessing somewhere in between the two
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  9. Suppose you were a Feruchemist and became a Surgebinder, specifically a Lightweaver. What interactions would you study, especially if you had some knowledge of the theory of the arcane arts? Yes, you know whom I am suspecting of doing exactly that. My suggestions for the generic effects would be: Stormlight and pewter - does the increase in endurance affect the muscles I get from a pewter mind Stormlight alters your mood - can that be stored in an electrum mind Stormlight heals - can that effect be stored in a gold mind Stormlight replaces breathing - can that effect be stored in a cadmium mind Can Stormlight in general be stored in a nicrosil mind Does tapping a steel mind speed up healing The surges: Does tapping a duralumium mind facilitate soulcasting Does tapping an electrum mind facilitate soulcasting What happens to the Investiture in a metal mind if I soulcast it into another metal Does it matter whether I soulcast my metal mind or somebody else's or an unkeyed metal mind Interaction with my spren Does my spren become stupid while I am filling a zinc mind Can my spren use feruchemy Interaction with a Shard Blade Can I store anything in it Does gold heal blade injuries (that is rather risky an experiment unless you are sure you have alternative methods) How full does a metal mind have to be to block a blade Does it matter which metal mind I use to block the blade (aluminium aside) Interactions with Plate Can I store the strength from the Plate in a pewter mind Can I store the Plate's mass in an iron mind Can I use Surgebinding through the Plate if I store most of my Identity away
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  10. I gave my Robin a defense boon, and with Morgan having Rightful King, he was Ignis'ing all over the place, and tanking everything before yelling "Checkmate!" and destroying anything in his path. Grandmaster is a beautiful class (C'mon Mortal Savant. Why couldn't you do something more like this?)
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  11. We've all taken jabs at trying to figure out what the Sibling may be about. The Community's Take General consensus is that there's three Shards on Roshar, and three Bondsmiths, so if the Stormfather, the Nightwatcher, and the Sibling are the three Bondsmith spren (which they are), then the Stormfather corresponds to Honor (which he does), the Nightwatcher to Cultivation (which "she" does), and the Sibling either corresponds to Odium, or is a mix in between Honor and Cultivation. For obvious reasons, it wouldn't make sense for the Sibling to be associated with Odium and still be a part of Surgebinding, so we tend to lean towards the "mix between Honor and Cultivation" more. Another general thing we tend to believe about the Sibling is that they are tied to Urithiru in some way, and may power even power the city. And the last well believed fact about the Sibling is that they are intricately tied to Stone. I know Calderis has a theory on why the Nightwatcher might be stone instead, but that's his to discuss. I'm gonna try and offer a different take on some of these points, and provide additional context to others. Whose magic is Surgebinding? The question asks it all. There's some fuzziness with what happened on Ashyn, but from what we know, the specific powerset of Radiant Surgebinding was first seen in the Honorblades. This implies that the exact specifics, at least, were first defined by Honor. If you look at the Heralds, we have 5 Male Heralds and 5 Female Heralds - a near perfect divide, with all the Male Heralds bunched up around what seems to be the Honor-half of the chart, whereas the Female Heralds bunched up around the Cultivation-half. Then we have spren copying Honorblades. This fact alone makes things very fuzzy. On one side, the spren are... essentially on a spectrum of Honor and Cultivation, with some spren having more Honor and others having more Cultivation. Yet others, like the Stormfather and Nightwatcher, are almost guaranteed to be nearly a 100% one or the other. But the pattern breaks a little if you try and match the spren to the Heralds. By association, a.) Windrunners, Skybreakers, Willshapers, Stonewards and Bondsmiths should be closer to Honor, whereas b.) Dustbringers, Edgedancers, Truthwatchers, Lightweavers and Elsecallers should lean towards Cultivation. And this works, until you look at the Bondsmiths. The Nightwatcher, who should practically be all Cultivation, is a Bondsmith spren, meaning that in Surgebinding, Cultivation is technically more present than Honor. This is despite Brandon telling us on atleast one occasion that the original Knights Radiants were focused more on Honor and his spren (which, depending on how you read it, could and couldn't conflict with Cultivation's presence in the magic). There's a third way of dividing the system too. You could theoretically say that Surgebinding is of both Shards because a.) All Radiants speak Oaths, which come from Honor, and b.) All Radiants have to grow over a total of five Oaths, which evokes the presence of Cultivation I'm going to put forth the idea that there is a third element here, but let's hold these two in mind, for now. When in doubt, stare at the Surgebinding Chart. When most people think of what the Surgebinding Chart tells us, they tend to think that all it tells us is that there are 10 orders, 10 Surges, and that each order gets 2 Surges, and that each Surge is shared between two orders, in a cyclic pattern. Usually, we tend to think that all the extra connections don't matter, and that they're there just for fluff. But, @Master_Moridinfound something interesting. The extra connections start making somewhat more sense once you pull in the Soulcasting Essences. Here's the full graph, and because not all of you are maniacs who have it by heart, I've gone forth and labeled it too: (it is definitely interesting that the whole thing looks like a gemstone) Smoke, for example, is connected to Fire, Wind, and Oil. Stone connects to metal, crystal (both come from the ground), water (crem), and flesh/meat/sinew (don't ask). They don't all immediately fall in place, because we think there's more weight to these connections in a metaphorical or philosophical sense, and there are also some thematic Order connections that we're wondering about. The Actual Theory However, an interesting thing happens when we zoom in on the Bondsmiths. Usually, when we think of the Bondsmiths, we think that they have two surges (Adhesion and Tension), and are adjacent to Windrunners (by Adhesion), and Stonewards (by Tension). Which is fine, except in the full chart, Bondsmiths don't have two, but three adjacent Orders: The Stormfather tells Dalinar that his is the power of Connection, so I can see why "Sinew" or "Flesh/Meat" could be associated with his order. But the interesting thing is the three (yep, three) essences they connect to - Wind, Stone, and Pulp/Wood/Plant Matter. I could sit here and establish a line of reasoning from the Essences to the three Bondsmith spren, but it's pretty simple from here on out. The Eila Stele mentions three Gods, of Wind, Spren and Stone. The Wind can pretty easily be attributed to the Stormfather, both because wind, and because his relation to Honorspren and the Windrunners. The Nightwatcher, by the virtue of color green, her home-base of the Valley and connection to Cultivation as "her heir", and indirectly through an excerpt from Rhythm of War, can associate with the Truthwatchers, the essence of Pulp/Wood/Plant Matter, and the "God of spren" from the Eila Stele. This leaves the Sibling, and Stone. So yes, I'm establishing a harder line of reasoning for why the Sibling should associate with Stone. But far more importantly, this establishes the Sibling and the Nightwatcher as being to the Stonewards and Truthwatchers what the Stormfather is to the Windrunners. And for more importantly, this can tell us a little bit more about the Sibling. Earlier, I established two components in Radiant Surgebinding: Oaths from Honor, and Growth from Cultivation. Which works, until you consider that Radiance actually has three elements - the third is that all Radiants are also completely dependent on Stormlight, which is responsible for the literal radiance in Radiance. And even before the death of Honor, the Stormfather is disproportionally more important than any other spren to Surgebinding, as he is the source of all Stormlight. So my theory: All three Bondsmith-spren are intricately tied to Radiance itself. a.) The Stormfather provides Stormlight, representing Honor's Power in Surgebinding b.) The Nightwatcher should be tied to Growth, representing Cultivation's association with Growth in Surgebinding c.) The Sibling should be the spren closely tied to Oaths themselves, representing Honor's association with Oaths in Surgebinding And this works on multiple levels. See, Stone being associated with the very concept of Oaths makes perfect sense - Stone is hard, and it weathers Storms but it doesn't break. An Oath, on a world where Honor resides, is this... abstract thing that must never be broken, and must weather all adversity. Perhaps this is also where the Oathstone of Truthless comes from culturally, and may have ties to Shin veneration of Stone. Another potential way this works is if you look at Stonewards and their attributes - Dependable and Resourceful. It also works if you look at Taln, who was the only one of the Heralds by Aharietam to have never bent his Oath and let the Singers pass. One thing that this implies is that out of the three Bondsmith, both the Stormfather and the Sibling are of Honor, and the Nightwatcher is of Cultivation. Another thing this implies is the reason why the Sibling may have gone to sleep, at least from a narrative perspective. We have two things we know about this: Oaths are about perception and belief - a Knight Radiant and their spren must believe in them and they mean what the KR and spren believe they should. From the Gem archive, we have at least one excerpt which says that the Knights Radiant may have been questioning their own worthiness (perhaps soon after Honor "raved" at them), and that this might be tied to something happening to the Sibling. The Stormfather mentions that "you" (which I read as the humans) "have hurt them enough" What I'm trying to get at, here, is that if the Sibling is... somehow intricately tied to the Oaths and the keeping of Oaths (Stone), then it makes complete sense that the mass breaking of Oaths at the Recreance was not pleasant for them. This means that as Radiants start speaking Oaths, the Sibling may start re-awakening. And if the Sibling is similarly tied to Urithiru, then the Sibling's re-awakening may be intricately tied to the re-awakening of Urithiru. This may be what the blob for RoW may be alluding to. In conclusion, here's the structure I'm implying: I want to dig into what I think this implies for the magic of Roshar in general here (including Voidbinding), but this is already too long, so for now this is it.
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  12. Personally I think this is overthought. Hasn't Brandon said that the thing with the Sibling is less complicated than is being theorised? Couldn't it be as simple as: - The sibling is slumbering in Shinovar for some reason or another, thus their reverence of stone. The shin know a good deal about this deity, and know more or less why it is slumbering (radiants broke their oaths and hurt or drained it in some way). - When they asked the "Spirit of Stones" before declaring Szeth truthless, they were looking for a reply from a spirit that wouldn't respond because it is slumbering/dormant/hibernating. Didn't Rysn's interlude in WoK have a story about people worshiping a king who had actually died and they didn't admit/realise it?? Would be an interesting hint without being too literal. - Then: "Let's consult the oracle/god to see if this guy is a Radiant or Truthless." "Ah, the oracle/god still slumbers. He's the god of the Radiant's tower, so if they were back he would have woken up." "Sorry Szeth son son Vallero, here's your oath stone." Also, it seems clear that the Shin are not nomadic, as they have their land (which was cultivated just for them to live on) closed off to most of the world.
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  13. Pair-up is so broken. It's the best. As for my ships: Ricken and Sully, Chrom and Robin (cause that pair up is even more broken than most), Lissa and Lon'qu, Gaius and Cordelia, Fredrick and Sumia, Lucina and Inigo, Stahl and Olivia, and Morgan and Severa. I wish I had been able to see some more supports, and that might be something I look into on future playthroughs/ maybe buy the Artbook.
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  14. Recently finished Fire Emblem: Awakening. It's certainly nowhere near 3 Houses level of depth, but it's a fun adventure nontheless. I will say that the middle 3rd of the story with the felt very inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. It's a very fun romp through a fun world. And I'll certainly say that Id (Purpose) now hits me even harder than the first time I heard it.
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  15. Dilution has maximized in era two. Also they will be able to subsidize with mechanical versions of everything.
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  16. unfinished tales is definitely worth a read. but otherwise i'm with you. I liked the short version of children of hurin, and have never made ti far when I tried lost tales
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  18. I'm reading The Lord of the Rings again (19th time). Right now the company has just entered Moria. There's always something new to notice, on every trip to Mount Doom.
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  19. I feel so validated! because that's exactly what I did. I forced myself to finish the 6th book, then used the WoT Encyclopedia ( http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/) and Leigh Butler's reread (https://www.tor.com/features/series/wot-reread/) to jump straight to Brandon's books.
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  20. I have an unusual story. I began by playing the Mistborn board game when my Mistborn-loving friends came over to play board games. Maybe a few months later, I picked up Mistborn and read it. I loved it, but after I finished it I went to Brandon’s website, where I learned of the other two books in the series. I read the blurb and decided that I loved the first book too much to have it ruined for me in the last 2 books (in that there wasn’t a happy ending right away)! I picked them up eventually, and read them. I put them down again. Come this past February, I ordered Mistborn era2 and Stormlight archive, along with Arcanum unbounded. So far, I have read everything there is to read about Mistborn, and books 1 and 2 of Stormlight, and Edgedancer. I am currently on Oathbringer.
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  21. Thanks as always @Robinski! Ha! Yeah, I debated heavily putting this in because of the connotations, but eventually decided it fit. Cool. Sounds like I have some work to do with this description, since a few people have had problems with it. Will work on clearing it up! Will make this specific. Yep, another place where description is hard. I may go work with @shatteredsmooth's suggestion to make it more trippy...though that may make it worse. I'll fiddle with it. Awesome. Seems to be working better overall, in any case.
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  22. Comments. (page 1) - "the light seemed darker" - confused. (page 3) - "Lack of luminescent light" - confused. Luminescent means light not generated by heat, but I think WW means visible light, doesn't xy? Also, who is xy addressing? S? But the Ar can change themselves, as E mentions. WW knows this, doesn't xy? (page 4) - "They are like a disease" - Ooh, nice thought. - "made his stomach crumple inward" - it's not much of an argument, this seems like an over reaction to me. (page 6) - "How far up the wall can they go?" - This is disappointing to me. I really enjoyed when S had the idea of going high in the spur of the moment, while trying to battle through. The scene where he shot up and out of the wall was very exciting, and it was great initiation and agency to make the decision in the moment. having it planned out, premeditated is much, much less exciting and satisfying, IMO. (page 7) - "Thus our transit across the wall" - I'm enjoying being aboard the logic train and hearing this theory unfold. (page 8) - "feeling oddly like MC" - awesome! (page 9) - "So it might be possible after all" - Hmm. WW states something as a known fact, then S say, well, no. But it's a really passive moment. Also, is S not saying that he made it possible? That seems to be the key, but no one acknowledges it. "I cannot say what will happen" - but you just did, and S refuted it. (page 10) - "I think I can help" - But he's already doing the one thing (page 12) - "Fascinating,” WW observed." - I've just seen it, WW is Spock. - "as if a ten-foot tall person was sitting right behind him" - I don't feel this image, seems very abstract. - I enjoyed the description of them constructing the... construct of protection. (page 13) - "never taught him anything like this" - Why would this surprise him? I think this is unfair to Or, since there are two houses in use here, three in fact, which Or has now knowledge of. Okay, S may be talking about the technique, but I still think it's unfair on Or. - "If there had been wind, it would have whistled through his hair" - Eh? I think most of the whistling when travelling at speed comes from the motion of the person relative to the air. The wind in the hair is a misnomer. I don't think it's got anything to do with wind. If there had been any air in the wall, they would have felt it whistling, regardless of any wind being present. (page 14) - "It was the music of the wall itself" - fantastic line. - "back was to them and she reached the other side first, bursting through like a projectile" - I was thrown here. As they approached, there was no sense of them relying themselves to go through the wall, so this felt anticlimactic to me. We got description of the El, but nothing about S readying himself for the last push, the moment of breakthrough. I sounds from the description like they just stroll up to the wall and saunter through. "projectile out of a cannon" - I just don't feel this. And pushing El away from her in a sphere" - it's the sphere that pushes them away--the construct--not En. I have trouble with what is happening here: it's very difficult to grasp. En shoots out of the wall, but the others don't make it through? That's hard to follow because En is shoot like from a canon. In the time it take to describe that, the others would be through, travelling at that speed. (page 15) - "flew through the air in slow motion" - Okay, but I think the description needs to be much clearer. Can she be flung out of the bubble when it comes to a crashing halt? Maybe she even manages to shoot through a hole between the El even as the bubble begins to slow. I don't know, I found it hard to relate to the physics of what happened. (page 16) - "Would he dissolve like the Ef" - Why would he doubt this would be the case? It would be more engaging if he made a positive statement, I think. 'He would dissolve like the Eff'. (page 18) - "NOW MORE PARTS OF MY BEING ARE HERE" - I don't like the vagueness of this statement, specifically 'more parts'. How many is more, 10, 100, 1,000? Is there a critical mass that permits the entity to see him? More parts is effectively meaningless, it seems to me. (page 21) - "The surface of the wall crawled toward him" - I feel like there are mixed messages in the references to the distance and the wall approaching (or not). The pacing here seems uneven. How long is too long? Can he not just run to the wall, and it gets closer? He accelerated himself last time. (page 22) - Nice last line. I suggested a slight tweak in the LBLs I sent, for impact. Overall Good chapter. I like this and I like how it ends with him bursting out into the air. If anything, I think that image deserves another line or two to really driver it home, but I think the symbolism of him bursting back into the Imp and being free (albeit really high up!!) is an excellent one. Nicely done.
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  23. Thanks @joesleepsalot! Okay, I think that part's just for humor and that isn't a mad Herald or some other important character
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  24. This looks like an incredibly fun game, I'm definitely signing up for this one?
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  25. The men who claimed to be Asmodean, Sammael and Demandred looked at each other uncomfortably across the low Amadician plain. Two more smoking corpses lay at their feet. Two more Chosen dead, bringing the total almost incalculably high. The newest, the upstart Taim, none felt pity for; despite his skill, he thought altogether too much of himself. But Lanfear...she was perhaps the oldest of them all, and had been closest of them to Lews Therin. That she had fallen was an ill sign, as if the deaths of over half the other Chosen did not serve as poor tidings. Yet they three lived, survivors of the fires which had consumed so many of their colleagues. And as they stood, each knew with a look of grim determination that it would be perhaps only one man, if any, who walked away from Amadicia alive. And each was determined to be that one—or else die in the attempt. Coral Swan was lynched! Swan (2): Hyena, Falcon Falcon (1): Tuatara Coral Swan was killed! He was M’Hael the Forsaken! Cream Tuatara was killed! She was Lanfear the Forsaken! Cycle 8 has begun! It will end in about 47.5 hours, on Monday 27 April at 9 PM EDT. Please remember to get your orders in before rollover, and continue posting in-thread. Two cycles without posting will kill you. Good luck! [Player List] Amber Vulture Semirhage Amethyst Scorpion Azure Mouse Graendal Charcoal Hyena Chartreuse Penguin Moghedien Coral Swan M’Hael Cream Tuatara Lanfear Emerald Falcon Fuchsia Ostrich Mesaana Indigo Weasel Aran’gar Ivory Dragonfly Moridin Magenta Albatross Rahvin Mauve Crocodile Shaidar Haran Melon Dingo Osan’gar
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  26. From the album: Ene's Sanderson "Art"

    I don’t know why I did this but you’ll tear this headcanon from my cold dead hands
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  27. Lol the poll is pretty accurate, I think. By far top 3 are Kaladin, Dalinar and Kelsier
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  28. We know investiture is neither created nor destroyed. If it is anything like what we have seen happen to other Shards, the power should try to collect in one place. But Odium being Odium, he is likely aware of that and prevented or is preventing it from happening. This is why throughout the books, people talk about "dangerous amounts of stormlight", and also the danger of Honor not being around to regulate the Radiants powers. Meaning we get super-duper awesome Radiants who collectively (perhaps) are wielding the power of the Shard Honor. The two biggest chunks of Honor that we know of, are the Storm Father and the Honor Blades. I have always wondered what would have happened if Dalinar bonded a blade, thus increasing the amount of Honor's investiture he held. Can honor blades be welded/bonded together?
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  29. I'll officially sign up now. If you dont mind, I'd like to wait until I know my social class before my character gets a name. =)
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  30. YKYASFWY look at the ash coming from a burning pile and murmur: "Ash fell from the sky"
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  31. When you watch Captain Marvel and have Skyward withdrawals. When you watch the Avatar (TV series) finale and watch Aang and Ozai fight on the shattered plains. When your cup has remains of red Gatorade in it and you think "my glass drips with the blood of my enemies!" (The whole two days it took me to read Skyward were filled with moments like this)
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  32. I am somewhat confused as to what your stance is on this topic, as you said this in a previous comment: I had given this argument in response: This was after Brandon finished the book, so he knows how the main plot was carried out at this point. He said that he would call Venli the "focus" character, with the caveat that he was avoiding spoilers. The spoiler that he is talking about is probably the "main character" information he gave at the Dusty Wheel. This information seems to place those two characters about on par, with the main character slightly higher. Venli being a focus character beyond the flashbacks is evidence towards her being part of the "core arc" of the book. There is also a weaker bit of evidence, and that is how Group 2 is only in Parts 1, 2 and 4, while the flashbacks are in Parts 3, 4, and 5. Those only overlap in Part 4, and with Group 2's climax being in that Part, it would be rather odd for Venli to be in that group, yet with flashbacks continuing beyond, although not impossible. It would be very strange for Brandon to claim that Venli is a focus character with a lot of viewpoints if she was also in Group 3, which will only be touched lightly upon, and not in much depth. It is possible that her many viewpoints come from the flashbacks, but it is not likely. The flashbacks in this book will only be in 3 Parts, while they have been in more Parts in each of the previous books. In the previous books, flashbacks have taken 9-15 chapters. Since this one is in less Parts, and the flashbacks are split between Eshonai and Venli, Venli is not likely to get many flashback chapters. Based on the data, I expect 3-10. Beyond that, we know that Part 1 is over 100K words, which is about a fourth of the book. For comparison to previous books, take a look at @Jofwu's chart: The flashbacks only occur in Parts 3-5, and over 100K words are in Part 1 (111K if it doesn't get trimmed down). Take out the Group 1 PoVs in those Parts, and you are not left with much room for someone only in half of the flahbacks and Group 3 to be considered a "focus" with "a lot of viewpoints. It is possible, but highly unlikely. Sorry for the long post. I'm not great at short explanations. I have no idea here. Speculating on that type of stuff is not my wrong suit. Edit: Found this: So that's about 15K words for the Venli flashbacks, give or take some depending on how it was split. For reference, Kaladin's, Shallan's, Dalinar's flashback sequences were 40K, 22K, and 47K words, respectively. @agrabes, I've taken your suggestion of putting the reference numbers next to each spot in the groups, so tell me if that helps. I've also sorted different sections of the original post into spoiler boxes to make it easier to go through.
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  33. The Purelake isn't perfectly flat. The water is, because it's so shallow and still. The lake bed has crevices and crannies and promontories and the like and it varies in depth. And I'm pretty sure the stormward side of Urithiru is flat because it's a giant pane of glass?
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  34. Not so. Nohadon has to be pre-Radiant, since the Knights based their ideals and philosophies off of his writings. And he of course walked to Urithiru, so the city had to have been build before he wrote his book. And indeed, we have a Ketek in the WoK epigraphs referring to the city as 'the birthplace of Radiants': But, of course, he wasn't pre-Surgebinding, since Nohadon himself was a surgebinder, and the city can't be pre-surgebinder because you need a Shardblade to access it. But that's kind of a distinction that matters when we're talking timelines. And when we're talking Urithiru. It's thought of today as the stronghold of the Radiants, but it pre-dates any form of Radiant organization and thus certainly wasn't built by the Radiants. It's also worth noting that they are reference to Urithiru not being built by mortal hands: And then of course there's the line that says that they asked for it to be placed in the mountains: So whoever decided to build the city had to convince some third party to actually make the thing. Which would fit if it was created by Honor or The Sibling or some powerful entity like that. Which also makes sense because it's the more advanced piece of architecture we've seen on Roshar; far beyond the Dawncities. So whatever was done to make it, it wasn't something repeatable.
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  35. Nameless’ class got bored and went home. After all, he was disappointing in them.
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  36. Honestly, at the rate the CGI is improving, we probably only need to wait 10 years for a "live action" version of the Cosmere that doesn't even require real actors. All they need is Andy Serkis in a mocap suit playing all of the characters himself. On the animated front, I've never liked Japanese animation. Something about it just doesn't work for me. If they wanted to try something like the Batman animated movies, I would be on board (though I would still prefer live), but I don't wanna see Vin with little hearts floating out of her eyes when she looks at Elend.
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  37. Spren predate the Shattering of Adonalsium.
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  38. The spren. Ishar made the Orders, but spren bonds and Surgebinding that mimicked the Honorblades existed before that, and they were sorted into the Orders, implying there wasn't much of a change beyond the Connection-wrangling Ishar did.
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  39. Welcome to a very special edition of The Adventures of Slaveboi and Lavagirl (what she called it this week). This week we cover Tay's reactions and hot takes from Jasnah's lesson up to Kaladin's suggestion to Bridge Four that they fight back. Spoiler tags have been used because Tay reads these posts too - I see you reading this. A couple of new names: Sigzil - Schnitzel - "You said schnitzel right? Whatever. That's his name now." (she also believes Sig is Szeth in disguise) Brother Kabsal - Athalas/Jam Boi TAY: Shallan wants to get all up on Athalas." ME: Who?" TAY: Athalas. You know - Jam Boi?" ME: You mean Kabsal? TAY: Yeah sure. Close enough. HOT TAKES: "So Jasnah is this successful, competent, beautiful woman who is older than her brother, right? She's this clever BAMF and DESERVES to be monarch and Elhokar is this dumb vain idiot who is king now because of Alethkar's patriarchy? Man Jasnah should have been queen this entire time. In short, I'm Jasnah and my brother is Elhokar." She successfully guessed that She also guessed that Hot take on Bridge Four being given permanent chasm duty: "Oh! They're gonna fight a rock lobster! Finally! Kaladin is going to fight him off singlehandedly... wait no, Rock and Teft are going to distract the rock lobster and then Kaladin is gonna kill him and then they're gonna get the gemheart and use it to BUY ALL THE STEW." And now, a special edition. Tay declared who each of us were from Stormlight. For context, Cosmo is our sleek black cat and Timbit is out larger, lazier tabby cat. "Well I'm obviously Slaveboi. He's prone to depression, he's surrounded by idiots who constantly need saving, but he's also a boss babe like me who gets things DONE." "Cosmo is Syl. She follows me around all the time, but disappears for hours on end and does things to deliberately annoy you. She also has a dark, dark past that she doesn't want to talk about." "Timbit is Adolin. Cute, strong, but so so lovably dumb." "You? You're Shallan. Low-key the worst, full of puns, you read a lot, and you've got a weird thing about your family." I always considered myself more of a Dalinar, but hey, she's married to me so she would know, right? That's all for now!
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  40. Actually, Brandon has said this: So it's probably fine.
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  41. When this is what you turn in for your math project: (the project was to design something using conic sections)
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  42. When you also do this, then get sidetracked by reading and glance up an hour later, remembering that you were in the middle of something.
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  43. When you do as mentioned above, but spend at least a minute contemplating which edition to use
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  44. YKYASFW you get down your big Sanderson book to look up a fact like a smart kid taking down an encyclopedia.
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  45. You are not even at the most difficult section of the series. In my opinion the series takes a steep dive from here and rock bottom at Crossroads of the Twilight a slight upturn at Knife of Dreams but still well below Lord of Chaos. Brandon Sanderson does a great job finishing the series and in my opinion is worth enduring. If it ever gets to be too much you can easily find plot summaries and just continue with The Gathering Storm. Honestly you could even just start with the Gathering Storm after Lord of Chaos and eventually pick everything up. Has any series had so much potential squandered as Wheel of Time? So many great ideas and a fascinating world but it has just so many problems. Opinions vary however but just my two cents on the series.
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  46. I am currently Shadows for Silence in The Forests of Hell. Yes I know that is A short story, I SHOULD be done with it right now but generally i am not that fast of a reader and online school is killing me. But back to the book I am almost done with it and i really like! (which has never not happens when reading a Sanderson book.)
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  47. From the album: Ene's Sanderson "Art"

    Tenth grade drawing teacher gave us the assignment of drawing something as a playing card. Me, having almost no art ability (why did I take this class, you ask? My school requires art credits *grumbles*) decided to draw something that’s essentially scribbles. So you get Pattern the Cryptic as the Ace of Diamonds.
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  48. So why did khriss immediately want to leave as soon as she heard hoid had stolen a bead of Lerasium . She told kelsier she was leaving anyway but she was literally just sitting drinking tea and chatting but as soon as she heard those words from kelsier she wanted to run away. Why exactly was she so afraid ? I mean Ruin was free , preservation was dying and yet she was unfazed but this little tidbit sent her fleeing. Also from what I have seen in stormlight hoid isn't really a bad guy. Sure it's a matter of perspective and hoid himself warns others about himself but still... Also it's mentioned on the copper mind that hoid respects khriss
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  49. *Walks up to [person of interest], hands said person a handkerchief* *Walks away*
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