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  1. 4 likes
  2. Firstly, In way of Kings Hoid asked Dalinar if he's ever heard of Adonalsium. Hoid then mentions that it's gibberish, and that if he was torn to pieces and put back together to give him a gibberish name. Hoid was basically describing a anagram and sure enough, makes Aluminados. And then we have the god metals that get their names from the shard holder. Atium - Ati Lerasium - Leras Harmonium - Harmony( although this should be Sazedium for my theory to be better) Aluminum - Aluminados I wonder if that is the reason why aluminum has such a weird effect on the cosmere, and that would be a convenient True name for Adonalsium pre shattering. just a theory, what do you think?
  3. From the album: Stormlight Creatures

    Skyeel, I didn’t use a reference photo or anything.
  4. Laurelai could feel the cool air of the underground brushing against her, brushing lightly against her skin and being pulled into her lungs as she tried to maintain a regular breathing pattern. She could smell the slightly damp stone from around them, the dirt that had collected on her clothes as they'd travelled here. She could hear her heart beating in her ears, the pulses faster than normal. But none of that mattered. All that mattered was what she could see, the gently trickling droplets of azure liquid falling down to land perfectly inside the pool in front of them. The Chapel of Rain they had called it, Laurelai could understand why someone would call this a chapel. She'd always known about the Shards and other powerful beings of godlike power, but she had never particularly taken to any religion, when there were dozens of different worlds each with a different religion and all clamouring that there's was the correct one it was hard for her to rationalise accepting one over the others. But this room, the droplets being inexorably drawn into the pool. She felt the draw of the waters, a connection beyond any physical influence. This was no simple drug or Allomantic pulse of emotion. The waters had the answers, all the answers. They could confirm her hunch about her parentage, answer where her powers came from, why she had decided to visit the Nightwatcher and any other question she could even think to ask. All she had to do would be to step under the waters once again, and she would gain all the answers. Knowledge was power to a Forger, and the waters promised all the knowledge she could stand to obtain and more. Her pulse quickened further as she stared into the depths, the rest of the world darkened into a tunnel that led back to the pool, guiding her to where she needed to go. It was so simple, just a few short steps and she would be there. "But it is also undeniably dangerous, and so must be studied with caution and secrecy. You are to speak to no one of this, Denizen or otherwise." The Stranger said, voice strangely distant and echoing. Laurelai absently nodded, eyes still fixed to the pool. Her legs wavered as she felt the pull wash over her, almost a physical force dragging her forwards. It was only after she'd nodded that she realised what the Stranger had said, but that didn't matter. She wasn't going to speak of this to anyone else anyway, if other people knew they might try to step under the waters as well. Might try to gain their knowledge in her place. She felt a slight trickle of sweat beading at one temple before running along her cheek, the only moisture that clung to her despite having been submerged beneath the rains. The Stranger stepped forward, looking into the poo,l and Laurelai felt an almost overwhelming urge to leap forward, to push him back so that she could fall in before he got the chance. He was the head of the research department for the DA, surely he could not pass up the opportunity to taste what the waters could give? Was that why he'd told her to leave? So that he could have them to himself? Laurelai's gaze flickered away from the waters, staring at the Strangers back with a flash of suspicion and jealousy. She couldn't fight the Stranger, if he wanted to take the waters then she had no way to stop him. But maybe if she used the knowledge they gave... "Now I offer you both an opportunity the likes of which you have never dreamed, and will never encounter again." The Stranger said, blessedly turning his back to the waters. "I am engaged in an experiment the likes of which the world has never seen. I offer you the chance to gain knowledge and power beyond your ken, and the opportunity to carve your mark in the annals of history. So what say you? Will you join me in the pursuit of knowledge, of secrets, of Science?" Knowledge and power? Laurelai didn't usually consider herself power-hungry, she'd had plenty of opportunities in the DA to gain more power and had passed them up. Simply spiking yourself and gaining some new form of Investiture might intimidate people, might make life easier, but it held little interest to her. That kind of power had its consequences. But knowledge, understanding the what and why, that was true power. Power that couldn't be taken away, that enriched you beyond what any metalmind could. The Stranger offered her that. But his words rang hollow, with the water right behind him, still within her sight. The waters could provide more knowledge than he could, he'd feared them enough to travel here when he felt whatever Lita had learned. He offered knowledge, but Laurelai knew a way now to take it without being beholden to anyone. She felt her heartbeat pick up again, a rapid drumbeat in her ears urging her forward, to make haste. The world continued to darken, even the Stranger becoming vague and indistinct until all she could see was a shining blue pool of liquid. “Laurelai" A voice said, a quiet whisper breaking through the darkness and the deafening sound of her own pulse. “Come with me.” She saw a figure appear, becoming clearer as her focus was broken. Lita, holding out a hand towards her in offer. The slight shake in her voice had turned the statement into a half-question, unsure what Laurelai would do. Laurelai stared back into her eyes, trying to understand. It seemed harder to understand her now than it had been when she'd first found the woman in that tavern all those months ago. The hand was an offer, a call to try to understand once again. But... The waters of the well glistened close by, they could let her understand as well. Clarity, simple understanding not masked by any duplicitous intention, veiled threats or lies. Laurelai had studied people all of her life, she knew better than most that they were impossible to truly understand. She might come close, even getting an Essence Mark that would take for a full day. But she'd always thought that the reason Essence Marks never lasted as long as other stamps was that it was impossible to truly and perfectly know a person. But the waters didn't lie, didn't conceal, they would show her the truth and nothing more. Her face turned halfway between the two, eyes moving back and forth between Lita and the pool as her mind sped up. Her forehead became damp as more beads of perspiration appeared, her breathing quickened until her lungs began to hurt. She could feel the pull from the pool, but also from Lita. It was subtler, not nearly so powerful or so noticeable. By all rights the overpowering draw of the pool should have won the struggle in an instant. But still Laurelai hesitated, Lita held the last faint connection that held Laurelai to the world, the cruel and chaotic world outside. Why should she choose that world? The world in the waters was so much simpler, it was clear with no darkness or murk to frighten, no people to confuse her, no questions unanswered. As she looked towards Lita's hand, Laurelai recalled a flash of the night when the city had been attacked. When the two had shared drinks in the tavern, both red-faced and laughing at themselves and the world. Sharing a glorious moment of joy and laughter, uncertain if the tavern they were in would be the next building to collapse or burst into flames around them. Her leg wavered as she slowly lifted it, sliding it forward into the stone. It was slow, a physical effort to move herself, but as her foot landed it firmed. She stood, facing away from the pool and towards Lita, giving her friend a weary bittersweet smile. And nodded. "Of course." She said. Her voice was hoarse and strained, but she reached one shaking hand out, stepping forward and taking Lita's hand in hers before giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I wouldn't leave you two alone, someone needs to be around to remind him to let you turn your tin off before he spikes you." @ZincAboutIt @Fatebreaker
  5. Light danced over the stone grotto as Lita waited, her whole body tense and frozen. Her eyes never left the Stranger’s - she wasn’t sure if she could look away, now. Time felt odd here, pulled a bit at the edges, warped as if under pressure. Her hand stayed where it was, resting whisper-light against the back of the Stranger’s own. A small sliver of her mind was demanding that she think about what she was doing, that sliver that was still the young girl from Elendel who worked in her father’s parlor. The girl who had never held any power, because she was too weak to keep it. The Lita who listened, but could never demand. That girl had died in Elendel almost three years ago, now. Lita had killed her. And this terror, this self-doubt, was simply what remained of her ghost. She had to trust herself, trust that she knew what she was doing. The time for weakness was long-since past. Lita reached into herself and crushed the last vestiges of who she had been. They crumbled like ash, and something cold and wonderful settled around her in their place. Lita drew in the mantle of her ambition and held the gaze of a vicious, hungry god. 'Speak of this to no one. The work is greater than you know, and if you are to assist you must be absolutely unwavering or you will lose everything.' The words pressed into her mind with an almost physical weight, and Lita actually felt herself begin to burn Pewter in an attempt to hold up under the strain. She gritted her teeth at the demonstration of will, and part of her quailed at the knowledge that this was but a fraction of the power the Stranger could bring to bear against her mind. This was merely the brush of his palm fitted over her wrist; Lita did not want to know what it would feel like to be under the bootheel of his attention. She said nothing, not even sending a response through the Coin. Her agreement was implicit. Lita had no doubt that her life would be the least of what she would lose if he had even the smallest doubt about her “unwavering” loyalty. He stepped away, turning towards the water, and Lita let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. The pressure on her mind had eased, her thoughts her own again, and the last few minutes caught up with her in a rush of color and sound. The razor clarity that had pulsed through her moments before had begun to fracture again, all the pieces starting to fall away. She still held them, but many made no sense to her now. "But it is also undeniably dangerous, and so must be studied with caution and secrecy. You are to speak to no one of this, Denizen or otherwise." The water - he was speaking of the water. Lita felt it draw her forward even before she looked at it, whispering the promise of knowledge beyond anything she could imagine. She glanced to the side, where Laurelai stood similarly transfixed. The blue of the water reflected in the blue of her eyes, turning them into blazing slivers of glacial ice. Her face was set in an expression of deep, ravenous attention; Lita knew what she was feeling. She felt it too. "Now I offer you both an opportunity the likes of which you have never dreamed, and will never encounter again." The Stranger turned back to them, his eyes cold and heavy. "I am engaged in an experiment the likes of which the world has never seen. I offer you the chance to gain knowledge and power beyond your ken, and the opportunity to carve your mark in the annals of history. So what say you? Will you join me in the pursuit of knowledge, of secrets, of Science?" The Stranger’s words echoed in the close, cool dimness as he stood, silhouetted against the glowing blue curtain that was the Chapel of Rain. Lita felt her eyes slip from his figure to the water behind him, and there was a deep warring within her; all that hunger, all that want. Knowledge and power beyond her ken? It waited for her there, just beyond the edge of the pool. Lita’s body shook with the effort of standing still when every fragment of her soul burned with thirst. She ached to step beneath the water, sink to her knees and drown in it. The release of life, of will, of everything - there would be only the water, and the boundless depths of knowing all. What was existence but a fragile cage of bone and blood? Another limit to be shattered, another prison to escape. But something held her still, screaming against the mindless draw of the water. Her will, bloodied fingers clutching tattered reigns, jaw clenched, eyes fierce. This place held a power over her that twisted her into something crawling and helpless, a slave to her own hunger. There may have been knowledge waiting for her beneath the water, but power? What power was there in wasting away, so deeply subsumed in knowing that there was no way to use that knowledge? The fragments of her rational mind knew that if she stepped under that water again, she would never step out. She would be this creature forever, whimpering and kneeling before finally dissolving into nothing. Is that what you want? That little voice whispered, somehow cutting through the lure of the water. Power at your fingertips, and you give it up? Slowly, agonizingly, Lita forced her eyes away from the gently falling water and back to the Stranger. He knew the hunger within her, so deep and rending, but he bent his to his will. He wielded it like a tool, not the other way around. And the things he could show her, the secrets she could learn… She remembered him sitting at her little table, watching as golden script twisted itself across her walls and floor, hinting that she could crack reality itself and drink the truth of it like wine. If you know the world’s secret, you can do whatever you want. Lita drew herself up straight and felt a tiny smile curve up the side of her cheek. She was playing with fire, but it wouldn’t consume her. Not today, anyway. “I will,” she said, her voice stronger than she’d expected. Excited, even. It drove some of the blind yearning out of her mind, sharpened her focus. Lita looked to the side again, where Laurelai still stood. Laurelai. Voidus’s daughter. Her friend. Could she let her lose herself in the water, watch her abandon her reason and will and mind? Doom her to die in this place? Yes, she admitted. I could. If Laurelai chose to stay, Lita would not abandon her own course. She would follow the Stranger alone, if she had to. But that did not mean that she wanted to. Lita held out her hand to the other woman and looked across the distance between them - so small, yet so terribly vast. “Laurelai,” she whispered, some fear coloring her voice. Fear of losing her friend, and fear of losing herself. “Come with me.” @Voidus @Fatebreaker
  6. I was reading Mistborn Prime and didnt make the connection until I read one line, but I think Sebruki was lifted straight out of Mistborn Prime and put in Shadows for Silence These lines are what made me think this: "Rosela had explained that after their mother’s death, Sebruki had decided that it was her job to take care of the house, and she did so with surprising skill. " "Kathin looked over the room. The floor was indeed a slight bit cleaner where she had scrubbed it, dark wood-lichen scrubbed away, but the change was barely noticeable. It looked like she had done the back wall as well, brushing it so hard that she had scarred the wood. There is something seriously wrong with this child, Kathin thought" In MP sebruki only lost one parent but she doesnt talk a whole lot and spends most of her time cleaning--most notably scrubbing the floors and walls. Sound familiar?
  7. Here is the one ring. It is the ring of ... tickets. it allows you to legally fine people any amount of money that you want, no matter who they are. Your Bane is that any money that you put in you pockets disappears and is replaced by counterfeit money. I wish for the One Ring. The One Ring to rule them all. The One Ring to find them. The One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
  8. Hello All I was wondering what would happen if let's say I was a twinborn from Pewter allomancy and gold feruchemey. Would I be able to burn Pewter to increase my strength and then use that strength to fill my gold metal minds? Pretty much cheating and using the health granted to me by pewter instead of my own health to fill my gold metal minds. Essentially gaining all the benefits that a gold compounder would get but better in some ways as I do not have to burn any gold doing this. Though filling my metal minds would take longer. Or is that not possible at all and I cannot draw on the power of pewter to fill my metal mind and doing this will just draw on my own power to fill the mind which means I'll still be weak physically while the minds are filling though maybe not as weak as usual since I'm burning pewter but overall my feruchemy is still net-zero and I won't be able to be immortal or fill extreme amounts of health using pewter. I've listened to graphic audiobooks for all Mistborn main series and side stories so don't worry about spoilers. Sorry if the formatting of tags and the title is off, I'm new here and plan to be active way more once I finish the rest of the cosmere stories (only Emperor's soul, white sand and Arcanum stories left). It's just this question was left on my mind.
  9. So this has been bugging me. Kell and Marsh are said to have blond hair. Blond hair ranges from a reddish- yellow to white. It typically grows lighter when exposed to sunlight. But Pre-Catascande Scadrial has a red sun or, more accurately, has a ferromagnetic cloud that filters out some green wavelengths causing the sun to appear red. (I’m assuming some green gets through as the cloud isn’t consistent.) Which is a problem, because under a red light yellow looks red. (Green should also appear black outdoors, but would become green when exposed to candlelight.) So Marsh and Kell should look like redheads outside, and blond inside. But they seem to be blond all the time, which makes me wonder if they are actually blond according to how we use the term. If they had hair that was closer to red, then the transition wouldn’t be so obvious. This doesn’t explain the issues with Green, or how Elend could have any sort of white suit... (White objects reflect all colors, and change color depending on the frequency of the light. If there is no Green light, then that suit should not have appeared white.) Thoughts?
  10. F-Nicrosil pretty much already stores the spiritweb, insofar as its known application lets you store the bit of it that grants the user access to various magic systems and (via a process we don't understand yet involving the creation of an unsealed metalmind) allows anyone else the means to temporarily have that same power as though it were their own spiritweb. One idea that's frequently tossed around is that since atium can steal anything in hemalurgy, lerasium can store anything in feruchemy as a sort of parallel. One thing to keep in mind is that lerasium doesn't necessarily need to have some awesome use; Brandon has stated that using it for hemalurgy would be kind of like using a nuclear weapon as a paperweight (as in 'you can do it but it's completely wasted on that') so it's entirely possible the same is true of its feruchemical application.
  11. Lol. That's sort of the feeling I was going for anyway, so I guess that works!
  12. O H! I got 900 posts. Idk if that's a thing people care about here but yet.
  13. Did this in math yesterday. The DA is made out of spikes, it’s kinda hard to see.
  14. 2 likes
  15. just reminds me of... me? I always feel really awkward when someone goes for a high give or a fist bump and don't really know what to do
  16. From the album: Stormlight Creatures

    I’m better at drawing animals than humans. I really like my mandra, and I used the page from Shallan's book for this one.
  17. Another SAO: (Sorry I keep copying people's topics, it just gets my brain going )
  18. I dont think so, a dynasty implies multiple generations of a bloodline and at the time Gavilar was just another Highprince of the Alethi Princedoms, but still one of the more prominent ones. The Sunmaker united the nation for one generation only, before that it was the Heirocracy, and before that was silver Kingdom territory that is basically myth to most Rosharans. Well, the original Highprince bloodlines were formed by the Sunmaker's ten son's, so techncailly all Highprinces should be able to trace their bloodlines directly to the Sunmaker. Unless there had been a coup in one of them and a new bloodline installed. If so, it could make sense that Navani was part of the Ousted Bloodline, acknowledged for the Sunmaker lineage but booted from actual power long ago.
  19. In-World. Phantine Is this hemalurgy table also a speculative in-universe document (like how the RPG had atium spikes only stealing temporal, because that's what the steelies believed)? Peter Ahlstrom It is an in-world chart according to the knowledge of some people at a certain stage in the history of Scadrial. [Edit: not Roshar, sorry. Also it’s not Khriss.] General Reddit 2019 (Jan. 5, 2019) About Lerasium, we're not sure what Attributes should mean. It can be just human attributes (like strength, memories, etc.) or it can be anything from the hemalurgical table (which I find difficult). Still, it would not be strange if Lerasium is more powerful in Hemalurgy than Atium, even if the latter is Ruina's metal, Lerasium is much more invested.
  20. Hello friends. How are you all? Hope everyone's writing has been going well. Feels a bit cheeky dropping in without having posted anything or given feedback in a long while. I'm claiming fatherhood for my extended absence. Harder to find time now, but the writing is still happening. Would it be indecent of me to throw a short story out for feedback next week?
  21. You know you are a Sanderfan: When your roommate frequently hears you sleep talk in keteks.
  22. Meanwhile, I just lost several hours of my life screenshotting random nonsense on someone’s blog and I have yet to decide if this was a waste of my time
  23. Scales began creeping up Mike's body. Mike seemed calmer, more like earlier when Xanas had met him in the city. Perhaps the cold-blooded animal traits were connected with a lower pulse? Suddenly, the scales receded from Mike's arm, and he reached out, panicking. Xanas quickly twisted his wrist as Mike reached out for his hand. Mike grabbed his wrist, tightly gripping, but Xanas had moved his finger to a pressure point on the inside of his wrist. If he needed, he could apply pressure, open the grip relatively. The grip was fairly tight, the flexor muscles groups in his forearm taut. If Xanas's body had been capable of it, he probably would have felt a twinge of pain. "Help." Mike whispered, as if in pain or choking. Xanas looked into Mike's eyes, staring at his dark, snake-like pupils, which stared back at him. They were fluctuating slightly, expanding slightly in a pattern that seemed vaguely sinusoidal, though Xanas would need to track it more precisely to be sure of what was causing it to... The spikes, Xanas realized. They aren't just alternate frames of reference, like Winter alternating wolf and human instincts. This is stronger, maybe even severe personality fluctuations. Storms. Xanas had perhaps miscalculated, though, to be fair, he wasn't working in a particularly nice lab. This is exactly why Hemalurgy is done with control subjects, and desirable traits are carefully altered. It was a fundamental law of Hemalurgic research - you didn't spike for output, but for outcome. Whatever Denizen sanctioned this should spend a short eternity in one of the Lovecraftian Alleys. Maybe then they would understand the reason for basic scientific processes. Xanas looked at the metalmind. He was unsure of how Identity would respond with these personality fluctuations. Would it reinforce the original Identity or amplify variations? Would it shift baseline measurements or just alter the severity of personality drift? Were there genetic factors that might trigger chemical imbalances? Did the fluctuations produce vibrations along the spiritweb, or was it merely mentally affective? Not enough time to consider the various options. I need to reintroduce the original strain of Mike to get a stable Identity-tap. Tests later, results now. He ran through his limited supplies quickly, then shrugged. There really weren't any other options. He took the vial of gold flakes and poured them into Mike's mouth. "Burn the gold. You'll have to tap the other metalmind to be able to. Concentrate on what you see." @Sorana
  24. Mraize is actually the chicken. He moves between human carriers to keep tabs on all of the factions. He just scratches their faces up really bad so they all look the same.
  25. Pretty cool write-up, and I largely agree. Almost everyone's unique in some way or another. My only addition is this - there's hints that Shallan does have Plate, she's just suppressing it like she did with her Shardblade. The writerly reason is probably because Brandon didn't want to show us too much too quickly, and it's possible that he has some really cool moment planned for her first on-screen summoning of Plate. Here's where we get the hint, from OB Chap.15, Brightness Radiant:
  26. We know that the city of Elantris acted as an amplifier for the Elantrians, that it breaking caused the Reod, that a messed up Aon could cause a similar Reod-like effect, and that there were Elantrians before Elantris. So a simple solution would be that the pre-Elantris Elantrians built Elantris to give themselves power, amplifying all who become Elantrians, creating a much more marked change in them (IE glowing silver-haired practically unkillable gods). Then when the Reod happened, Elantris still attempted to boost the Elantrians, but it lacked the energy to do so, and thus created the incomplete transformation we saw in the book.
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  27. ... or lil stemul. Any pronunciation besides these two would make absolutely no sense.
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  28. Short answer, I believe we have no clue. Semi longish answer, Renarin could theoretically have sworn the first oath in Way of Kings. You do not have to speak the oaths out loud, just believe/think them to yourself. Renarin could have then said the second at the beginning of Words of Radiance, and said the third at the end of Words of Radiance, and still be able to summon a shardblade at the beginning of Oathbringer. But got nothing to back that up. Just like there is nothing saying that because his spren is corrupted, he could or could not go about advancing in a completely different way.
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  29. The thing about cats is that if they were any bigger they'd eat you. However if the cats banded together they could overpower any human. Since they have solitary instincts humans are safe.
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  30. It’s green light that’s filtered. And the brain only ‘adapts’ if it knows what the actual colors are. If you have different colors at different times it will be noticeable. A more extreme version is a rare form of ocular blindness, where the brain is convinced it can ‘see.’ (No, it can’t.) There’s also the fact that blond hair, as we know it, shouldn’t really exist. When blond hair doesn’t receive enough light, it darkens. So ‘blond’ hair pre-Catascande could have actually been light red to dark strawberry blond, and light brown to dark dirty blond. I headcannon Kell and Marsh as actually having Cinderella’s original movie hair, which many mistakenly believe is blond. (Disney does not help matters.) This doesn’t change that much when switching environs and allows Vin to describe Alriane as blond and yellow haired. It also explains brown plants; they actually are somewhat green, but appear brown due to the lack of green wavelengths. Which is a much simpler explanation than the complete destruction of chlorophyll. It still doesn’t explain how ‘White’ clothing can exist outdoors... the fact that it’s a pale gray might though.
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  31. They're all RAFOs so they don't really say anything? In the released Dragonsteel chapters, Dragonsteel is semi-liquid. When someone touches it, it becomes what they desire, and that shape is then permanent and incredibly hard, nearly indestructible. None of that matches how aluminum behaves.
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  32. YKYASF when your entire Spanish class hears faint voices coming from somewhere above (our school has one story), and you think, "What are the odds everyone here is a cytonic?" Also, when your Kahoot nickname is Elsecaller (I came in 3rd place).
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  33. Granted! The Nightwatcher lunges forward and stabs you with a lightsaber. You're very confused to still be alive. The Nightwatcher starts laughing uproariously upon seeing your expression. She puts the tip of her finger on top of the lightsaber and pushes it back in. It was a fake, a gag gift lightsaber. She flips you another one, you intended to catch it by the... but by the time you had caught it, that thought was left broken & unfinished. She had tossed you a real one. That you were about catch by the "pointy end". You gave the Nightwatcher the stink eye but she just smirked and pointed you towards a conjured doorway. You stepped through it back to... that wasn't Earth. Then you were wiped off existence. That was Alderaan. I wish for the ability to manipulate bone. Not mine but other people's
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  34. What the actual storms you guys Luna tried to run away, yodeling in an attempt to scare off the breadmunks.
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  35. Continuing this nice trend. Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Madoka Magica Rebellion: Chihayafuru: Your Lie in April: Durarara:
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  36. I could also have gone for a pun on lameness, but I didn’t want to come off as rude
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  37. 90% November 17th. The best day of the year.
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  38. The Dawnshards were a rock band formed by four of the Heralds that featured enormous fabrial-driven speakers and subwoofers that could literally crack the very ground when cranked up to 11. They were later repurposed as Oathgates. Tanavast was a big fan - he positively raved about them! Though his comment to the Stormfather about how "Man, the Dawnshards can really tear the roof off this place" appears to have remembered by him a bit too literally. The only mystery is, which of the four Heralds were the Smart One, the Cute One, the Quiet One, and the Funny One?
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  39. Lots of things about prison! I like them all! And, also, how the orders play MarioKart! Windrunner: tries to keep everyone happy at first, but after getting egged on by his spren quickly gets sucked into the competitive spirit. Skybreaker: gets annoyed by the fact that this is a video game, and automatically enforces the rules. Dustbringer: hits every item box possible and gleefully unloads his shells on both fellow competitors and computers. Edgedancer: plays manual drift and is the absolute master of it. Truthwatcher: makes more popcorn to watch this chaos. Lightweaver: Was in a desperate fight with the Willshaper for first, then Lightweaves their screen to include an extra turn to throw them off. Elsecaller: Has it down to a science, with the best character, best car, and automatic drift. They are continually frustrated by the fact they still can’t beat the Willshaper. Willshaper: is storming good at the game. Has explored every last map, knows all the shortcuts, and all the tricks to avoid shells. He uses a different car and character every time, and doesn’t fall for the lightweaver’s trick. Stoneward: stubbornly always uses Mario and the standard kart every single time. Bondsmith: refuses to play, just like monopoly.
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  40. How the ten orders get arrested: Windrunner: Tries to “save” someone from getting injured on a hike, so they kidnap them to prevent them from going on the hike in the first place. Skybreaker: Arrests themselves for accidentally littering. Edgedancer: Steals from the rich to give to the poor (read: forgotten). Elsecaller: Gets arrested for conducting illegal experiments on random passerby. Truthwatcher: Somehow manages to wander into a top secret government facility. Willshaper: Tries new “experiences” like robbing a bank and random heists. Stoneward: Was just standing in the middle of a construction site and would not move. Didn’t say anything, just stood there. Birds even landed on them. Dustbringer: Has committed practically every single crime. Especially arson. Their most recent one was blowing up random buildings. Lightweaver: Gets arrested for impersonating the president. No one knows how long they were doing it or where the real president actually is. Bondsmith: Tries to take over the world so he can “unite” all of the countries together.
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  41. How the 10 orders drink Elsecaller: Drinking dulls the wits but science calls for me to experience drunkenness at least once. Willshaper: Tries a new wine every time they see one this gets expensive. Skybreaker: Never drinks ever and minimizes Dustbringer's damage. Stoneward: Drinks exactly one beer and then leaves the bar after listening to everyone else drink. Lightweaver: Attempts to draw what they see while drunk but can't quite get it right so they throw an art tantrum. Dustbringer: Is an very mean drunk starts fight that Skybreaker stops. Windrunner: Does not drink and makes sure to get everyone's keys. Must protect them. Edgedancer: Makes sure to share their drink with others. Truthwatcher: No one is sure if they are drunk or not you have seen their glass be refiled several times but their is not difference in their behavior. Bondsmith: Unites all the different verities of beer into one. Willshaper loves it. 3 Quote
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  42. How about "trash talk into my enemies minds while i fight them" or also "relay my thoughts to whoever i want"
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  43. I think Deliver Justice would lead to the same issue as with Nightblood: no understanding of the concept of "justice". I'd probably use "Be Sword".
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