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  1. Storm area 51 meme: Exists Sanderfans:
  2. I think this story is an allegory to some sequence of events that happened in Natanatan at some point. I'm going to be describing the story on two levels - on the level of Cultivation, Honor and Odium, and on the level of Nightwatcher, Stormfather and BAM (who is not the Sibling). The earlier parts of the story fit the former set better, the latter parts the latter set. The Moons of Roshar are Nomon (brightest, blue), Mishim (slowest, Green), and Salas (darkest, Violet). Of note are the colors that Hoid uses thoughout. So far, for the Rosharan Shards, the colors that can be best associated are White-Blue for Honor (Stormlight is white, Honorspren are Blue), Green for Cultivation (the mist at the Valley), and Yellow-White for Odium. (Voidlight is technically Stygian Blue, which is a fatigue response to bright, intense yellow on black - most probably this fact is a commentary on the nature of Rayse-Odium) Let's jump straight into the story then, shall we? Subtext: Cultivation is cleverest of the three Shards on Roshar. Or, the Nightwatcher is the cleverest of the three spren the moons are most likely to represent. Subtext: Honor and Odium are content sit in the spiritual and manifest avatars, powering the magics of Roshar through their respective lights - Stormlight and Voidlight. Honor has the Highstorm, and a high place on Roshar was called "closest to Honor", whereas Odium is literally on a different planet, and now has the Everstorm. As opposed to these two, Cultivation's influence can be seen in all the flora and fauna of Roshar, and she takes a more hands on approach, if only through the Boon-Curse magic. The reign in the sky could then be a realmatic metaphor, with Honor and Odium always staying away, whereas Cultivation being super invested in the Valley, and personally taking interest whenever she could. On the Nightwatcher level, we don't quite know the nature of the Sibling enough to be able to relate it like this with the sky and light. Indeed, I've been suspecting the domain of the Sibling is "stone", or Crem, so I don't know if it would hold with the reign in the sky. I've been suspecting that BAM is to Voidbinding what the Stormfather is to Surgebinding, and in that case she could be the sister to the Nightwatcher who is also content to stay away and "grace the lands with her (Void)light," whereas the brother, Stormfather, would also be cotnent to drive the Highstorms and "grace the lands with his (storm)light." I don't know what Hoid specifically means by this, other than maybe a sly referral to why Cultivation is training the Nightwatcher to be her heir, of some kind. Yep, Mishim is the green moon, and green is the color most associated with Cultivation, and by extension the Nightwatcher. Take the towers to be an allegory to something else, say... Ancient Fabrials. The Natanatans would, in this case, be leading scientists, trying to maybe autopsy and study the biology of Greatshells to understand how fabrials would work realmatically. The Natan people were trying to make artificial Fabrials, and impinging on the domain of Cultivation - whose system is this integrated Fabrial magic in the ecosystem of Roshar. It also makes sense in a different way, because the Aimians would eventually be providing Soulcasters to the rest of Roshar, and the end of this story strongly indicates that the Siah were born as an outcome of what happens here later. The towers could also be an allegory to a lot of different things and not just Fabrials. If you consider the sky and the lands to be the Spiritual and Physical realms, then the tower would be some kind of invested constructs - the metaphor relies on the same description Brandin has previously given to perpendicularities, something that is "heavier" than normal in the physical and stretching it a bit to reach into another realm. A tower is something that is built on land but reaches for the sky. Translation: I am mortal, my domain the Physical and Shadesmar. The Spiritual is yours. Divinity, yours. Interesting use of color here - why the white pillar? The description is similar to the description of Honor's perpendicularity that Dalinar summoned at the end of OB (to be fair, they're both described as white pillars, which isn't exactly a spectacularly detailed description, but still), but I don't know if that's what Hoid is actually alluding to or not. Also, why would you need Honor's perpendicularity to ascend to Cultivation? Except, the allusion is to the fact that Bondsmiths can do it, and this can be used for specific purposes. The answer to that would of course depend on whether the ability to manifest Honor's perpendicularity was a thing Dalinar could do because of the special circumstances involved with Honor's remnants and the Stormfather. Even if it was, that particular ability could be achieved by other Bondsmiths, just not necessarily in that manner, or by those circumstances. As always, Cultivation was using her Futuresight and her intent/motivation to see how best she could... well, cultivate. Her intent dictates that she constantly be doing that - constantly be looking to cultivate. Especially after holding the Shard for as long as she has, she would be reaching for some Preservation or Ruin levels of singlemindedness. Unlike Honor and Odium, she rarely makes an active play in events, preferring quiet nudges that may yield results favourable to her sometime in the far future. To mortal eyes, this isn't always apparent, her changes may not always be individually beneficial even, and because she uses the Nightwatcher as a substitute, she is culturally characterized with the attributes "loathes her duty" and "lazy". Another element at play here is that it was Honor that was pro-humanity, while Cultivation's own feelings towards them can, at best, be described as lukewarm. Take this from the perspective of a Shard - for whom looking at all of this in the physical would be trivial. Even Odium, who - unlike Cultivation - is actually trapped, can show Venli visions of Roshar from space, implying that is a perspective a Shard could see through if they so wanted. Also, yes, if you looked at Stars up close in mortal form, you would truly burn away from the heat of it. Another thing is that Stormlight infused Gemstones glow, and that perfectly cut Stormlight infused Gemstones would glow for a long time. So yes, without explaining the deep physics of everything, in a story, to say that the Stars are gemstones cut by the finest of gem cutters wouldn't be exactly be an inaccurate metaphor. Take the Heavens here, to be a state that you attain be Ascending. Yes, the sheer amount of information you would parse then would drive you mad in your non-ascended state. Moreover, as a scholar of Realmatics, Queen Tsa would know this. No clue what the Starspren mean though. Whatever these towers represent, investiture is definitely a big part of them. Or it could be taken figuratively in a different manner - the societal pillars and domes of that city could literally hold membership with the Knights Radiant - they could literally be Surgebinders, and thus Radiant. The Yellow-Gold smoke is interesting, as Yellow-Gold is the color of Bondsmiths. The green involved could imply this is a Nightwatcher Bondsmith. The Queen was Pious, which is a Bondsmith trait. And the Shard of Cultivation, or the Nightwatcher herself, is described as crafty. Also not an inaccurate descriptor. They're trying to achieve something by Applied Realmatic Theory, but something is missing. They're missing a clue. Something in their equations is wrong. And here they try to convince a Shard to help them. Queen Tsa asks to ascend - to pick up enough of the Shard to be capable of achieving what she wants to. Whether this is something Cultivation also secretly wants to come about, or whether this is really Queen Tsa tricking Cultivation is - atleast according to me - a question the story does not have an answer to. This is probably over analysing (well, technically so is the entirety of this post :P), but why the Orange? Why a random fourth color? I have only one unlikely conjecture - Odium does appear as the entire spectrum of Yellow to Dalinar in one of the Visions, so the Orange could be him. The fact that the word intense is mentioned could be indicative that the Orange represents something related to Odium, if not directly Odium. The Shard is temporarily passed from one vessel to another. Or, the Nightwatcher and her Bondsmith somehow swap places. No clue if this is even possible, although theoretically this could be achieved by rewiring one physical body from one Cognitive and Spiritual aspect onto a different Cognitive and Spiritual aspect. Probably unlikely, but not impossible. hmmm. So after what was ages, Cultivation's vessel, got a chance to be not a Vessel. Of course, she enjoyed however she could. Or the Nightwatcher is enjoying being mortal. I do not know what this part of the story means. The Shardic level was working better so far. But the superspren level makes a better fit from this point on. I don't quite know the exact mechanics/events this story is alluding to. There's something happening here and I don't quite know what. It is however interesting to note the qualities that are associated with each moon - kindness to Nomon (Honor/Stormfather), and thoughtfulness to Salas (Odium/Sibling/BAM). It's interesting to know that the color of Tsa is White, as opposed to the Green of Mishim, Blue of Nomon, and Violet of Salas. White is the one color common to all Radiants. Queen Tsa broke her word. Not very honourable. It is also interesting that that idea - the idea of her breaking her Oaths, is what gets Tsa to relent. This could be a cultural folk based decision in the story if it is not alluding to anything. But it fits this subtext surprisingly well. Roshar does have a significant focus on the ability to "hear" spiritual ideals, like the Rhythms. In that vein, this is interesting. Blue (and White) have so far been associated with Honor. So this is interesting. The first Siah? It is interesting that this was a new song. This is... I already laid out my feelings on this. I don't quite think that Queen Tsa could have tricked Cultivation herself, and this would be a ploy by Cultivation to make it seem like this, but in actuality, the fact is that some of her goals are also being achieved. These goals could be anything ranging from the creation of the Siah so that they could fulfill some specific purpose in the future, to something like letting go of her Shard for a while to potentially delay or decrease the overpowering effect that it's intent could be having in her consciousness. Maybe both, and more. I also don't know what "loss" means to Cultivation, save perhaps a kind of nostalgia on what she had been a long while ago - an understanding that a life like this with Tanavast is what she gave up all those millenia ago. If however, the Nightwatcher is the one in question, then this kind of makes better sense? Especially the parts where she didn't know mortal life, or the fact that she couldn't know loss. Cultivation would have allowed it in this case because she would have thought it would ultimately be better for the Nightwatcher to understand mortal existence, particularly if she was being trained as an heir to that Shard someday. This could make even more sense if Tsa was a Nightwatcher Bondsmith, and pulled something akin to what Dalinar managed at the Battle of Thaylen City, but different by circumstance, skill, and motive. A Child whose mother ascended while she was potentially pregnant, or something else was done by Tsa with her expanded understanding, capabilities, and perhaps most importantly, Honor's (maybe via Stormfather) investiture. Maybe the creation of a certain kind of Slivers was the point of the whole endeavor, or maybe the Siah hold a secret in their genetics/existence that Tsa was looking for all along. (by secret, I don't necessarily mean lore, but rather the fruit of Tsa's endeavors - art of a kind) Read above on what I feel about this. So... yeah. Had to get this out, though it would have been fun if I could have gotten to this before the Myths of Roshar Shardcasts.
  3. My take on Kaladin Stormblessed from the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. This is when Kaladin was enslaved. Not gonna lie, I almost made myself cry by drawing all that rain and remembering… THAT SCENE IN WAY OF KINGS ;( ( I ended up spamming the gallery with empty posts because the file was too big but hopefully it works now, I'm really sorry...)
  4. From the album: Mistborn Doodles

    The lord of decay, in all his glory. My favorite Shard, by far. I always imagined his hair as actual fire, so naturally I had to paint it!
  5. I made a cosmere word search. I probably missed a few important names, but it has names from Stormlight Archives, Mistborn, Elantris, and Warbreaker. It was a lot bigger, but I cut it down.
  6. YKYASW Chaos means more than just a mindless force of destruction and disorder. Chaos is known to Sanderfans as *dramatic pause* Eric!
  7. By the way, go read Paranatural, the webcomic this is from. It's GOLD.
  8. YKYASW your teacher is talking about adhesion and cohesion and you just smile.
  9. In a Mraize vs Jasnah scenario, I will be on team Mraize. Partially because I like him more, but also because it would be a nice development if Jasnah lost for once, just like it was a good change to not have Kaladin save everyone in OB. As for Kabsal, there are a LOT more efficient ways of poisoning someone than dressing up as someone Jasnah will instantly dislike and try to feed her poisoned bread.
  10. In college, a professor once threw out this little gem during a lecture: "You must cite your sources. You can't just declare a thing and have it be true. For example: You there! *points to student* Your mother is a horse!"
  11. Nope! I'm just bookmarking cool words in my Thesaurus! And Truthless always finds a way to bring them back. They've died...1...14...232...3479...a lot. Maybe more than Butt. Then suddenly the atmosphere was turned into pure potassium! And Potassium reacts with water to instantaneously explode! So....yep. That happened. The world started burning. Ok....maybe I'm feeling a little morbid. Brownies were baked. They were the best brownies ever baked. Better than waffles. Better than pancakes. Even better than wafflecakes
  12. Mike stumbled backwards, his back hit a wall. The spren zipped towards him, fast, too fast to escape, too fast to get away from. He would die. Heart beating quickly from fear Mike threw another rock and missed again, edged away, along the building, the spren slowing down, now that he had no way too go. Not sentinent, but able to perceive where he was. Spren. Useless, stuipd things. "Magic is its weakness!" Wes said, added something about surviving, but Mike stopped listening. Magic. He was no hero with a large magic sword, no mage to throw a fireball. He was nothing, but a boy. A teenager trapped in a nightmare. The spren trundled closer and he stabbed at it with his knife, unsure if he'd missed again or if nothing had happened. Magic. Of course. It was only a normal blade. Everybody knew, that you had to kill some monster with a magic weapon. A laugh escaped his lips, sounded too loud for the street, almost crazy, when he opened his shirt. Wolf made him move faster, urged him on. Protect his pack. He had to protect his pack. Mike touched the cool metal, felt the crusted blood around it. He'd touched them, touched them so often, he knew them well. Too well. Contrasting his earlier demonstration, he had no idea which animal sat where, he hadn't paid that much attention, back in Ko'Tiel's room, laboratory, whatever. The only thing he knew, was that they were magical. And not that far away from a knife. He closed his fingers around the spike and pulled, screamed at the pain, when he felt something break, torn away from him, from his sould not only from his body. Porcupine, he knew it, when the silent, calm presence vanished, when her touch of fear, of looking for an escape left his toughts. Fox moved forward, closed the gap, took control and he felt his ears change, but Wolf was there. Wolf made him ignore the pain, the loss, made him stab the bloody spike right through the spren. Kill it. Protect his pack. Blood ran down his chest when he moved and he screamed again, wished for Porcupine to come back, when he felt Fox stir again. @Sherlock Holmes
  13. Man, all this stuff seems so contradictory. Gavilar: "I'll bring back the Parsh gods. It will save your people. I'm being selfless." Eshonai: "Bad idea." Amaram: "We're actually doing this to force the Heralds out of hiding." Nale: "Dude I'm right here." Gavilar: "Actually, we're doing this because I nEeD UnItY and threats are effective." Amaram: "Yeah, and it'll bring back Vorinism." Gavilar: "That's not what I said. But it'll bring back the Radiants, so...sure." Nale: "Ishar is NOT okay with that. But he's also not okay with returning the Parsh gods, so...why am I here?" Gavilar: "What do you suppose we do? Stormdaddy tells me we're doomed." Kalak: "Can we run away? Did that once with our last planet and it worked out for millennia." Nale: "The Wheel of Time turns...wait, wrong series." Gavilar: "Ohh, secrets I can exploit...how do we open a passage to another planet?" [REDACTED] Gavilar: "Look, I got this voidspren." Nale: "I'm not sure why I'm okay with this. But we need to go deeper." Amaram: "What's that got to do with HoNoR?" Gavilar: "Glad we're all on the same page." Szeth: "...did I miss a meeting?"
  14. Someone reminds me of this
  15. So like the title says what’s the weirdest or strangest thing you’ve heard someone say about you? I’ll start. One of the weirdest I’ve had was a teacher at the school I work at think I was both a student and that my mom was my wife! What leaps of logic brought her to the choice of “Young enough to be in middle school but old enough to be married to someone in their 60’s”? Also the married assumption happened because apparently she’s never seen two people with the same last name and it automatically means husband and wife and I guess assumed all her students were married to their parents by her logic.
  16. Hey, everyone!! I just finished reading Oathbringer and needed to delve further into the world so here I am! I'm new to Brandon Sanderson, I read Skyward a few months back and just finished the first 3 books of The Stormlight Archive (I am SO obsessed). I plan on picking up the Mistborn books next, after I reread The Stormlight Archive (I'm currently dealing with a book hangover and I'm not quite ready to leave this world and characters). I'm super excited to read everything and anything that pertains to Roshar, so any discussions/theories/article recommendations would be greatly appreciated! I'm so glad to have found this community! Thanks, guys!
  17. Hoid's stories - especially ones that have lightweaving involved - have almost always been allusions, though we don't know which specific events he's alluding to all the time. It's sort of a prerogative to the illusary capabilities of Lightweaving and the nature of lies - art needs truth, but it also needs to interpret it. All of his stories would be anchored in (or reflective of) something true and relevant. All he does is bring it forth, and let his audience draw what meaning from it they may. There's just enough creativity involved for it to be a lie, and yet there is always truth somewhere in it. Now, the conclusions I'm drawing from the story - those can be wrong. But the story is based on something though - and it seems hard to accept the literal involvement of the moons themselves.
  18. "If I am my author, I'm an Avatar?" Zath repeated excitedly. "I've waited my entire life for this moment!" Zath crouched in what was-- in his mind-- a martial arts stance and then began moving his arms and dancing around, punching and kicking the air to no discernible effect. After about half a minute of this, Zath put his hands on his hips and sighed. "My chi must be blocked. I can't bend any of the elements." Beram snorted and rolled his eyes. "Not that kind of Avatar, ya big nerd." "Oh," Zath said, embarrassed. "Right. Of course. I knew that." Beram nodded at Ieiea. "What you said, about Writers and Authors being the same? That makes sense to me. Which means that, at some level, it makes sense to this goof, too." Beram waved a hand at Zath.
  19. Can you say lethal neurotoxin?
  20. With school, 17th sharding has become a dangerous activity, for both myself and my grade point average. Therefore, I am removing the 17th Shard from my bookmarks bar! Now this shouldn't affect my activity at all, I mean, currently I have 10 tabs open to the Shard. But I am still removing the Shard from my bookmarks. It's too dangerous.
  21. I do appreciate a good Doric when I see one I dunno man, I prefer a nice Corinthian
  22. ...didn't we just have a non-cosmere round?
  23. So difficult to be eloquent with rapping. So I will just grab a normal post here. I am a soother. Votes were looking ugly against me D1, so I didn't want to chance it. (Was hoping to see someone else try to claim that role, but I don't think it's really a possibility now) So, with Aman claiming seeker now, it actually makes a bit more sense as to why he would have claimed roleless, so I'm definitely leaning a bit more toward this being a role madness game. AND, since we have 4 claims now, would it be worth it for the remaining 8 players to claim? I'm actually thinking it would... (I know, I know, I'm usually not a fan of role claiming, but this game could be an exception with the tight timeline we have here.) I'm slightly curious why Fura didn't see the V/V possibility of Aman being mistaken. I guess we just put Aman up on a pedestal and assume he isn't going to make mistakes. *Cicada ninja*
  24. Truthfinder. I like the sound of that
  25. Not an acronym, just slang, at least as far as I know. Goodness knows where it came from. *pushes up nerd glasses* It was coined in Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land as meaning "to fully understand a thing."
  26. Slightly off the current topic branch, but still falling under the umbrella of 'Belonging to multiple orders': Let's say someone managed it, they were found by two spren of different orders who were willing to share a bond, and had Oaths that were not mutually exclusive. Let's say Windrunners and Edgedancer as an example. Would that Radiant then be enhanced by the resonance of both orders - extra squires and the Edgedancer resonance (I believe the suspect is a facility of communication)? Would they have a new resonance for the combination of four surges? Or would they be approaching Mistborn level where they have two many individual powers to develop a resonance? I don't think they would develop a resonance for each of the 11 possible power combination of Abrasion, Adhesion, Gravitation and Progression. And I don't think that four surges is enough to get into the Mistborn level of having too many powers for a resonance to develop. I feel the most likely case would be a new, previously unheard of resonance would develop for them. And on a similar vein, as Renarin is bonded to a corrupted Truthwatcher spren, I don't think he will have the normal Truthwatcher resonance. He will have a new resonance from the combination of Progression and inverted-Illumination, or void-Illumination (however we want to refer to the void-binding versions of the ten surges). Is it still accurate to call him a Truthwatcher? Or is he something new? A Voidwatcher? A Truthfinder?
  27. Oh that's a can of worms and a half. I've had people tell me I'm immortal, tell me I'm the Antichrist, tell me I'm secretly a time traveller (even from myself, apparently), tell me I'll be dead before the year is out, tell me I'll live into my two hundreds, tell me I'll visit space, tell me the depths of the ocean are where I'm supposed to be, tell me that everything I'll do will stand in stone for a thousand years, tell me that everything I'll do will turn to dust before my very eyes, tell me I'm their long-lost husband of 30 years with amnesia, tell me I'm literally dead, tell me I'm the Second Coming of Christ (long story on that one), and tell me that my soul has seen guilt over the ages and it ages me prematurely. Long story short, shenanigans.
  28. He stole Pheo's hair...
  29. "I don't have a rhinoceros mini on me." "Why don't you have a rhinoceros?!" "Because I was not prepared for such things!!!" I feel like I will be visiting this thread quite often.
  30. @Stormlightning @Child of Hodor The problem that I have with the two being Nale and Kalak boils down to one question: Why would Nale permit this? I don't understand what his motive for this experiment would be when he's been actively pursuing individuals that, in his words, could tamper with and/or weaken the seal keeping the Fused and Voidspren locked up on Braize. Typically that's been due to removing budding Surgebinders, but the conversation is explicitly talking about bringing something from Braize, which is pretty blatantly against Nale's stated goal of keeping matters as they are.
  31. From the album: Cosmere Art

    The whole blanket, I quilted for a friend. I embroidered the symbols, the rest you can see in the pictures is a patchwork. The other side of the blanket is made of a simple darker coloured fabric and it's lining is a thick cotton, so it feels good.
  32. It brought the Stranger no small amount of pleasure to see the despair on his opponent's face. It was like a fine whiskey: sharp, sweet, and meant to be savored. He detected notes of dismay, with strong undertones of terror. Ordinarily he would draw this out, use time dilation to make an instant last a lifetime, but out of courtesy to his peers he would make it brief. He was about to add a few more touches when his allomantic bronze detected a resonance he was unfamiliar with. He put up a speed bubble around himself and tapped steel, to allow time for analysis. Ajax seemed to freeze, the look of terror on his face becoming a macabre mask. The Stranger focused on the pulse of investiture and discovered it was similar to that of someone burning chromium, but with a stronger resonance to it. Likely to be an externalized form, and judging on the spiritual displacement it would affect a wide area. He burned some atium and saw the pulse sweep out from Ajax in a translucent wave. It extended approximately thirty feet from him before it dissipated. The Stranger frowned and burned electrum, so as to see the effect it would've had on him. It appeared that it destroyed investiture, which would have been irritating, though unlikely fatal. Still, there was no reason to allow such a thing. The Stranger snapped his fingers and soulcast the air around Ajax into an aluminum sarcophagus, effectively mitigating the bast and holding Ajax in place. He then let the cage fall, not bothering to catch it. As it plummeted towards the earth, the Stranger spoke again in the voice that could be heard in every corner of the city, "Look up you people, and see how the 'mighty' have fallen." With that the coffin hit the ground with a BOOM! and another, albeit smaller crater was formed. The Stranger opened an alley and disappeared into it, reappearing next to the coffin, which had twisted and cracked. Ajax, was pulling himself from the rubble, healing as best he could from the significant damage he had sustained. As soon as his head emerged the Stranger renewed his mental assault, rioting despair and soothing all else. Ajax gave one more desperate attempt to use division to burn him, but the Stranger swatted his hand away with a careless gesture. He reached out and cupped the face of the insurrectionist in his hand and smiled. "I tried to warn you, child. But it seems that wisdom is wasted on the foolish." The shades began to pour from him, washing over Ajax anew. With that he flicked his wrist and three spikes seemed to appear in his hand. He punched them through Ajax's torso with quick succession, using so much force that they went straight through the armor. The placement was precise and in an instant he had freshly charged spikes for soulcasting, aonic ability, and division. He stood and turned to walk away. "He's all yours, old friend." @Voidus @RayOfSunshine
  33. I'm actually really tempted to agree with you to some extent; the more I try to fathom how Nale is involved in Gavilar's plans the more it just doesn't make sense. Although, this same night is when Gavilar tells Taravangian about his visions. Maybe he decided to tell Nale about them, too. True to his MO, Nale goes for the nuke. But anyway, if it's not Nale and Kalak, my first assumption is that Brandon doesn't remember how direct his use of "ambassadors from the West" was and Peter/Karen will likely point this out so he changes it to something that doesn't scream "those two guys from every other prologue" at us. Or he is intentionally going for the red herring. Throughout the rest of this reading, Navani thought quite a bit about Gavilar's new shady friends, and all the other references seemed like it was talking pretty concretely about the Sons of Honor. I've done some digging, and it seems like Gavilar's change in personality was really recent. Like, no more than a year prior to his death, but probably even less. I can't believe he could have this much information from a year of research(especially considering how long Jasnah's been researching to have so little comparatively), so I'm really starting to wonder about Restares and the Sons of Honor. Even though the book says that Gavilar isn't their founder/leader, I've always kinda thought of him that way, and therefore thought of the Sons of Honor as a fairly young organization. But now I'm thinking they might be really really old, perhaps old enough that their name came from out of the shift humans made from Odium to Honor. I have more to say on this topic but I gotta run, and also, I need to do a bit more research. More thoughts to come.
  34. Jasnah Kholin, my bae uwu I have always imagined her looking a little intimidating, idk, but I kind of like it… still not very good at drawing digitally, so practicing with cosmere characters really motivates me… ;p
  35. I apologize for the lack of a writeup I simply have too much homework and various things to do. - - - Day 2 has begun! The Day will end on Saturday, September 7, at 12:30 PM PDT. Butt Ad Venture has died! They were a Village Smoker. Here are the rules. Player list:
  36. This WoB is so very odd! Why would Gavilar be so interested in getting a Surgebinder off Roshar?! He himself was a proto-Bondsmith, but he didn't even progress as far along the path to Radiancy as his son eventually did, since he wasn't infusing stormlight in his death scene. And it was dark, so there was no way for Szeth or even Jasnah looking from above to miss it, if Gavilar started to glow. Also, Aesudan claimed in chapter 84 of OB that: So, as far as she knew - and she seemed to have been involved in whatever Gavilar was doing to some degree, he never found any other budding Radiants. Nor did he or his associates notice Jasnah becoming one, despite her shadow doing funky things for a few months before Ivory confronted her on that fateful night. I don't see Gavilar planning another exodus of humans, because it isn't like uninhabited worlds with perpendicularities to enter them and everything humans need to live on them are a dime a dozen. Not to mention that unlike the flight from Ashyn, they'd have to go far out-system even if this perfect place exists, which is not likely. Nor would they have needed to bring bonded Radiant spren off Roshar for this, not to mention that they didn't have any at the time. So, what was he trying to accomplish with this? Not starting a False(?) Desolation, because you'd think that bringing spren from Braize and releasing Bo-Ado-Mishram would be enough for that. And I do think that starting one was on his agenda too - not to return the Heralds or to achieve the triumph of Vorinism, but so that Rosharans would become aware of their danger and be very motivated to prepare for the Final Desolation that Honor's visions told him was coming. A vaccination, of sorts. Could Gavilar have been thinking about shipping the Unmade, other than BAM, out of Rosharan system, to tilt the odds in humans' favor during the Final Desolation? Or, after his seeming failure to find/create any Radiants, did he conclude that 2 millenia ago not every old Radiant committed Recreance, that some of them may have gone off-world and taken their spren with them? That these spren would be more amenable to bonding again? And his experiments with voidspren-napping from Braize are "proof" of this having been possible? But then, you'd think that if Gavilar had agents visiting Braize(!), he'd have had them approach various Nahel spren peoples directly and would have learned that the Truthwatcher spren, Cryptics and Cultivationspren at least were open to the idea of bonding. And that Nale and his merry followers kept killing any human who dared to try. The Heralds role in all of this - I am quite certain that Nale _didn't_ truly team up with Gavilar. This goes against everything he believed in prior to the climax of "Edgedancer". But Kalak might have. IIRC, Sanderson said somewhere that the Heralds could subconsciously sense that the Desolation was coming, even those in deep denial. And from what we have seen of Kalak he'd want to run away if he possibly could - which this research would have helped him with, because Heralds have the same problems with leaving Rosharan system that the spren do. But, if this was the case then, IMHO, Nale became interested in Gavilar's doings and bullied Kalak into bringing him into it and then convinced him that Gavilar was wrong and needed to die. That is, if the 2 Heralds were the ones having the conversation with Gavilar that Navani eavesdropped on in this prologue. In WoR prologue, from Jasnah's PoV, Kalak said: which very strongly suggests to me that the Heralds had something to do with Szeth and the king's assassination. There is also this interesting detail: As far as Jasnah knew, it wasn't Gavilar himself, but _Ehlokar_ who invited the Heralds to the feast. And as somebody who was running security checks of all the people invited, she should know. They were also shown chatting with him when Szeth left the feasting hall to begin his murdering in WoK prologue. So, there is a good reason to doubt that they are the people that Gavilar is talking with in this reading. Particularly since from Eshonai's prologue in OB we also learned that Gavilar felt that somebody was watching him. Which very likely was Nale's highspren. Nale didn't really need to get close to Gavilar to find out what he was doing - he or another full Skybreaker just needed to be in the vicinity and have their spren run the surveillance, like Malata does in OB.
  37. 2 likes
  38. You know you're a sanderfan when you see Ati Physical Therapy and think, when did Ruin become a chiropractor?
  39. The best part about this theory is the imagery of Syl standing in front of a bunch of windspren, making them do Katas, or whatever windspren need to do to train!
  40. Okay, so I was browsing Arcanum, and a WoB said this: Dwarven_Hydra Would a Duralumin Gnat Surgebinder be able to use duralumin to do a super Surge? Brandon Sanderson This (Duralumin+Surgebinding) would work. This makes me wonder, can Duralumin super-charge other kinds of investiture? Maybe even Fabrials?
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  41. I fear for anyone who actually goes their. The slave drew a certain magical talking black sword.
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  42. Ahhh, another Kiseki fan! Always good to see someone else who appreciates the series; there's a few of us here as well. I first realized this when @natc made a Bank of Rean reference, only replacing it with Hoid. I may or may not have a bad habit of bringing up the series every so often on the Cosmere boards to try and convince people to play a game series that's organized in a similar way to Brandon's books, and vice-versa when discussing his books when other people are talking about the games. One of these days I need to write down my crack theory that Brandon and Falcom's CEO Toshihiro Kondo have some sort of subconscious mental link because it's spooky how similar ideas crop up in both of their creations... and because both are grandmasters in the art of the RAFO and teasing the fanbase. xD Anyhow, nicely done summary of the Cold Steel games!
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  43. I am pretty sure Brass is Rioter. Am I wrong? Because that would be incredibly stupid to risk. ED1T: Google tells me I am wrong. Turns out I'm incredibly stupid. Note I was drunk last night, otherwise my reply would have been more eloquent than terse. Seeker says the metal not the role. I mixed up Rioter and Soother. Should be understandable since they are so close. Honestly ask yourself what are the odds of me being in the right ballpark about a vote manipulation role? ED2T: Not going to spend time arguing, even if it's obvious my claim is honest. Amanuensis ED3T: Nah stupid question before. Honestly ask yourself what elim would claim a fake role after a SINGLE vote? I did it so the Village wouldn't waste time. If I was the Inquisitor I would just talk myself out of it like I always do, or ignore it since it really meant nothing.
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  44. So you would trade future quality for a little bit extra now, then? You would willingly advocate for the stifling of creativity and film quality as the last of what Disney doesn't own bows to their monopoly? You have no faith in Sony to deliver, and yes, I understand that, but the situation now is much different than it ever has been before. There is a two-movie precedent, and now that Sony has an incentive beyond keeping the rights to make the next movie good: proving everyone wrong. Proving to people that they can make a good Spiderman movie again. Why would it possibly bother you? A portion of negotiations being closed means nothing if the larger negotiations are still ongoing. Marvel might have a better track record, but Marvel also hasn't attempted as many Spiderman movies as Sony has, though they did try one in 1977 that even Stan Lee didn't like. Plus, if we were to be going by terrible movies meaning someone else should have a chance, then Marvel would never have been allowed to make another Captain America movie after the 1990 fiasco (not going to talk about the 1944 one because I haven't actually watched that one fully), or another Hulk movie (then again, maybe they learned their lesson with that one). If you're so scared of anything that could potentially lead to something bad, why do you get out of bed? Why do you do anything? After all, it can all go bad.
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  45. MBSH and the Lego Movie
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