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Showing most liked content on 06/22/19 in all areas

  1. Here's what we've got so far! Lashing roller coaster Undetermined frightening Hemalurgy ride Kredik Shaw-themed haunted house Urithiru slide Shattered Plains mirror maze Shadesmar wave pool or ball pit Chouta vendors (and presumably vendors of other foods, such as baywraps) What else? @Stormblessed Dolphin@Shallan&Pattern@Truthless of Shinovar@Shard of Thought@Wander89@Rosharan A.C.@Wyndlerunner@Doomstick Here!
  2. Day 3: Wow, or rather, Cow! Daisy the Cow munched idly on some grass. The sun wasn’t shining but that was alright, it was still a nice day in Daisy’s mind. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye as four bipeds approached her. She watched as they came closer only realising too late that they intended to cause harm. Daisy the Cow let out a warning MMMOOOOOO to the rest of her herd as the bipeds attacked her with sticks and an axe. As her blood seeped into the ground around her she saw her friends, her herd, coming to her rescue. One of the bipeds that hurt her was trampled as it tried to get away. Daisy felt no guilt at the death of them. In fact she no longer felt anything at all. Her final thought was that it would’ve been nice to feel the warmth of the sun one final time. Meanwhile back in the makeshift refugee camp, Tanky Zomboi was growing more and more hungry. He tried to restrain himself, after all these had been his friends at one stage, but the drive, the urge to feed was too strong. A group of refugees stood off to the side talking. Tanky Zomboi smelt it. That wonderful, intoxicating smell, Blood. He heard them before the others, the screams of the living. It was too much, the smell, the noise, the HUNGER. Tanky Zomboi leapt into the group in front of him, grabbing and feeding on the first one he could reach. The rest tried to subdue him even going so far as to run him through with their pointed sticks but they missed his vital organs so he continued to feed on all within reach only stopping when his head was removed from his body. Votes: Lum: (6) Rath, Fifth, Sart, CadCom, Kidpen, Ax’s Boyfriend Lumgol - Tanky Boi was lynched and killed and beheaded and is well and truly dead. Hemalurgic Headshot - Bill Woodsman was killed by a Cow! They were a Refugee with a Claymore Mine and a Sharpened Stick Rathmaskal - Rash Williams is now a Zombie! Cadmium Compounder - Andrew Andrewson is now a Zombie! Sart - Sarah is now a Zombie! Fifth Scholar - Friedrich was attacked by Lum and is now a Zombie! Daisy the Cow has died. You Monsters! This cycle will last 23 hours followed by a one hour rollover break. Revealed Mechanic: Lynching a Zombie causes half the voters (up to maximum of 4) to be Turned. After all, in order to lynch them, you have to get close to the Zombie. Close enough for it to infect you. Important Information: Terrain: Farmland Weather: Sunny Wind: Easterly (Headwind) breeze (One less vote needed for the lynch minimum) Wildlife: Some Chickens are scratching around the farmhouse As there is at least one refugee holding a Map, certain areas of interest are revealed. A barn and farmhouse lie a short distance down a dirt road. Smoke can be seen coming from the farmhouse chimney. Graves can be seen nearby Player List:
  3. TenSoon cooking Vin breakfast and Breeze giving TenSoon a drink
  4. I would be very much onboard with this. We can double the prices and make maximum profits!!!!! Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!! (read: We’re gonna get a lot more stories!!!)
  5. This is the cosplay I pieced together for JordanCon2019. It was a lot of fun!
  6. Redin! He's such an interesting character. He's the only heterochromatic person we've met so far, so we could get a unique perspective on the caste system from him. And the way he was left at the end of Taravangian's interlude leaves so many questions open. He was already kind of an outcast from society, only respected and powerful because his father was so high ranking and chose to give him that position. Since he killed his father, that's probably all gotten so much worse for him. I've been a huge fan of the Redin becomes a Dustbringer theory since before OB came out, and I'm still hoping he's the Dustbringer in book 4 that Brandon has talked about. But I'd be happy with just finding out what actually happened to him. Another one that'd I'd eventually like to see more of is Vai. She's the young singer girl that Kaladin meets in part ! of OB. She was separated from her father so her father could fight and be killed in Kholinar. Her mother was sold off when she was a baby before the Everstorm hit. We have a singer orphan that's now being raised by the enemy and can will likely grow up believing whatever they tell her. Depending on how the fifth book ends, she could be such an interesting character to come back to in the back five to really see what it's like growing up in a singer society filled with hatred and a desire for revenge. Her perspective and upbringing would be a good contrast for someone like Gavinor, whose parents were also killed but was raised in Urithiru among family and people who love him.
  7. I'd want one of those Mistborn trampoline things where they tie the ropes to you like a slingshot and let you loose!
  8. "Hey, mom, I've been considering joining a bride crew." "..." "What?" "A bridge crew? What's that?" "You know. They dribble the balls, then throw them into a hoop." "You mean a basketball team?" "Yep, just like I said, a bridge crew."
  9. A Tarachin board (field?) fully staffed with servants to measure where your spheres fall and what your score is, but the staff is instructed to never tell anyone the rules
  10. Voidus' eyebrow dropped and he stared impassively at Lusk for several heartbeats. His expression didn't alter in the slightest, but he seemed to be wavering between two options, teetering until finally he quirked a small smile. "You know I think I might like you." He said as the oppressive air around him diminished once more. "But to set a few things straight: I've never claimed to be all powerful, and the reason I was as you say 'trapped within a cage for 16 years' was because breaking out of that cage would have let out everything within it, not merely myself." But I missed 16 years of her life due to that incident. Perhaps I should have just broken it immediately after all, let those guilds that wanted to liberate the city try to take a shot at protecting it. Then again there was no way to know at the time. And it might have simply placed her in further danger if I didn't know. For a fraction of an instant his gaze flickered to Laurelai before returning to Lusk. "This 'Security concern' would also already be dealt with had we not agreed to allow others to make the attempt first." He continued, gesturing towards those present from TUBA. "But if the rest of the city is no longer a concern then I'd be happy to take a more active approach in cleaning up." His smile widened just a little further before he directed a questioning glance towards those present from TUBA. It would be far easier, faster than leaving it to them and less tedious than dealing with it ourselves. Perhaps start with something small scale, project Phoenix was kept somewhere near the city, that would have been a nice start. Something of a nice spectacle for the city as well.
  11. So, we have a small group of cosmere fans on fb and we were talking about ships and all, and one thing let to another and we came up with weird shardic realizations. A little NSFW, so putting up a warning. And if such posts are not allowed in this forum, by all means let me know or delete it. It's chill. Endowment would be the hottest of all shards because she is obviously well 'endowed'. If Devotion and Dominion were a couple, It would be pretty safe to assume that they were into bondage and stuff. If human x spren is possible, then shallan is the luckiest teenager in Roshar. Cuz pattern vibrates. If there is a survival shard, and the shard holder was female, it is very possible that "there is always another secret" refers to Kelsier and The shard holder's children. There were other way more nsfw stuff, but I am kinda hesitant to put them here :"D
  12. All seemed to be going well until Voidus dropped his eyebrow and Lusk felt chills as the god stared into him, eyes like they were hemalurgic spikes themselves, piercing into his soul. When he finally let out a small smile, Lusk tried his best to return it, slowly exhaling. “You know I think I might like you,” Voidus said. That’s a first, Lusk thought, but didn’t say anything as Voidus continued. Of course, Lusk already knew the details about how and why Voidus was trapped, the Ghostbloods had done substantial research in the area. However, the mention of ‘let everything out with it’ seemed to confirm the theory that there was some creature or creatures with him in it. So far, their only evidence of that had been one witness, all the way back at the Seven Day War. “Agreed,” Lusk said in response to TUBA’s statement. “Although there’s no doubt the DA have the resources to take care of this, we have chosen to give our information on the Vortex because we want the most efficient solution that does not involve more collateral damage than it has to. We all care for the city, but the only way to remove PlasmaCore the fastest without levelling every other building in the process is to work together, and part of that is sharing information, and...” He stopped. How much were the Ghostbloods ready to team up? They had already given valuable information and had sent evacuation vehicles to districts that didn’t concern them, but were they ready to go all in? “...And resources.” He looked to the TUBA representative. “I believe you had some information to share?” @AonEne
  13. I LOVE Star's journals! Listening back on Butt's reaction to his love of Star seems so cheesy now... I'm glad you could use the links I gave you in your impressions recordings. I enjoy how you portrayed each of the characters through their voices. I feel Tom's insanity and mad scientist-ness, I hear Butt's awkwardness and loyalty, Shadow's voice makes me want to hate her and shows her cynical nature. Thank you!!!
  14. Good food, obviously. *eyes widen* No!
  15. Friedrich, or the person who had once been Friedrich, stood up slowly from the kneeling posture he had been assuming on the ground. Dimly, he registered a stick in his hands, impaling a corpse which bled crimson from every pore. Truly, his fellow zombie had been ripped to shreds by the unenlightened mobs of humanity. He had participated in this foolish exercise himself. But no more. The wound on his arm seemed to bring him the clarity he needed to complete a work which had already begun in earnest. Friedrich had naïvely assumed that zombies were brainless brutes, driven by bloodlust and passion, and unsuitable to form any sort of community or organised effort. How startlingly wrong, how presumptuous, he had been! The humans were truly the ones which lacked strategy and coordination. Had they—had he—possessed the immense stupidity to come within infection range of a foe? Or to antagonise a herd of sacred calf that trampled those who opposed them? Surely, if all humanity merely possessed the enlightenment which this new state conferred upon him, the world would be infinitely better for it! Was he dominated by his lust for brains to consume? He had felt inclinations, true, and an immense irritation and loathing towards humanity, but he was not slave to these passions. Not as the humans were slaves to their desire for “preservation” and “survival,” or for their mindless prejudice against a race of beings they would never understand. And their petty squabbles! The division, the lack of unity among this supposed higher race! He tested his vocal chords, confident he could remain intelligible, and addressed Leon. Friedrich had thought him the most sensible of the group; perhaps he alone would see reason. “Friend, you see that you fight a losing cause,” Friedrich croaked out. His voice was too raspy for his liking—he winced internally. “Submit yourselves to us, and we may end this bloodshed, this senseless conflict, with a unity which transcends any truce or understanding you may form as mere humans, but with the true oneness of purpose which your new station shall confer upon you.”
  16. I might be in a minority, but I think a 2021 release would actually be best for everyone. It'd allow more time for Brandon to write the novellas for Rock, Rysn, AND The Lopen, as well as potentially find time to write The Lost Metal and at least Skyward 3 between RoW revisions. If that turns out to be the case, we'd get three books in one year and potentially more Stormlight content than not (he'd write Rock's novella beforehand, but there might not be time for Rysn's or The Lopen's) between now and 2021.
  17. The timeline is not 100 percent clear, but it does seem to me that the Sibling was 'withdrawing' before the imprisonment of BAM and the damage done to the singers.
  18. So they decided to grow mustaches and start informing people that they simply must ask questions.
  19. Project 75192: Update 6 - Bags No.3 (pt.2) - 'Dejarik Table!!!' The second internal platform is the habitation area with--yes--the Dejarik Table (Image 3) There also are some lovely walkway details, with the internal passageways represented by stickers (Image 1), because the structure does not actually permit this passageways to exist. There's the swivel chair, consoles, walkway and seating. Really makes it feel like you're in the Falcon at this point Then we've got the sloping part of the underside above from front leg (Images 5 & 6). Must post updates faster!! So many bands to go...
  20. Ok ok ok. I like the sound of all this. But I think we've got to form a general map of the park. You come into the parking lot, and there are the gates. My proposal is once you walk in, the first thing you see is a round plaza with some of the more general buildings such as the Kandra Comedian area and shops and stuff. Then, you walk forward and down the street a ways, where it splits at a smaller plaza with some kind of monument/statue in the center; the left and front paths lead to the rides and games and whatnot, with most of the water rides being down the left path, and then to the right and forward a little is a large food court on a hill, called the Food Court of Gods! Let me know what you think; we can totally change it up if anyone wants.
  21. We could have An Aon drawing contest (winner gets a seon) Lightweavers that draw your characticure The game where you toss a ball into a bottles, but instead it’s with spheres. The Steelrunner Ride: The fastest ride on Earth!! Chull Petting Zoo Kandra Comedians
  22. Here goes my beautiful wife's expert opinion: Kelsier-Owen Wilson Vin-Beyonce Sazed-Daniel Radcliffe TLR-Jackie Chan Elend-Nicholas Cage Music by Nickelback/NSYNC But seriously, I'll have to think about this. I'll get back to you later.
  23. They were SO jealous in fact, that they decided to start shooting each other to give themselves bangs.
  24. Day 5 - Chaos Everyone was still upset over what had happened to Rath earlier in the day as they went to bed. Many people began to suspect that Wilco had been lying about having evidence that Rath was a rebel, and Draff did so as well. They left him alone for the time being as they all went to their respective rooms for the night As Draff attempted to focus his mind so he could sleep, he heard a crash from the room next door. Heart racing, he quickly ran out of his room as fast as he could, grabbing his pistol. He saw a figure come running down the hallway, and the door to Wilco's room was ajar. Carefully, Draff peeked in the room. Wilco was dead, his throat slit while he'd slept. He'd send someone to clean up the mess later. For now, he was going to catch this killer. Draff ran in the direction of the killer, hoping to catch him before he could slip away. Before he rounded a corner, he heard a gunshot. He stopped, listening to see if he heard anymore footsteps. Once he was certain that the coast was clear, he peeked his head around the corner. There was a body in the middle of the hallway, around the same size as Wilco's killer. As he drew closer to the body, he saw that it was Ainm. Except...the features were all wrong, as if the face was melting.... Oh Harmony, Draff thought, that's a Faceless Immortal. Draff spent some time cleaning up the mess that used to be Ainm and then searching through Wilco's room while other officers attempted to find Ainm's killer. While they couldn't find the second killer, they did discover that Wilco had some notes hidden underneath his bed. After they brought in an expert on code-breaking, they found out he had been instrumental in organizing the attacks throughout the city and keeping the rebels perpetrating the attacks away from the police's search efforts. ~ Aonar was killed! They were a Kandra! Amanuensis was killed! They were a Rebel Lurcher! PMs are open, but remember that each player may only make one new PM each turn. Remember to include me and Mailliw in all PMs, and group PMs ARE allowed. There is a two-vote minimum for a lynch and a tied lynch results in one of the tied lynchees’ death. This turn will last 48 hours and will end at 10 PM CDT on June 23rd. Player List:
  26. I learned that I have talent at drawing! I told a girl that I liked them! I'm out of school! YAY
  27. 779241242927748856588856651324730251471021057535251651181485090275047684551825 209633189906852761443513821366215236889057878669943228881602837748203550601602 989400911971385017987168363374413927597364401700701476370665570350433812111357 641501845182141361982349515960106475271257593518530433287553778305750956742544 268471221961870917856078393614451138333564910325640573389866717812397223751931 643061701385953947436784339267098671245221118969084023632741149660124348309892 994173803058841716661307304006758838043211155537944060549772170594282151488616 Agreed. More Lopen. More Rock. MORE LIFT! Also I kind of want a Navani flashback. I want to see what it was like back in the day prior to her marriage with Gavilar.
  28. If any of us lived on Roshar and bonded a spren: Dalinar and Shshshsh A Tough Choice: The story of the Rift, as told by a professional Worldsinger: Parenting done right:
  29. While reading the Stormlight Archive books, I realized that spren are 'real life' emoticons. So naturally I made some emoticons involving spren. To use an emote, copy the link next to it in the parentheses and paste it into your post. You can also right-click the link and choose "Copy Link Location", then paste it in your message. 17thshard.com forums allow you to load pictures into your posts by pasting the URL of the image into the post's content. It may be helpful to save a .txt file in notepad with all of the links you prefer to use in order to copy and paste elsewhere. Also, more cosmere-themed emoticons are under construction. Enjoy: Alespren (http://i.imgur.com/ktwO0cb.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/bbMSt3L.png) Angerspren (http://i.imgur.com/D6J6xRU.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/cCqVYgw.png) Anticipationspren (http://i.imgur.com/BM44BrV.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/1tjwhIn.png) Awespren (http://i.imgur.com/3YfOz4J.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/VkpiJTb.png) Awespren (canon) (https://i.imgur.com/7C8wANr.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/9xD7XH0.png) Bindspren (https://i.imgur.com/2tmDaoQ.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/32yBzwl.png) Coldspren (https://i.imgur.com/uOFJI3L.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/e137yIJ.png) Creationspren (http://i.imgur.com/THDwKRq.gif) and static versions (https://i.imgur.com/8lMJI4Z.png), (https://i.imgur.com/1bSjE7G.png), and (https://i.imgur.com/AH8WdWC.png) Fearspren (http://i.imgur.com/fwkGdLK.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/RTfcvUl.png) Gloryspren (http://i.imgur.com/IiBDG5u.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/60gRN2F.png) (alternate version) (http://i.imgur.com/0rFKCWU.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/844IBnV.png) I edited the laughterspren to make it more visible, but left the old one up so links aren't broken: Laughterspren (https://i.imgur.com/HLCjBvQ.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/YcigcGe.png) (alternate) (https://i.imgur.com/UVYzqQB.gif) and static version (https://i.imgur.com/IFaGQje.png) (old) (http://i.imgur.com/dk9SAg9.gif) (dark version) (http://i.imgur.com/twskx1S.gif) Shardblade (http://i.imgur.com/6tU3gRQ.gif) and static versions (https://i.imgur.com/PVjEeQv.png) and (https://i.imgur.com/6UkYJJG.png)
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  30. so, we're told that acclivity rings are so hard to come by, they are more rare than pilots. A fighter is literally worth more than its pilot. Now, in those conditions, you'd expect they'd try hard to not lose fighters. Instead, they routinely give the fighters to inexperienced pilots, even though they have better pilots. In fact, based on the book one may conclude that most fighters are shot down while piloted by cadets. Let's look at the numbers given. it is stated in the book that in their five years career, about half pilots are shot down; some of those get to eject. Anyway, for every two full pilots, the DDF can expect statistically to lose a fighter. We only have skyward flight to estimate cadet losses, but we are led to believe it's quite a common flight. We know the other groups have similar losses, though we know not how many are shot down and how many leave. In skyward flight we have bim, morningtide and hurl that are shot down and die. spin is also shot down, though she ejects. So we have 4 fighters down. We also have two graduates, jorgen and fm. We can expect one of them will be shot down in his career. So, we have 4 fighters destroied while piloted by cadets, and only one while piloted by a pilot. while those are too small numbers to be statistically accurate, from what we see 80% of DDF fighters are destroied while being piloted by cadets. Yep, that girl who ejected a few weeks before graduation (vigor, the one who was going to take spensa's place when she was stuck in the cave; but we know there are other similar dropouts), she totally failed. We clearly cannot trust them with a fighter. Instead, let's take a new recruit and send her in battle instead. That's certainly going to lower fighter losses! It's not even like they need to fly for experience; while they need to start combat training eventually, I doubt a few more months in the simulator would hurt, and I doubt the DDF lacks the resources to keep a couple dozen more cadets with a slower turnover. I hearby petition admiral ironsides to stop this inane practice of kicking out cadets who eject, stop this practice of sending cadets with only a couple months training into battle, build a couple more simulation rooms so they can train more cadets at the same time, and only send to battle people who are actually qualified. I'm sure this would reduce losses, both of pilots and of fighters.
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  31. Technically, it was mostly the afromentioned goat's fault, but let's not split hairs here. They were successful in drawing the attention of local law enforcement, but that was a short lived predicament because, through the use of some Rapunzel-style lassoing, they were able to narrowly escape arrest. (It was a rather close shave.)
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  32. Welcome to the shard @Jubilus! Hope to see you around the forums a bit more actively!
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  33. Lusk continued looking towards Voidus, but out of his peripheral vision he caught one of the less powerful DA denizens arching an eyebrow as well. Huh, he thought, attention back to the god in front him. Same reaction. “No, actually,” Lusk said, simply. This was a person he couldn’t overpower, couldn’t challenge authority of. His forty-one years was nothing compared to thousands. But, he met Voidus’ gaze and tried to play his cards as best he could. He tried to keep his voice cool and calm, emphasising each word. “However, for an ‘ill-conceived plan’, I very distinctly remember the ‘all-powerful’ creator of the universe trapped within a cage for 16 years.” But, veiled daggers weren’t going to win this battle. He had gotten Voidus’ attention, now it was time to divert that to the issue at hand. The image of the Vortex flickered into view again, and Lusk stepped back to give a better view of it. “But speaking of ill-conceived, the enemy’s crown jewel, this... Vortex, is not. Excuse for thinking that such power is your domain, or rather your guilds, is it not?” He finally broke eye contact with Voidus and looked at the hologram. “And yet, I see it in the hands of a random organisation, newly formed and already attacking the city with unprecedented levels of force. I can’t help but think this may be a security concern, or am I reading too far into it?”
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  34. Ian was a bit of a fool for forgetting the original post as soon as he’d read it, but through some way or another, he’d realised that private communications between zombies and humans were just not possible. “Alright, well, I feel there is a lot of information to be gathered from the Zombie. As in, how does their role look like, how did thy become one, etc. and since currently it does not seem we will understand what they’re saying, I will use my actions to do so. My actions will be the following: “1. Spread berries and fruits among everyone here. “2. Try to learn how to communicate with the zombie “3. If #2 is successful, ask the zombie what it’s GM PM looks like and how it became a zombie. “It seems we have a lot of people finding food, water and shelter,” Ian said. “So I think using two of my actions to try and get info from the zombie will be a worthwhile investment. Especially if we want to understand that,” He gestured to the carving in the wood. WE CRAVE PEACE, NOT SUBJUGATION.
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  35. Hello! I noticed you had started following people, including me. Any specific reason?
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  36. Lawful Neutral. All the arguments were already made for me
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  37. Yep yep. I dropped the ball on this one. They should definitely be wondering where E is. I think the whole thread of them trying to get her back sort of got lost. I'm working now on making her capture/sacrifice work better in Ch 7-8, so hopefully I can pull that line through all the way to here and fix this hole. Hopefully these both stem from the same issue. I'll work on getting the tension up and giving more substance to why they're doing the things they're doing. On a meta note: This book is a lot more morally gray than the first one, and I think some of it came from my experience writing Fruits. I want to continue writing more like this, but I need to make sure I stack up my reasoning so it's surprised yet inevitable... Thanks @kais and @shatteredsmooth!
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  38. @Robinski That Millennium Falcon looks like it's coming along nicely. I just finished TWOK! I got up to Part Five on the commute home and things were moving so fast that I just had to finish it. (I was supposed to be prepping material for my DnD game.) My awesome theory for how the ending would go was completely wrong. Now I have new theories.
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  39. It does somewhat make sense when you think about Atium's place in Allomancy. You can technically make the same point for burning Atium opposed to using it as a spike. It's really not that useful to burn unless you have other combat related powers to combine with it, or you're facing something/someone without Shard based powers. It's value was mostly based on the quick burn rate and relative scarcity. It's only known alloy, while useful to the plot, is possibly even more useless than it's Allomantic counterpart, gold. So, the god metals are insanely useful in their own magic systems and much less useful in the magic system of their opposite, but they can and do serve a purpose.
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  40. Next time someone asks me what superpower I would have, I'll remember to say "Manipulation of all classical and non-classical fields" . That encapsulates the entire universe lol
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  41. Technically, everyone who's made roasts is a tutor. I'd recommend checking out the roast archive. If you're pressed on time, you can just read the championship roasts. (Or, if you only want to read one, this roast is my favorite. )
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  42. I think a cadmium coumpounder would be legit. You could build an underwater room, then spend months in it. Of course for you it might only be weeks, but storing breath then using your stored breath would give you tons of time underwater. Plus at the same time, you would be slowing down time for yourself. You sit underwater for a couple of days, and everyone else sees you disappear for weeks. It's the perfect way to fake a death. Fall into a lake, and not come up, Everyone will think you've drowned, and then a while later, you just pop up and walk out of the lake like nothing happened.
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