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  1. From the album: Kremit

    Im blue daba-dee daba-die.
  2. I for one am thankful for this thread, sometimes I feel old, I was here well before the idea of the Allyverse was conceived. I always thought I would outlast it (not going to lie, I kind of have a vision of me sitting in a shared throne surveying the smoldering wreckage of everything) but now I doubt. I have a feeling that it is here to stay. I used to be an Assassin in Technicolor, I then left for the DA and passed out cookies in the intro threads. But things changed the DOCI was formed, infiltration was the name of the game and I was into it, it was sometimes then when I met Riker Synclair (now Mraize) he had formed a new guild and I was the first to join. Soon I was a member of the DA, the LA, the GBs and several other small guilds. I remember the first war and the sense of confusion when The Potato infiltrated TUBA and I was exiled from the DA, I engineered several plots to kill Archer as the Righthand of the Ghostbloods. I was a force to be reckoned with, I had a network of spies and at the hight of my power, I was elected mayor. But then I stopped, I stopped trying, I wasn't a fan of the direction the Alleyverse was headed so I simply stopped participating. There was a time where evryone knew my name but that age has passed. I was TFA and this is my eulegy.
  3. My apologies for the delay - I was really hoping to have a closing writeup and GM Thoughts here before I posted, but I'm tired and I'd rather not rush it, so I'll get to it tomorrow when I'm not feeling rushed and tired. Let me be the first to congratulate the Villagers on their victory this game - my condolences to the Elim team, who would have won two cycles ago if it hadn't been for Joe roleblocking Rand and preventing the kill that cycle. I was really impressed with how both teams played this game. Kidpen was lynched! They were the final member of the Black Shadows! Vote Count: Kidpen(3): Joe, CadCom, Maill CadCom(2): Kidpen, Strawman GM Spreadsheet Hallandren Restaurant (Elim Doc) Court of the Gods (Spec/Dead Doc)
  4. We all go inactive. For most, it's a few days, but sometimes Sharders just disappear; whether it's without warning or an event everyone knew was coming but dreaded, people go. We may give them a happy sendoff; we may beg an explanation from them until their profile page is covered in forlorn status updates (looking at you, Ap). They might be pulled away by circumstances beyond their control, and we hope for their safe and joyous return every day. This is a thread for them. To say goodbye and hold parties of laughter and tears alike; to type memories and quotes until we're raw. Because everyone deserves that goodbye. And no one deserves to be forgotten.
  5. *Raises hand* Too much beach, not enough winter.
  6. The Problem: I've been reading a whole bunch of threads about how steelpushing and ironpulling shouldn't work. The main complaint that I saw was how the strength and amount of push needed for one thing doesn't line up with the way it should. In the books: Vin push coin, coin hit wall, Vin go back Should be: Vin push coin, coin hit wall, Vin barely move as she realizes the amount of force needed to move a coin that far is super small and not enough to move a person OR Vin push coin, coin go so fast it breaks the universe, Vin go back. Except the universe is broken... A better description and exact details with math and stuff can be found here and here with much thanks to Jofwu and Pagerunner. The Solution: So, I think I have an idea on how it works. The general perception of steelpushing and ironpulling are that they apply a force to an object. If an allomancer pushes on a coin, their weight is applied to the coin, along with some other math stuff, which basically means the coin gets pushed. Pulling does the opposite. What I think actually happens: Instead of directly applying a force on an object, the investiture from preservation/harmony and the metal instead works to increase/decrease the distance between the allomancer and target. Imagine an unbreakable pole, leading from the allomancer to the target. When the allomancer burns steel and pushes, the investiture changes this distance, causing a force to be applied. Say you are pushing against a wall with a given amount of strength. You can keep increasing the amount, and (hopefully) the wall will just stay there, but you will be expending more energy without actually doing anything. Now switch the wall with a coin. You can push against the coin as much as you want, and it will move that much, but you can only push so fast. For a given strength, there is a maximum speed an object will go. The speed an object moves is not always directly related to the amount of force against it. This is what I call the max speed rule: an object will move at a certain speed, unless it cannot be moved at that speed, in which case it will be moved as fast as it can. This will NOT surpass the certain speed that was previously stated. Using this idea, the maximum speed rule, pushing a coin is really just moving a coin away from you. This causes a force on the coin. The idea here is that the force moving the coin is a result, not a cause. An allomancer pushes on a coin, the distance is increased. The coin is much lighter than the person, and as such it will be moved instead, because it has the least resistance to increasing the distance. Once the coin hits the wall, it no longer can move. Thus, to increase the distance, the person must go, but they will move slower than the coin because of the max speed rule. One more thing: Every allomancer has an innate strength. This strength determines how much investiture is put to work increasing the distance. The rules: Max speed rule: an object will move at a certain speed, unless it cannot be moved at that speed, in which case it will be moved as fast as it can. This will NOT surpass the certain speed that was previously stated. Innate strength rule: Allomancers do not determine how much investiture goes to work when they push or pull (Edit) but can influence it by flaring metals or pushing harder. How a push works with these: An allomancer pushes a coin. They set the max speed, intentionally or not, and the investiture put to work is determined by the innate strength. The investiture pushes the coin to its maximum speed until it hits a wall. The coin can no longer move, the investiture applied not being strong enough to push through the law. However, since the investiture has to go somewhere, it pushes the allomancer, since they can be moved. They do not reach the maximum speed, but are instead pushed as fast as they can by the investiture, which is determined by their innate strength. Edit: The investiture works to increase the distance between target and allomancer. This means it applies a force to move it up to a certain speed. Think of car that can only go up to 60 mph. You could go slower in it, but you have a hard limit of 0 to 60. The kind of car and the limit imposed is chosen by the allomancer. The investiture is like the gas- it will move the object, but only up the max speed, and once it reaches that it will just be wasted. The Tests: Example 1: Vin's training Vin is being trained by Kelsier on steel and iron. She pushes on a coin, and it goes flying. Once it hits the wall, she falls over and stops pushing. Vin pushes, meaning she wills the distance between her and coin to increase, even though she thinks she is just pushing on the coin- the distance between her and coin is increased, but the investiture can only move it away at the speed she tries to push it- It will not be the max speed of Vin's pushing capability because the investiture has to move it, and can only do it so fast. The coin hits the wall, but the distance still needs to be increased. So instead, Vin gets moved by the investiture, not as fast as the coin because it takes more speed to move her- this is her max speed for the given push and circumstances. So this checks out. Example 2: Vin and the wall Vin is still being trained, and is told to leap over the wall around Luthadel. She stands directly on top of an metal ingot and pushes. Vin works to increase her distance between the bar. The bar cannot move, so instead the distance is increased her direction. The force applied against Vin to move her up is the result. She gets up to the wall, freaks out and gets saved by Kelsier, blah blah blah. This works too. Example 3: Vin, Kelsier, and the tree. Vin and Kel are in a pushing match, with Kel against a wall and Vin against a tree. We know that Vin has a higher innate strength due to mist and stuff. Because of this, when the coin is trapped between the two and they both have sufficient anchors, neither of them move, and neither does the coin between them. The tree is being slowly weaked by the pushes, until it breaks. Once it breaks, the investiture can move Vin again and she will fly backwards because she still is easier to move than Kelsier up against the wall. This also works. I kind of ran out of example ideas, but I think this demonstrates the point. Summary: Steelpushes and Ironpulls work by changing the distance between the allomancer and target. The strength an allomancer pushes or pulls is what determines the maximum speed the distance will be increased and amount of investiture used in this action. When the amount of investiture working to increase this distance is not enough, the object will either move slower or not move at all. This is why some objects can and can't be pushed. Allomancers have a degree of control over the maximum speed, but the investiture is determined by the allomancers innate strength. Any thoughts on this?
  7. These drawings give me life.
  8. You know what the worst thing was? I'd woken up just a bit before the end of that cycle, and after seeing Maill's post I was seriously considering asking Kidpen to submit the kill instead. So not only did you have a hunch, I had a counter-hunch. It's just a shame I didn't act on it.
  9. 3 likes
  10. Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location, Makail was wrapping up one of his "pet projects." By that, he means the tediously balanced and interlocked disks of stone and iron rods he had inserted into the side of a building, within the brickwork, perfectly placed so that if an unknowing Coinshot or Lurcher flew past... The entire building would collapse. Makail was partially beside himself with amusement. It was an interesting feeling to have, being partially beside oneself. He had never done anything of this magnitude before! The intricacy, the engineering feat! Truly, one could call this art. Makail did. Finally, he was finished. Wiping the dust on his pants, Makail leaned back to admire his work. Hardly noticeable! Perfect. With that, he leaped off the wall and landed with a whoomph of ash on the ground. He glanced back up at the wall. It was even harder to tell it was there from below. Incredibly pleased with himself, he set off for the next project.
  11. For my 4000th post, here is my first fanfic! (Or fic in general, really ) I’ve always loved the story of the Girl Who Looked Up, so I decided to flesh it out and write it as a complete story. I also got really bored a couple of days ago, so I just started writing like crazy. Warning, it ended up being way longer than I expected. (Spoilered for length)
  12. This isn't a particularly new theory, but my husband and I noticed something interesting on our most recent reread of Words of Radiance. (Spoilers will follow) I've seen it postulated before that Shallan's father may have been influenced by an Unmade. We see a hint of this when Hoid (as the messenger) tells Shallan as a child that the things she (and her family) fights aren't entirely natural. In the "No More Weakness" flashback, after Lin Davar beats the maid, he says something that stood out to us: While, at first glance, this seems like typical abuser mentality, it jumped out at us when we realized this is exactly the attitude Odium tried to get Dalinar to embrace when he almost made him his Champion. Odium wanted Dalinar to attribute his evil deeds to mere passion, to the interference of The Thrill. Dalinar narrowly escapes this trap by taking personal responsibility for his actions and accepting them so he can grow. Lin Davar seems to be an example of the opposite-- he decides his rage isn't his fault and that he just needs to be able to express it. He dodges personal responsibility, attributing his deeds to the influence of passion and the doing of others. While this could be just human nature, the combination of Hoid's warning and the similarity to Dalinar's encounter with Odium (who seems to thrive off people "giving him their pain" and passion) makes me wonder if this is further proof of an Unmade influencing the Davar house. Does anyone have thoughts on that, or has anyone noticed further connections to suggest that? There was alot of weirdness in that household-- Jushu's tendency towards excess, Wikim's towards depression and suicide, and Balat's for cruelty and destruction, for example (on a side note, makes you wonder if Balat might even end up as a Dustbringer eventually).
  13. I'm an obligator! Wait, Kelsier is STILL going to kill me!
  14. Caknew Doe and Jaknew Doe did however acknowledge their relation to an extinct species of flightless bird, the name of which was actually originally derived from the couple's ship name: DoeDoe.
  15. . . . Is killing one of us. Probably Kidpen
  16. As his cousin, it will be like another six months before he returns. Hopefully less, he just has to get his Eagle Scout project and then talk to his parents. (I don’t think they’ll let him have it even after…) Maybe for the summer, but that’s just my idea. He got it taken away because of a bad grade school, so he won’t have to worry about it…(He’s a really good student, doing 11th grade equations in 9th is really hard) I don’t know. I’ll text him and find out. Okay! First off, sorry for double-posting. Ink says that he will get the Shard back, (hopefully) around mid-July.
  17. Zane landed outside of Luthadel, humming to himself. It had been a while since he had last graced this city with his skill with steel. “God, what do you want me to do?” “It is time to kill those in this city. You and Vin, my servants, you must free me.” Zane looked at Vin, who was staring quietly at Luthadels wall. “Are we going to kill Elend?” She asked quietly. “Eventually, yes. But right now? Probably not. His authority is thin now with you gone. He’s not as important to destroy as he once was. Our focus is going to be on killing those who seek to destabilize the city before we find what we’re looking for.” ”And what is that? Does it have to do with the thumping?” Asked Vin. ”I think so, but I’m not sure. I think I’ll worry about taking care of the destabilizers. You find out where that thumping is coming from. We can meet up at the Bronze Gate tonight.” With that, the couple that wielded death seperated. But fate had some twists and turns ahead of them. For Luthadel had acquired new secrets since last Zane had prowled the streets...
  18. The Crew walked into a cafe. Silas, the bass, wore a black suit, Nascenes, the tenor wore a dark grey suit, the alto FeLarr wore light grey, and the final piece, Tarron, the soprano, wore white. After receiving their orders, the Crew sat down around a circular table, one at each corner an imaginary square. Silas and Nascenes came in with a walking bass line, and soon the other parts entered. I love coffee, I love tea. I love the java jive and it loves me. Coffee and tea, and the java and me, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup. While singing, different members of the Crew took timed sips of their espressos.
  19. So that's why rollovers were taking so long. EDIT: And that's the end of the cycle and game! The Epilogue will be up soon.
  20. 2 likes
  21. I can see why this would be confusing. I meant that the investiture gets put to the task of increasing distance between the 2. The allomancer wills the object to move, and the investiture they are able to summon moves it. The investiture applies the force, but not for the reason generally thought of as to move it away. I am saying the investiture moves it to increase the distance between allomancer and target at a certain speed dictated by the allomancer. The amount of investiture depends on the allomancer's strength, flaring or not, so on.
  22. The prophecies themselves were created by Preservation. The problem in trying to judge this by what we see in Secret History is that at that point, Leras was already dead. That death was just a long and protracted process. What we saw of Fuzz was not anything close to what he had been originally. I believe this line that you were thinking of... Is him speaking about the difficulty, yes... But his "distant maybe" is the plan he set in motion. One that he says multiple times through the book that he can't even remember in his current state. I would not be surprised if that involves elements of option number three... But even that would simply be a method of increasing the likelihood of him see the possibility, and not actually making it happen. The future in the Cosmere is not predetermined. The plan could have failed.
  23. The man walked forward quickly, ripping it out the dark pineapple from its position, throwing it through the window. He summoned gold from the air, ripping pieces apart, a flurry of motion reshaping the machine before their eyes. One scientist tried to stop him, but one glance from his mismatched eyes froze the woman in her tracks. Then he slammed his starry fist into a red button, and the rift closed. Three seconds later, a new rift opened, but this one was spiraling in a multitude of colors, all through a black that was a color, not an absence. Purple, red, an eerie green. But not the color of the Void. And this new rift, this new Vortex, grew, it was obvious it was a different thing entirely. As this happened, the blue haze spread out, leaving through the window. It spread out into the nighttime city, blotting out the stars throughout the entire city, and continued spreading. The reddish blob had pulled back into the corner, faces moving quickly. The man turned to Dark Phoenix, and she unfroze. "What did you do? Who do you think you are?" She stormed up to him, small sparks flying around her. The man's face was cold as he looked towards her. Or she thought it was. Dammit, this strange face is gonna be hard to interpret. She stepped right up to him, looking up. He must have been eight feet or more, his height towering over her by such a large amount. When he spoke, moments later, it was in a commanding voice, with no room for argument. She felt a strange tug on her emotions, telling her to listen to the man. "Voidus and Sudiov will come to this city, looking for war. Looking to see what happened here." He shook his head, and she found herself captivated by his every act. "We must replicate this experiment somewhere else, a block or two away, so that they find it there." She nodded, and gestured to an awestruck scientist standing there to write this down. He's so smart. So wise. This must be true, if he says so. Then she shook her head, grimacing. He was manipulating her, somehow. She glared at him, but he didn't seem to care. And that voice in her head, saying, if he is, it must be for a good reason. "Then we can continue this. And don't try to stop this machine." He gestured backwards, then walked out in long strides. The blob followed him, for some reason. The man resisted, but was quickly silenced. They took his corpse a few blocks away and dropped it in the gutter. No one would know. It was not uncommon to find such corpses. E.Z.R.A. 1 grinned. He led the E.Z.R.A. clones. He was the only one who had a full mind, and he had one power of his own. He supervised as soulcasters carved out a giant basement, and put in steel plating, replicating the experiment, dark pineapple at all. They reactivated it, and the rift opened. While they looked, E.Z.R.A. 1 slit their throats, one by one. No witnesses. He picked up the soulcasters, turning each corpse into air. It was done. He walked away. A cold voice came from the speaker of his room. "Damon. You have your mission." A holograph appeared in front of him. It showed a map of the Alleycity, three-dimensional. It highlighted a Black Crusade building within the city. Then another, lighting all of those within the city up. "Attack these bases, and leave no witnesses. Take their corpses and strew them out in the streets, armor still on them. Make it bloody, if you can." Five ones were turned red. "Ignore these for now. We have them covered." The hologram disappeared, leaving a small paper with the map, now two-dimensional, on it. @ElendVenture @Grey Knight The drones alighted on the ship, at last. The blobs began to eat into it, like a super acid. The drones flew away, blowing up in the air. The blobs glowed brighter, eating through the plating at a ridiculous rate. *** The blue haze had darkened the sky of the Alleycity, and made even the other side of the street near invisible. It was a terrible sight. *** The man stood there, receiving the information from the TUBA meeting, from the spies in lower alleys they had. The DA was at a giant meeting. This hadn't happened since long, long before the Seven Day War, or even the formation of TUBA and the Ghostbloods. This was dangerous. He would report it to someone higher up.
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  24. If The Stormlight Archive ever became a TV series, which would you prefer: animation or live action? I'm curious what people think of this. Personally, I'd rather see the Stormlight Archive as an animated series. A big part of the appeal of Roshar for me is the worldbuilding: the spren, the highstorms, the Surgebinding, the bizarre plants and animals. I think animation would do a much better job of capturing these elements than CGI; it would really convey the magic of the world. On the other hand, live action might be better for character-driven moments, of which the story contains plenty. So I'm a little torn, even though I think I'd ultimately prefer animation.
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  25. I reeeeeeally got into things in the 4 months I was active. So that'll probably happen for a while. *eyes grow wide* I don't... *fortifies his house*
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  26. I don't think those things need to be mutually exclusive. Personally, I think that the Maya thing is going to be the culmination of his arc oflver the next two books. No powers, maybe some additional changes with the sword in summoning length or slight shape alterations. But for the most part I think it's going to be him struggling to keep up with everyone else, attempting to progress in his fledgling bond with Maya with any real input or guidance from his spren like everyone else gets. Still the "normal" PoV in a world of Radiants. And then, in his climax, he awakens his blade and becomes an Edgedancer, just in time for the end of the front arc, after which he fades a bit more into the background when the PoVs shift. Best of both worlds. Everyone wins.
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  27. Also makes a lot more sense then my time travel game. As a bare bones mechanic, i like this. It's a good way to do it, though i'd worry about most of the players not having anything to do every other turn.
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  28. There are multiple WoBs in which Brandon talks about the difficulty of reviving a spren, and some in which he diverts questions from Adolin to those general statements. Any questions where he directly answers about Adolin, especially after OB, have been RAFOs.
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  29. I would as well. Ooh, you should make the Alleyverse into a comic!
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  30. *coughs, slides in* What my young friend meant to say is, the cookies around here are delicious. You can have one, right here*! *disclaimer
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  31. Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones:
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  32. There are also so many countries and cultures that Brandon has barely touched on, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more as time goes on. What about in Edgedancer with the pancakes? Was that holiday related? Can't remember.
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  33. Cakuin shrugged. Or rather, she tried to shrug, but was stopped by the metal chains. "Ah. What about you, then? You got any questions?"
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  34. To be fair, we have only the Fused's testimony for this. And he had reason to lie.
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  35. … Why don't people tell me things. I'm sad.
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  36. Thanks for following me!
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  37. I wonder how hard it is for any Radiant to reach their fourth oath. There was a Skybreaker who told Szeth that most Skybreakers only reached the third oath, and that she spent two decades at third oath before swearing her fourth. On the other hand Dalinar's vision of Feverstone Keep showed hundreds of Radiants with both armor and sword. On the other other hand, both Jasnah and Shallan seem to be on their fourth oath, with about six years with their spren and Shallan even having taken an extended leave of absence for most of that time. Hard to tell how quick or often is usual for the fourth oath being reached.
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  38. I really appreciate this sentiment, and this concept of Kaladin having to learn to not protect Moash from the deserved consequences of his actions, is really cool. I want it to be explored. However, Kaladin is already most of the way to swearing his 4th ideal at the end of OB, and the question of how he should respond to Vyre hasn't even really been asked yet. The 4th Ideal has to be in some way relevant to Kaladin's experiences in Kholinar and Shadesmar and Moash wasn't there for either. Kaladin's inability to move on from failures and focus on protecting "people" as a whole rather than tunnel-visioning on saving individual people near him is a much more immediate problem and the thematic question he grapples with in OB. I will be really surprised if the 4th ideal is about anything else. If the Moash question is raised during the course of RoW, as I expect it to be. Then I would say that your idea is an excellent candidate for 5th Ideal.
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  39. I'm reasonably sure he's referring to Cultivation there.
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  40. From the album: my Hemalurgic pets

    "This is a level of hemalurgy beyond my understanding" - TenSoon
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  41. From the album: Kremit

    No explanation.
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  42. See I know that this is a joke, but I'm still tempted to reflexively rage out right now. *Eye twitches*
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  43. Brandon answers your first question if Oathbringer. He saw the Fused but he did not connect them to the parshendi because he was distracted by the newness of the visions. It was obvious to Dalinar who they where in retrospect
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  44. Twei - maybe you missed it, but I scanned Zas and he did nothing last night. Yet, an attack hit me, either because Wilson attacked me or you redirected her (or another soulcaster, but see my logic above for why no one else could have done it). For it to be Zas, Macen, Zas, AND I would have to be lying. (EDIT: Oops, somehow misread your post as talking about clearing Zas, not Macen. Still, Macen correctly points out that two people would have to be lying for Macen to not be cleared.) Unless someone successfully disputes my logic, I'm thinking Kynedath even though it means that Kyne's Plate regenerates and, if we don't kill him now but want to later, it'll take another THREE lynches in a row. Wilson has plate, and has for the entire game. She didn't start with it though, she says someone gave it to her, which is weirdly suspicious (yet possible) for a non-Ghostblood. I've suspected her off and on for a while, but recently she's been doing some trust-inspiring things. Twei, on the other hand, has done trust-inspiring things all game. Now, here's a fun piece of logic. Alvron died on Night 9. This means that, at the end of Night 9, his heir would have obtained his Painrial. However, if his heir already had a defensive item, his heir could choose to keep their old defensive item. This sends the Painrial to his heir, or someone random if their heir is dead. One can assume their heir would be Alvron or a random villager, so in either case, someone random would have gotten it. That would be obtained at the end of the turn (Day 10), and they would get to choose to keep it or not during Night 10. On Day 10, Zas obtained the Painrial, which he kept instead of his Half-shard. His Half-shard then went to HIS heir, or a random player, which they would obtain at the end of the following turn, which was Night 10. On Night 10, I obtained a Half-shard, which was immediately used to save my life. Zas, am I your heir (or is your heir dead)? Following the above logic, I conclude that the last Ghostblood (who was Alvron's heir) had another defensive item, which was NOT a Painrial (if you get a second of the same item, instead of one passing on to your heir or a random player, the duplicate is destroyed and removed from the game. It's how I know the Soulcaster I passed up was removed from the game). What non-Painrial defensive items remain in the game? I only know of Kynedath and Wilson's Shardplate. I don't think there are any half-shards left. Is there a third suit of Shardplate, or was it destroyed due to duplication? In any event, this strengthens my belief that it's Wilson, even though yes, I know she has Shardplate and lynching her does practically nothing. She's actually a full Shardbearer, so if I'm right that it's her and not Twei, this will take a while. I can go dig up things Twei has done that make me want to trust her over Wilson. But, here's something to consider - is it possible for Twei to have had Shardplate or a Half-shard on Night 9? (EDIT2: Also, Kyne, I forget if you've said or not - is that a suit of Plate you started with, or is that the one that DC had? Telling the truth either way does NOT implicate you or anything, we've already established that it can't be you. I'm just trying to track the non-Painrial defensive items.)
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