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Showing most liked content on 03/25/19 in all areas

  1. The False Allure of Godhood A dirty secret the Mods don’t want you to know is that the spikes that come with the position grant few powers beyond the reach of the site. Yet why is it that most Mods, and even a few people that are not Mods, feel the need to claim divinity? In a word: power. Or, perhaps more accurately, control. To stabilise their realms, ancient rulers invoked supposedly divine guidance to justify their tyranny, and a few were successful in casting themselves as gods in the process. Is that different from what has happened here? The invidious control of the Mods has spread nefariously beyond original, smaller spheres of influence. After Alvron announced his Gods of Luck and Chance, animal cracker purchases rose by 50% in a few short months among SEers. Orlok’s influence is clear—an open High Priest arguing for his Church of Enlightenment is all that is required to notice his pervasive influence. Perhaps Wilson has retreated to the Shadows, but few forget her feats in days past, and even now she rallies her PR Agents and Heralds to herself, seeking influence anew. How can SE survive the war in “heaven” that will assuredly ensue? The Great Hero of Latter Days Our answer lies in the precedent established by our most recently retired mod: Seonid. Despite reaching a pinnacle of power, he limited his expansion to merely embodying Hoid, and letting his characters roam the Cosmere. Using his powers only for the good of others, he planted a great Vegetable Garden ere he left, full of all manner of living things which he entrusted to SE to nourish. However, half of his crop of beets has already been lost this year to the impending War in Heaven. Is this how the most powerful among us should be treating a humble and retired Mod? I encourage all of SE to rally behind Seonid and his precedent of noninterventionism, seeking the cultivation of our games and the resolution of the senseless conflict gripping the upper echelons of the Modhood. It is by this virtue alone that I, and perhaps all of you, may survive unscathed. Listen not to the lies of the High Priest; she may have abandoned her soul to Orlok, but we all need not. The impending war may be turned aside if all act together, and there is no need to cling to any one person in the hope that they will help you survive the coming conflict. Trust to yourself, and you may truly live. Or join me. I turn away nobody who is willing, and provide free Invested objects to any seeking to mediate disputes. The ASWA is selective, but you all have the inherent capacity to become servants of a Higher Cause—the abolition of inter-Shardic conflict. RP aside, I hope to review the thread and post something substantial tonight. Hopefully I will also respond to everyone else’s concerns at that time as well.
  2. Well, we will see how this goes. : ) Hmm, I don't see a priest or representative for @Mailliw772, so I hope you won't mind me declaring myself as your temporary mortal... accomplice(?) Memoirs of an Everyday Person: Article IV See, each deity seems to want to push for a certain concept or concepts: Alvron - Luck/Chaos Wilson - Intelligence/Understanding Orlok - Control Meta(bard/cog)nition - Honestly I have no idea. Creation or something? Fifth Scholar - Something between Democracy and Anarchy And what about Mailliw? You can get lucky, but what does it matter if you don't realize you are lucky? You can be intelligent, but what good is that intelligence doing for you if you are bored due to said intelligence? What is the point of having control if you can't enjoy said control? The most important thing in life, is being able to use and enjoy what you are given. These are the lessons Mailliw has taught me, and now I consider it my responsibility to share my enlightenment with the rest of you. According to Socrates, the "Supreme Good" for people is the act of pursuing happiness, as happiness is the only thing we strive for for the sake of itself, and not to gain another thing. For example: You don't want to be lucky to be lucky. You want to be lucky so that [insert good thing] happens to you. You don't want control for control's sake, you want it so you can either do or not do actions you do or don't like. The only thing you will strive for, for it's own sake, is happiness. And this is what Mailliw will teach you. As well as other things that may or may not be relevant to this discussion. So join me, and together we will conquer the world! find a way for everyone to get the fullest out of their circumstances!
  3. It took Lita a moment to figure out what Laurelai was talking about. The pen, you moron. She set down the coffee cup and ducked under the table, feeling around for the pen; it was lurking behind one of the chair legs. "So what do I tell him?" Lita said, straightening back up, spanreed pen in hand. She'd tapped almost all of the Alleycant medallion and figured she could send a message, but the prospect of sending such sensitive news herself made her nervous. "'Good morning sir, hope you're well. Hate to bother you but the somewhat-real manifestation of an ancient missing demi-god visited me while I was having a cuppa. Regards, Lita.'" She giggled, the sound coming out a bit more strangled and high than she had intended. Reflexively, she reached for the coffee, extinguishing her tin and filling her brassmind. The temperature instantly started to moderate, and she sipped gratefully, uncaring that the caffeine would likely make her more nervous.
  4. Glad to be in the game! There's seven pages of thread to read, not to mention the cycle beforehand, so I'll stave off on the analysis until later today. For right now, it'll just be RP. ----------------------------------------- Opening another new tab, Walin thought back to the days when he was a few-tabber. A young, naive Chrome-user who religiously trimmed his tab selection so that only three were in a window at a time, and only rarely opening a second window. He remembered how it all went south--doing a short research project, learning that it was sometimes worth it to keep eight open, and gradually expanding his range. Still, he never remembered opening a third window. Well, that was because he was still a few-tabber, just a more practical one. All open tabs had to be active, he told himself, so if there was something he wanted to remember he just bookmarked it, never to look at it again. Either that, or he would revisit it daily, and lose sight of the real world around him. Suddenly, Walin's phone vibrated. He'd gotten an email; why didn't his laptop notify him as well? It should know he only checked his email once per day; he spent more than 5 hours on YouTube and the rest searching definitions or basic facts. Google should know his internet activity if he spent so much time using its sites. Or rather, because it already did, it should accomodate them without him having to turn on any functions manually. Oh well. Time to check the notificati--- ----- The 17th Shard. Of course! How could he forget? It had been months, nay, (months+1), since he had last been active there. And they needed his help. Walin cracked his knuckles, dusting off his spreadsheets. Good to know they were still empty. He took out his notepad, also empty. He took out his pencil, out of lead. He took out his encryption codes, nonexistent, and his cryptography knowledge, mediocre. Walin nodded; he was back in business. Only now, he was taking a beginning CS course and knew some basic C++, which would give him an edge. Maybe it was time for another first game, before he inevitably left again. This time, he'd analyze, or at least provide the others with a good time. Accusations or RP, adding something to the thread was good, for it provided evidence to look at. The others would know how to stop the spammers, and to trace them back to the source. Walin just had to do what he could to increase the chance of not getting deleted along the way. He opened a fifth tab and signed back in. Two glorious notifications. A message received, and a message to read.
  5. If the in-world Oathbringer is published between SA3 and SA4, then they will definitely know. Even if they don't read it/have it read to them themselves, other people they know will read it and know it - I just don't see how it could remain a secret. I would hope that Dalinar would be honest with them before his book is published, otherwise that'd be pretty cruel.
  6. I was just reading the Bands of Mourning Epilogue, and I came across this: I've been convinced for a while now that Autonomy's intention is to make things as "independent" as possible, taken to an extreme. As such, it is the exact opposite of Unification. If Trell here is indeed Autonomy, then its primary reason behind isolating Taldain would be to stop it from interacting with other planets - making life on Taldain stand on its own, independent of anything else. Because if you're capable of interacting with someone else, then pesky stuff like trade comes into play - which could be seen as a form of co-dependence. This is what it tried to do on Scadrial. But it realized that Scadrial is moving too fast, and with the guidance and protection of Harmony, would have space travel soon, way before Trell had any chance of taking control and isolating it/putting it in technological stasis. Maybe this is why it is helping Odium at all - from its perspective, Odium is taking out shards that are not "Independent", so of course it would lend a hand. Besides, shardless planets are prime targets for it to start making its own pantheons on (because all that investiture is just sitting around with no owner, allowing Autonomy to come in and start making mega-spren like separate and independent "avatars", like Patji on First of the Sun), allowing it to control advancement on the planet - exactly like it did on Taldain. That is, of course, assuming Taldain's isolation is Autonomy's doing. Speculation on the plot of the Lost Metal:
  7. I must interrupt this heartwarming comment in order to do some fact corrections. *takes off priest hat First of all, Wilson is typically associated with Light, the soft morning glow and harsh afternoon glare alike. Meta, in the old order, was death, clean and simple. Not the gloat of an enemy or the sobs of those left behind, but the creeping inevitability that takes all without judgement. And finally, of course, we come to Orlok. Orlok is easy to satirize, hard to understand. The basic persona is that of a rules-lawyering tyrant in the making who would impose British culture on everybody. I've been satirizing him all game as this, and many times before this game, but that is not who he is as a mod deity, or should be. If I had to describe what Orlok represents, I'd say that he's an attempt to understand. Humanity's struggles to find a semblance of how or why things happen the way they do, our best construction against the chaos and pain of this world. That doesn't mean that he's right, or we're right. If you know him, he takes great joy in debating anything, and often will argue against his own beliefs, just to mess with you. For him, part of the joy is in the process, the observation, inference, and updating of our models of how we think the world works. In a loose way, this could be considered to be control -- but barely. Do you control the weather because you hear that there's an 80% of rain and take your umbrella with you? Of course not. But someone in a bad mood who didn't bring their umbrella can take solace from knowing that rain is just precipitation of water, and that it is not a malicious act of the world, even if now they are sopping wet and every footstep squelches. In the same way, one can draw comfort from being able to understand why the world works as it does, and plan around it, even if they cannot stop it. *ends preaching As the person who first talked up Orlok's persona from nothing, I feel like he deserves to be more than the cardboard cutout mock terror of a 15 year old's imagination
  8. Kratos wouldn't stand a chance here. While we Divinities may bicker and swipe at each other, the second an outsider threatens one of us we join forces and crush them.
  9. Wow. This is beautiful. We all know I’m actually Maill, so I’m not even going to bother with the Wilson persona at all. I accept your allegiance, Fura.
  10. Favourtism? Favouritism, you call it?! Only an apostle of Alvron and a disciple of Wilson would be insipid enough to let this forum become overrun by spambots while they run off to play Skyrim!
  11. @Calderis Khyrindor [PENDING REVIEW] So, I was hoping to get a confirmation on Mraize's age? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] I'd probably... Well, what did I say before? Khyrindor [PENDING REVIEW] Not sure, I was just asking the question. Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] Okay good, I didn't think that I had confirmed this. I'm going to RAFO it. Khyrindor [PENDING REVIEW] Like, is he older than a normal person? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] I'd RAFO it, yeah. Let's say though, that, though he has been off-world, he himself is a Rosharan. Khyrindor [PENDING REVIEW] A Roshar native? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] Yeah. Skyward Seattle signing (Nov. 10, 2018)
  12. Lita watched Laurelai's face carefully, holding her cup of coffee gingerly. It was hot. Probably should turn off the tin, she thought absently. She'd been burning it all night, it seemed. Not good. At her mention of The Stranger, the blonde woman seemed confused, then apprehensive, then downright anxious. Lita watched her twist the edge of her dress. Well, it seemed like this Stranger fellow was as important as he'd made himself out to be, if Laurelai's reaction was to be believed. Lita doubted she was faking - she was usually so unruffled and cool. Lita took a tentative sip of the coffee, hissing as the heat of it seared her tongue. "Rusting hells," she swore quietly, glaring into the cup. She cleared her throat. "Yes, he called himself 'The Stranger.' Or, some kind of... shadow? He was real, but not..." Lita started flipping the coin again. "He must have been real enough, though. He gave me this." She caught it mid-flip, looking at the image of the balanced scales, recalling the other images that had cycled across the face of the coin: the world, the spiked skull, the sun. "He had a spike through one eye, real old-school. His other eye was...odd."
  14. 3 likes
  15. I think Alvron more prefers this
  16. Sapphire Elephant. SE. Storm it Ada. Devotary. I hate changing my vote late but you have a decent point and I’m really confused between the two of them and I’m tired so we’ll see.
  17. Also what the actual heck have I walked into? Is this just a thing that occurs nightly?
  18. Yep, approved. Also, I'm betting 10 Chrysts that he gets killed before introductions are over.
  19. I just noticed that this game is GM'd by an Apostle of Alvron and a Disciple of Wilson. Interesting.
  20. as an elephant I take this as a personal attack on my health. Have at thee!
  21. Road followed close behind Ghanderflaffle, summoning Whistle. Here's some quick sketches I did of my weapons.
  22. Allowing Chaos to know your location, allowing Chaos to access your ip address, allowing Chaos to put your ip address in a dress, going bananas, and strangely banging your head against spatulas.
  23. Laurelai cracked a smile as Lita spoke. It would definitely be amusing to see Mac when he received a message like that, but at the same time she knew he'd been busy with something recently, best not to put more stress on him than he needed. "Something simple perhaps." She said. "Along the lines of 'I met with an entity that called itself the Stranger, though this is currently unconfirmed.' Simple is usually best." Laurelai ran her hands through her hair for a moment before pausing to rub at her temples. More stress was not something she needed today. Who knew what would happen because of this? Would the structure of R&D change? It already changed pretty much every other week anyway, but it could be even worse now. She took a large gulp of coffee, burning her mouth slightly as it hit her soft palate.
  24. Stuff. And things. I might put it back up later, but I'm not sure. On the one hand, you could make an argument for yes, because even if the act of dying freed them from the corruption, once their ghosts are back in the world of the living, they'll be back under Calamity, and the corruption will take over their minds once more. On the other hand, you can make an argument for no, because we see in Steelheart that Epics are physically different from ordinary humans—not just in terms of strength and appearance, but that their bodies decay at a much faster rate. We then see in Firefight that the act of becoming an Epic involves a physical transformation—or at the very least, physical pain—courtesy of Calamity, at which point the corruption sets in. If they're ghosts, they'll by definition lack the bodies that Calamity transformed, and will thus be free from corruption. In the first scenario, it would be very unwise for Klaus to conjure a powerful Epic like Steelheart, as he would likely try to kill everything in his path and try to force Klaus to use his powers to install him as Ghost Emperor of the Fractured States. In the second, it would be equally unwise for Klaus to conjure Steelheart, as there is a very good chance the former Emperor of Newcago would have tired of the responsibility of rule and would just want to sit down on the couch and play video games instead of fighting anyone.
  25. @SwordNimiForPresident with medallions in existence, all Kel would need to make the bands is a spike for F-F-nicrosil. I think that's what the bands are anyone. A single power medallion for F-nicrosil with storages for everything else.
  26. @SamsonSeaBorn Just for future reference, a Cognitive Shadow can have a Physical body but still be 'bound' to the system where the Investiture sustaining them is located. The Heralds and the Returned have the same difficulty leaving Roshar/Nalthis that Kelsier has leaving Scadrial. It's not impossible (as Vasher proves) but it's something you need to learn how to do and Kelsier hasn't learned it yet. Also, Kelsier kind of needs that spike since it's stapling his soul to his body and if Mraize had a chunk of metal through one of his eyes, it's the sort of thing that people would notice, I think. xD
  27. Hi! I am new in the forum I hope we can have very nice discussions!!! By the way ,I have a question about in which subforum i must post a doubth i have about the womens script of the stormlight archive. Thank you all and i hope you have a nice evening. Journey before destination.
  28. Lita pointed a finger at the coffee pot. "Definitely some motivation," she said, walking over to the small kitchen and getting a clean mug. She whisked the dirty cup of tea off the table and scrubbed the tiny spot of her own drool off the tabletop as well. No need to out herself as a slob so early in the game. "Someone came by while you were away," Lita said, meeting Laurelai back in the main room. "Someone important, I think. He seemed very important, anyway. Either that or my hallucinations are beginning to produce coins." She held up the gold coin to Laurelai. "Said his name was 'the Stranger,' and he told me to tell you that..." Lita squinted, thinking back to the odd dream-like conversation, "that he... appreciated your work in the records department, that was it. Anyway, he walked right through the door. Just about scared the wits out of me, actually."
  29. Out of curiousity, what about the end of Bands made you think that? Also, Mraize is genetically Thaylen.
  30. Yep, sorry, took me a minute to dig it up.
  31. So I've had this theory for a while now, but I can't remember if I've shared it here or not.The prediction is new though. My prediction is that, during book 4 or maybe 5, they are going to find a series of descriptions of every shardblade and shard plate in existence, probably carved into stone or metal. Probably in Urithiru, and probably discovered by Shallan and/or Jasnah (or maybe Rushu). Eventually, this will lead them to the research being done by Geranid and Ashir, the two Ardents in the Reshi Isles, who discovered that measuring a spren can lock it in place. They'll realize that this is how the Radiants "killed" their bonded spren and how the shardblades and plate were able to become solid, unchanging objects. Then they'll be faced with a dilemma: Do the right thing by destroying the descriptions, thereby releasing the spren, or keep the powerful weapons and armor, despite now knowing the cost. They'll probably go back and forth on this, with main characters on both sides, until they finally do the right thing and destroy the descriptions. I'm thinking this will be done by Adolin, due to his experiences and developing relationship with Maya during book 3. He'll think he is saying goodbye, but the bond they've developed will turn him into an Edgedancer. He's not a traditional prospect for that Order, but their bonding has been anything but traditional. All the stuff with Adolin is just my freewheeling flights of fancy, but I think everything before that has a pretty good chance of happening. In case it isn't clear: my theory is just that the Radiants took down descriptions of their shardblades and plate, thereby locking them into place, before discarding them. This was a final attempt to protect humanity (giving them better means to protect themselves) before breaking their oaths. I'm also leaning towards the possibility that the spren who became shardblade and plate volunteered for the sacrifice. They're screaming, sure, but that doesn't mean it's not voluntary. The Heralds were in a similar situation during the Oathpact (i.e. voluntary agony to order to protect). Also, there only seem to be a few dozen shardblade and plate on Roshar at the beginning of WoK and there were definitely more than a few dozen Radiants. I doubt each order had less than 10-20 members at any given time, making the likely bare minimum number of shardblade and plate 90 each unless not all spren were "killed" during the Recreance. With so many kingdoms having less than three or four, with several having none, there just doesn't seem to be enough to justify every single Radiant "killing" their bonded spren. But on the other hand, there are more than enough logical possibilities to sidestep this apparent incongruity. So, I'm not at all convinced this is the case. It's just a thought I had. I might be treading a well-paved path here (or a WoB might have already blown this theory to kingdom come), but I've been away from the forum for a couple years. I'm a little out of date.
  32. @beantheboy12 if thou switcheth back, Ye loseth yar headphone jack! Didn't see the last page... this has already been brought up. Good day.
  33. Hmmm, seems I need to argue a bit harder to try to clear Crimsn...since the net result of my last post has been two more votes against Crimsn...lol. OK, so here's a summary of Crimsn's activity that we can see. D1: A bit of RP plus a comment that we can't hard clear anyone until we kill Babaji Vote count + comment that elephant is confirmed good Some commentary on the current voting condition and starting to form some suspicions on Guest, while leaving open the idea that reklawdaoR is a spammer Shortly after vote for reklawdaoR to break a tie N1: No activity D2: CadCom notes that someone was supposed to attack Crimsn during N1 but Crimsn is still here therefore Crimsn must be an elim? Logic here, I guess is that Crimsn must be Beirst1928. Brief defense implying that if there was a third kill attempt, it must be due to Babaji HATEing someone...and commenting that the spammers likely wouldn't have attempted to kill 2 out of 3 of Jon, Road, and Crimsn. (I'm not sure if this was a misunderstanding of the accusation or something else. Given that Road was clearly targeted by an Eliminator, - at least I'd assume the spammers wouldn't target one of their own - that would imply that Crimsn thought that would be another Eliminator target.) OK, so this post is just a bit odd...but I don't think you can read spammer out of this. HPoLT notes a slight village read of Crimsn Metabardnition notes a slight elim read of Crimsn tiny wilson notes 'Crimsn has been sticking out to me lately' Kidpen notes that CadCom is basing a read off an attacker claiming that they were going for the attack. Seventh Saint asks for Crimsn to post to explain some of the confusion Adavantos notes "No real opinion" on Crimsn (among others) Adavantos notes what seems to be a village read on Crimsn due to pushing the Roadwalker (sorry, I keep bouncing back and forth between current alias and normal alias) lynch over guest (which would have been a lynch of a more powerful spammer) This is something I don't really get - unless the spammers were playing a huge gambit to clear Crimsn (push a lynch against a stronger spammer over a weaker one then kill the stronger spammer with the night kill) this isn't something I would expect an elim to do as a vote on Guest here would have been just as strong in a vacuum for clearing a spammer as a vote on Road would have been. Aranduensis notes that CadCom making an accusation against Crimsn like this would only result in suspicion against CadCom if Crimsn flips village. (This is a good point...I was hoping to hear more from CadCom as to where this information was coming from *Ninja Crimsn*...hadn't read through everything sufficiently until now to see that CadCom did say that he was the one who generated the kill action) CadCom defends the suspicion and fleshes out the theory. Also notes that Crimsn's comment on Babaji being active isn't necessarily true due to CadCom actually having a one-time kill action. The part that this argument seems to ignore is that you can make the same argument regarding Crimsn surviving the kill - just because an elim has an ability doesn't mean that the village doesn't have the same one. (I find this hole in CadCom's logic kind of odd...) CadCom drops vote from Crimsn to allow Arandeunsis to confirm an ability Arandeunsis votes on Crimsn Crimsn notes a way to confirm not being Beirst1928 - votes on xino asking someone to move vote Adavantos votes on Crimsn due to the same logic that Aranduensis used CadCom hops back on Crimsn vote Crimsn defends original decision not to role claim - notes a willingness to move vote to someone else more deserving Adavantos notes that it's more likely Crimsn was targeted by Vodyehi tiny wilson notes that there is at least one claimed village role that could protect Crimsn Adavantos notes that it's unlikely that a villager would protect Crimsn after D1 action xino votes on Crimsn due to CadCom's admission Elandera avoids Crimsn bandwagon...for now CadCom notes a willingness to give Crimsn the benefit of the doubt if more information comes to light Araris notes no read on Crimsn Crimsn notes a way to clear from being Vodyehi protected by having multiple people target - one with kill, one without (I understand the theory behind this, but as soon as this becomes a known thing, Vodyehi could easily interfere) Fura provides a slight village post toward Crimsn HPoLT votes on Crimsn asking for a role claim Crimsn claims role name (seems like a reasonable name for claimed ability) and does a little analysis on a few others (I believe this is the ninja post since I have two windows open right now) Whew, so basically, we have people voting on Crimsn because of some rather faulty logic right now.
  34. The particulars would depend on whether he's talking to Funtimes or to Jade. Although in both cases, she'd stop whatever she was doing, demand proof he wasn't just making it all up to string her along and, once she got it….well, there would be tears. A lot of them. And apologies, and heartfelt words on the part of both sisters, and…. Jeez, I think Klaus might be the only person capable of making Funtimes drop her Cloudcuckoolander front without turning her into Darktimes.
  35. Two possible reasons: 1. It loves you. 2. It is attempting to use mind control. 1. McDonald's, but overall, Freddy's. Or Runza. 2. My cowboy boots, they are pretty great. 3. Tally Ho!/Howdy 4. I'm on the stalker map, but Nebraska. 5. ImGerman007 6. 4444444444444444444444444
  36. Figured this was worth documenting in this thread... It's in-world words, so I can't imagine much use for the time being. But in any case... Went through the Surges real quick: 1. Adhesion J - very clear S - fairly clear aside from the tail at the top U? - best guess I suspect the remainder is meaningless. 2. Gravitation F - very clear A - seems distinct enough CH? - best guess S?/SH?/H? - a few guesses One or both lines could be B perhaps. Not sure about angular marks at bottom... though I wonder if they originally connected to some of the marks above but were "cut off" by the S?/SH?/H?. 3. Division KAK seems very clear 4. Abrasion J - very clear S - fairly clear aside from the tail at the top The rest could be several things if you squint. I wonder if they were connected to some degree, and some is probably meaningless. 5. Progression B - very clear K - very clear E?/O?/K? - E seems more likely than O. It looks less like K, but if one or both of the black marks are an A then K works as another consonant. 6. Illumination CH - both very clear E/O - curls at the bottom seem like E or O A - could be an A The phoneme at the top seems awfully distinctive, but I'm not sure what to make of it... And I'm not sure what to do with the angles in the middle either. 7. Transformation S - seems clear SH - seems very clear CH?/E? - best guesses 8. Transportation F - seems clear, particularly the ones in the middle B - maybe? Two open shapes and a sharper angle. Not sure what to do with those. 9. Cohesion CH - seems very clear H?/G? - best guess A? - maybe? Not quite sure what to make of the one in the middle. 10. Tension K - seems very clear SH? - seems most likely, though the curl on the top portion makes me wonder if it might be something else with embelishment at the bottom. O and I would be vowels that work perhaps?
  37. Ghanderflaffle had made a picture of a ghandercorn during her absence and held it up for all to see.
  38. When there is very little fog so you say to the dog: "The mists are light tonight, pup." I just realized how much rhyme is in that.
  39. Got my girlfriend a PS4 for her birthday last weeek, so we're alternating between Kingdom Hearts 3 (me) and Shadows of War (her), with Monster Hunter, Dynasty Warriors and Red Dead Redemption in the wings.
  40. He's fairly specific that the upper limits of Syl are about human sized, which is also the biggest we've seen her manifest in human shape. Makes me think that others, like perhaps her aunt, that have shown larger forms could become larger weapons. "You've always worried about this, havent you? That the world would come to be ruled by pens and scribes, not swords and generals." (Stormfather, OB, Ch 65)
  41. And there I was, thinking that this post was going to be about a new documentary protocol on Roshar...Forms to be completed - properly and in triplicate - before you could apply to summon a Shardblade. Perhaps the greatest foe of the KR...not Odium, but Bureaucracy !
  42. The Shin give Szeth Ishar's blade instead. Taravangian accidentally asks for capacitance instead of capacity. Now he randomly shocks people that he touches. Cultivation takes Dalinar's memories of Navani instead. One of the other Heralds died at Aharietiam. Jasnah soulcasts Shallan into stawberry jam instead of soulcasting the poison out of her blood. Kaladin decides not to jump into the chasm, then slips on the wet rocks and falls in anyway. Vasher goes to Roshar, can't figure out how to breathe in Stormlight. Vasher goes to Roshar and then loses Nightblood.. er ..hmm
  43. Bolding mine. Scadrial: "Ash fell from the sky." Roshar: "Crem fell from the sky." Nalthis: "Black smoke fell from the sword." Sel: "Raoden fell in the pool." Threnody: "Ghosts fell out of the cupboard." Taldain: "Investiture fell from the sky." Sixth of the Dusk world: "Bird poop fell from the sky." ... the whole Cosmere: "Shards fell from that guy, you know the one I'm talking about." Edit: Roshar: "Kaladin fell into the sky." This is much better.
  44. The Tranquiline Halls is Ashyn, another planet in the Rosharan system. Vax is something different. Plus, Ati is not from Roshar, as there were no humans on Roshar until after the decimation of Ashyn (which gave rise to the myth of the Halls), by which time he was probably already trapped by Leras on Scadrial.
  45. Hahaha, tell your wife she's right, that's some explosive gas brother. Can-some-body-get-me-a-beer form. This form is notable for the singer's ability to mold their posterior to any chair/couch they happen to sit on. Swiss-army-knife form. This form comes with lots of useful built-in carapace tools, like corkscrew thumb, serrated edge saw finger, bottlecap opener chin, etc. And, a new form of power, Air Guitar Form: Featuring the following enhancements, A large guitar shaped bit of carapace projects from the torso, a patch of chest carapace grows to simulate a beefy patch of chest hair, and when the Singer in Air Guitar Form attunes a Rhythm and plays air guitar to said Rhythm it makes a super cool lightshow in the Everstorm. At the Jewelry Store: Hey Meridas, you know that just because that's 20 carets worth of Gems, you still shouldn't eat them like they're a salad. Silly Amaram.
  46. Cosmere as told by Pattern: Warbreaker: Mistborn: Elantris Wax & Wayne ('s creation) Every fan and Hoid:
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