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  1. From the album: Natural History of Roshar

    The Common Skyeel nests high up on vertical surfaces such as cliffs, walls, and underneath roofs to keep its young safe from scavengers and predators. In this sketch, the Skyeel pup looks exactly like the adult, just miniaturized, in the same ways that marlins are on Earth. I've made 2 other Skyeel metamorphosis possibilities, and demonstrated them with 2 other Skyeel designs, Greater Skyeel, Lesser Skyeel (very creative at naming things, I am :P)
  2. Player List Countdown Timer Note that the Countdown timer changes based off your timezone. As in it is only accurate for PST players. I apologize. Remember that while PM’s are open, you MAY NOT EVER PM ANON ACCOUNTS. They may not PM you either. Please include both GM’s in all your PM’s. There will be a lynch today. Remember that there is a 0 vote minimum for the lynch, and that tied vote will result in a coinflip.
  3. Respectfully, this is a logical fallacy. To state that Adolin won't show infatuation typical of young western people because of his upbringing, while purporting that Shallan's "apparently western" signs of infatuation are valid implies selective reasoning, which is poor grounds for discussion. If we are to assume that the romance works for Shallan and Adolin because it is recognizable, then that same feature must apply to both parties. If it does not apply to one it does not apply to either. If Adolin doesn't express infatuation like "we westerners" would expect, then that means we don't know what romance actually looks like on Roshar, and therefore your argument is undermined because we therefore can't establish that Adolin and Shallan love each other because we don't know what that would look like. I would argue that we do know what Rosharan love and romance look like. We have Dalinar and Navani. We have Sadeas and Ialai. These are both couples that were clearly in love given their highlights in the text, and both couples express that love very differently. When I look at Shallan and Kaladin, for example--I don't see "love". I also don't see "lust." I see two people who form a very intimate connection from which love could bloom. Shallan and Adolin, however, don't read as "love" to me either--Adolin just doesn't think of Shallan during his viewpoints, Adolin shows several signs that he's uncomfortable with her, and whenever things get deeply personal between them (which is rare), he deflects the discussion from that topic to something completely different or more surface-level. I believe he cares for her, but I don't believe he loves her. Shallan, on the other hand, I believe she might have come to love Adolin, but is so fragmented mentally that she can't realistically determine what she really wants. When two-thirds of a person lean one way and the other third has to force them to "fall in line," that doesn't scream to me that she loves Adolin, the phrase that comes to mind is "methinks she doth protest too much." Further, it appears that you expect total honesty from Shallan, and use the fact that she does not to excuse away any potential problems with Adolin's relationship from his standpoint--basically, you're placing the blame for any problems in the relationship on one person, and this is another fallacy. Relationships take two to work, and when there are problems, it's almost always because both people are at fault to some degree. And this is regardless of Shallan's Radiant status, her entire set up is making those around her trust her. That was the entire point of her going to the Shattered Plains in WoR, to convince the Kholins to trust her so that she could continue Jasnah's work. She didn't go for the marriage--that was a convenient side benefit that would help her family--she went to continue Jasnah's work posthumously. And considering how the Radiants were fairly universally reviled by Vorin culture, do you really blame her for hiding that fact? I don't. Adolin, it appears, didn't either, considering Radiance is something he's deeply envious of throughout Oathbringer. That said, Shallan does keep some things hidden from Adolin. For example, that she's committed parenticide. That's...actually a pretty big deal. If she truly was in love with him and had his best interests at heart (as the return is spoken so often for Adolin as manifestation that he is truly in love with her), then why wouldn't she tell him that? Him telling her he murdered Sadeas was the perfect opening for her to reveal that bit of information. And yet, she stays silent. The obvious reason here is that she's afraid of him levaing, but if she truly loved him, wouldn't she want him to know what he was getting himself into? But then again, if we don't know what infatuation truly looks like on Roshar, then we don't actually know if she loves him, or he her, and we are therefore back to ground zero. Now, back to the topic at hand (since for some reason any discussion of any member of ASK seems to involve the other two)... Concerning Kaladin's love life, I am going to start off by saying I wholeheartedly disagree with anyone who tries to use his depression as a reason why he can't have a relationship. If you've never experienced chronic depression, or you're not a therapist or psychiatrist who sees people who experience it regularly, then sit down and shut up because you have no idea what you are talking about. Depressed people need reasons to keep going. Often times, our reasons are other people, and it's feeling isolated and alone that causes us to commit suicide. Moving on from that, I really do think that narratively-wise, a relationship would be good for Kaladin. I don't think a casual, "drops into his lap" romance would benefit the plot--basically, you're taking a random NPC and making their entire purpose to be Kaladin's love interest, intermediate or final. That's narratively silly. So, no, I don't think Kaladin should settle down for some "nice darkeyed girl" or some "widow" who just needs a man to take care of her. I do think, however, that Kaladin needs someone who can show him the light. Who can say, "hey, you deserve happiness too. Maybe that's with me and maybe it's not, but you deserve happiness just as much as these other people." Because really, that's Kaladin's biggest problem. He blames himself for his brother's--and everyone who's died under his protection's--deaths. He doesn't need a woman who will sacrifice herself to save him--that action would just get twisted in his head as another failure, another reason why he was worthless. He had this woman who loved him and he let her die. What he needs, is someone who can show him that the opposite is true. That it's not his fault. That he has worth as a person. Take, for example, some of his last few lines at the battle of Thaylen City: There are three key phrases here that indicate that his final acceptance is not born out of "not loving" Shallan, but rather that he feels he was never really worth it anyway (in other words, that his acceptance is born out of his depression, rather than a lack of interest): 1) Some people could celebrate despite the scars...He merely wished he knew how they did it. 2) "You'll be all right." "I always am." 3) "He squinted down at Shallan and Adolin, and found that he couldn't be bitter. He didn't feel resignation either. Instead he felt...agreement? In quick succession, there are three alarming indicators of Kaladin's depression, and I'd like to expound on them one at a time. First, not understanding how people celebrate when things are bad. People with depression--especially long term, chronic depression--have difficulty seeing hope. Life becomes about just making it through the day, just taking one more step, just one more. The thought process becomes one of "I can't do anything right, but as long as I can get as long as I can just do this one thing, I'm not giving up." They become unable to see the joy or the good in things because they are so entrapped within their world of gray that even the bright lights are dimmed by comparison. Second, always being okay. Someone suffering from a chronic illness (be it depression or any other form of mental or physical illness) lives in a constant struggle. So long as they keep going, so long as they keep getting up when the fall or get knocked down, they are okay--because not being okay means admitting defeat. In the case of someone with depression (at least in the psychological mindset), not being okay means giving up. Accepting that life is just crap, or that they're too tired to continue on, or that their jaded worldview of their own lack of worth is the correct view, and that the world would either a) be better without them b ) wouldn't care if they disappeared, or c) isn't worth caring about any more. All three are very, very dangerous lines of thought, and the line "I'm always okay" is one I have said so often it's almost a mantra. "I'll be okay. Things aren't okay right now, but I'll be okay. I'm always okay, you don't have to worry about me." Third, and this is probably the most subjectively contentious, is that this "agreement" he feels is not one of a lack of love for Shallan, as he later expresses to Syl, but rather that this agreement is a confirmation of his own worldview. He isn't bitter, because he was never really worth the attention. He isn't resigned, because her choice isn't a burden. She simply chose, and by choosing, proved to him that he wasn't worth the effort. And this isn't an idea I'm pulling out of my rear, either--since Way of Kings, Kaladin has struggled with a sense of worth, of believing that he had value. You see this at it's worst when he nearly gives up and throws himself into the honorchasm, where he believes that there's no point to continuing. His worldview at that point is so warped, that for a second he even thinks that Syl thinks he should commit suicide by bringing him the blackbane leaf. This is somewhat averted at the end of Way of Kings, where this is his final line: As someone who struggles with depression, this line was so profound. For once, I felt that someone had finally managed to truly depict what depression was actually like. Kaladin had a victory, one he desperately needed. And for now, that's enough. But life isn't like a fairy tale. Life continues on past that victory, and depression wears away at the good feelings that victory brings with an insidious file. Eventually, Kaladin starts to revert to that same way of thinking, that same pattern of thought that life is a constant struggle and that he's just trying to get through. He has Bridge Four, but he's also responsible for them now and Dalinar is forcing him to place them at risk. Kaladin is a strong individual, and he keeps going, trying to do the right thing, but he does slip up again. The "wretch" returns in his cell. And that's one of the reasons why the Chasms scene with Shallan is so powerful for Kaladin! And I will let the scene speak for itself, because it is one of the most powerful scenes in all of Brandon's books. Now, to be clear, I think Kaladin fell for her a bit here. I also think, that this shows just why Kaladin needs someone in his life--not Bridge Four, someone who is intimate in his life, who knows his darkness and who can help him smile. Shallan does this, which is one reason I so adamantly support them together. However, for Kaladin it is not learning to accept sacrifice that is his next step, but rather I believe that his next step is to accept that, unlike Odium's insidious promise of taking the fault for wrongs committed, it's that Kaladin is not at fault for things that have happened--such as Tien's death. Such as the slaves that he gave hope to. Such as the hundreds of people whose lives he has made better just by virtue of being in them. Odium's promise is only a counterfeit mirror. So, yes. I think Kaladin does need a love interest. I think he needs the intimacy of a deep relationship, and when I speak of intimacy, I'm not talking about sex--I'm talking of the deep, emotional connection that two people can share, the connection that bonds people together and shows them that they are important. I think he needs someone who can remind him that he is not the sum of his failures, but rather that people love him and admire him for the strength he has. Bridge Four, for all their love--they can't accomplish this. They have their own families, their own lives. They are his friends, but what will benefit Kaladin the most is someone a hell of a lot closer than friend. Narratively, who could that be? I've already said that introducing a character for that purpose doesn't make sense from an authorial standpoint. It could perform the above, but it's a shallow way to do it. It works for side characters of less importance (see Breeze and Alrianne), but it doesn't work from a main character standpoint because, by default, that means that the author would have to spend time developing that relationship, turning that new character into someone more important to the plot by virtue of exposure. I've already indicated previously that I think Jasnah could be a good match for this process, and obviously I've encouraged the idea that a Shallan-Kaladin relationship is a good idea. That said, who else could it be? I don't know. I don't think it would be Tarah--Tarah is someone from the past, and Kaladin's blaming himself for past failures is a huge part of his depression. Bringing back someone who would only remind him of those failures wouldn't be a great step forward in my opinion. That said, I do think that bringing Tarah back for closure, much like Laral was brought back for closure, would be a good idea, especially if it catalyzes Kaladin into accepting a situation where he can progress with someone else. As for who else it could be? Well, I don't know yet. By virtue of his narrative importance, I'm inclined to think it's someone we've already seen on screen to this point--but Lift isn't mature enough, mentally or age-wise. So we'll have to wait and see, but I think a relationship (notice I say relationship, not necessarily romance) is a very important step for Kaladin.
  4. It's not Odium or Everstorms, oh no. It suddenly occurred to me that there are no dogs or cats on Roshar. (NO axehounds do NOT count). No pup pups! No mew mews! No wonder all our characters are so stressed out. Kaladin doesn't need a hug, he needs a husky! Seriously, he's such as dog person. And don't act like Jasnah wouldn't admire a cat. So when they find themselves depressed, confused, burdened, and/or isolated, they can at least get a wet nose boop and a demand to be petted to distract them. I demand the worldhoppers address this problem immediately. I can't be that hard to transport animals through interplanetary space dimensions, right? i mean horses made it through. In fact let's take this to the next level. This is the plan to defeat Odium. We will cover him in golden retriever puppies. You can't have that much hatred when you're covered in puppies.
  5. @Alderant Thank you for your post. I'm sorry you are going through this and I'm glad you are feeling better on some days. You are a good person that cares for even strangers online and your post is proof of that. Especially when you do it on a forum that people seem to misinterpret everything you say, it doesn't change the fact that your own personal intention is purely good. I'll tell you now that I'm proof you are helping others by expressing your own pain, and you'll never know how many more people will read your words, even lurkers, in the future. You have affected people positively with this. Now about Kaladin, depression and his love life, I feel it's very dangerous to even comment because of all the people relating and projecting unto his pain, I feel there is responsibility for even the smallest detail said here, but I'll try. He needs help, from a person that will truly understand him. Logic dictates that will be an intimate relationship, to be understood so deeply, but maybe it doesn't necessarily needs to be a romantic one. (just like how in real life a therapist or a true friend isn't) - I'd personally want this to be Jasnah. But whoever his romantic interest will be, they will have to understand him just as intimately, because it's a darkness that will always be there and they will need to fight it together during the times when it will resurface. It has to be someone that truly understands his internal agony and I'm definately sure Sanderson feels the responsibility of it, of making this character and bringing them in their right state of mind before this romance actually happens. But first and foremost, the most important step is the next one. Kaladin needs to understand he needs help and seek it.
  6. Hm. If someone were to have a statement like that in their signature, I reckon they must be the incarnation of darkness and evil themselves. I wonder what such a malicious manifestation is up to, now. Sparks! My cover is blown. Unless... Burn you, Gammalv! You caught me! Now everyone will realize I'm Aman's #1 Fan / President of his Harem Fan Club. You hear that, senpai? Pls notice me.
  7. To be fair, I don't really think Gammalv or ITIAH has said or done anything particularly trolly (though I'm still upset about those RoW Spoilers ). But if you're using trolliness as a qualifier for eliminatorness, then I'll happily accept the label for myself. Also, Steel. While I doubt I'll ever be able to parse whether or not it's you or your clone talking, and subsequently never be able to develop trust towards you in general, I have a more critical lead. HIGH PRIEST OF LORD TEKIEL! I demand you answer for the crime of baking a sharp metal object into this cookie you gifted me! @High Priest of Lord Tekiel Hello Meta! Long time no see! Honestly a bit surprised you haven't PM'd me already. I do qualify as one of your old buddies, don't I? Don't I...? ...please.
  8. Gammalv leaned back in his chair, a forgotten plate of half eaten nachos lay on a stand next to him. In front of Gammalv his computer screen glowed with energy as it displayed the latest copy of Rhythms of War, the fourth book in the all important Stormlight series. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be one of the lucky few to be an alpha reader. Gamma level was the most he had ever dared hope for but here he was reading a rough draft of one of the most highly anticipated books on his favorite forum. Thinking of the 17th Shard Gammalv tabbed over to it, refreshed the page and noted the recent topic listings was once more filled with Spam. Sighing, Gammalv started to squash a couple of the spambots but found his thoughts drifting back to the book. He had only read a couple of words for the next chapter but it was looking like one of the best, a Gaz chapter. Gammalv had long wondered how Gaz had lost his left eye and it looked like this chapter might just answer his question not to mention that Gammalv could do with something to take his mind off the last chapter. Who thought that Wyndle would die of all spren? Another Mod will take care of these Bots I’m sure. Gammalv thought as he tabbed back to Rhythms of War. He just had to know what happened next.
  9. A infographic map created of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. Detailing magic systems, shards states and planets.
  10. More like: Who is Hoid? - by Trell Who is Trell? - By Hoid Where are the pancakes? - By Lift
  11. I think Aman is probably right, Fura. I dare say that Aman is always right and should be trusted by all players in every game. Totally-not-biased opinion aside, in this case the rules support his read of things over yours, I think. From the initial post: Key word being all in "all the abilities of the Spammers". The statement above is not only followed by a list of Spammer roles, but in the Player list doc you just mentioned... Please note that the role's name is in green. Sapphire Elephant is basically a confirmed villager role with a degree of protection, in that he probably can't die unless the player with the Multi-Boxer role is killed themselves. EDIT UGH! Couldn't you guys have let me finish my post first >> EDIT DEUGH: Also how do you keep confusing me with Aman, @Furamirionind? We're nothing alike...
  12. Joe sat there, playing Skyrim. Of course there were Spam Bots, and Spammers and Hackers and whatever, but he had already enacted his creative plan, and everyone else was going to do it for him, so at this point Joe was just fine to sit back, and watch as everyone else did everything for him, and then all he had to do was come in at the last second and IP ban whoever the rest of the eliminators decided on. it was an easy life. Or so Joe thought, not noticing the spammers lurking in the background of each and every moment. (At least, it was until Joe got killed by a bandit in Skyrim)
  13. My interpretation of a fused in Oathbringer.
  14. The swimming through gold thing makes sense now.
  15. A hunch my dear fellow? I can assure you my posture is just fine.
  16. From the album: Fused

    My interpretation of a fused from Oathbringer.

    © Matthew symonds

  17. From the album: RP Doodles

    In honor of the alternate universe horror thread starting up, here's my character, Renata. Doesn't she just look thrilled to be here?
  18. How's it goin, people? I'm excited to theorize and nerd out with you all!
  19. Star glared at everything. She was a Narrator! This was not supposed to happen! "MARSH IS BETTER THAN YOU ALL! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE UNLEASHED!" And so from that day forward, Star lurked this thread, searching for a way to get Marsh back forever and protect him from the world. She cut her hair, trained, and became something to be feared. The other Narrators would rue the day they ever allowed this to happen.
  20. Everything was going to plan. The name, Metabardnition, had been chosen through a genetic algorithm process, taken from data of this "SE" forum, and generated a name that was a combination of two existing members. With such a disguise, it was likely everyone would think he'd been a member for years. Hey everyone! It's great to be part of another SE game, of which I've played many! As a senior and well-respected analyser, I thoroughly recommend everyone keep me alive, and follow my lead in the lynch, in order to most effectively root out these pesky spambots. I will be PM'ing many of my old buddies shortly, of whom I have played a number of previous games with, and I look forward to seeing what's changed since the last time I played.
  21. More importantly- Why is Hoid?
  22. The watchman shivered, desperately trying to rekindle his campfire. The wood was too cold and damp for his efforts to have any effect, and he groaned in anger. It had been like this for days. He was tired of the cold, tired of the snow, tired of this hard life on the front lines. As if to mock him, he felt a snowflake brush against his cheek. He swore to the Master. A breach in the circle would mean certain disaster. He grabbed his lantern, and grimaced. It was leaking. Spares were hard to come by, so he decided to keep using the shoddy light source, at least for tonight. The watchmen patrolled the perimeter, looking for any breaks. He was almost done, when he realized something odd. He hadn't seen a single Wild Chalkling. Normally there would be at least half a dozen scouts checking for any weak spots, and yet he hadn't seen any. He considered reporting it, when something reached around his throat. He didn't even have a chance to respond before his neck was deftly snapped. As he fell to the ground, his lantern exploded on the ground. Flames quickly followed the trail of oil it had been leaving behind. His killer whirled around, as the flames quickly ran towards the lantern's usual position, the camp's commissary. The cabin erupted into flame, immolating much of the camp's supplies. As the platoon rallied to save what little they could, the Forgotten slipped among them. Soon enough, one of the soldier's would find the poor watchmen's body, and then the killing would start. The camp didn't realize it yet, but most of them wouldn't be surviving the night. Welcome to Mid-Range 34: Death by Lantern Light. This is a re-run of Mid-Range 27, and is set in the Rithmatist universe. I'm your GM, Sart, and @Seventh Saint is our Impartial Moderator. Ruleset: The game will be staring on Thursday, March 28, at 7:00PM Eastern Time. Here's a timer Player List: Quick Links:
  23. No spoilers please! I'm halfway through Skyward myself because I let my 10 year old son read it before me and I think that was a good decision! I'm not even done with it but I think we can all relate to the last line of the the letter! Sorry about the format of the first pic. Couldn't figure out how to rotate it.
  24. What do you think the mural really was? Rosharan cat video recorded for the ages, obviously!
  25. Their are a tonn o little moments throught OB. Adolin kissing her before the fight with the fused outside the oathgate in shadesmar, Shallan being distracted from her illusions because Adolin is huging her intimately(and everyone else is pretending not to notice), Adolin giving her a massage and listening to her problems when she feels tense and is having a panic attack and lets not forget that Shallan thought that the knock on her door at the wedding day was Adolin seeking in to kiss her. It is these little moments that sell their relationship to me and make it more believable then any dramatic profession of love.
  26. The fact that Jasnah is a practical unmarried princesses in her midthirties who seems to be strangely apposed to marriage seem to go against that despite it sounding good. Also she is much older then him. That does not seem fair. Just because someone is not drooling over you every moment does not mean that they do not love you. Adolin has shown many times that he admires, respects and yes even loves Shallan. Just because he is not acting like a Shakespeare character about it does not mean his feelings for her are not real. I feel that Adolin is entitled to be understated in how he expresses himself. You can disagree and say that he does not love her but saying that he has shown no sign of love seems unfair.
  27. Yeah, but they don't have cat videos. What good are cats without cat videos?
  28. I don't think that would be a good thing for either Shallan or Adolin.
  29. I clearly put this on the shelf for too long. Here's the next installment; it's more present tense than the last one, because you can only have one soliloquy at a time before it starts to get stale. I'm also doing the "homage" opening line, so if I end up doing 7 of these I'll probably end with that (unless I remember this once there are even more Mistborn books). As seen in Wilsoon, I don't know how to keep a consistent narrative and things start to fall apart after they go on too long. Also, a short pre-definition--"wetleg" is an immersion foot syndrome like trenchfoot; I just came up with a new word because all the others (Paddy foot, etc.) have names depending on where the person got them. I assume there isn't trench warfare anywhere else on Scadrial, and that the Northeren Scadrians have no other context to call the affliction by--the Roughs were dry and the Basin was lush, so they'd have no words for it. Once again, I have no experience in the army, so this has several inaccuracies.
  30. [insert obligatory "Why not both?" gif] In this games case, Eliminator = Villager. So I didn't claim Elim, I claimed Village. That's why it was a joke I think I was very helpful in pointing out the Elephant thing. Gammalv just managed to steal my thunder also I'm sure my antics have been entertaining for a few people, at least. What's the harm in having fun? I'm not impersonating anyone, for the record. I am definitely the original Adavantos.
  31. Thanks! I've read the Mistborn Era 1 trilogy and Stormlight Archive through Oathbringer. Started Warbreaker yesterday! Favorite character is probably Dalinar, especially with his backstory in Oathbringer.
  32. I know it's been quite some time since you've played, it's been the same for me as well, but I don't think you should trust Aman so blindly. I seem to recall someone having something in their sig about how Aman's words are honeyed but chaos was his hallmark. Strange. I don't recall you ever doing this. I know Aman did it a few times and somehow pulled it off each time but I have no memory of Ada doing it.
  33. You could however stamp an empty book to become the book that you wrote, after stamping yourself.
  34. I thought we weren't going to mention the Elephant in the room... But guys? I don't have one of those internet security plugins on my computer and all this talk of spambots is making me worried about viruses. Know any good ones? And I still don't know how to change my username...
  35. Even an unrealistic stamp could hold for a little while with the right connections. I would become a super genius. I think I could find the connections to make it hold for at least a couple minutes. Then I would create the diagram.
  36. me: now's the time to buckle down and finish this online course that is necessary for me to graduate me, moments later: just a dash of cinnamon and the butterbeer will be complete
  37. 2 likes
  38. Animation has to be the medium that would best express all the visual shenanigans Stormlight produces. I cannot imagine a live action version that doesn't look wrong.
  39. Hello, guys. I'm now an elephant, RIP me. Also, would any of you like to try out the Keto diet today? I've heard it's very healthy....
  40. I'm mainly placing this in cosmere because of the WoB that needs to be included. So to start with, we've been given this WoB on the progression of technology in Scadrial. Spoilered for length, followed by the relevant portion. So the we had step one of the Metallic Arts, which was just using the powers themselves. We're in the process of seeing step 2, which is technology that relies on the interaction of those powers in the form of Medallions and the bands... Which I happen to believe relies heavily on Hemalurgy But step 3... Step 3 is where things get interesting... And also where I think things take a decidedly dark turn. Allomancy has diluted over time, and the genes have gotten weaker, but this has reached a saturation point. At least it has in the north... The south is decidedly weaker. There's an important point about allomancy in the south though, just like allomancy prior to Rashek. So what happens when the north and south mix heavily and the allomantic genes dilute further? All scadrians, power or not, have the seeds of the Metallic Arts in them... And understanding of Hemalurgy, now that it's being used is going to grow, whether Harmony approves or not. So what I think is going to happen, is that knowledge of the Metallic Arts is going to increase to the point that Hemalurgy can take those seeds from anyone. A single person obviously isn't going to grant you anything usable... But they aren't limited to a single person. People are fantastic at rationalization, and giving up a piece of yourself on your deathbed to better the lives of everyone is an easy thing to rationalize. Especially if that gift you're giving is what enables all of the fantastic technology that enables FTL travel, and who knows what other amazing and miraculous feats. So in short I think that the basis of technology in the future of Scadrial is going to rely on Hemalurgy, and it will be societally ingrained and accepted by the majority, and adamantly protested and opposed by others. Era 4 scadrian technology will be the Cosmere's Soylent Green. Edit: just going to insert this post here to make things more clear. Let me try to clarify a bit, because I think that as the genes dilute further, and the technology progresses, the magics generally are going to be much less things that people are born with, and much more focused on the technology that will become pervasive. I think it will be known that the "gift" that people give up is the basis for the proliferation of the technologies that allow everyone to live in a world of wonders. So I don't think it will be an attempt to assuage guilt. They'll be taught that it's just the way that things are and it will be accepted because if there is one thing that humans are good at, it's rationalizing away the things we should question. I don't think the majority will believe there's anything to feel guilty about.
  41. It was hot. Wilhelm rubbed his face in the heat. Wearing long sleeved shirts and trousers was hardly ideal, but he doubted he’d get any good looks if he took some off. He was a mess, at least this way he could hide some of the more uglier aspects of him. And obviously his Southern Scadrian fluffy coats and trousers suited for the cold were suffering heavily in the current weather. Licking his lips, he turned to a building, and some food people. They were people. He had to remember that. He licked his lips again and waddled forward, rubbing some sweat off of his forehead. “Hullo,” he said to the main person in his South Scadrian accent. There was another lady here too, the type that looked better with pepper than salt had multicoloured hair. Wilhelm could never wrap his mind around that. Though he had made wraps of other people’s minds. Disgusting, he thought. I’m disgusting. Thinking about eating people, I’m not like that. I’m better. Snapping the distant look from his eyes he looked to what appeared to be the main man and made a small point to the building. “I think I’d like to enter.”
  42. Hey guys! I’ve been a Sanderson fan for awhile, read everything except White Sand and Skyward(I cant find it at my library!). Wait... what’s going on? Can someone help me out? And how do I change my username and profile pic? I just had it randomly generate and now I have this boring Guest name.
  43. Why was the king only 1m(1ft) high? Because he was a ruler Why can't you trust trees? Because they seem kind of shady Why do cows have hooves? Because they lack toes Why was the grape sunbathing? No raisin really
  44. sigh Clone, why, just why would you bring the day one lynch down on us? Do you not understand the appeal of having fun? Fun, that will DIE if we get lynched? Also, public safety announcement: My clone should not be trusted under any circumstances. He will only say what lands me in the hottest water. Edit: Yeah, like the fact that Steel definitely has a kill role, with double lives, and invincibility to everything but the lynch.
  45. We must revive this thread! Painfully bad math puns ahead:
  46. I'll do you one better- How is Hoid?
  47. The entire fandom in a shellnut
  48. Because @Kidpen is the only one who submitted a name... congrats, Kid! ~~~ I have some important news. It’s sad, but it’s also a good thing— for everyone. IRL, a lot has been going on lately, and I won’t be able to spend much time on the Shard. Therefore, it is not ideal for anyone if I continue to run the tournament. Starting in this upcoming round, @Herowannabe and @John203 will be taking over! I’m so grateful for both of them. It’s been a lot of fun to run this, and I’m so glad that I got this opportunity. Hopefully I’ll be back soon... as a contestant.
  49. From the album: Natural History of Roshar

    The common skyeel of Roshar nests high on cliff faces to shelter their young from high storms. Once their chick matures, they would take the leaf of faith from hundreds of meters above ground to learn how to fly - or fall to their deaths.
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