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  1. What a coincidence! I just finished! You ready for this, Rock? And this is my scrapped rough draft. Read at your own peril.
  2. First off, does anyone know the name of the game that I don't think that the name was mentioned at any point. Secondly, I made a game! It's based off of a game that was played in Oathbringer, and other than who was playing it, it has no spoilers. Anyways, I based it off of playing cards down next to each other (esp. wooden cards). The battlefield starts with 4 cards laid out in a 2x2 pattern, with each player having 2 squires. The rest of the cards are placed in your hand (your barracks), giving each player 10 cards. Starting with the first player, each player alternates placing cards down adjacent to an already placed card. Each card has an health value and an attack value. If the health value of the card is less than or equal to the combined attack of all enemy cards touching it (diagonally adjacent is not touching), then you flip that card face down, capturing it. The game ends when either both players run out of cards, one player loses all their cards on the field, or one player loses their king. If it's one of the last 2, then the player whose cards were captured loses, otherwise the player with the most uncaptured cards on the field wins. The Cards: (5x) Squire: 3 Health, 1 Attack (2x) Knight: 5 Health, 2 Attack (1x) Tower: 8 Health, 3 Attack (1x) Scout: 3 Health, 1 Attack, You may reposition this card to any legal space after you place your card. (1x) Soulcaster: 3 Health, 1 Attack, Before you place a card, you may soulcast: Pick an adjacent enemy, if you have that card in your hand, you remove the opponent's card from the game and replace it with your card of the same rank. (1x) General: 6 Health, 3 Attack, All adjacent allies gain +1 Attack while the general is uncaptured. (1x) King: 10 Health, 5 Attack, This card is immune to the soulcaster, If this card is captured, you lose. Note: All the glyphs were created using the alphabet in one of the pictures in book 3.
  3. 4 likes
  4. "Max." Max just stood, Althea's head against his shoulder, listening. He ran an armoured hand through her silk white hair, stroking it to comfort her. It flowed from the gauntlet perfectly. He couldn't feel it, but he imagined it as soft. So soft. She told him everything, she kept back crying, and Max just listened, wrapping her in his embrace. He heard about the lady Althea had wanted to confront, how she couldn't so she sent someone to check on her, a spy. Someone she'd always wanted to meet, someone to talk to to, to show she existed. And now she was dead. She lifted up her head and Max could see Althea's pain in full, he could see how she'd been holding back, how she let go. The pain. The emotion. It was so vivid and clear a tear even sprouted from Max's eye, creeping and crawling its salty trail down his face, leaving a trail like a liquid scar. Oh, the pain. He could see it. It just made his embrace tighter. I'm sorry. We don't have the time for this. I'll manage. Max wanted to tell her, so desperately, that no. They did have time. She could weep. But could they? She looked up again and Max tried not to give in to the emotion. Because she was right, and that made everything more painful. All they could do was manage. All they ever did was manage. One disaster after the next, the event was forgotten but the pain always stayed. She loosened the hug but Max saw she didn't have the strength to exit, to leave his shoulder. He wished they never had to. He wished they stayed in this moment, this perfect moment of connection. But there were duties. There were responsibilities. Taking a gentle hand up and guiding Althea's head to face his, Max gazed into her eyes, her beautiful red eyes. I... he said over the link, a hushed voice. I... Love you. The words were so simple. He just had to say it. I love you. I love you. I think your hair is very pretty, he said, and then winced. And I love you. And I promise we'll have time to mourn. The God Beyond knows that time is long overdue. He tried a ghost of a smile, brushing his thumb against her cheek. But... But now we must do what we need to. For the Alleyverse. For Solace. For the lives who are not yet lost. For us.
  5. Survival isn’t a shard- there is a shard who wants to survive... to quote from the Coppermind: The one hint to its existence is a cryptic quote that Brandon signed in a book. Responding to the question "Give us the name of a Shard's intent we have not seen before," he wrote, "there is one who just wants to hide and survive."[1] This is likely referring to surviving Odium's onslaught against the other Shards. The Shard's intent is only tangentially related to its desire to hide. The desire comes from its knowledge of events in the Cosmere.[2] This desire to not be caught is "quite intelligent".[3]
  6. Rare photo of the Returned known as Warbreaker, Colorized
  7. When you read the name Shen in the book Eon and wonder why they didn't call him Rlain. Still undercover? When you see this Pokemon card and buy it just for the inside joke. I was laughing my head off - absolutely worth the fifty cents.
  8. Ahahah sorry!!! That made me laugh though. Khriss (Practice again with digital, it's really difficult. Wanted to do something in Persona 5 colors, but I don't really draw anime style.)
  9. Kokichi sank up to their knees in oil. Jade hadn't meant to do that. In an instant, a thought was in her head—a dark basement, another Epic, a teleporter who couldn't manipulate emotion but she hadn't known that, sunk in concrete. "I'm going to kill you…." Bile rose in her throat, and she forced it back. She hadn't meant to trap Kokichi in oil; she'd just meant to put a puddle of it beneath their feet, make escaping without face-planting on the asphalt a lot more difficult. She didn't want them dead. She just wanted answers. “Not on purpose." The playful note in their voice was gone, replaced by something closer to fear. Not terror, it wasn't terror, no matter how much Jade's mind might be telling her so. “Things... just sort of happen around me.” Not an implausible statement, corroborated by the way their sprinkle-covered donut had become a work of sugary, deep-fried art in their hand and how Jade's puddle of oil had turned into a small sinkhole. Still, doubt niggled at the back of her mind. It seemed too neat, too convenient, like the sort of thing that would happen to the resident bad luck magnet on some kid's show. Standing in place, twirling their hair and shuffling their feet as much as the oil would allow—it could all be an act. For all Jade knew Kokichi could have had some reason for bringing them all to some stadium. “Of course, not one, not two, but three in one day. And if you count them individually, it's what, 8? First an ambush, then the sky blacks out, then I just have to be noble and help someone up, and they turn out to be a sparking perception Epic who gives me a headache, and then, when I finally get a handle on things, a pair of Epics appear from thin air and start a fight! Oh, and the whole thing happens to be on my sparking birthday!" ….a stadium haunted by someone—probably an Epic, given how Jade's day had gone thus far—who was apparently having a more action-packed day than anyone in their little group combined. She was about to turn the oil to water, just to prevent danger from any sudden bursts of flame, but remembered there were Epics who could enhance another Epic's powers. Maybe that's what this newcomer was. Maybe turning the oil to water would strand Kokichi in the middle of a brand-new lake, complete with lake monsters and undertows that usually didn't appear in bodies of water that small. She left the oil as it was. Best not to make a bad situation worse. Especially not when she could maybe possibly make it a little bit better. "Happy birthday?" Kokichi said, sounding as unsure as Jade felt. "I…I can make you a cake, if you want?" She turned from Kokichi, stealing a glimpse of the newcomer. "I mean, if it's your birthday." "She does make good cake," Nathan put in.
  10. One moment, Kokichi was crooning to examine the DISTACTION. The next moment, they were... no longer doing that. It wasn’t the sort of subtle jump cut they were used to— this was a violent uprooting of reality. There wasn’t any sort of understanding of how they’d hypothetically gotten here, wherever the heck here was. Teleportation. A rare ability, made rarer ever since a good twenty or so of them got roasted to the death in Oregon. Some peeps would categorize Kokichi’s cuts as teleporting, but some peeps were idiots who’d never experienced both. Nathan and Jade had come with Kokichi. They’d guessed those two were hiding something— they’d KNOWN they were. Jade and (?) Nathan being secret Epics made sense. It was the exact sort of stupid nonsense that happened sometimes. They recovered from the shock easily, jumping up and brushing clouds of dust off their clothes and took stock of the strangers again. If they could be friends, that’d be pretty rad. Jade’s face indicated she wasn’t in the friend making mood. Suspicion was etched into the lines of her face, and she positioned herself in front of Nathan in the same way they’d done for Lee. Yikes. The ground beneath them melted, turning from solid asphalt into some sorta liquid. The transition was quick, shooting from their feet outwards. Kokichi’s bright blue crocs sunk into the Earth; the unrecognizable yellow liquid rising up to their knees. A strand of Jade’s curly black hair fell in her face and shadows covered her eyes in a rather ominous manner as she crossed her arms. She didn’t step forward or make any grand proclamations about her name or her purpose. This wasn’t about ego, and it wasn’t some sort of test. “I can do a lot worse than that, if you don’t explain why we’re here instead of the place I picked.” Kokichi was frozen, a deer in the headlights of a car that was considering running them over. Any attempt at threatening her in return would fall flat. There wasn’t any specific time limit on their nightmare face, but their uncontrolled flash back made them too unstable. It didn’t really matter. Whatever they could conjur, hers was stronger. Did she know she was using their power? If she did, what did that mean? Jade didn’t laugh cruelly. No smile, sharp and sadistic, split her lips. All they saw was the thin line of determination. The question... “Not on purpose,” Kokichi managed, the playful note gone. If this was an ordinary exchange, with an ordinary Epic, they’d never acquiesce to demands. Turning the tables was what they did. “Things... just sort of happen around me.” Understatement of the century. Things just sort of happened around them in the same way that hurricanes were a little bit wind. They toyed with a strand of hair with one hand, twirling and untwirling it, trying to ignore the sloshing liquid filling their shoes. Matter manipulator. Teleporter. Two of the more powerful abilities, things they could only mimic with their temperamental reality warping. They’d heard rumors of someone who had that particular combob of powers. Someone who they’d been compared to in terms of style. It probably wasn’t her, though. Not enough sparkles. Besides, most people said she’d died two years back. And then things got weirder. The sound of loud complaining broke off The Stare from Actually Really Terrifying Epic Jade, so they quickly turned to face the Hopefully Less Terrifying New Epic. “Of course, not one, not two, but three in one day. And if you count them individually, it's what, 8? First an ambush, then the sky blacks out, then I just have to be noble and help someone up, and they turn out to be a sparking perception Epic who gives me a headache, and then, when I finally get a handle on things, a pair of Epics appear from thin air and start a fight! Oh, and the whole thing happens to be on my sparking birthday!" “Happy birthday?” Kokichi said, unsure of how to react. Eight Epics in one day wasn’t that uncommon for them, but their luck was weird. Just, the weirdest.
  11. Hi! Well i know this post is pretty old, but when i saw it i said naww, did someone really cared about creating this? Stormlight is a real good series, and the idea was really good so, i tried to take it a little further. Using your game, your stats and your rules, i searched for some more accurate glyphs, and made this. Tower and king are the glyphs from dalinar's banner, squire and knight are nan and sas (nothing special), soulcaster is transformation glyph, general is some strange-named one that means "high" and scout the one that means "storm". Also, i inverted the position of attack/life stats (it really just came out like that) and give them that wooden theme that makes them look like the in-world game is supposed to look. I wanted to share it cause i loved the idea and i just had to take them higher, and once i did i didn't want them to just stay in there. This is my first post, and i'm not that good at english, so sorry for that. Hope you enjoy... and play Edit: so i just realized i made a terrible mistake, colors! i painted the cards, so if someone wants to print them, they can play easily. I would like to post the images in their original size (5cmx7cm i think) so it doesn't affect the resoultion, but i don't want to be banned away . I'm new and i don't actually know if the size (and resolution) that is shown in the post is the one that is saved when you download it, anyways if that happens just ask me for my e-mail and i'll send you the originals. Also, i will be working on some back stuff (i don't know how it's named, i'm spanish). I was thinking about something like the windrunners logo (something that everybody recognizes) but maybe i'll look a little further for something more "global" (maybe).
  12. Hey! Newbie here! Im Arkelao, from Madrid, Spain. I’ve read everything from Sanderson and listen to every Writing Excuses episode. I’ve been reading this blog through the years, very helpful, but never decided to register. Now here I am. Great forum by the way.
  13. Before reading Oathbringer I heard something about Dalinar finally "Uniting them", and by the sound of it it was one big event rather than the slow process previous interpretations would require, so the first thing I thought of was the Shattered Plains. It fits with him being a Bondsmith and, well, they were shattered for a reason, maybe they had a purpose someone didn't want them to fulfill? In the end it wasn't that but now I'm wondering if it might happen in the future. Power probably wouldn't be a problem seeing what he did at the end and he's already sticking things together and he's only in his, second Ideal? Any thoughts on this? Or could you tell me if I'm missing something? I tried to look for things related to this before posting but the search bar doesn't seem to like me.
  14. Hello humans! If there is any advice that you’d like to give to a character or characters in general, what would it be? PS. Mine would probably be DO NOT TRUST THE TEXTS IN WHATEVER PLANET YOU BELONG TO. Humans, tsk, just because it is old does not mean it is wise!
  15. That would require a custody battle and some Skybreakers
  16. Althea stood there, her head resting against his shoulder, his hand stroking her hair, comforting. Grieve, so powerful she almost felt empty wrapped itself around her in a suffocating grip, threatened to drown her. Lifting a hand he gently touched her face and she followed his guidance, trusting him, needing the comfort he so easily offered. When he himself needed it as much as she herself did. She looked into his eyes, let his gaze capture her own. He had beautiful eyes, she realized. He understood. Managing. He was doing the same, manage, go on, despite everything, go on and on, even when there was so much pain, that every single step hurt. She wished she could take his helmet off, touch his face, feel his hair, touch him just as he touched her, but instead she lifted her own hand and placed it on the side of his helmet, as close to his skin as she was able to get. I... he said over the link, a hushed voice. I... I think your hair is very pretty, he said, and then winced. Startled she only stared at him. Her hair? He liked her hair? But before she really could understand what he was aiming at, he continued. And I love you. And I promise we'll have time to mourn. The God Beyond knows that time is long overdue. I love you. Her heart skipped a beat and suddenly she was glad that he was still holding her, that she didn't need to stand on her own. I love you. Three words, three small words, but they meant everything. His thumb brushed over her cheek, caressed her and she leaned into the touch, felt an answering smile tug at her lips. Despite everything she answered his ghost of a smile with one of her own. He loved her. Warmth spread through her chest, made her heart beat faster. Mourn, they would need to mourn, she needed to mourn, to understand what had happened, to accept it, to really fully grasp it, and yet, his words offered hope, comfort, a future and that was more, than she ever had expected. But... But now we must do what we need to. For the Alleyverse. For Solace. For the lives who are not yet lost. For us. Althea nodded slowly, glad that he understood, that he felt like she did. They needed to go on, they couldn't stop now. Not as long as Solace was still travelling around, killing people. For us. she repeated his words, and they sounded like a promise. For them, for those caught in this conflict. Looking into his eyes she told him earnestly: I love you, too. For a moment she stayed where she was, not wanting to step away from him, savouring the feeling of his arm around her, of his hand on her cheek. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and slowly collected herself again. He was right. Mourning would need to wait. When she opened her eyes again, she softly stepped back from his embrace, taking hold of his hand, unwilling to break their contact completely. If we survive, I want to built a grave for her. I am the only family she had left. Nobody else will care enough. she told him and then pushed her grieve aside, straightened. Did what she always did, when she had to go on. A list, bullet points, reduce everything down to logic, to something easily followed. Wait for Aurell's answer, go to the lab, test our theories, hopefully survive and stop him. And then, then we can take some time for us. To mourn... and to go on.
  17. Hello again, i made another post because for some reason the site didn't let me edit the last one. I made the back cover (or back side?) for the cards. I chose Jezrien's Honorblade for the glyph and i gave the game a very simple name (Alethi Cards). Also, i gave credits to parchmentEngineer for the very first idea, to me for the design and obviously to sanderson for that wonderful series. If you are going to print these cards, and you want them to have a rear side, please don´t take our names from it, after all we made it for free . Hope you enjoy playing this game, because i did. Also, if you have an idea to improve it or change it please post it, i will gladly read you.
  18. There I was, doing paperwork and minding my own business, when this pops into my head.
  19. Happy night 1 of Chanukah @Ookla the ingenious, @Ooktapus The Fierce, @Nathrangking, and all the other Jews of Shard I don't know about!
  20. Actually....almost same. Last night I had a dream where we all met up at a sketchy gas station by accident. Now that was interesting.... When you have a cold and determine it's because you're wearing gold earrings.
  21. Can’t really say, everything is quite amazing. Stormlight archive, Snapshot and Legion are probably my favourite, but everything is great!
  22. Althea? Max. She looked at him again, not reacting, tried to stay calm, controlled. Clinging to that control. He took a step forward, reaching out for her again, his voice but a whimper. Althea? And then he was there, grabbing her, pulling her close and she followed the movement, allowed him to take control. His armor was hard and cold, but she didn't care. He was there, that was everything that mattered. "Max." she whispered her voice barely hearable. Placing her arms around him, she pulled closer, rested her head against his shoulder. I reduced my work in the laboratory, agreed to attend the ball because I learned, that she might come as well. she started, switching to their link, because it was easier, than to hear her own voice break when she tried to talk. But she had been kidnapped, and escaped on her own. I've had someone follow her since then. Keeping me uptodate where she was, if she was fine. Because I still couldn't bring myself to confront her, to talk to her. She lifted her head, looked at him, let her mask fall, let him see her pain. He can't find her anymore. She got attacked and now he can't find her anymore, believes she's dead. A pause, forcing herself to go on, her hands clinging to him, to his armor. I've ordered him back. Judging his previous reports he would have most likely died, had I commanded him to search for her. She heaved a sobbing breath and then shook her head again, stopped herself from starting to cry. I'm sorry. We don't have the time for this. I'll manage. Conciously loosening her grip she tried to calm down again. There would be a time for crying, maybe for a search. But not now. Not while every passing minute meant, that Solace killed more and more innocents. And yet, she stayed where she was, arms around him, head rested against his shoulder, not finding the strength to step back. @Ookla the Guacless
  23. Don’t blame yourself. Max looked to Althea, and they made eye contact. He wanted to do as she said, he wanted to say he was innocent, but everytime he thought of the families he’d crushed in Oasis his body felt like it went in lockdown, his mind shattering at the guilt. Now we only have to find a way to test this, without him killing us. Get him to trust us. It will be risky, but I think we can do it. Use the link he created and his own powers. Max looked to Althea, and nodded. It was logical. At least one person on this mission was. Then she smiled. That took Max by surprise. Had she smiled before? Once, when her mind had gotten healed. But now was a natural smile, and Max felt warm again, how her eyes glistened in a ray of light, how she- Her smile faded, and Max pretended not to look as she took out a spanreed, face impassive. She whispered to the air, probably to her spren. She was still. Too still. Like she was trying to be still. Max almost looked away when he saw her face change just for a moment, a face of pure pain before it switched back to normal Althea. It sent chills through Max. Althea? He projected to her as she took her spot by the wall again, too calm, too relaxed. But why? Why make the show? What did she see. Althea? The voice came out a whisper, a whimper. He took a step forward. She was Broken. He was too. They’d been through a lot, a lot, and yet it hurt Max to see Althea’s calm demeanour. She wasn’t showing any pain, not even a change of expression. Was it really that bad? A brief part of Max wondered if there was even anything wrong, was he reading too much into her reaction to the spanreed. But that slip, that face of hurt, and sorrow, and powerlessness. Where you felt your hands were bound, but the feeling still rampaged. The torment. Max knew how that felt. Not even thinking about it, just feeling the impulse to do something flow through him, Max grabbed Althea and hugged her.
  24. *airstarved highlander COMBO SAVED
  25. Ink, you were mentioned twice because that's how many times you related to something I saw or heard. And I wasn't murdering you, it was someone in a neighborhood you moved out of. Even though I have no clue if you actually ever moved. I don't know what it is, because I didn't leave adequate notes. Holy storms, the Diagram! I didn't even...wow. Upvotes for you. WOW. When you ask someone with an amazing memory if they're wearing copper, even though you know they won't get it. When you see the words Tyvek building company as you drive by, and wonder if it's just a bunch of typo-prone, sullen Shin people. When you see someone in your school with a Bridge Four patch on their backpack, but don't want to randomly jump into their conversation, so you just take out your phone and film the patch. (I later deleted the video, because how was that any less creepy? The Doloken, me?)
  26. 2 likes
  27. Argument that Hoid is the Protagonist: Umm....He seems a decent fellow? Argument that Hoid is the Antagonist: HE WARNS EVERYONE NOT TO TRUST HIM!!!
  28. Thank you both, kindly! I've ventured into the realm of digital for this next sketch. If any other artists have helpful digital tips or critique, please do let me know, as I am very new to digital. (Special thanks to Bota and Kandra for your advice and suggestions!) Siri from Warbreaker
  29. Here is another crossover Stormlight Archive x Harry Potter: Ravenclaw!Shallan, Slytherin!Jasnah, Hufflepuff!Kaladin & Gryffindor!Dalinar Finally did a Hogwarts AU! (Jasnah and Dalinar are both in their youth here.) Based on this WoB: [x]
  30. As soon as I saw it in the back of Elantris, I knew I had to make this...
  31. We have seen time-alteration bubbles, but does the person who creates it, have to be at the center of the bubble? Could you make a time bubble to age a highly invested sword/metalmind thousands, millions or even billions of years in a relatively short period of time? Or could you make multiple time bubbles overlap? Shard blades aside, that could be a great way to age things like wine, vinegar, cheese, cured wood, etc.
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  32. WELL. I have finally responded to their very detailed survey, only a week later than I was hoping to, because day job overtime, freelance deadlines, a migraine, a hot water tank that exploded at 5:30 this morning and started flooding our garage, and a plumbing company that didn't return my call until about 6 hours later. I can has treats and alcohol now?
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  33. I cannot describe the dread I experienced when opening up your post. Like. Roleplaying can be so much more personal than single player writing. Because when we're writing our own complete stories, we know exactly where something is going to go. Even with the limits on "let's try to too kills each others characters without permission," it's still nervous making cuz there's no limits on simply traumatizing each other's charas. And when if they do have permission, sometimes accepting that the character you've made someone for the express purpose of getting killed can be... more difficult than anticipated. Anyway, that's a way of saying I'm not over Chess, haha. That was fun.
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  34. Wow! What is your favorite book?
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  35. "Syl, seriously you need to stop talking to Adolin! If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times; I'm not wearing a Tashiki inspired frilled pantaloons made with Liafor silk! I'm not wearing them so you can try to set me up! I never signed up for Syl's Significant Spren Consultants!" Grumbles Kaladin. Syl winks at Kaladin conspiratorially.
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  36. As I normally say in response to this... I do it to myself too, on a daily basis. "whoa, what if... Crap, no. Well what about... That's stupid. OK, okay, but maybe if... Did you forget everything you've read? Stop it" It's frustrating.
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  37. Max followed Aurelle into the study room, lights blinking and flickering along the way. She offered Althea a seat and took one herself, and Max just leaned against a corner of the room, listening to the conversation. They had a fridge that could give whatever he asked? “Happiness.” He said. A pause. And then a chuckle. “Just kidding. I’m not that depressed.” He did order some zinc vials though. If he ever wanted to reach Oasis-levels of power, he’d have to continue storing up. Oasis-levels of power? When have you ever wanted that? Aurell handed him a card. His eyes widened. His face. He hadn’t seen his face in a while. He looked at the date. 20 years ago? The card certainly looked that age too. Taking a deep breath, he watched and listened as Aurell turned on the files. ~~After Audio Files~~ Max closed his eyes as the files came to a close. What did it mean? He’d travelled back in time? He’d... he’d been working on an abomination for years? And in his Biological Experiments, why had he said he needed to wait until Max was older? Why did these cards exist? I’m afraid. Althea’s voice in his mind. I have no idea what to make of this. Me neither, came his reply. These tapes, it means what’s happened with Solace has been far deeper than we’ve thought. He heard Althea’s question to Aurell and awaited the reply. “She wants to know who you really are,” he explained to Aurell, “and not just what you’ve been telling everyone. The truth.”
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  38. Althea followed Aurell through the building, keeping close to Max. Her eyes darted around, looking for anything to find, but it was deserted. They had all run away when Solace had attacked. The woman sat down behind the table, and when she held up the cards, Althea took the one with her own face on it. Her present face. Red eyes, crystalline structure from soulcasting, white hair, almost white skin. She stared at her own face, something she usually avoided. A freak stared back. Turning the card around she looked at the date. Twenty years ago? She had been eight, back then? "What are these cards for?" she asked Aurell. And then switched on the audio files, listening. She understood most of what he said, taking mental notes of what was important right now and what wasn't. He had observed her, had observed her for twenty years? But why? His experiments, travelling through time, Aurell. Closing her eyes she tried to grasp what happened here. "Who are you? And not the official version." she asked Aurell, gesturing to the device playing the audio files. Then she looked over at Max, tried to judge his reaction. This... this was crazy. Utterly and completely crazy. All of it. I'm afraid. she told him, using their link again. I have no idea what to make of this. @AdOokla @Ookla the Guacless
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  39. Oh, yay! I want crab-people now. With the plot twist that they are lobster-people.
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  40. Ahem. I like how it’s Edgedancer specifically. I must be RPing in the Alleyverse too much.
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  41. Max was uncharacteristically silent this time out. He’d been more and more silent ever since Oasis. The more time he considered what he’d done... Still plated in his suit of armour, he stood taller than the others, still as a statue. Thoughts flew around in his mind. Connections. Deviations. Aurell has her parents killed by Solace. Did she really feel sad or was this to empathy from Althea and him. But despite apparently being upset about her parents being killed, she still considered Solace “her old man” and defended him. She was leading them into a building. One of the lower levels, coincidentally enough. There were traps. Was she going to lead them into an ambush? Or was she going to have them captured by a trap and feign she knew nothing about it. It was Pascal’s wager again. If there was a trap and they didn’t go, they saved themselves. If there was a trap and they went, there was a possibility of them dying. If there wasn’t a trap and they didn’t go, they would be passing up useful information. If there wasn’t a trap and they went, they would get useful information. Not going would be playing it safe. Following Aurell could have high payment or high reward, and when fighting Solace, they needed all the help they could get. “I say we go,” Max said quietly. “There’s a large possibility of information from Solace, and I trust Aurell.” Hesitant, He turned on his mental link with Althea. Be cautious. This opportunity seems to easy, it’s possible we’re being misled. Keep your guard. @Sorana
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  42. I don't know if it's the strangest I've read, but Philip K. Dick's Ubik was definitely weird.
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  43. This is about 21 days early, but otherwise I'm likely to forget to say anything. I'm going away for around a week and a half, not that long, though still an absence. I think I'll be back for Ookla season if nothing changes. Since this is otherwise extremely dry and honestly downright informative, enjoy a poor attempt at a joke that has no connection to anything: What's brown and sticky? And people? Try not to start another war this time ...
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  44. The black sphere is holding the end of the Cosmere. The black sphere is a portal to Earth. The black sphere is Odium’s beloved. The black sphere doesn’t actually exist. The black sphere is really a very dark purple.
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  45. OB spoilers Radiant in Shardplate sketch Also, a sketchbook spread for OB interlude character Kaza
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