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  1. Riathor knelt to the ground. His spren. He could only guess where it had come from. Years ago, he had lost his shardblade. A couple months afterward, the shardblade's spren had visited. Then had disappeared. 'Riathor...' "What?" Riathor whispered. "Where are you?" 'Underneath, Riathor. "There is a small cavern underneath the surface. Come find me...' Her voice was growing louder, more stable. Riathor looked around for an opening, but there was none. 'Riathor...' "I can't get in," Riathor said aloud. "How do I find you?" 'Summon... Summon your Blade,' Riathor's eyes widened but obediently reached out his arm. A beautiful large blade condensed into his hand. Riathor stared at it. 'Riathor...' Riathor nodded, then stood up. He hefted the blade, and tears glistened in his eyes. Then, he cut four strokes into the earth and opened a hole down into a cavern. He trusted Pewter to keep his bones strong as he jumped down, falling almost twenty feet to the cavern floor. "Where are you?" Riathor asked, his voice echoing. 'I'm right here, Riathor,' Riathor turned towards the voice. A single Windspren floated in the air. Tears began streaming down Riathor's face. "You... you're back..." He glanced at his shardblade. "Aren't you the blade?" The spren shook her head. 'I was never the blade, Riathor. I came once you had lost it. But somehow, I sensed it was close to you...' Riathor frowned. "How? How did it come back?" 'Connection is a strange thing, on this side of the world...' Riathor stared at the spren, then back at the Blade. Eyes glinting with determination, he tossed the blade aside. It clanked against the cavern floor, disintegrating into mist. "I want you back," Riathor whispered. "Where did you go?" The spren smiled sadly. 'Times were changing. The laws of this place have changed. It is not a simple thing for me to bond a Mistborn,' "Why not?" Riathor demanded. "You promised me you would never leave!" 'There are... oaths set in place for the alleys. On this side of the world, the Barrier... is thin, Riathor. I can... see into another place. And they cannot let me bond you, for fear of you growing too powerful,' The spren seemed to be crying as well. 'There is no way past it,' Riathor looked up, and though he saw... a shimmer. A mirror into another world, it was gone in an instant. "I can't live like this any more," Riathor said defiantly. "I'm tired of being only a piece of myself," The spren cocked her head. 'There is no way around it, Riathor. We can never bond. Perhaps it is for the best,' Riathor glanced upwards. The window into the other world seemed to be open again, and Riathor could glance through. Information flooded his mind. And there was a way. "Are you willing," Riathor asked the spren, "To wait until these 'laws' change once more?" The spren frowned. 'That could be hundreds of years, at most-' "There is a way past it," Riathor insisted. "Are you willing to trust me?" The spren paused, then nodded, streaking towards Riathor. In an instant, Riathor had seen the laws of the Alleys. One who was involved could not be powerful, unless there was a powerful enough enemy. Riathor did not know of such a being, but Riathor was content to wait. He held his upwards, and the spren flew over to stand on it. Riathor smiled, then burned Cadmium. A buble of slowed down time surrounded the two of them. If Riathor couldn't bond his spren, he would wait until he could.
  2. Nate had just stepped outside of the bakery, and was finishing the last of the eight bagels he'd purchased, when something down the street caught his attention. "What the...?" He wondered aloud. "Destination Doughnuts? That's an unfair name. Just glad I didn't notice it before I ate, or I might have overdosed on sugar and let the monster out." He shuddered. Last time he had eaten more than a serving of ice cream, he had never ended up finishing it. He had started policing peoples 's calories by Bloodlighting them to keep them from ever actually eating their ice cream. Granted, they had been perfectly pleased with him when they weren't busy phasing their spoons through the table or cutting - and regenerating - their suddenly weak mouths with them. That part had been painful. Nate realized he had been saying parts of that thought out loud, and quickly slammed his mouth shut. It was easier to keep quiet when he was thinking about memories than when he had to process new information. It was not any easier to contain Bloodlight, however. He got even more distracted by remembering things than talking, which left him prone to silly accidents. He had to exercise constant vigilance, or he'd stub his toe and turn Epic. "My boots are not in good repair. I mean, they're great boots, but I don't know when I'll be able to find another pair. I'll take the Saab to be safe. Traffic is so light, that's actually safer. Nice change." Carefully pulling the key to his red 9000 Aero from the front pocket of his jeans, he unlocked the door, climbed in, and started the engine. "I love that sound," he said as the engine roared to life. Nate drove the few city blocks between the bakery and Destination Doughnuts, then parked the car. Climbing out, he noticed something he hadn't before: the door to the doughnut shop had been completely thrown from off its hinges, and was lying amid pieces of its glass front between him and the counter. "Bother. Gotta save the shoes." He grumbled, stepping carefully around the glass shards so as not to slide one under his foot and slip and fall to the ground, where the corpse of the door awaited him, bearing keys to unlock the cage that was his body and let out the monster he held there. "No need to get all poetic now." He turned his head sharply to find the source of the voice that spoke so knowingly to the the things in his head. Then he realized it had been his own voice, and his mouth still remembered the shape of the words coming out. Clamping his mouth shut so as not to appear insane - which he was definitely not - Nate finished moving into line. There were three people in front of him. Nate looked at the doughnuts in the display case as he waited his turn. "Maple. Ha!" The man in front of him - not quite six feet tall, probably forty years old with a brown goatee and full head of neatly styled hair - chuckled at his joke. "If there were also some vanilla flavor that would be quite ironic," the man commented. Nate was about to ask how the man knew that term for non-Epic people, but one look at his face - specifically his reaction to what Nate's own face must have looked like - told him the man had already said too much and would not speak further on it. Nate nodded to show that he respected that, and returned to his mumbled inventory of the display case. "Glazed... Bacon? Chocolate frosting... Pink frosting with sprinkles... CHOCOLATE-CHOCOLATE..." Nate had decided. "One of those pink ones, with the sprinkles," the man in front of him said, then put some money on the counter and walked away. "Must be a regular," Nate mumbled. "How can I help you?" The man behind the counter asked. "FOUR-HUNDRED-THOUSAND CHOCOLATE-CHOCOLATE DOUGHNUTS!" He said excitedly. Then he realized how much sugar that must have meant, and that he was not that rich, and that his stomach physically could not hold that many doughnuts, and that... He had said it alone. He looked around for Celia, but couldn't see her anywhere. "But she always says that with me..." Nate suddenly realized that the man behind the counter was giving him a funny look. "Or, ya know, just two. That will do." Nate purchased the doughnuts and looked for a table to sit at. In a matter of moments, he had gone from cheery - albeit cautious - hopefulness to a familiar sense of despair that he knew the pastries would only worsen. He had always gone out for doughnuts with Celia before. "And coffee, of course, though I generally didn't drink any myself because that was too risky." He hadn't noticed before, but he suddenly realized that there was a peculiar texture to the air at the table behind him. As if... One of those Japanese cartoons - "an-ih-may" he recalled - had somehow been superimposed on reality. Nate noted, after a moment, that it was also affecting his table, and stretched even farther behind him, but the epicenter was definitely a girl at the table where he had first noticed it, with painfully - but also awesomely - bright purple and gold hair. "Epic," he thought aloud. "And wait... Is that a girl?" He was thinking softly, but he was sure one of them must have heard him by now. He wanted to bolt, rather than stick around and see what An-Ih-May Epic did. Unless they were a Canceler or an Assumer, he could probably take them, and he could even take the casualty count down by a significant amount, but... Well, he was in all likelihood more dangerous to the civilians as Bloodlight than she was. He was? They were. Nate was sure they'd noticed hi now. If not An-Ih-May Epic, then surely one of their companions. There were three others at the table, including a bearded Canadian man, - at, least, if the stereotypes were at all accurate - another man who did not look like a stereotypical Canadian, and a young bright-eyed woman with curly black hair. "Might as well introduce myself, with how long I've been staring at them," he muttered through his doughnut. He swallowed, walking over and extending his hand to An-Ih-May Epic - whose gender he still could not determine to save his life - since they were the one who'd probably have felt his eyes boring into their head. "Hey, noticed your, ah, aura. Pretty cool." He stammered. "I'm-Nate-please-don't-kill-any-innocents-right-now."
  4. So... uhh... my shardic access is now extremely limited Me and my parents were talking last night and I told them about being a furry. We had a long talk, and they said they still loved me and everything, and everything is okay, but they decided to remove the news app (which is how I get to the shard in a very roundabout way) from my phone, which is how I shard most of the time. So... I won't be on very much, if at all. However, I still read everything in mail, which is mostly shard, so I'll be keeping up on everything. My temporary solution is to text bit what I want to say and have him copy/paste into all of the roleplays. It's not a perfect system, but it'll have to do. So that's why I'm going to be inactive. See ya all! Hopefully all goes back to normal soon...
  5. 4 likes
  6. From the album: The Adventures of Doomslug the Destroyer!

    Brandon Sanderson at the Houston signing for Skyward with Doomslug and the sticker that inspired her, design by Isaac Stewart.

    © Belongs to DeanaMCW

  7. YKYASF when you see "Barge Ford" and think "Bridge Four".
  8. And the two people moving on to the championships are... @Paranoid King, representing everyone’s least favorite failure of a butler... TILLAUME! @Herowannabe, representing the Horneater plagued with an extreme case of altitude sickness... ROCK! ~~~ I’ve decided to give some extra time for this round; you’ll have 96 hours to get your raps in! I will send out the voting link at 96 hours, or once both raps are in. Good luck, both of you!
  9. Haha, I did indeed. I’ve lurked here for awhile, but this opportunity was too good to pass up.
  10. I wouldn't say he's "bad" for admitting he has ultimate goals that allow for things like the destruction of Roshar, when he says to Dalinar: So we can infer a few interesting things: He's willing to "watch this world crumble and burn" (presumably, the victory of Odium - in the scenario he's imagining, he's a passive bystander) in order to "get what I need", yet he's in mortal danger from Odium. So what is it that he "needs" from Roshar that would still be possible, if not actually facilitated, by Odium's getting free from the Rosharan system, even if Odium would move to destroy him on sight? He's not on Roshar to prevent Odium from getting free? Or... Is that actually what's at stake for Odium? We actually don't know, do we? Dalinar says that Odium would still be trapped and "unable to leave" even if he destroyed humanity with this Desolation as incentive for Odium to accept the contest of champions, but Odium accepts that offer without admitting or denying that that statement was true. It seems like logically that can't be true... If winning a Contest of Champions was the only way Odium could break free of the Oathpact, wouldn't he be the one pursuing the option the hardest? Hoid's goals/motives: - Are opposed by Frost and the 17th Shard, who believe in non-intervention, where Hoid's pursuit involves a lot world-hopping and cameo-style meddling in world events - Are rejected or dismissed by all the Shards who we've seen respond to him with a Letter, except for Harmony, who is intrigued by what Hoid's unknown missive suggested and Wants To Know More Before Making A Decision - Are irrelevant when it comes to Odium, who just wants to destroy him - His goal is something Odium doesn't want to happen, and Frost mentions it as appearing to be an extension of a pre-existing grudge against Rayse (Odium) and Bavadin (Autonomy) - That letter to Frost and the other Shards appears to be specifically an appeal for help in dealing with Odium And yet, Hoid is willing to watch Roshar crumble to "get what he wants". So... Is (one of the ways) for Odium to be defeated still going to result in Roshar's destruction? Is THAT the secret that caused the Recreance? Or is Hoid speaking of a pan-Cosmere goal that goes beyond defeating Odium and/or Autonomy as a Stage Two?
  11. when no person is worth dating unless they've read at least one Cosmere novel.
  12. Tien (a proto-lightweaver) was very good at carving. Shallan was very good at drawing. Jasnah was very good at sarcasm and snark.
  13. Elantris: White Sand: Words of Radiance: Warbreaker: The Hero of Ages:
  14. This might be super random but ever since i changed my league summoner name to I Hate Moash i have met a good amount of fellow fans of Brandon Sanderson. We had been talking abnout what would be some super cool league skins based off charaters (Not that it would ever happen but it is fun to think them up!) two we came up with! Mistborn rakan and xayah skins. They just remind me so much of vin anf elend Bridge Four Xin skin, Also BrightLord Garren or Darius
  15. It used to be called The Good Egg. I wonder if the owners realize they’ve made a Reckoners reference....
  16. Poll related to whether or not we should allow time travel is up, please keep discussions on the topic here now so that we don't explode other threads with quoteboxes. Names are public at the moment, if anyone would prefer that they can vote anonymously please let myself or another Alleyverse mod know. Summary of my reasons against time travel: 1. I don't think it adds anything to the story that couldn't be accomplished using other means, and personally don't find the concept particularly interesting. (I also realize that that is a personal opinion not an argument but just to explain my views) 2. I think it's going to cause a whole mess of headaches, at some point we're going to have to start retconning things no matter how careful we are. 3. If changing the past is impossible then there's not really any point to time travel. 4. Foresight or prophecy could be used in replacement of time travel for any plotline featuring time travelers from the future. I don't think we'd lose anything out storywise by doing this and we'd save ourselves some headaches. 5. I think that any way we try to include time travel is going to necessitate handwaving to a degree that I'll struggle to maintain my suspension of disbelief.
  17. Viktor blinked. "You should probably avoid South Common, though it is not necessarily what it seems. The biggest powers are probably the Epic known as Epoch, The Belt, an underground motivator group that has been lurking about, and the Epic known as Typhon. There is also two other large groups, but they are mostly filled with rabble." Viktor allowed a note of condescension into his words. "There is a government of humans that only survives by bargaining with Epoch to the east, but they have barely any real power. Oh, and there's us." Viktor smiled and sipped his tea. "I would say the city isn't very dangerous if you don't draw attention to yourself. Most of the headstrong Epics left for Calgary long ago, or were 'disappeared'. If you went around the border, by which I assume you mean the part inside the bubble, a lot of it is no man's land." Viktor paused, considering. Of course, he didn't actually have to pause. He had already figured out the answer. Viktor would unsettle the man if he answered a question like that right away. "About five," he said slowly. "And as to the number of Epics, I have no idea." Viktor leaned forward. "Now, I have a question for you. What is your goal?" Oh, and please don't burn fractals in the carpet." Nicroburst shrugged. "They are normal people. They only survive due to making a bunch of deals with ERA. I heard they were planning on arranging something with Steelheart of all people, but, well, obviously that didn't work out. Honestly, I think they are kind of brave, to maintain independence like that." "So what's with you?"
  18. "We're not here to argue about how deadly a Kaiju is. That is one point that is undisputed. We are here to discuss the shard of justice and how valid this stuff is. I myself think that possessing the shard of justice is a bit too much for an alleyverse character. I'm a little new to all of this, but an entire shard seems big. Too big for one of our characters."
  19. This isn't a cult! It's, uh, just a place where we steal people's identity!!! YAAAAAY!!!!
  20. Wow! You really want to see this! Brandon better watch his back
  21. Well, that may continue until you get the female radiants walking around in storming shard plate. Once that happens and Brandom reveals that whole mechanic I feel like there will be another huge change in perception for women in Vorin ideal positions. Just with the female bridge man flying up in shard plate everywhere, jasnah walking about in her glowing plate, and I feel like it's going to be even more apparent that women can be the same tools of war that men can be. Regardless of religious and social norms. They are also fighting in the last desolation and for a lost Alethkar. There is room for the queen to start ordering forced enlistment or at least enforce training for women. I mean, Jasnah will do her own data supported thing and fighting Alethi women may be the easiest. Or at least filling out the support staff with women to free up the maximum amount of fighting men.
  22. We can take comfort in the fact that It still can’t possibly be as bad as the Percy Jackson movies.
  23. I have issues with the trailer, and already have issues with the movie (read: combining the first two books into one movie, making it live-action instead of animated) but solely in the trailer one two things stuck out to me as off ahead of everything else: Butler having hair and the bow scene. Butler being bald was a matter of his professionalism, to the point that Artemis thinks it's strange to see him with hair post-healing in Eternity Code. I also do not remember Butler ever using a bow (if I'm wrong please tell me). Rewatching it brought other things up: 1. Butler stepping back at the sprite transformation was a big downturn for me. He's supposed to be a nearly unflappable, stoic juggernaut of a bodyguard. 2. Artemis's attitude seems off. He looks up in wonder at the transformation, awed. That is not the Artemis Fowl I remember, who was careful to bottle up his emotions so no one got a read on what he was thinking. Also his hair was too long compared to the short hair he's supposed to have. Time Paradox shows how much different he looks with any sort of long hair, literally being unrecognizable. 3. They redid the Gnommish language. It looks far too much like English now. That was an entire plot point of the first book, introducing us to Artemis's character and determination as he tried to translate The Book. Now it just looks like stylized English that any layman can read. 4. Apparently that was supposed to be Julius Root narrating. They cast Root as a female, which (in any other scenario) I would not have an issue with, but the whole thing about Holly being the "test case", as they call it, for Recon was that she was the first female fairy there. It removes some of that power (and later when they eventually do The Opal Deception it ruins the whole "first female major" thing, since Root spent time as a major before getting to commander) that comes from her character arc and her desire to prove herself. Solid characterization, out the window. 5. The troll fight. How is Disney going to get away with that level of violence in a children's movie that's live-action? Animated is one thing, but this is Disney we're talking about. I don't think they'll do it right, with Butler emptying bullet after bullet into the chest of this feral beast and getting horribly messed up, not to mention the section where he literally tortures the thing with nerve punches. Now, credit where credit is due: there were some nice visuals and transitions in the trailer alone, and I'm going to enjoy watching the movie regardless of how it turns out, but I will not deny that this would have worked better as an animated TV show a la Teen Titans.
  24. Ok, so not to derail this thread, but I just had a passing thought and I have to get it out. What if Hoid was collecting powers to override an existing unwanted resonance? I know he has some funky things going on. Like I said... random thought. I'm bad for that.
  25. Brandon Sanderson plays Brandon. Somehow this makes sense.
  26. From the album: The Adventures of Doomslug the Destroyer!

    One of Doomslugs new friends.

    © Belongs to DeanaMCW

  27. From the album: The Adventures of Doomslug the Destroyer!

    Doomslug exploring the store Murder by the books and other authors.

    © Belongs to DeanaMCW

  28. Found some cute birbs yesterday Quail (4 photos): Ruby-crowned Kinglet (2 photos):
  29. Argument that Hoid is the Protagonist: Umm....He seems a decent fellow? Argument that Hoid is the Antagonist: HE WARNS EVERYONE NOT TO TRUST HIM!!!
  30. Between Jasnah becoming the queen, Dalinar writing a book, and the reemergence of Radants that never were gender discriminating, I strongly suspect that will be one of the many obsolete cultural taboo's that will fall by the wayside. Hopefully they'll learn the joys of Sweet&Spicy. To answer a specific question: nah, I dont really see any all-women spear squads. Hopefully by the time they'd be able to form they will all have let go of the distinction all together. Id think all women squads would only be needed if they were unable to gain acceptance/equality within the established hierarchy, and since Kaladin is currently at the forefront of that Im hoping he'll be able to steer things away from segregation. Regarding Rlain, a lot of us would love to see him in more of a leadership role, specifically as the third Bondsmith.
  31. I prefer, as the prominent public face of 17S and its administration, to never change my username so that people always know who they can contact. Let's be real, this festival is confusing.
  32. Why hasn't Chaos joined in since 2012? it's the most wonderful time of the year With the Koloss head munching And everyone telling you be of good cheer It's the most wonderful time of the year It's the hap-happiest season of all With those gunpoint greetings and short bloody meetings When friends come to blows It's the hap-happiest season of all There'll be murders for hosting Human skulls for toasting And killing out in the snow There'll be scary ghost stories And tales of the glories of Ookla seasons long, long ago It's the most wonderful time of the year There'll be much murdering And hearts will be spiked out When loved ones are near It's the most wonderful time of the year There'll be murders for hosting Human skulls for toasting And killing out in the snow There'll be scary ghost stories And tales of the glories of Ookla seasons long, long ago It's the most wonderful time of the year There'll be much murdering And hearts will be spiked out When love ones are near It's the most wonderful time Yes the most wonderful time Oh the most wonderful time Of the year
  33. The Chronicles of Narnia The Cosmere as a whole: The Children of the Last Days: The Cthulhu Mythos: The Shannara series [only the original, technically]:
  34. I just finished and cannot for the life of me remember what they called the Falling ship factory deal, but you get the gist. via Imgflip Meme Generator
  35. The question is how bad can someone really be when they even warn you of their own actions?
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  36. Theory: Khriss is a avatar of Autonomy
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  37. When talking about Spensa's brain activity, the scientist Rikolfr says that "The Writellum section of her brain went crazy with activity when she was around the Krell"
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  38. Ha ha! Okay, so my school has this live stream news thing where they sometimes interview teachers, and today one of the teachers said, "Well, I wanted to be a lawyer, but I realized I was more interested in justice than the law." I can't decide whether she's a failed Skybreaker or a Skybreaker of the Fifth Ideal!
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  39. 1 like
  40. @whattheHoid was torn apart and thrust into Shadesmar wandering around aimlessly waiting for a chipmunk to bring her back to life. I have used all my upvote today. I will go back and upvote everyone I couldn't tomorrow. Sorry ganchos!
    1 like
  41. I don't know that there is a fool proof command. Protect me could go wrong too. It could decide walking is too dangerous after "witnessing" you trip one day. Make you stay in one place for your own protection. It could decide eating is a potential choking hazard. Being a sword, it wouldn't understand the nature of eating. It could decide that anyone around you is a potential threat an therefore, immediately kill anyone within 20 feet of you, wether friend or foe... Kinda hard to beat the bad guy AND get the girl when your sword forces you to go all FF7 Sephiroth on her any time you come near her. Then again, maybe it was just protecting you from a broken heart... Ok. If I were to give a sword a command, I'd go with "Become an extension of my will."
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  42. How about "Ascend a shard", then sit back and watch the sword try to become a shardholder.
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