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  1. The High Price of Freedom/Aftermath Honour watched the palace with bated breath. Would her/his/its help actually mean anything? Only time would tell. - Only one more left, the Kholin killer thought, creeping through the hallways after the queen. The last hour and a half had been difficult, with such a to-do around Jasnah Kholin's protection, but finally, finally, she was open to attack. At least, the killer was pretty sure she was. It would be mighty inconvenient if she survived, since he had others to kill after her. He had a mission, after all. Begin the desolation. Not that he'd come here expecting to do that. Quite the opposite in fact, But plans change when one's old gods are revealed. Klade shuddered, remembering the Unmade. He didn't want to be serving his old gods—his people had abandoned them eons ago to avoid exactly this—but then these Alethi just had to meddle in things they didn't understand and look what was happening: the world was on the precipice of a Desolation. And they only had themselves to blame. "Halt!" Klade froze, and then realized that the call hadn't been for him. It came from ahead. He peeked around the corner and saw Jasnah confronting the Captain of the Guard—what was his name? T-something? He couldn't remember. The Queen's back was to Klade. She didn't see him coming, but she didn't have to. - Tearim noticed movement over Jasnah's shoulder. Klade. What was the Parshendi holding? A....knife? It was! And with the way he was looking at Jasnah, it was clear the man had one goal: to kill the queen. Tearim pushed Jasnah out of the way, and then he felt pain. So much pain. Why was there pain? Was it Klade? No, no, Klade had frozen for a second, looking at Tearim, but he still held his knife. So what had happened. Tearim looked at Jasnah. She held a blade—not her Shardblade—and it dripped blood. His blood. She'd tried to kill him. - Klade took the moment of distraction to close the distance between himself and the Queen. He knew he only had one chance to kill her and his aim needed to be true. She was a Radiant. She could heal, but she couldn't heal from a killing stroke. He swung his blade. - A Radiant, dead. Honour lost all hope. The Desolation was coming and there wasn't anything she could do to stop it. She'd tried. But it was now clear to her that she'd underestimated Odium. - No, Tearim thought, watching the blade pierce his queen's body. She fell, gasping in pain, and Tearim knew she wouldn't be rising again, Radiant or not. He heard a sound behind him, and then Liss was there, helping him to his feet. She already had her wicked-looking dagger out and Tearim unsheathed his sword. - Klade watched the queen fall. Slowly. The light in her eyes went dark and he knew he'd succeeded. He heard the sound of metal behind him, and he glanced over his shoulder. I thought he was dead. But no, the Captain stood with his sword out, and that servant girl stood next to him, with a weapon of her own. Klade attuned to Irritation. He'd only just murdered the last Kholin. Was there really to be no rest for him? - Ialai had learned much since she'd accidentally killed her husband. She no longer hesitated to kill if she knew it was the right thing to do, and she knew this was the right thing to do. She hurried down the corridor to where she'd heard Jasnah's cry, but when she rounded the corner, she had to pause for a moment to take everything in. Jasnah was on the ground, blood surrounding her. Even at this distance, Ialai could tell her queen was dead. Another Kholin, gone. Tearim stood next to her body. He was also bleeding, and Ialai knew why. Jasnah had attacked him, and he must've retaliated. And now he was trying to kill a Parshendi. Ialai ran to stop the murder, but she didn't get there in time. Klade tried to defend himself, but he was blocked by Liss—where had she come from? Ialai had completely missed seeing her, and why was she helping Tearim?! Tearim skewered the Parshendi. "That's for killing the queen," he said. Ialai brought her blade down, into Tearim's back with as much force as she could. And then his words hit her. Klade had killed Jasnah Kholin. Not Tearim. Tearim had defended her. And she'd just killed the man for it. - Honour breathed a sigh of relief. She'd judged them too harshly, too soon. They'd actually done it. Miraculously. Somehow. Take that, Odium/Senility, she thought. - Wit stood on his chull and brought a scroll out of his pocket. Holding the top, he let the end fall. And fall. And fall. He had a lot he needed to say. But before he was even able to get one word out, Ialai and Liss stumbled into the feast hall. They were both covered in blood and looked rather...distraught. That was curious. But not curious enough to stop him from what he needed to say. He cleared his throat, but Ialai cut him off. "Jasnah is dead. And Tearim. And Klade." Well, that changed things a bit. Wit started rolling the scroll back up while Ialai explained just what exactly had happened. Her explanation took a while, which was good because the scroll took a while to roll up. Finally, though, the scroll was gathered and Ialai's explanation was complete. Wit leaped off his chull. "Well. It seems my time here is done. Fear not: I'll be laughing at your spiritual essences once you all have been long forgotten. Especially you, Sadeas. No, not you Ialai. Your husband. I'm sure his spirit is around here somewhere. Might even be in this rock," Wit said, pulling the moss-covered rock out of his pocket and looked closely at it. It would make a strange sort of sense for Sadeas' spirit to take over something that looked so like him in his physical form, so Wit spoke to the rock. "Even though you're dead, I'm still laughing at you." And then he walked away. As he passed Liss, he dropped the rock onto her head with a "boop," and continued on his way. Liss grabbed the rock off the top of her head and stared at it in confusion. And that's game. A big congratulations to the following players, who completed all of their win conditions: Jasnah Kholin Wit Players who failed one of their non-final win conditions but completed all other win conditions (including those who died after having all their win conditions revealed) also won. Those players are: Ialai Sadeas Ivory Adolin Kholin Liss Drunk Beggar Ash Darkness Kelek Master Spreadsheet Beggar Feast (dead/spec doc) Palace Grounds (ostracism doc) Alethi Secret Societies Shadesmar Women Diplomats Intellectuals Parshendi Gavilar's War Council Heralds Feast Hall Back Wall Monastery Dias/Monastery Dias 2.0 Sunwalk Entrance Ten Herald Hallway Unused Guest Suite Darkened Corridor Loading Dock Art Gallery Thanks to everyone who played and thank you so much to Orlok and El. A thousand thank yous to both of them. I'll have a bit more to say about my thoughts on the game but not tonight. I'll save that for a couple days hence. Please use your own account now. We'll be locking up the anonymous accounts in the next few hours.
  2. To Sadeas parents: NO MATING
  3. As the only person who managed to both survive and complete all my win conditions, I would like to take a moment to bow. Feel free to throw as much rotten fruit at me as you think I deserve.
  4. It's actually me. I'm not actually trying to poison anyone though, I'm just a really bad cook. I'm getting better though, I promise!
  5. Thanks to Wilson, Orlok, and Elbereth for GMing! I had lots of fun, and unfortunately my death was my own fault :/. Lesson to be learned is don't try to kill Jasnah, ever. It's nearly as bad as making Wilson mad at you. I was Restares by the way.
  6. I... wow. I have a lot of thoughts, suggestions and praise to give on this, and I’m not really in a place to cover everything. I’ll do that later. But briefly: that was way too much fun. Congratulations to Wilson, Elbereth and Orlok for running an extremely successful and extremely enjoyable game. Firstly; I was Ialai. This was my first proper SE game. I think I did OK, but I didn’t meet my final wincon. Luck and IRL business (and my cooperators) seemed to conspire against me over the last few turns. In the end I determined that it was best to prevent the Desolation - killing Tearim to cover all the bases - than to follow my own goals. That didn’t really work out, but that’s hindsight for you. I’d like to thank those who helped me - especially whoever Liss was, since I ended up getting her lynched. Sorry. I don’t think it ever fully transpired that I set Adolin up completely and knowingly for the lynch, either. And sorry to Torol, for killing you via redirect. (Oops!) And to Szeth, for killing you. I might have missed some people. If this sort of game were to be ever run again (after a long hiatus, as the GMs attempt to regain whatever semblance of sanity that they lost during the undoubtedly nightmarish rollovers), then I would love to be a part of it. Well done, everyone. (Who did kill Straw? Do we know?)
  7. 5 likes
  8. 4 likes
  9. Went as an exhausted college student. Costume was top notch.
  10. But why couldn't IT be called... THIS or THAT? Or... SOMETHING?
  11. I agree. I don't think a human soul has the power to add enough Investiture to a being of pure Investiture to change its nature in a significant way. Spren do become somewhat more human-like in thought processes when bonded, but that does not, and cannot change their basic nature.
  12. i can think of any number of things i want to say to - or rather, shake into - our dear Shallan, but it's not like she'll listen. So to Adolin, while giving him a big hug - "You are worthy. Just as you are."
  13. To Dalinar, when he's still still buddy buddy with Amaram in WoR "These aren't the Radiants you're looking for."
  14. Just wanted to note that after all this time, the argument has finally shifted from "Is Adolin good enough / broken enough to be a Radiant?" to "What Order of Radiant should Adolin be?" And when Brandon first agreed that Maya would have wanted to bond with Adolin anyway, that made my day... Jaelin, your theory is intriguing, and i do like the idea of it. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities not just for Adolin and Maya's character development, but for the general worldbuilding of Stormlight Archive. i agree that with the world in such turmoil, who's to say that such changes couldn't happen? We have a long time before we'll get canon confirmation of any of our theories, so we might as well pass the time with... more theories. Some will be proven true, some won't, and Brandon could still blow us away with something none of us ever expected. Anyway, it's fiction, and it's fun! i personally see Adolin as an Edgedancer, and would love to see how he might come to lead the Edgedancer Order eventually. He's a natural leader and people look up to him, and yet he has this personal touch and connection with the individual that a big picture leader like Dalinar may not have. Lift has the personal connection with the individual in spades, but she is not a leader.
  15. I'm new to the cosmere and I don't know any WOB's so I might be wrong somewere in here. From mistborn Secret History, the drifter said that Kelseir destroyed a way from into Scadiral by destoying the pits, I also read somewhere that the atium won't "regrow" for 300 years. So i'm thinking that if the atium regrows and is in the lost metal, will the Perpendiculaity return I also don't know how to work the tags section if someone could please help me with that.
  16. Mac turned and laughed. "Safe? No. None of the alleys are safe. But yeah you can use one. I mean, there are an infinite number of them. I would caution against bringing non DA members into them, as they can't control the alleys enough to safely maneuver with in them. You would have to bring each person in personally." He thought for a minute. "You also might want to make sure that the alley obeys the laws of physics/logic/reality in general. Can't have y'all going insane. Check out the alley halfway in between 243 and 9670. I think that that could work. Don't mistake it for alley 4956.5. That one exists doesn't exist in the third dimension. Also don't mistake it for the alley thats halfway down the corridor starting with alley 234 and ending with 9670. That one is being used to figure out if the ability to create a universe can be given to a person and have that person survive. Something tells me that your team would appreciate not being turned into 2 dimensional creatures, or being killed by a Frankenstein being of cosmic proportions. Anyway, the alley halfway in between 243 and 9670. That should work. There's probably no abominations in there."
  17. So in TWOK when Kal is on the shattered Plains he sees the kholin glyph stylized as a sword so I thought I would replicate that Orginal Glyph-Kholin.svg My stylization
  18. 2 likes
  19. I do love being neutral. I was a complete troll with you guys and that was fun. Besides when Fur really ticked me off, but apparently they didn’t lie to me? Well anyway I booped then with a rock so all is even. Some of that RP for Wit was really hard to do. Especially that story about the chull and the whitespine, I was working on that for like a day to get it right. But i feel it was worth it, because your reactions brought me great joy.
  20. Unfortunately for you, it was a rainspren that was the nearest available.
  21. TWG 100%: Brandon 100% (116/116), Peter 100% (116/116), Isaac 100% (75/75), Ben 100% (38/38) 17S 51%: Brandon 100% (93/93), Peter 100% (99/99), Isaac 0% (0/99), Ben 0% (0/88) Reddit 43%: Brandon 100% (122/122), Peter 11% (10/95), Isaac 0% (0/13), Ben 0% (0/76), Adam 0% (0/4) Twitter 36%: Brandon 100% (115/115), Peter 8% (9/115), Isaac 7% (9/122), Adam 20% (9/46) Blog 100%: Brandon 100% (202/202) Social Media Total: 62% (1013/1634) Theoryland Review: 3% (35/1183) Events and Signings Review: 0% (0/397) We're cruising right along with the social media backlog. I wasn't able to find my old tracking spreadsheet, so I had to make a new one, but I was able to make it better this time since I remembered some things I had done inefficiently before. I don't have to do any manual math anymore for percentages, I've got Excel updating it all automatically. I've got all my percentages based on how many months of activity I've reviewed, and they all add new activity at a rate of around 1 month per month, but Excel is updating those numbers for me as the goalposts keep moving. I just gotta mark in X's when I've finished a month, and then copy-past over here. It really is a very nice spreadsheet. Green indicates it's progress made this past month. So I did a lot of checking on TWG and on 17S. Some of it was easier than others (Brandon's forum posts were all in already, as expected). But I've only got a little bit left before I close up the forums and move onto Reddit. I also got a count on the threads in the Events and Signings forum (I don't think I'll update that as new threads get posted, but rather stay on top of them the old-fashioned way. These are just old ones I want to review and double-check for late reports or claimed questions.) I did add some things from Peter in the TWG event and the year-by-year Miscellaneous events, but the most interesting thing was something you won't be able to find in Arcanum. It would just cause too much confusion, but it is fascinating to see some really old misinformation, a misunderstanding of what Shards were. Apparently, people thought there were a couple of Shards in Dragonsteel; Hoid had a Shard, the main character had a Shard, there was a Shard opposing them. I guess the assumption was that anyone with magic had a Shard. Peter had this to say about them: That second part makes me think of "giving up on the gemstone, now that it is dead": Hoid was known as Topaz in that book. It almost seems to me like he absorbed the Investiture of the Topaz, rendering it useless. (And bestowing the term "selfish" upon himself.) Basically all of this got officially walked back; Brandon stated that some of the people who had Dragonsteel were making too many inferences. But it's still an interesting insight into the unreleased book, and always fun to see what other crazy corners the fandom had managed to get itself into over the years. You can read the full threads here and here, if you're interested. So, that's all I've got for this month. I'll try to polish off the rest of the 17S posts this month, but the Skyward tour begins next week, and that will keep us really busy staying on top of the new signings.
  22. But then it became clear to It that It was in a massive galactic game of tag. And It...was It.
  23. This game was incredible! A huge thank you to the GMs for the work they put in to making this happen. I know it couldn't have been easy. I was a bit apprehensive about being Torol Sadeas, mostly because I hated him so much in the book. Once we started, I very much enjoyed myself. Especially my conversations with Wit. @Steeldancer, I owe you several upvotes! I'm so glad you included this in the write-up! You're forgiven... mostly The chances of that happening, and some of the other situations around it actually made my death funny.
  24. Odium just wants to be top dog. He's doing that by eliminating the other Shards (by splintering them). He doesn't want to absorb their power because that would fundamentally change him. He is specifically targeting Shards he sees as having broken their pact and Shards that could be a threat to him. For example, Ambition was number one on his hit list due to the Shard's Intent (makes sense that he'd think Ambition would be his #1 rival). However, he couldn't find him at first, so he went after Dominion/Devotion who settled on the same planet (and thus breaking the pact, in his mind).
  25. The reason why Odium's champion felt familiar to Dalinar is because it was Dalinar. And he would have gotten away with it too, if not for that meddling Cultivation.
  26. I'ma in this! Name: Fred N'George Gender: Male Investiture: A-Pewter Limitations: Doesn't have any arms Strengths: Has an incredibly thick skull Method of Operation: Running at things and head-butting them Intelligence: Isn't particularly clever in the normal sense of the word, but has a very ordered and particular view of the world, due to the lo9ss of both arms and stuff. Skills: Used if the team needs another angle, a bodyguard, or a perpetrator that nobody will expect due to the loss of both arms Other facts: Has an assortment of disturbing facial expressions
  27. All hail...Queen Ialai? That sounds so wrong Good on Jasnah and Ivory for finishing the Desolation-preventing work I’d started. I’d also congratulate Tearim, but he was kind of an Elim, so...yeah. But he did kill Klade, so I guess that’s a good thing. My identity-guessing skills are actually terrible, it seems. Oh well. All the RP this game was excellent, and I hope it’s a trend that continues past this game. Special shoutouts to Wit, Sadeas and Szeth, all of whose RP I greatly enjoyed. I feel pretty good (as Adolin) that I attempted to kill most of the “elim” players this game, and as I mentioned in the dead doc, I was kind of shocked at how often I was correct. I would like to apologise to all the people I killed, though, especially Darkness (though I maintain that it was not my fault). Finally, thanks to @little wilson, @Orlok Tsubodai and @Elbereth for the considerable amount of work they poured into this game, and for keeping it balanced throughout, a difficult task with many moving parts. I greatly enjoyed this game, and even if it is unlikely that there will be another like it, I’m glad I was able to experience something this delicately complex at least once.
  28. Ha. That was great. Many thanks to Wilson, Orlok and El for running this. I was Darkness, which was great fun to be brooding and dramatic. I'll have to do RP more often in future games. Congratulations in particular to the "Eliminators" of this game - you came exceedingly close and I thought for a while that you were going to succeed in starting the Desolation, which would have been interesting.
  29. I was Liss. (First SE game as well) I took the long shot with gambling on Aesudan's support rather than sticking with Wit and Adolin, being the safe options. I knew what I was getting myself into. I also wanted to break away from the allegiance with Jasnah and the Kholins Liss had in the books... Which I found out was a mistake after Aesudan "betrayed" us for her wincons... And then I had to work with Jasnah... ...I am glad I didn't change my action to be to kill you this past turn, though I almost did after I was confused by your PMs. This game was too much fun... too much... I think I will need to put time restraints on how much I am on SE in the future... It was awkward when someone from my work came up behind me and saw I was on a google doc titled "Women"... I still don't think I have heard the last of that. As far as who killed Straw, the master spreadsheet (at the bottom of the post) says that was Szeth. Which I didn't expect. I just wish I had been less obvious as to who I was, I didn't even think about that during the game. 2 people guessed who I was to me correctly, and at least one other said they were confident they knew...
  30. I don't know how many of you have been to Seattle, but if you're coming from the south and don't want to brave Seattle Traffic, there is a light rail station in SeaTac (Angle Lake Station) that goes all the way to the University of Washington. That station is about a 15 minute walk from the signing it's about six and a half dollars round-trip, there's free parking right next door and I think It's a forty-five minute ride by train. Train station website: My brother and I will be taking the train that day. Cause I don't want to have to deal with Seattle I don't know if that helps anyone.
  31. "And so the story comes to an end. Sadly, I will be leaving now, I have other places to be. This party has been entertaining to a fault. Watching all of you scrabble about between chulls was supremely enjoyable, and will make an excellent story to tell to my future victims. For now, I will leave this world, because apparently I am needed elsewhere. Not sure what exactly I was supposed to do here, but hopefully I did it and the cosmere is pleased with me. Perhaps I'll finally find those noodles I've been looking for for 3 centuries now. Seriously, those noodles are going to be extremely good when I find them. Away with you, chully!" The chull slowly plodded out of the grand dining hall covered in dead alethi bodies. The remaining Alethi court simply looked on, and decided it was best to move on with their lives instead of worrying about whatever Wit had been rambling about.
  32. A random Ghostblood walked up to one and hugged it. The Jack O Mancer burned pewter and eviscerated the random ghostblood. Pulling the heart free from the ghostblood's chest, the Jack O Mancer began to devour it.
  33. This topic is not about discussing downvotes. Thanks!
  34. 2 likes
  35. To the nearest available spren: Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination
  36. Kaladin in the middle of WoR. King is Dalinar's Tien.
  37. New Cosmere Facepalm Memes! (Yes I'm back. More to come!) Hoid version Nazh version Former ones Enjoy
  38. Die hard Avatar RED 300 Eragon Shrek Harry Potter Mistborn movie (trailer released 1.11. 2018)
  39. The Hobbit: Lord of the Rings: The Silmarillion:
  40. sorry about the size difference, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
  41. La La La La la la La La La la la La La La la la La la la la HEE
  42. Groot was the Awakened form of the Stick which Hoid picked up and carried to Scadrial before dropping it on the ground and leaving it for Wayne to pick up and pair with his lucky hat. When Wayne became Wayne the Worldhopper (subsequently starting the hit TV show Wayne's Worlds) and went to Nalthis, Vasher stole the stick from him and Awakened it, with his only command being "Groot". Groot went on a journey of his own, traveling across the recently repaired universe until he met Rocket Racoon, who he left after five minutes because Butt Venture and Uncle Brandy and the Cornfather were cooler. And thus was the tale of Groot. This is what happens when we post at the exact same time.
  43. Since I don't have a real life Halloween costume of my own, here's a not so good quality IRL pic of me in my Joker costume from two Halloweens ago. I don't know how long I'll keep it like this.
  44. Wax shooting his wife ... again.
  45. Kandra candidate - Gaz He disappears after a bridge run. The chasms are full of skeletons from fallen warriors. He reappears as a deserter to become a trusted and loyal member of Shallan's (an important and rare surgebinder) retinue. With a very different personality. Well, slightly different.
  46. Yep. Can't let an opportunity for good irony go to waste.
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  47. Sorry that it's taken so long to get this off the ground, everyone! Things have been really busy IRL, but I'm here now. Without further ado, let's introduce our first round of competitors! @Sorana, with Breeze! @Ark1002, with TenSoon! @Paranoid King, with Tillaume! Good luck everyone! LET TOURNAMENT FOUR BEGIN!
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  48. Shadows of Self has by far the biggest gut punch for me. The way the ending hit me, I was just shocked.
    1 like
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