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Showing most liked content on 10/31/17 in Posts

  1. Silly humans, that's just the pile of loot you get when you beat the boss monster.
  2. “I think that in a coming highstorm, Queen Fen of Thaylenah is going to have a quite remarkable experience.” Of all things, who would have thought Dalinar would become a master hacker capable of uploading Stormfather.exe to the stubborn. Navani feels like the type of person who would keep a list of all the people who mocked him for his highstorm visions too...
  3. I don't know if someone has mentioned it before but I think the disk painting depicts worldhopping: Now, compare it with similar painting from Elantris: So, I very strongly suspect it's depicting worldhopping.
  4. People seem to be using the "fact" that there were 9 desolations pretty freely, as far as I know we have only been told there were less than 99 which includes a pretty large range. Am I missing something? Because otherwise a lot of these theories aren't based on much
  5. The UnMade are chunks of Odium's power that were broken off in past Desolations and have gained a measure of consciousness over time. He's the broken one. That's the nature of Honor's plan and the Oathpact, slowly dispersing Odium's power over time. I think each time humanity "wins" a desolation, Odium takes another wound and another UnMade appears. The Unmade are very dangerous, but much less focused in their evil and planning than if Odium directly held their power.
  6. This'll only work once, so mestiv or someone feel free to lock this thread until 9. Ok, fine, you can have this round So, anyway, here's the URL: https://www.tor.com/2017/10/31/oathbringer-by-brandon-sanderson-chapters-28-30/ And as usual, we start at 9 A.M. EDT.
  7. Dalinar: "This week on Dream Invasion, Teft is going to find what it's like to fight a thunderclast" Stormfather: "Bondsmith, this is not wha-" Dalinar: "DREam Inavaaaasion!"
  8. Well damnation. damnation. You know we are getting to the end of a part 1 when things ramp up like that. Dalinar - Wait, you mean I can literally share my visions with people? DOne, I invade all the dreams! Shallan - Undercover boss has nothing on me. Shallan - Lets go kick an Unmade in the teeth, the one that creates the midnight essence to boot. Other thoughts - dead spren are still cognizant when partially revived, Oathbringer hates Dalinar slightly less. That was... unexpected, tragically sad, and heartening. Definitely makes a good case for the relationship between Adolin and his blade. Adolin, can you please ask someone's spren to tell you your blade's name? Pattern - Shallan is going to run off and do something stupid, and I won't get to watch, so hurry up! Um, the conversation between Taravangian and Dalinar has to be one of my favorite scenes. I have this victorian era image, of them sitting in the great chairs, in front of a hearth, but instead of a fire, it is an LCD screen showing a picture of the fire in front of a heatlamp, reminiscing about real fire. (Its not the same). Having grown up in a house where we heated, and still heat, by wood-burning stove in the winter, I can sympathize with the feeling that nothing is quite the same as a real fire. And then their discussion. Making the hard decisions as a leader versus not making errors. Hypocrisy versus abdicating responsibility. How do you choose. I feel like the subtext is Mr T. trying to figure out if there is enough Blackthorn left in Dalinar to get the job done, while still trying to get justification from a peer for his actions, you know, the mureder of all those people. Also, Dalinar and Lift have a lot in common. She used a throne as a stool to look in high cupboards for food. He stuck a chair to a wall to look into an air vent and see a rodent. Shallan, interesting which death Re-Shepir imitated. The intentional killing, not the accidental. Intent seems important here. Adolin meant to kill. The guy meant to hurt his wife, possibly kill her. Shallan intended to stab someone in the hand. And the law intended that the murederer die by hanging. But he did not intend to kill the guy with a bottle, that was an accident in a brawl. Intent matters while Re-Shepir studies us. Also, Odiums version of a creation spren has gotten bored over the years and is curious? Is learning? Is evolving beyond her original purpose? How exciting. Odium may come back and find that his tools aren't quite what he remembered. The depictions of the heralds and Honor and cultivation. Do you think these depictions are our Endpapers? Actually, I'm certain of it, this chamber's depictions are what we see in the endpapers. And can I see these drawings of Honor and Cultivation please? Also, Shallan, you beautiful disaster. The pain of an ideal not yet overcome. Still dealing with the truth that you killed your father and mother. And your army of light was awesome. Way to kick chull while Renarin takes names. Speaking of Renarin, I am so happy to see him fitting in with Bridge four. He is a Bridgeman now. I'm so happy he has a home. Interesting to see he is still wearing the plate. I'm curious how that affects his binding and battlefield medecine. Best surgeon for Bridge four to have. Now, I have more thoughts, but please excuse me while I read all of yours, and re-read those storming awesome chapters!
  9. Man, when Shallan has 9 different personalities exactly this forum is going to lose it's mind.
  10. I think there is an Unmade for each Herald that broke under torture. So this is Shallash's unmade? If I'm right?
  11. At this very moment Jasnah drops out of a portal yelling about how everyone needs to retreat because there's a dangerous unmade trapped in the basement and Urithiru isn't safe until it's powered on. Then everyone has a hearty chuckle.
  12. Stupid meetings... Chapter 30: Mother of Lies Hmm. I am reminded of the Listener Song of Revision, the one stanza we have: Artform, of all things, is tied to creationspren. I mean, obviously, it makes sense, but there is a pretty hefty common theme running here - Shallan, art, illusions, creativity... Perhaps I am just looking too hard at something that's nothing more than a shared motif. Reminds me a little bit of how Vin fought Ruin after she Ascended. ... ah, yeah, that could explain why it reminds me of it. If this is Spiritual battle, it should feel similar. Ooooh, now this is new and interesting. Could this be tied to the Recreance? 9 Orders trapping the 9 Unmade, 1 Order to keep watch. And this either required them to break their oaths first, or the act of trapping the Unmade led to the breaking of the Oaths. Feels a little crackpotty, but I've seen worse. Hmm, I don't think that was the trap though. Maybe it was what provided fuel for the trap, but I think Re-Shephir must've been trapped in a gem similar to old Gavilar's. A gem we are going to find buried under all those gemstones. Woah, what chapters! Good stuff, team. This book is picking up nicely!
  13. These chapters were very fitting for Halloween. I am now ready for Christmas Tree Urithiru to be lit and become the shinning city. While jolly old saint Dalinar visits people in their homes leaving gifts of unification and possibly chocolate chip cookies with milk.
  14. Guys.. I'll update it when the final 2 chapters release, but here is the draft work! Oathbringer: Part 1 Parody Epigraph: I am not gonna tell you anything! Just gonna tease ya like Rothfuss’s next book’s release date! Na nana na NA! Renarin:…. Dalinar: I am confused, dunno what to do. The world is about to end. Hey Navani – Let us get married! Navani: Yeah, got nothing better to do anyway. Let’s do it! Stormfather: Hey, Hey! I’ll bring in the percussion! Got something groovy happening! Shallan: Hey Adolin! Let’s make babies! Pattern: Um, this is not an Orson Scott Card/GRRM book! That language is not allowed by Brandon! No mating! Adolin: Mumble mumble! Duh! Renarin: ….. [17 Sharders scurrying & speculating May Aladar is Vivienna] Kaladin: Hey, mum, dad and cute baby! How are ya! Dad: Cute baby is your bro. Can you stop playing with your little sword now? Kaladin: Hey miss! I am hot, radiant and interested in you. Wanna go on a date? Larel: Nah! Sorry mate, I got a fat bozo for a hubby. Much rather have him than you. Kaladin: Oww.. let me go and kick some chull by flying around then! Syl: Hey Kal! I see some parshmen. I can turn into a sword and you can whoop their backside! Kal: Nah! I’ve got this slave fetish/fantasy going – see those brands on my head? Guys – I surrender! Renarin:….. [17 Sharders discussing if another incidental character is Vivienna] Epigraph: I am not gonna tell you anything! Just gonna tease ya like Rothfuss’s next book’s release date! Na nana na NA! Taravangian: Hey Dally, wanna be pally? Dalinar: Jeez, that was a terrible line. Mr. T, you need to have your meds. Malata:….. Shallan: Guys guys. This ain’t WoT, and Brandon likes to keep his PoVs limited. So, I offer you – Shallan’s split personalities! Adolin: Mumble mumble! Duh! Renarin:….. [17 Sharders discussing if everyone in the book is Vivienna] Epigraph: I am not gonna tell you anything! Just gonna tease ya like Rothfuss’s next book’s release date! Na nana na NA! Shallan: Hey, I got it.. I am gonna head down the hole. But guess what. Adolin: Mumble mumble! Duh! Renarin:….. Shallan: Never mind. Just come along [Whoops midnight mother’s backside, but wimps out at the end, to keep the story going] Adolin: Mumble mumble! Duh! Renarin:….. Stormfather: OK folks. Time’s up. Part one is almost over and Brandon needs to move the story along. You know guys I really don’t like to tell you anything, but hey, tell you what. I can bring another person to have a look at the visions! Hey! Don’t get cross that I took almost the ENTIRE PART 1 and Words of Radiance to come up with the idea. BUT I’VE BEEN BUSY being a PAIN IN THE chull! [Random sprouts from 17 Sharders claiming themselves to be Vivienna]
  15. Night 7: Foresight Locke, Assuming your similarity to a Koloss does not extend further than your looks, you will have noticed that I do not like you. And in case it does, I have stated it for you anyway. If this letter has found you, then I am dead, and one of my associates will have delivered this letter to you in secret, because I believe you to be the correct person for this. I'm not too surprised by this, I knew it was unlikely that I would survive all of my plans. But even from beyond the grave, I am glad to say that I will still be sowing chaos. And you will help me. So you may be asking yourself in this moment, ‘why me? Why has the talented, intelligent and beautiful – and sadly deceased - Armina seen fit to bless my worthless, pitiful, meaningless existence with this letter?’ The answer, o Obligator of little brain, is because I know you will avenge me, and happily at that. ‘Now Armina,’ you will be saying, in that incredulous tone you always take when someone has outsmarted you, ‘why would I avenge the death of a skaa? One that I spend most of my day hating, at that?’ You simply won’t be able to help yourself. This letter will give you everything you need to destroy Waern. Perhaps you think it’s odd for me to have my revenge be your success, but it’s only odd if you’re as self-centred as you are, and think that this particular revenge is all about you. It is not. You were at best an amusing distraction from my real enemy. You see, while I hate you, I hate Waern far more. I enclose within this letter the dirt you need on Waern. You will avenge me by making his life a living hell, playing him like a puppet on your strings. It makes me happy to know that you will torture yourself over the fact that I’m the one you owe any success in your life to. Though, I’m sure Waern will also try to stab you in the back at some point, so perhaps there’s a chance for you both to suffer at my hand. Unfortunately, this does mean you will need to find another hobby other than thinking about me. Armina Locke’s eyes skimmed the other information enclosed within the envelope. His eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. Then he couldn’t contain it anymore, and started to laugh, not just at the letter’s contents, but the whole situation. She must have written this some time ago, before he started to call her out. Certainly he doubted she would be happy for him to have this now. “Perhaps you shouldn’t have forced me to do some cleaning,” Locke mused to himself, pocketing the letter he certainly was not meant to have found yet. He placed the book back on the shelf that he had been dusting. He’d found the book in the wrong place, and was going to put it back on the correct shelf, but suddenly he no longer cared about the library ordering system. Everything fell into place as he thought about yesterday, and the supposed ‘evidence’ that Waern had overruled them with. He knew she must have had something held over Waern’s head, but now he knew what it was. And it was certainly effective. But now he had information as well. All he had to do was take her out as carefully and quietly as possible… When Locke arrived in the atrium, a tad late to the meeting, here was already a heated discussion under way. Or more precisely, a discussion had already occurred, and he was here witnessing the aftermath. “-I’ll tell them what I’ve kept secret!” Armina was shouting at Waern and the other assembled Obligators. Locke began to panic. To hell with being careful! His blackmail was worthless, worthless, if it became public knowledge. He had to act fast. His hand went to the knife on his belt and he drew it, striding forwards quickly, up behind Armina. “My very last act shall be to destroy you and everything you’ve lived for, Waer-!” He buried the knife in the side of Armina’s neck, clamping a hand over her mouth to quiet her. He held her briefly in his arm, ensuring her silence with his hand, waiting until she expired. She bit at his hand, trying to get him to let go, but his hold on her was too strong for her to shake. When he could no longer feel her breath on his palm, he withdrew the knife and let her unceremoniously drop to the floor. He picked her arm up and wiped his knife on her sleeve, before letting it fall again. “...Apologies sir,” Locke then said, bowing to Waern and the rest of the crowd. “But I couldn’t stand by while she started to slander you. Who knows what lies she was going to create in her desperation?” “Hm...” Waern nodded, drawing a handkerchief out of his pocket and dabbing at the sweat on his forehead. “Yes, yes. You are forgiven, Obligator Locke. As she was a skaa heretic, your indignation at her continued existence is understandable. I think it is only right to commend you for your swift resolution of the situation. I promise you that your service today won't be forgotten.” Locke grinned. Armina (Arranae) was a Seer! Armina/Arranae (8): Sheon/Seonid, Locke/Orlok Tsubodai, Hadrian/Araris Valerian, John/Shqueeves, Variel/StrikeEZ, Marsh/Darkness_, Pix/Lemeonelon, Sony Locke/Orlok Tsubodai (1): Armina/Arranae Night 7 has begun! It will end at 21:00 PM GMT on Wednesday. There is still a Tineye alive, so PMs may be continue to be sent. Players Quick Links:
  16. An interesting thought... All or most of the books have decayed, unsurprisingly. How well paper lasts depends upon a lot of factors but it's rare for it preserve well across 1500 years, or however long it has been since the tower was abandoned. So anyway... books should have a spren / cognitive part. They should "remember" what they were. Maybe they can be restored with Soulcasting?
  17. It fits so well though. Otherwise you could end up with the same Herald breaking every time. Given how tired they all were in the Prelude, I'd think that some of them would give in pretty quickly. I can envision it... "Dammit, Carl! We were only being tortured for five minutes this time! We've had seventeen Desolations in the last two weeks!"
  18. I'm pretty sure WOB is that Drehy is gay, so...
  19. So will Dalinar eventually use the Stormfather’s dream share ability to communicate with Kaladin since he has been off the grid for so long?
  20. Knowing Brandon, her 7th, 8th and 9th personality will all come about quickly in the final few chapters, and we'll have 3 years of theory crafting regarding Shallan=Odium's Champion. Only for the first chapter of book 4 to reveal a 10th and 11th.
  21. I feel like this isn't the end of that library. I wonder if Progression can heal more than just living tissue? For example, if there's a decayed book, it might still think of itself as a book in the CR or have an ideal state in the SR, and maybe Progression can use either to make it whole again.
  22. I think we all need to chill on the authoritative "this is what definitely causes a desolation" statements when all we have is a vague nod of approval from Brandon that amounts to a RAFO.
  23. Midnight essences were in Dalinar's visvion of a previous desolation, this means at least one unmade predates the breaking of the oathpact
  24. I wanted to start a new discussion thread for Shallan's transformation magic. This has been refined by some very fine arguments against by @Alderant in another thread, so I'm going to try to summarize my evidence and logic here, along with my new theory and relevant WoB for discussion in its own thread. Theory: Shallan is able to do some sort of combination of soulcasting and lightweaving to change people's perceptions of themselves, allowing a magical transformation which can alter who they are. (Update, appears to just be lightweaving, see reference to Renarin in Chapter 10 on page 2 of thread) We have a WoB on the subject I wasn't aware of before There's a whole bunch of supporting text about Shallan placing soulcastings on herself to fully adopt Radiant, and on the deserters. To see those passages, check this link. But, as Shallan struggles with accepting the pain of killing her parents, she's started using her powers to perceive herself as different people, as Veil, and as Radiant, not just as an act, but as a full person. Shallan thinks she might have killed her brothers, and so Pattern mentions that something is wrong with the lies Shallan places on herself. In response, Shallan mentions she has to go deeper, and that's when she starts to behave strangely in the more recent chapters, which seems to be clearing up after her encounter in 30. I do want to point out a few passages from 29 though that support my point about her separating the personalities more completely. So to summarize my comments inside the quotes, she is comparing her own personality in character with other personalities and has to transition through Shallan to get to Radiant. Since it affects her internal narration, we obviously can infer that this is coming from her internal perceptions of herself, and her contact and influence over bluth began, as @Alderant points out, wiht Jasnah teaching Shallan the importance of self-perception and image and the power it conveys. That's because it's fundamentally important to this type of magic if I'm correct about where we have seen if before and who we have seen use it. Warbreaker Spoilers: I think that Shallan's combination of Lightweaving and Soulcasting is triggered by both her artistic abilities in her drawing and her leadership qualities taught by Jasnah, and this triggers a magical effect similar to that we've seen before in the spoiler tag. Alright, rip me to pieces!
  25. Okay I have had time to reflect. All of these answers are clearly incorrect. The true writer of Oathbringer is...
  26. My impression is that Re-Sephir ignored Shallan because Shallan was encased, head to toe, in Stormlight (she created a lightweaving of herself to hide that she was Veil from Adolin right before descending into the pit). Re-Sephir could not find her because of the lightweaving... maybe? It, somehow, interfered with whatever mechanism Re-Sephir used to mimic people. @mariapapadia Tagging you as I think you quoted the same portion but I was too lazy to double quote haha
  27. I think you hit the nail on the head. Soulcasting involves how an object identifies/sees itself, and affects a change on that object's Identity. The changes in the physical realm (as we've seen with Shai) are merely reflectation of that change in the cognitive realm. I think the refinements you've made to this theory are quite in line with what I was saying. My point wasn't that the combination of the magic was impossible, but rather that the magic was not the source of the changes. And I think, given the recent additions to Shallan's dialogue, your theory has merit. I don't actually disagree with a lot of this. Thank you for posting this, by the way. You gave me an inlet for a of thoughts I had when reading the chapters: I can see how you could argue that Shallan/Veil is referring to two people, rather than to herself. However, this isn't actually outside the realm of "method acting" (which you referenced). Method acting (which is a different technique to achieve the same goal to what I was talking about in the other thread) is actually very similar to what Shallan is doing by "going deeper". Method actors don't just debate how a character would think and perceive in their mind, they wholeheartedly jump into the role and for a time actually live as if they were that person. Which is exactly what Shallan has started doing since the "going deeper" comment. What I see going on here is that Veil is comparing "personas" at this point--kind of like weighing the pros and cons of who she is. We actually see her do the same with Radiant, but I just don't read this as being two separate people. I read this as comparing her personas, which she's done since she started adopting them. Lies and truth. Truth and lies. How these personas are her, and aren't. However, I will submit that stormlight is perhaps augmenting that effort in a rather unexpected way, and combined with her mental avoidance issues (running to these personas to avoid dealing with the pain), she is losing herself--which is a point I've made: that she's trying to destroy "Shallan" in her efforts to avoid the pain. That's partially indicated in the text: The above quoted text is split as it is because it reinforces a point I've made before: That "Shallan the bright-eyed lady" is a persona meant to guard against the pain of Shallan, the child. I will go into this more upon request, but it's a tangent to the main topic here. What's interesting to me here is that the reversion to Shallan doesn't seem to be intentional. If you notice, she actually switches between Veil and Shallan three times once things start going down, before switching to Radiant: Now, up until Shallan began using stormlight, she was maintaining the Veil persona pretty deeply. Indeed, all of your mention about persona analysis (my term) occurs prior to this. However, what is interesting here is that once she starts using stormlight, her personas become harder to maintain a hold on. Radiant's use came after she discovered the thing dive into a hole in the stone--which means Shardblade, and that means Radiant. And if "Shallan the light-eyes" is indeed a persona, and not Shallan's core, then our previous debate regarding stormlight and the personas takes on a new light, and might actually reinforce your theory. Once she enters the fight with Re-Shephir, she seems to become more grounded, and actually addresses her pain (which is a huge step!): This calls to a later passage during the cognitive battle with Re-Shephir: Notice in this segment that for the first time Shallan takes the aspects of both Veil and Radiant, but uses them as herself. So I respectfully submit this idea that runs alongside your theory (again, if anyone wants a more fully analysed theory, ask and I'll get it up on the forums at a later date): Child-Shallan, after murdering her mother, created a persona to avoid all of the trauma and mental anguish. This persona eventually became the "Shallan" that everyone met and interacted with. As Shallan begins to dive into more personas, augmented through a combination of the illumination and transformation surges, she begins to lose her sense of self, as she is not grounded in who she really is, but the fight with Re-Shephir causes her to become more grounded. (I'm sorry if my thoughts are disjunct. I'm tired and not at my best.) Finally, @Fifth of Daybreak, @Leyrann have some cookies! Edit: @Fifth of Daybreak Could you put the beginning text inside a quote to more easily differentiate what is from Oathbringer, what's from a Fifth of Daybreak fanfic , and what's from your theory?
  28. "Scotty, give me more power!" "I can't, the gemcore is about to blow! She's giving everything she's got!"
  29. Rude. Sorry I apparently insulted your favorite character. Also, it's going to be a long walk from genocidal doomsday prepper to any kind of honorable leader. He bleeds people to death by the hundreds. He considered sterilizing stupid people. He utilized Szeth to kill an entire royal family several times over to try and kick of Roshar Battle Royale. He's an actual monster. He isn't an antihero, he's an interesting villain. He is capital E evil by basically every definition, and saying "But muh greater good" doesn't justify it per the black and white, good and evil moral code of the narrative. Are there shades of gray? Yes, but those shades so far have been navigated to find a definitive truth by our main characters so far. There is honor and justice or dishonor and evil, as per the magical rules of the world.
  30. Well, considering that Shallan just drove off a piece of Odium, it seems a tad premature to start shoving her into the Odium's Champion pigeonhole. I'm not sure that Shallan has a real connection to the Unmade, except in the sense that it knows her. I wonder if Shallan will confront it again during OB or in a future book? I suspect she'll need a full Radiant bond to face it for real and have any chance of destroying it or similar. Besides, Shallan has the ultimate plot armour - no Shallan, no sketchbook. If another gifted artist turns up, maybe we can start to worry though
  31. It may be a stretch, but has anyone considered Szeth as the writer of Oathbringer? Several of the quotes would fit his experiences ie confessing his murders, him being a heretic, hanging between realms when he was thought to be dead, etc.?
  32. I think that since the unmade was covering the gemstone pillar it wouldn't recharge during the highstorm. Now that the unmade has moved on it should invest. Remember they descended lots of stairs so this is located in the basement so to speak. They lowered their spheres in order to charge them. It's like an electric main connected to a huge battery that gets charged every highstorm. The gemstone battery could be connected to the strata which would distribute the stormlight battery to the whole tower. Awesome!
  33. I don't think that the murals are the pictures we have seen. The artists of those are recent enough that they are known by in world people, but Urithiru is much older, so they can't be the same
  34. It made me think of a shardpool
  35. So, looks like we all get to be right. There was an Unmade in Urithiru, but the copycat killer was technically a Midnight Essence, not a spren. (I had thought it was a Midnight Essence analogue, but apparently what we had seen in the WoK flashback was an Axehound Essence.) Man, I really want to get that mural, with the ten kinds of spren and depictions of Honor and Cultivation. But I fear that, for an illustration, we'll get Lyn's map, instead. Not that there's anything wrong with that... but I would much rather have the mural! Re-Shephir illustrates that not all nine of the Unmade are indeed intelligent; this one is getting there, but it's still mostly a force. It does feel, it does think somewhat, but it's a very primal drive that has only reached its current level after thousands of years. It is very much an animal of a spren. Why did it try to bond Shallan? Tear Pattern out, insert itself instead? What would that have created? A Voidbinder? Or is that analogous to how Hemalurgic creations can be controlled, and Re-Shephir was trying to use the cracks in Shallan's soul, which had been augmented by Pattern's bond, to take control over her? Some chronology questions. The Radiants used Urithiru after the Last Desolation. When did Re-Shephir move in? Was it a recent? Or has she been there ever since the Radiants left? She was captured - who released her, and how? I hope they'll continue their pursuit of her... there are a lot of questions, now that we've actually seen an Unmade on-screen. What do we think Gemstone Central is for? Is it a central hub for Urithiru's power? Once they get it Infused, will all the other fabrials in Urithiru start working again? Looking forward to next week. I guess we'll get a Dalinar chapter where he speaks with Fen in a dream, and a Kaladin chapter where they finally reach the Voidbringer gathering, and we'll learn something very shocking about the nature of the Listeners...
  36. Ha. Queen Fen is finally going to get some sleep. Won't quite be what she hoped for.
  37. I dunno I’m pretty sure he won that at the 17th annual Herald Rodeo. Those represent the three events he won. Chull ridding is the blue one. Axehound roping is the green one. The pink/purple one is rockbud racing.
  38. The answer, of course, is Brandon Sanderson.
  39. Is this the book where Gerald appears? I really must read it in that case ;-) Sorry, Gigalemesh. Really can't help myself.
  40. I see the "Taravangian can't be a Radiant because of the first Oath" is coming up again so I'll just leave this here
  41. 5 likes
  42. Hmm...how could Mraize sense the Midnight Mother... *ponders* The midnight essence bleed when you cut them, but their "blood" is smokey, insubstantial...ghost-like. You might say they have...Ghostblood .
  43. Nine divided by three is three. Bondsmiths are of Odium.
  44. If only you had misspelled it as the ten Geralts...
  45. As was pointed out to me by @Overlord Jebus, Vorinism says there are 99 desolations, Brandon has said their was less. We should take the 9 desolations theory with a grain of salt till we see differently
  46. In other news, Dalinar casually pulling a jumping pull up, while engaging in Lift like behavior. damnation Dalinar, you still lift. Good show man.
  47. 5 likes
  48. I love that this hog story brings forth Taravangians worldview without Dalinar suspecting a thing about the Diagram. Furthermore, Dalinar, King T and Amaram together offer extremely enterataining moral discussion. I could read a spinoff with just the three of them talking.
  49. I wonder if attaching GIFs works...
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