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  1. Tyrian Falls... it's a pun. Get it. Get it? Anyway, drew that in honor of the occasion.
  2. The Cosmere Theories subforum summary via Imgflip Meme Generator
  3. Actual street sign in my neighborhood:
  4. Well, I just finished my first set at the archery range. First off all: ow. My hands and arms hurt. I think it was a longbow I used, but I still wasn't expecting the draw to be so much. Unfortunately, I don't have any fun stories. I NEARLY split an arrow, but that wasn't intentional, so even if it had happened, not something to brag about But... I enjoyed it. So, there's that.
  5. From the album: A Smidgen of Stormlight

    Also made in 3DS Max. I also used the plugin RayFire for the cracks.
  6. Alright, the illustrious Isaac Steward finally got back to me! Busy man, that guy is. I've formatted both my email and his reply in a Q&A kind of form we are mostly familiar with from the various event transcriptions. Also, a link to the map, for easy reference.
  7. From the album: A Smidgen of Stormlight

    I made this in Autodesk 3DS Max.
  8. "No catsh?" IT WASH ALL THE CATSH! All the catsh in me head! An the human imagination ish limitlessh, sho in a way infinite numbersh of catsh were harmed. From another pershpective it might sheem like they were moshtly a bunch of whishkey bottlesh with whishkersh drawn on in crayon. But that'sh just from a shertain point of view.
  9. Kaladin was tired of running. All his spheres dun, the man could not heal. He was bruised, sore, but fortunately had no wounds that bled, save for a few abrasions that made his skin wet and red. Aside from the relentless exhaustion that followed the use of too much Stormlight, his only real problem was a lack of fine motor skills. Although his head ached like it was split in half, he had no other signs of a concussion, so the difficulty he had controlling his hands and feet must have come from the Voidbringer’s lightning itself. Whatever the blast of electricity had done to him, he hoped it could be reversed. Not only did it make it hard for him to wield Syl, but it made him clumsy, too. It took nearly all his focus not to trip as he fled from his pursuers, and even then, he still found himself staggering into the chasm walls. It was a miracle Kaladin had survived at all. Syl mentioned that she had something to do with it, although he did not understand how. He’d have asked for details if she didn’t seem so exhausted herself. The spren had never been anything but energetic, but whatever stunt she pulled had drained her and left her struggling to stay awake. Kaladin let her sleep in the pocket on his chest. He might not be able to rest, but that didn’t mean she needed to suffer, too. In a way, Kaladin had the Voidbringer’s storm to thank for getting him this far. If not for the flood sweeping him away from Narak, he was certain the monsters would have tore him limb from limb. He just wished he wasn’t so helpless. Without Syl or Stormlight, Kaladin was doomed if the Voidbringers ever caught up to him. Shortly after waking up, his body jammed into a crevasse several meters off the ground, he had run into a pair of Voidbringers. The battle was less than pretty, but somehow he came out of it alive. It made him realize that he couldn’t return to the Oathgate. The monsters would surely be watching it, waiting for him to show his face. It also made him realize he couldn’t simply hide and hope for help. The Voidbringers knew the Shattered Plains better than him. Anywhere he could hide they would surely check first. That left him with only one option. Run. As far and fast as he possibly could. The earth shook and thunder resounded behind him, waking Syl from her nap and urging Kaladin to move quicker. Eshonai and her allies hummed to the Rhythm of Craving as they leapt from one plateau to another. Judging by the number of Listeners gathered in the distance, her group was the last one to arrive. Around the time her kin began summoning the storm, she found a camp of human refugees in the chasms, and attacked in case the Radiant was hiding among them. It wasn’t a long or difficult battle, more of a slaughter than it was a skirmish, but it kept them from noticing the signal. Given that it was still brewing in the sky, she figured that meant the Radiant was still alive, not that she understood why. Melu was there and Eshonai knew the woman wanted the glory of killing the Alethi herself. What was taking so long? Those who weren’t busy maintaining the storm were casting lightning at a massive stone that looked a lot like those monstrous horses that Blackthorn and his son would ride into battle. For that reason, her scouts had named the landmark Rysharock. It was a good place to hide, for a lone man. The cavern within it was large enough that three people could live in it comfortably, and it had only a single entrance, so thin that even Venli would have to turn her body to squeeze through it. If Eshonai had to guess, the Radiant was probably using his sprenspear to keep anyone from getting in, hence the listeners attempts at knocking it down. All they needed to do was get the roof to collapse. Eshonai would then use her Shardblade to carve a path inside and finish the deed herself, if he wasn't dead already. The Radiant might as well already be a corpse. Rapidly approaching an exceptionally wide chasm, Eshonai concentrated her power into her legs, causing them to spark with crimson energy, and prepared to leap. When she did, she jumped higher than she ever had before. High enough that she didn’t land until she was halfway across the next plateau, and high enough that she saw two armies worth of Alethi converging just beyond it. She recognized the colors and the banners. Blackthorn had come to rescue his prized soldier, it seemed. Barking an order at her soldiers to hasten their pace, she resolved to reach Rysharock first and kill the Radiant before Dalinar had the chance to attack. “Lift!” Grumbling, Jonly followed the command, tapping iron to brace himself and pewter to bolster his strength, careful not to let his swelling muscles grow too much, so that to the casual observer it would just look like he was flexing. The feruchemical combination made hefting the Bridge onto his shoulder easy, although the weight gain made it harder for him to run. Fortunately the other Initiates were moving slower than he was in spite of the Bloodlight flowing through their veins. It wasn’t that he had a problem taking orders from Ranatar. He actually respected the man, or more specifically, the cold, calculating monster that he became in situations like this. He just resented the order itself, as it meant he had to waste more of his feruchemical reserves carrying this rusting thing. He’d use Bloodlight like the rest of them, but for whatever reason, it resisted him unless his life was on the line. Running towards the next chasm, he pondered why that was. He knew that it was hard to mix different sources of investiture. Was it possible that taking the power of the Well had change his soul permanently? If so, he could see Honor’s power struggling to bypass Preservation. They were both stubborn as far as Intents went, but the inherent nature of Preservation was stagnation. Letting another force alter Jonly for any other reason than his survival would betray that, certainly. Satisfied with the conclusion, he focused on the task at hand. “Drop!” Ranatar yelled. Jonly, Fifth, Sareth and Kintas obeyed. Without being asked, each man ran behind the bridge and leaned against it. When Ranatar joined them and gave the next command, they pushed the bridge over the chasm with controlled might. Too hard and it would fly onto the plateau. Too soft and it would fall into the chasm below. Over the last few hours, their team had become rather efficient at properly measuring their strength. Perhaps today wasn’t a complete waste, after all. Hearing the stampede of footsteps behind him, Jonly didn’t linger behind the bridge for long. Running out of the soldier’s way, he found Rea who watched the Voidbringers, his soft face emotionless, but his eyes hinting terror. “Rea,” Jonly called the boy’s name as softly as he could, though by the way the boy jumped, he was sure it sounded like a growl all the same. “Can I have some water, please?” Too small to help carrying the bridge, they designated Rea as their water boy, though he often forgot the task. Nervous, he fumbled through the satchel at his side, searching for a fresh waterskin. “Here,” he said, though he sounded more like a she. At what age did Alethi boys reach puberty, anyway? Taking a long gulp, Jonly breathed out a sound of relief. “Thanks,” he said, trying not to sound scary. Rea’s eyes looked more scared, still. Whatever. He didn’t care that he scared children, and there was someone shouting his name anyway. Ranatar. “Jonly, Rea. After Highprince Aladar’s men finish crossing, we need to follow them over and regroup with the other Initiates. A few of us should stay behind to protect the bridge in case the Voidbringers try to cut off our escape, but I have a feeling that Dalinar is going to want our help. Would you two mind holding back? I can see if anyone else wants to assist you if you don’t feel comfortable defending this location on your own.” “Fine,” barked Jonly. Rea jumped a little, though Ranatar didn’t even blink at his tone. Yes, that man truly was a monster, no matter how harmless he looked. Apparently satisfied, Ranatar ran off to join Fifth and Sareth. Where had Kintas run off to? Not that Jonly really cared. Across the plateau, Aladar’s soldiers formed a line. The Voidbringers had noticed their arrival and begun hurtling bolts of hate at them. They were monsters too, though not the kind Jonly could respect. Odium, on the other hand… Absently, Jonly wondered if he’d ever meet Him. Turning to Rea, he opened his mouth to tell the boy to follow, but just waved his hand towards the bridge instead and running for it, hoping the boy wasn’t frozen by his fear. Already soldiers were dying, and the men belonging to Kholin hadn’t even finished joining them, yet. As soon as Jonly crossed the bridge, a scorched, twitching corpse fell a few meters away from him with a sickening crunch, cast into the air by a bolt of lightning that crashed into the earth beneath his now bloody, stumpy feet. Jonly didn’t bother to check his pulse. If the man was still alive, there was no way he’d survive wounds like those, and so he just ran to the man, slung him over his shoulder, and brought him to the chasm, passing Rea on the way. The boy looked confused, then disgusted, as Jonly threw the seizing man into the pit below. If he was still alive then, he wouldn’t be when he hit the ground. Jonly would explain his actions to the boy if he thought it might allieve his fear. It was important that the plateau was uncluttered in case the soldiers needed to make a hasty retreat. Wouldn’t do them any good if there were men they had to jump and potentially trip over. Behind him, another soldier fell from the sky. Fortunately for Rea, this one had his head blown off and thus was definitely dead. Still, the boy looked like he wanted to throw up when Jonly grabbed the corpse and threw it over the ledge. The sounds of battle filled his ears. So the soldiers had finally gathered and began their attack, then. He heard a crash and spun, thinking he’d find another singed soldier. Instead, he found a bright flash of light, and when it faded, a prison cell. What? “Turn off that light!” Uther yelled, shielding his eyes from whatever that intense glowing was. Unable to sleep the night before, he was finally trying to catch up on lost time. Between this and the snoring, Veriq was probably the worst cellmate in the world. When he responded only with a frightened yelp, Uther finally raised himself from his bed and looked. It was the strangest thing. At Veriq’s feet, a ring of light was forming, although the proper way to describe the process was more like it was being spun into existence. “Help me!” he yelled. Uther didn’t understand why he didn’t try stepping through the ring, let alone over it. He acted like his body was locked inside it, a cell within a cell. The ring… it was growing brighter and taller at an accelerating rate. By the time Uther leapt out from underneath his covers, it was too late. The ring had become a cylinder, covering Veriq completely and cutting off his screams, the light so bright that Uther had too look away or else risk permanent damage to his eyes. “What?” Was that voice… “Jonly?” Blinking, Uther watched the man in disbelief. Warily, the man stepped forward, out of the afterimage left behind by the cylinder. “How the rusts did I get here?” “Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.” While Adolin and Aladar were busy giving orders to the soldiers, Dalinar, Renarin and Shallan gathered the Squires and the Initiates. “Teft? How is he?” “Alive, sir, but still weak. And that rock he’s hiding in…” “Doesn’t look like it’ll stand many more lightning strikes,” finished Skar. Drehy and Leyten almost made a move to run, but Dalinar halted them with his hand. “During the Battle in Stormseat, Adolin used his Blade to cut a path through a crem-crusted building, allowing him to flank the Voidbringers and turn the tide of battle. Today, I’ll need Shallan here to do the same, only this time she will be opening an exit for Kaladin to escape through. “Problem is, that rock is surrounded on all sides and looks like it’s going to collapse soon. I need you all, with the help of the Squires and my son, to break through the Voidbringers and protect Shallan as she extracts your Captain to safety. I’ll try to help you as best I can, but it seems by powers aren’t very helpful in situations like this. Do you understand your orders?” In unison, the Initiates shouted “Yes sir!” In contrast to their response the night before, it seemed a day carrying bridges had developed a sense of oneness in them. “Then move!” Sareth swung his staff low, knocking several Voidbringers off their feet. Though his weapon wasn’t very good at killing, it was more than efficient at distracting and disabling his opponents, leaving them open for his allies to finish. The felled Voidbringers regained their senses and began to rise, chanting furiously, their arms crackling with scarlet energy. “Fifth?” he asked. “Kintas?” When no one responded, he clutched one end of his staff in two hands and began swinging, aiming for the Voidbringer’s head. The first one he hit fell back to the floor with a crunch, a chitinous protrusion on its face having been shattered on impact. The thing wasn’t bleeding from the wound, but it also wasn’t moving, which was a good sign. Pleased, Sareth spun on another Voidbringer, though this one managed to deflect the blow with its shoulder, flipping onto its stomach. Still very much alive, but stunned momentarily all the same. In the corner of his eye, another Voidbringer had scrambled to its feet and lunged at Sareth. He noticed too late to perform a counter attack, but Sareth had just enough time to step out of the way. Despite the ground being wet, he could still feel the soil packed into the souls of his boots crunching with every step. Narrowly he avoided that attack, but as a pair of Voidbringers stalked towards him, teeth bared like a snarling axehound, he wondered how much longer he could last like this without any help. Backing away, he stumbled over a dead Voidbringer, its face caved in and its left arm severed at the elbow. Who killed this one, and when? Looking left, then right, he saw nothing but Voidbringers surrounding him, though most were facing outward. Some were chanting and blasting the rock Stormblessed was hiding. Others were fighting Initiates that Sareth couldn’t see over their tall, broad shoulders. Then he looked back and spotted two of his teammates. One was staring directly at him, while the other fought off a pair of Voidbringers on their own. “Truth be Told!” he shouted. “For a moment there I thought myself doomed.” The Initiate smiled. “Sareth-son-Erneth, before you became a Truthseeker, you were nothing but a leach. You stole from the labors of others, feasting on the fruits of their fields. When your transgressions were finally discovered, you lied to the authorities. Your methods changed from stealing food to stealing money, becoming hungrier for more every day, until eventually you assaulted an unarmed man, then took everything he had, even the cloak on his back. Including his most cherished possession: a book. The very same book you’ve dedicated your whole life to since.” It was true, though it was a perverse version of it, if Sareth had any say in the matter. “You don’t understand. My family was poor, starving. I did what I needed to do so they’d survive. And the Truthseeker… yes, I intended to rob the man, but he gave those things to me. Is it really thievery then?” A Voidbringer grabbed Sareth’s foot and began to drag him away. “Why are you just standing there!” he yelled, kicking at the monster with his free leg, trying to pull the other free. “Help me!” “I will,” the Initiate said, drawing a dagger from their belt and readying to throw it. Only they seemed to be aiming it a little low… “Oh no,” Sareth breathed. The other Initiate finished their enemy off with a sword through the chest, then turned to face them. “Help!” Sareth yelled, though the Initiate turned a blind eye. “Let justice be done,” the Initiate holding the dagger said confidently. A flick of the wrist later, and the weapon was gone. Sareth could only watch in horror as it buried itself in his brain. Several days ago, in a place that’s both a little bit and very far away... The Phantom Stranger scowled. He should have killed Hashiv when he had the chance. The fool seemed to be blabbering to everyone that his powers had been stolen. A lot of good they did the Stranger, anyway. For some reason the Stormlight resisted him whenever he breathed, and didn’t seem as effective with him as it did the others. Maybe he needed to bond a spren before it would obey him properly. Well that can come at another time. For now, I have a loose end in need of being tied. Finally, the Phantom Stranger found Hashiv huddled in one of the dark hallways, crammed between the wall and an archway. There was an insane look in his eyes. One that the Phantom Stranger was too familiar with seeing, back where he came from. Surely the Spike hadn’t had that much of an effect on the poor lad? Sitting next to Hashiv, the Phantom Stranged sighed deeply. He stared at the Purelaker for a while, head cocked and expression curious. When he finally collected his thoughts, he stood back up and began to approach the lad, a frown adorning his shaking head, a knife in his hand. “I really, truly am sorry.” No amount of apologies could make up for what he did next.
  10. Hey guys! I'm new to the 17th Shard, I'm a hardcore Sanderson fan, and have read all Cosmere books, The Reckonerverse, etc. If there is anything I should know before proceeding to immersing myself in 17th Sharders, feel free to respond. Bye!
  11. I shared this on The Stormlight subreddit and thought I'd share it here as well. Reddit post. In the WoK, Hoid tells the story of a group of people who committed horrible things under the orders of a king only to discover that that king had been dead for years, and that they were responsible for their horrible actions. The dead king is discovered in the passage below: “Derethil and his men came out of the tower a short time later, carrying a desiccated corpse in fine robes and jewelry. ‘This is your emperor?’ Derethil demanded. ‘We found him in the top room, alone.’ It appeared that the man had been dead for years, but nobody had dared enter his tower. They were too frightened of him." In the final chapter Dalinar finally realizes that the Almighty hadn't been talking in response to him, that he hadn't been following orders but had been misinterpreting the visions. He then learns that the Almighty is dead. The title of this final chapter? In the Top Room.
  12. I don't have much to say . . .
  13. Adolin would never murder someone though, why would you suggest such a thing? #Adolindidnothingwrong
  14. Hi everyone, I just discovered Sanderson's books when I was trying to decided what series I wanted to read next. I can't remember what website recommended them though. I have just finished reading WoR, having read all of the the Stormlight Archive books in the past week. I have to say they were absolutely amazing. I have loved this series so far, and am interested in reading the rest of Sanderson's books. I would appreciate any recommendations on the order I should read the other books/series in the cosmere. I also love Hoid!
  15. Hi! I've posted some of my lego Sanderson fan art here before, but I finally made a dedicated site for it. The page with Sanderson stuff is at http://www.secondbrickfast.com/index.php/brandon-sanderson-art if you are interested, though the sidebar also shows a few albums for a couple other authors. Spoilers abound, but I did my best to outline the nature of the spoilers in the text before each album. Still, if you haven't read everything by Sanderson, I suggest avoiding albums as necessary. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!
  16. The idea that motives and intentions are more important than actions and results, or that the former should have the ability to exonerate the later or take away responsibility.
  17. I used to make fun of other religions, too. And to be honest, I regret that every day. Not only is it a violation of the golden rule (treat others as you want to be treated—it'd drive me crazy when people mocked my religion, and yet I'd do it to others for a quick laugh) but there are so many more ways to make people laugh, ways that don't involve potentially making someone else uncomfortable.
  18. Hi all, first time poster, long time skulker, I'm re-listening to the audio books again in preparation for the awesomness coming in November and I noticed something in one of the visions Big Dal was having, when he see the KR give up their oaths. I cant quote the actual lines (audiobook) but in that vision it only says there are wind-runners and one other order cant remember what it was. (hundreds and hundreds of them just dropped there shard plate and shard blades and left coincidentally that is around the same amount of shard blades in circulation.) Also Syl said that most of the honour spren were dead didn't she? So could all the shard blades conceivably be these dead honour spren? And what about the other orders of KR? Did they also give up there oaths? I am thinking maybe Honour being dead is not only due to Odium but also his KR specifically the most "honourable" orders giving up there oaths killing there spren and making all the current shardblades/plates. Just a theory I had. What are your thoughts?
  19. Very simple, name a metal, it can be an element, you can do a google for an obscure alloy, whatever, just name a metal, it allomantic power, it's feruchemical power, (and optionally it's hemalurgic power) Osmium, the densest metal ever, when burned, gives the burner the power to read the thoughts of others, Feruchemically, it stores Literatic (a word I word-smithed from Literature) skill, when storing, you can't read, you can't write, and things like figures of speech elude you, when tapping, you read blazingly fast, you can write blazingly fast, and you have a fanstastic grasp of your language, and all of it's figures of speech.
  20. "Vin thrust the spear into the Lord Ruler's chest." And thus ended the Final Empire. I just finished yet another re-read of the first Mistborn book last night. (I like to read books on the worlds I am writing about) and I noticed something really cool that had escaped my notice before. As the Lord Ruler passed, three people stood over his corps in the light of the rising sun. Vin the Mistborn, Sazed the Terrisman Keeper, and Marsh the Inquisitor. Here we see the epitome and figureheads of the three metallic arts. These three are literally the most important people in the Final Empire until the end. They seem to stand in for the powers and investitures of Scadrial. I don't know if this was intentional, but it seemed incredibly symbolic that all three of the metallic arts and their wielders stood together as they rejected their false god. I cannot but feel a respect for the Lord Ruler. He was terrible. He was cruel. He was uncaring. Yet he fought for so long against something greater. Of all the villans in the Sanderson books, he was the one who most needed to fall, and yet the one who deserved the most respect. I find that I love this parting scene, and if I could draw this would certainly be a moment I would like to capture. The only thing I wish was different about the scene... it would be even better if a skaa and a nobleman were present, to represent the rest of the world for the passing of Rashek. This is one of the better endings to a Sanderson book. What other moments are your favorites in the Brandon Sanderson books? What times are crystal clear in your mind?
  21. I gave up trying to think of an amusing title for this "hello" post. So, hello. I've been bumbling about reading the wiki for a few years now, and then started to get myself back into Reddit, and from there thought I might as well potter about the forums. I don't think I'm missing any canonical books in the Cosmere to date, although I do need to get around to requesting White Sands Prose. ~V
  22. I spent most of the day birdwatching, and I am a happy camper about it. =) Found two new life birds plus one other that's new just for the list I'm keeping for my ornithology class. Managed to get some photos too! Some are pretty nice, but others are more just for documentation and memories. Life Bird #1: Lewis's Woodpecker Life bird #2: Ross's Goose The other new bird from today was only new for 2017: Redheads (a type of duck). Later in the day, we had a cool encounter with a Red-tailed Hawk. He was perched in a twiggy bush right next to the side of the road and didn't immediately fly when I slowed the car down to look at him. I even did a U-turn to make a second pass and at one point stopped the car entirely so I could roll down my window and point my camera out at him, and he stuck around through all that! A jogger even ran by, like 8 feet away from the hawk, who didn't seem to care. This is super weird behavior for a hawk. At that distance, they usually fly away as soon as they realize you're even looking at them. But I got some very up-close photos! (None of the ones in the spoiler below are cropped. At all.) Not a bird, but something else fun we saw today was prairie dogs! (At least I think they're prairie dogs; my rodent ID skills are not the best.) They were running all over the place at the reservoir with the Snow Geese, ducking in and out of burrows and generally being adorable. I got some decent photos of the little guys. Okay, I'll stop photo spamming now. XD
  23. Cycle 6: Failure to act as One Sheon examined the Spear again. The weapon that had been used to kill both The Survivor and the Lord Ruler. He was carrying History in his hands. A history of Bloodshed and Slaughter. Of Revolution and Restoration. He idly wondered if the weapon was cursed. Avrao had told him that the spear had been used to kill her mother, and Avrao had died less than an hour after lending the thing to him. It had taken him considerable effort to survive having the spear, and so far, it had not been worth it. As soon as he had borrowed it from Avrao, he had set about trying to unlock it. He knew what it was, a siphon. He knew it could transfer power, but he didn’t know how. He just needed a bit more time, but the mob had almost caught him. He didn’t have the time. All he could do was hide the spear where it could be used for some good at least. -- Glow leaned against the wall, gasping in and out. He shivered, despite the warm air. He was running out of time. “Kayana Ire, sending me here without any reserves. How did they expect me to finish the shekking mission without the Dor?” He raised his hands, and began to sketch with the Dor. He drew the basic Aon of Scadrial, the five dots for the ashmounts, the ovals for the two perpendicularlities, and the outline of the continent itself. Then he hesitates, seeing how pale the light was. He had enough power for two spells, maybe three if they were small. What could he do with those? He had not gathered enough spikes to complete the connection to Ruin, so he could try to kill two more of Ruin’s servants, but he had no leads, no ideas. Or, he could break a rule. He was using energy gathered in Elantris, from Sel. He couldn’t gather energy from here, but, he could at least teach someone else who could how to do it. Teach someone what he was doing, and how to replicate it. Pass his mission on to someone with similar ideals. His course decided, he finished the Scadrian Aon, adding lines for the major canals, and a series of widening dashes to convey exactly where he was moving to. There was a flash of light, and the Alley was empty. -- He wept at the blood on his hands. He wept that he was not strong enough to add his own to it. He wept for the city he was destroying. He wept for his inability to just, tip forward, and fall from the roof where he knelt. He wept for Rin. The other stood behind him, arms folded, voices silent. They reveled in their destruction, their power. They danced through the bloodstains, sung as they sawed through the sinews, and laughed and the pleas of mercy. One stood between the Weaper and the Revelers. He paced back and forth, growling and snarling, aching to be released, to rend and destroy once again. Growler kicked Weaper in the back. “Shut up. If he hears you, he won’t go inside, and you won’t be able to kill him. Weaper sniffled. “That’s preferable, i think. I don’t want to kill him.” Growler grabbed his face, and wrenched it towards him, making direct eye contact. “Do you see that window there? The room next to Rin’s? Do you know who is in that room?” Weaper shook, either from fear or in reply to Growlers answer. “A little family of four. The father only has one arm, and the mother is starving herself. Both of them are doing their best to keep their children fed and happy. That window?” He pointed to the other window neighboring Rin’s house. “An artist, and master craftsman. He makes beautiful furniture, and toys for the children. The window above hi is a newly married couple, one of whom was a veteran in Kelsier’s rebellion.” Growler leaned forward, mashing his nose against Weaper’s. “Do you remember what I did to Avrao? What i did to her family, her friends, and the random skaa who lived in the same building? Do you remember their screams? Their agony? Some of them took hours to die. You’re going to go in there, and kill Rin, or I am going to go in there, and wipe out every living thing in the building. I will peel them open, and let them ripen before i finally snap their necks.” Weaper didn’t remember Avrao, other than the smell. He had closed his eyes, and covered his ears, muting out the worst. But the smell had filled his noses, until he stuffed them full of ash in desperation. “Alright. Survivor save me, I’ll kill him.” “Good, because he’s walking into the building right now.” -- Sheon kicked the door open, and walked in, spear out before him. The Room’s occupant scrambled to their feet, sending papers flying in surprise. “Sheon?” He leveled the spear and the person's neck, and hardened his eyes. “Do you know what this is?” “Uh, that’s Avrao’s Spear.” “No, it’s art, and history, and Connection. It’s an aretefact of power. In the right hands, it serves to balance the odds. In the wrong hands, it’s a curse.” He flipped the spear, turning it so that the butt was pointed towards him. “My hands were the wrong ones apparently. Keep it safe, use it only when necessary. And for your own sake, don’t tell anyone you have it. They’ll kill you for it once they learn what it does.” The occupant didn’t reach out to take the spear, so Sheon simply dropped it, turned, and left. He walked out of the building, and into the growing mist. It wasn’t long before he felt a familiar presence beside him. He didn’t bother to look to confirm that the Mist Spirit was keeping step with him. He could tell by the feeling that was sufficing him. The feeling that he had done the right thing. “He’ll abuse the power you know. Take it for his own.” The spirit disagreed, in its empathetic way. “What do you know about him that i don’t? Why are you so certain he’s the right choice?” The answer was not what he expected. It was an oppressive feeling of sadness. Of Loss, and Despair. It sickened him, as he realized what it meant. He hadn’t given the spear to the right hands, just the necessary ones, the best available. “He’s not going to die is he? The spiked aren’t going to come for him, that’s why you had me give him the spear?” The Spirit didn’t answer, and when Sheon finally turned to look, there was nothing there. But off in the distance he could see torches. The Mob had finally found him. -- The room was kept dark. The windows and doors covered, no light could get in or out. Which meant that every last scrap of light in the room, was coming from the man who had simply appeared there. The Glowing man was regarding him, looking him up and down. He looked strained, as if carrying a boulder on his shoulders. He sighed, raised his hands, and began to draw on the air. “I always saw this power as a Blessing. I could shape the world, protect the weak, destroy the corrupt. I could create works of art, produce food, heal wounds, and move great distances. But it also put a great deal of scrutiny on me. What was i using the power for? Was i doing the right thing? Was I abusing my power?” The picture almost blocked the glowing man from view now. It was an immensely detailed map of scadrial, centered around Luthadel. “I imagine you’ll see it as a curse. Power comes with responsibilities, not privileges. But, you will be able to use it to finish hunting the Spiked I hope. Please, use it wisely. You will not have it long.” He finished the picture. It exploded with light, and suddenly, knowledge filled everything. The man, now drained of light, sighed. “Good Luck.” Seonid was lynched! They were a Citizen! (He had no items when he died) Doc12 was killed! A Player was attacked! Votes: Seonid (3): Lopen, Bugsy, Alvron Stick (2): Ecthelion Time until Cycle <7 Player List:
  24. There are only two races: the decent and the indecent.
  25. When you make notations all over the margins of your cosmere books, about all the connections and behind-the-scenes stuff. When you use Jasnah killing the thugs as a discussion scenario in philosophy class, and then quote Nohadon to ague your point.
  26. @Hawkido Your point has almost no sense. The "god king" isn't nothing special at all. It's just a Returned used as Vault for Peacegiver's treasure, only because they use another manner with him this doesn't mean there is something intrisecal different between Susebron and the others. There isn't a single thing a God King could do and a Returned can't. Give birth to offspring is something every Returned could do with the right circumstances....Vo did it Multiple Healing with Divine Breath, was a false story. The powerful Biocroma is of course passed with the role, strictly speaking almost half of Susebron's Breath were of Vasher. The God King isn't let to interact with people because He is a Vault, a single knife and the Peacegiver's treasure is no more, you can't honestly base your ideas with the social rules. It's like to say that Fullborn are gods because TLR was workshipped. You have to separate "true informations" from "people's thought and cultures" Notice there are 16 Hemalurgic Metal too. So for your own logic, Ruin could be 16 and Preservation 1...just to say
  27. Oh, this is a fun thread (and I've already ran out of upvotes, of course ). I'll give it a try. Bismuth - Allomantically, Bismuth allows a Misting (called a shaper) to change their appearance to some extent, ranging from swapping the eye colour to, if you flare it for a longer time, changing your biological sex. Every change is permanent (at least until the shaper burns Bismuth again), and returning to one's "natural" shape is no easier than taking on any other form, so it's pretty common for shapers to lose track of what they've looked like originally. A Bismuth spike steals another person's appearance. A shaper with a Bismuth spike can assume the shape of the spiked person without consciously focusing on what they want to change about their body. Feruchemically, Bismuth allows storing colour perception. A painteye Ferring can store their perception of one hue, and everything of this hue becomes grey from the painteye's perspective. When tapping bismuthmind, the painteye sees this hue more vividly and gains what Nalthians would call Perfect Colour Recognition, albeit limited to this one colour. ...I've just noticed I've copied allomantic Bismuth from Gizmosowner's allomantic lead. Sorry! Nickel - A Nickel Misting, called a fader, becomes intangible while burning the metal. This ability requires a certain level of skill to use safely - many a beginner fader found themselves plummetting towards the planet's core until they ran out of nickel and merged with rock - and a fader can be recognized on the street by moving in short hops out of habit. In Feruchemy, nickelminds store charisma. When storing, a Nickel Ferring (called shepherd) will be ignored by those around them, up to people flat out not noticing they exist. When tapping, a shepherd has a very commanding presence and people are far more inclined to agree with them and follow them. A Nickel spike steals a passive Investiture-based skill (such as Nalthian Heightening abilities or Lift's ability to touch spren).
  28. CHAPTER SEVEN Leif has been arrested! He was Guilty of Not Telling the GM his Crimes! Sareth has been murdered! He was an Honorable Initiate! Hashiv has been murdered, and the Phantom Stranger has taken his place! Veriq was teleported out of prison! Jonly was teleported into prison! Two Bonds have been formed! I feel like this write up wasn't particularly fun or interesting, just me setting the scene. It doesn't help that I'm exhausted from this past week, so hopefully I'll get enough rest over the next few days so that I can produce a worthy conclusion to this arc. Now that you aren't busy running for your lives, this confrontation with the "Last Legion" should be more fun. It's an all out battle this time, and with the support of Dalinar and Aladar's army, will likely be the last. I'm still waiting to hear back from Shqueeve's on his character's crimes. For now, we'll just assume that Leif deserted the Initiates before the battle. I will probably have him be found / officially arrested during the next chapter, even though he's as good as imprisoned this one. Oh, and that very last scene. DA wrote most it, though I did some minor editing. He wanted people to know that Hashiv is officially dead and his character from now will solely be the Phantom Stranger. I don't have an exact time for when it happened in relation to everything, but let's assume it was that first night, when Hashiv was Spiked and Kintas tried to help him, meaning TPS should now be at the battle with ya'll. INTERROGATION (3) Shqueeves: TheMightyLopen, Arinian, Alvron, (2) Darkness Ascendant: Jondesu, Hemalurgic_Headshot, (1) JUQ: randuir, EXECUTION (1/9) Drake Marshall: Ecthelion III, (10/9) Quiver: Arinian, Alvron, Shqueeves, A Joe in the Bush, Magestar, Hemalurgic_Headshot, TheMightyLopen, Droughtbringer, Jondesu, randuir, PARDON (12/14) Drake Marshall: Doc12, Hemalurgic_Headshot, Jondesu, Alvron, randuir, Arinian, Magestar, Shqueeves, A Joe in the Bush, TheMightyLopen, Droughtbringer, The lady anarchist, INITIATES Assassin in Burgundy as Araon Darkblade Jondesu as Kintas randuir as Ranatar TheSilverDragon as Rea Ecthelion III as Fifth Nameless Arinian as Arionium, Guilty of Murder, Fraud, and Multiple Counts of Theft JUQ as Hess Quiver as Veriq, Guilty of Cowardice and Being an Accomplice to Murder, Temporarily Free Doc12 as Hithon Magestar as Balthazar TheMightyLopen as Shinon The lazy anarchist as Lyna Telavalet Alvron as Naihar DroughtBringer as Petrik Darkness Ascendant as The Phantom Stranger Elbereth as Tintallë Iurnu PRISONERS Teresh, Guilty of Murder, Murder and More Murder! Leif, Guilty of Desertion and Other Things Jonly, Temporarily Imprisoned CASUALTIES Lomot the Honorable Initiate Ashetvl the Honorable Initiate Ralaanar the Honorable Lightweaver Sareth-son-Erneth the Honorable Initiate COUNTDOWN Chapter Seven will end on Tuesday, February 28th, at 0400 EST. Chapter Eight will begin approximately 2 hours later
  29. Good to finally have these clarifications. Modern constellations, based on what's happening in those worlds, but not the constellations that the inhabitants of the PoV-planet identify. I think the frontrunner is definitely Yolen, again; it can't be any of the planets shown (obviously), and it's not from Silverlight, so the only other planet we know of is Yolen. Isaac notes that there are colors other than red and yellow. Just to note, Roshar, First of the Sun, and Taldain are all bluish-white. Doesn't seem to be any mystery there; these are the actual colors of these stars. It might all be a natural red. Or there might be something supernatural behind it. I thought I was on to something about when the map was created, by noticing that Scadrial was in Nalthis's constellation. I thought it wasn't inhabited yet, when the map was drawn. It looks like it's just a spatial arrangement issue; Nalthis and Scadrial are too close together, let's go with Nalthis for the symbolism. Not sure I understand the symbolism behind the tree for Bavadin... trees are usually in forests or jungles, where they're surrounded by lots of other trees. Is this supposed to be, like, a desert tree that's chilling on its own in the middle of nowhere? More of a Lonely Tree? Lastly, Isaac mentions that some of these stars are extracosmeric. (Is it okay if I just make up a new term like that?) I wonder if he's referring to random other stars in the background or in constellations, or if he's referring to part or all of The Scar?
  30. Whelp, I now have a six-month subscription to Compatible Partners. Now I should probably take a few selfies and hope I don't hate them all.
  31. Tungsten- Allomantic Tungsten gives the user the ability to manipulate gravity in a bubble around them. They are able to increase the force of gravity multiple times to crush the life out of opponents but they themselves cannot be affected by their ability. The Feruchemical ability of Tungsten is the ability to store reaction speed so that while storing you will act like slowpoke always laughing to jokes late and being delayed in ending your storage of reaction speed. While tapping you can perceive the world around you incredibly well and to get some clutch dodges in. Stellite- The Allomantic ability of Stellite is to lessen the force of gravity in a room and this time the Stellite misting can be effected by it if they want allowing for pseudo flight superior to steel pushes and iron pulls but if combined would allow for effortless flight. The Feruchemical ability of Stellite is the ability to store foresight. While storing they have incredibly bad judgement have no idea what could happen in a given situation. They won't realise that what they do will have consequences so they might throw a rock at someone's head and wonder why they are mad. While tapping they gain insight into the spiritual realm so they gain a ability very similar to atium. At its max potential however it can look 10 seconds into the future but most tap enough for a constant tap of 2 seconds. The gravity bubble works different from the external time duo as the bubble moves with you instead of being stationary.
  32. Indium- Allomantic power is the ability to generate radiation. The feruchemical ability is to store light so while storing its as if you and the surrounding area would look like vantablack and when tapping you would look like a lamp or become as bright as the sun itself. I have no idea what to do for Fieldalloy as I am not a very creative person. also the feruchemical ability of indium could be use in space travel due to solar sails Edit: I just read all the replies and I apologize to cometaryorbit for ripping him off with feruchemical Indium Lead- Allomantic use is that while you are burning it you can actively change features of your body like lengthen the length and density of your nails or just change general facial features for disguise. A more extreme example would be rearranging organs. It burns incredibly quickly that is about 3 times faster then atium. Feruchemicaly it allows you to store mental and physical sturdyness. While storing you can be easily insulted and are very weak willed kinda like electrum while you are also weaker in combat because you can just be pushed over and you'll give up while tapping it is somewhat like allomantic pewter but without the enhanced strength and it increases your mental fortitude like the Similar to the Kandra zinc blessing. I feel really unoriginal but this is the best I can come up with for new metals
  33. Ha, fun. Here, I'll do you guys a favor. I once tried to make my own 16-metal Metallurgic Table (which promptly failed; lack of ideas) but I do remember listing down the metals I had planned on putting there. Here it is: Bismuth Bismanol (88% Bismuth; 12% Manganese) Lead Durite (82.5% Lead; 17.5% Antimony) Cobalt Megallium (60% Cobalt; 20% Chromium; 5% Molybdenum; 15% Carbon or something) Nickel Argentan (--% Nickel; --% Copper or Zinc) Also known as "False silver" Gallium Galfonel (--% Gallium; --% Iron) Generic name for alloys of this kind Tungsten, once known as Wolfram Stellite (--% Tungsten; --% Cobalt; --% Chromium) Indium Fieldalloy (51% Indium; 32.5% Bismuth; 16.5% Tin) Manganese Mangalloy (15% Manganese; 85% Steel) Note that though Manganese is smaller in composition, it is alloyed with another alloy instead of a base metal like majority of the original metals. Here, have at thee.
  34. Cerium Allomancy: generate light (you glow brightly) Feruchemy: store/tap loudness. When tapping, you can deafen people by speaking above a whisper and your footsteps sound like thunder; when storing, you have to shout to be heard by someone at arm's length and your footsteps are inaudible. Mischmetal (mostly cerium & lanthanum with some praseodymium & neodymium) Allomancy: absorb light (the area within a dozen yards or so is cast into total darkness, or near-darkness if illuminated by full daylight or something brighter) Feruchemy: store/tap transparency. When storing, your skin looks different since vision can't penetrate even the thin top layer of cells ; when tapping, you become translucent or (at high levels of tapping) transparent.
  35. Silver and sterling silver(silver and platinum): allomantically they give you the ability to shrink (silver) and grow (sterling silver), with no change to weight. Feruchemically, they give you the ability to store creativity(silver) and the ability to learn(sterling silver).
  36. Just as @BlackYeti says, the theory is the Shardbearer wasn't Helaran. If Helaran DID have a bond at the time (and somehow managed to wield a dead blade) then presumably being stabbed through the head with a spear would be enough to kill him. Surebinders aren't invincible. But that's not the theory. The theory is that IF Helaran was bonded to a spren, then it seems very doubtul he can be the man Kaladin killed. It doesn't fit for him to still be carrying around that Blade. And this is supported by further evidence--particularly concerning is connection to the Ghostbloods. The only strong evidence we have to the contrary that the man was actually Helaran is the physical description. But that could very well be a... *ahem*... red hair-ing. (I'll see myself out.)
  37. The recent Oathbringer prologue and it's subsequent discussion got me thinking on a theory I had way back when WoR was released, and I think I have some pretty convincing evidence in its favor now. I think that the Bondsmiths are able to directly and purposefully affect the spiritual realm and the spiritual aspect of individuals. A relevant quote on the Bondsmiths is as follows: "So Melishi retired to his tent, and resolved to destroy the Voidbringers upon the next day, but that night did present a different stratagem, related to the unique abilities of the Bondsmiths; and being hurried, he could make no specific account of his process; it was related to the very nature of the Herald and their divine duties, an attribute the Bondsmiths alone could address." - WoR Chapter 58 Epigraph This Epigraph heavily implies that this Bondsmith created Parshmen out of Listeners, that the method used is specific to Bondsmiths, and that it relates to "the very nature of the Herald and their divine duties" which I strongly suspect is referencing the Spiritual Realm. I think that this power would function similarly to the effects of hemallurgic chimeras, but dependent on the Bondsmith's will rather than knowledge of spiritual bind-points and a physical spiking. If my theory is correct then it makes the below Hoid conversation much more intelligible and slightly prophetic, especially since Brandon has said that everything Hoid says in this conversation is significant: "[Wit] looked directly at [Dalinar]. "Adonalsium." Dalinar frowned more deeply. "What?" “Nothing,” Wit said. He seemed preoccupied, unlike his usual self. “Nonsense. Balderdash. Figgldygrak. Isn’t it odd that gibberish words are often the sounds of other words, cut up and dismembered, then stitched into something like them—yet wholly unlike them at the same time?” Dalinar frowned. “I wonder if you could do that to a man. Pull him apart, emotion by emotion, bit by bit, bloody chunk by bloody chunk. Then combine them back together into something else, like a Dysian Aimian. If you do put a man together like that, Dalinar, be sure to name him Gibberish, after me. Or perhaps Gibletish.” I also think that it explains what Dalinar is seeing in WoR in the below passage: "Dalinar stood in darkness. He turned about, trying to remember how he’d come to this place. In the shadows, he saw furniture. Tables, a rug, drapes from Azir with wild colors. His mother had always been proud of those drapes. My home, he thought. As it was when I was a child. Back before conquest, back before Gavilar . . . Gavilar . . . hadn’t Gavilar died? No, Dalinar could hear his brother laughing in the next room. He was a child. They both were. Dalinar crossed the shadowed room, feeling the fuzzy joy of familiarity. Of things being as they should be. He’d left his wooden swords out. He had a collection, each carved like a Shardblade. He was too old for those now, of course, but he still liked having them. As a collection. He stepped to the balcony doors and pushed them open. Warm light bathed him. A deep, enveloping, piercing warmth. A warmth that soaked down deep through his skin, into his very self. He stared at that light, and was not blinded. The source was distant, but he knew it. Knew it well." Let me know what you guys think and what the implications could be if this theory turns out to be correct.
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  38. I know its way easier said that done, but try not to base your self esteem on weight? You're sweet and kind, you know a verifiable crap-ton about comics and you come up with fantastic ideas. We all love you and we've never even seen you. Your body isn't all of who you are. That would be freaking awesome. Re being programmed to starve. There's this guy on the interwebs called Jon Gabriel and he has a whole weight loss ideology based around this. It might be worth checking out, see if theres a point or two that could help you. That being said.....please don't try any "only avocados for a week!" weird diets. Those rabbit holes are scary and unhealthy. What oversleep said. Its about changing your lifestyle around, slowly but surely. I did it a bunch of years back and have slowly regressed out of laziness. The archery will help, that's great exercise. If you take public transport, get off one stop early and walk the distance. Switch from white bread to whole wheat. Eat vegetables as a snack instead of junk food. One step at a time, one small thing at a time, get used to it, then change something else. No rush, this is a long-term project. Also, do more stuff you enjoy. Meet and hang out with people who like you. Try to feel competent about stuff. Most importantly, be kind and patient with yourself. You got this.
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  39. The other thing to bare in mind is that it was evident in Secret History that neither Ruin nor Preservation could travel beyond what seemed to be about the bounds of the Final Empire geographically - there's nothing so far saying that Harmony can actually reach out to the Southern Scadrians and help them if he wanted to. He might be too Invested in the Elendil Basin.
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  40. I have a few good ones! I wrote the following from Khriss's perspective, and it is supposed to be in the modern mistborn era, so enjoy! Yttrium Jumper mistings are notable in their ability to burn yttrium, a toxic rare earth metal. This metal possesses the dramatic ability to punch holes through the physical and cognitive Realms, through which only the Jumper may move. Corpser ferrings possess a unique ability, I am inclined to believe, in the the entire Cosmere. A Corpser can store their spiritual and cognitive aspects' connection to their physical body. While storing, a Corpser must be extremely careful, the tenuous connection between their aspects and body means that a solid bump on the head can kill them. However, while tapping, almost nothing can kill them. While not granting healing, tapping their yttriummind vastly raises the threshold at which the body separates from its aspects. Nothing short of a meat grinder could kill a Corpser with a large amount of aspects stored up. I believe many more applications of this aspect could be found than simply delaying a death a few extra minutes. Yttrite Keeneye mistings who burn this metal are able to view the spiritual aspects of any entity. Notably, keeneyes have remarked that visibility rises dramatically while burning yttrite, though it is stopped by living material. Bloodbuster ferrings can store in their metalminds blood pressure. While actively storing, a Bloodbuster will experience low blood pressure, and while tapping, high blood pressure. Surgeons and paramedics have found unkeyed yttriteminds to be invaluable, yet I am baffled as to how this ability relates to any of the others granted by yttrite and it's base metal. It should be noted also, that anyone except a Keeneye and a Jumper are at danger of developing a serious lung disease when exposed to these metals. Mercury This metal perhaps should be labeled as a God metal. Simply labeled Pullers, mistings who can burn mercury get a raw form of investiture. The applications appear to be as varied as the Puller's imagination and knowledge of Realmatic theory, but are limited to affecting the Puller's body. It should also be noted that mercury burns exceptionally quick, almost as fast as atium. Due to the usually fluid state of mercury, it is hard for a feruchemist with the this metallic ability to keep and maintain a usable mercurymind. As such, Comedian ferrings, who store their sense of humor in a mercurymind, have to get creative. Often times, a Comedian will have specialized shoes designed to accommodate the mercurymind. Liquid Zinc This metal is an amalgam of zinc and mercury. Mistings who can burn this metal, known as Pushers, have all of the same rules as mercury, except that they can effect everything save alone for their own body. Other people are also more difficult to affect. It should be noted that as soon as the metal stops burning, the effect being induced wears off. Wondereye ferrings can store in their metalminds their sense of pleasure and wonder. While actively storing, life and sensation become more bland and tasteless, while tapping the metalmind can send them chasing after butterflies, or watching a shoddy movie, giggling in wonder. Wondereyes often use the same methods that Comedians do to keep contact with their metalminds.
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  41. Knowing the names of different intervals (spaces between different pitches) and what they sound like will definitely be helpful. The octave has already been mentioned: C to the next C (or A to A, F to F, etc), either up or down. The other intervals are also helpfully numbered. Handy chart:
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  42. Because that makes one person mistborn but if you alloy it you can make multiple mistings. He may not need all the powers but has plans to make other critical people mistings. Or maybe he wants to use some of it in feruchemy or even hemalurgy. Btw I don't think that's the case, but there are reasons he'd want to ration it very carefully. Edit - @The One Who Connects that's the second time in this thread we've posted very similar responses at almost exactly the same time
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  43. They. The simplest gender neutral term in the English language is "they" Make it clear you are talking about a singular person, rather than a group and that's all you need. Jaddeth is mentioned in the Do-Kando, the holy book that spawned Shu-Keseg. This book, like the religions it spawned, are from after D&D were splintered. Here. Which means that no matter how old this Jaddeth figure is, they only became a relevant figure afterwards. Ok.. allow me to dissect this last one.... prepare for a slew of quoteboxes.
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  44. Kaladin at the end of WoR:
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  45. Wayne does move pretty quickly from one hat to another...
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  46. So, the other day I came up with ten new puns and decided to try out these puns on my friends, to see if any of the puns got a laugh. No pun in ten did. What did the door say when his baby girl was born? You're my door-ter. Okay, that's enough of that...
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  47. Today, in ​Way of Kings…. Poor Elhokar. Everyone thinks he's just being paranoid about assassins. Dalinar has another vision.
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