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  1. WoR spoiler: Edgedancer(not really a spoiler): Congratulations to everyone who gets that beautiful reference. Also, I found this and I think it's pretty darn accurate.
  2. About the residue. The harmonium reaction with water doesn't cause nuclear fission - it's entirely chemical in nature, and there's also a release of Investiture tied to subatomic particles that produces energy and makes the reaction more violent. Lerasium and atium aren't alkali metals, so there would need to be a nuclear reaction occurring to produce them from Harmonium. If it is just the electrons that are Invested (the nucleus itself might be too unstable if protons and neutrons had additional repulsion), then the transfer of an Invested electron from a harmonium atom to a hydrogen ion is probably the place to begin our search. The Investiture structure (not the atom itself) of harmonium could be destabilized, since it doesn't match an allowed configuration (harmonium, atium, or lerasium), and all that Investiture is released as energy, leaving behind a regular cesium ion. But, when we look at the electron that was transferred, it will be sitting there all alone as a Hydrogen radical. Let's assume that's an allowable Investiture structure. These radicals can interact with everything else in the reaction environment - cesium ions, water, hydroxide ions, you name it, and in most cases the resulting molecule wouldn't be legal for being Invested, and the additional energy of this final electron would be released through Investiture decay. But, when two radicals interact with one another, they would form a hydrogen molecule, H2, with two Invested electrons. If that's a legal conformation, then there would be small amounts produced in every reaction. (It wouldn't be every molecule of hydrogen produced in this reaction, it all depends on the specific reaction pathway that is used to produce H2. Radicals are extremely reactive, so most of them will probably interact with a water molecule before they encounter another radical.) So, from a chemistry point of view, putting cesium in water will get you cesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Nothing else is possible without a nuclear reaction. If the hydroxide isn't Invested, that only leaves the gas. If harmonium is unbalanced towards Ruin (as I suspect it to be), then the reaction with water would release small amounts of Ruinous Hydrogen, also known as Ruin's Mists. Oh, the humanity!
  3. This is what I remember from my questions at the signing. Really can't wait to get the exact words, since I got some great answers.
  4. Please tell me if this idea has been proposed before. WoB's: These three say to me that the Listeners have Odium-related forms and Cultivation-related forms. They have no Honor-related forms. Their other, less magical forms, like artform, dullform, workform, nimbleform, etc. probably predate shardic influence on the planet. They obviously couldn't survive on their own in slaveform. -Song of Secrets Stanza 17 So, Nightform basically predicts the future, something that Cultivation is said to be good at. Also, it whispers "As the gods did leave". If the gods are the unmade, it wouldn't make sense for nightform to give a new prophecy as Odium's influence is retreating. -Song of Secrets Final Stanza I'm assuming that the nightforms refers to the a group of Listeners in nightform. I originally thought that that meant that there were multiple nightforms, but this interpretation makes more sense to me. We know that Honor thinks that a champion might work against Odium because all the Shards are bound by rules. The last line probalby refers to this event, so I think that the future predictions are probably accurate, as Cultivations woud probably be. There's also the "but" inbetween when the song talks about the Unmade and the nightforms. To me, this suggests a contrast between nightform and the Unmade-influenced form And we have the similarity between "nightform" and "Nightwatcher" going for this theory. Most of the lines about the other forms of power speak about the danger of them. Examples: I copied these straight from coppermind so there is still that large blue box there. Sorry. The songs never mention the dangers of Nightform. It's odd. It occured to me that one of the objections to this theory might be the Vorin prohibiotions on predicting the future. But if Cultivation, Honor's girlfriend/wife is good at it, why would Honor's religion object to it? I think that this was probably caused by the Hierocracy, which I personally believe was influenced/caused by Odium. It seems to me like there are a lot of small hints that add up to a pretty clear conclusion. Maybe I'm missing something though. Thoughts?
  5. That face you make when you say a pun. At least I make this face. I say a lot of puns, so this face is regularly made by me.
  6. I just realized I've become a lurker. I'm totally caught up on every thread I follow, but I just don't have anything to say . . . Also, I made this and I already posted it on my art thread, but I'm super proud of it, so: Yay for my second digital portrait ever! (First one I didn't even know how SAI worked, so it doesn't count)
  7. Night 15: Omens The others couldn’t see it, but Mr. Hoid could. The writing was on wall- err walls, you could say. Everywhere he looked, he saw what the future held for the town of Tyrian Falls and all he could see was more blood, more burning, and more destruction. It was most disconcerting when he started to see the futures of the people themselves painted over their regular faces like masks. As he passed the butcher, he saw that the man had the bulging eyes of someone that had been suffocated or strangled. The seamstress looked as if she had been beaten upside the head with a club. Even those few that looked like they might live had a cast around them that suggested, if not death later on, at the very least a lot of pain and misery. When surrounded by such foul omens all the time, perhaps it wasn’t as surprising as it was for the rest of the villagers what happened next. *** Those few that were left were startled out of their now daily routine of casting accusations and glares at each other by the sounds of someone shouting near the edge of town. They couldn’t make out what was being said though until they drew closer. They all seemed to arrive at the small, no taller than 2 meters at best, “wall” that surrounded Tyrian Falls around the same time. There, standing on top of the wall, was Mr. Hoid. He was facing out and shouting at the countryside. “What are you waiting for?!? Attack already! Come and satiate yourselves! Can’t you see that we are beaten? Can’t you end this misery? You will come and you will conquer! I have foreseen it! So why not now? Let us end this charade, once and for all. Don’t make us- make me wait any longer! End this already! Attack!” The villagers, realizing what he was doing, reached up to grab at him and pull him down. To taunt Koloss? Surely the man was insane! But on the off chance that they did heed his call…. Well, they decided not to take that chance. And so a hundred frantic hands raised up to yank Mr. Hoid down off the wall. They were in such a hurry that they didn’t realize how they were doing so until gravity took the situation away from them. The only part of Mr. Hoid that they could easily reach was his feet. So they grabbed him by the ankles and pulled. This definitely had the effect of getting Mr. Hoid’s legs off the wall, but the rest of his body fell straight down. His head cracked into the wall where his feet had been and everything was silent; on both sides of the wall. No one had the courage to peek over to see if the Koloss were close enough to have heard. Day 14 ends and Night 15 begins! You have 24 hours. Conquestor was lynched! They were a Village Smoker! PMs are no longer available! I repeat, you can NOT send anymore PMs! Votes: Conquestor (5)- Joe in the Bush, Wyrmhero, Araris, Wilson, Herowannabe Araris (2)- Jondesu, Stink Herowannabe (1)- I am Stick No Vote (2)- Conquestor, Wonko Player List
  8. Cycle 4: You need to learn the Steps The Duo danced through the misty dawn, leaping from rooftop to street, to wall to garden. They ran, and climbed, and jumped and flew. Over shops and homes and kitchens, and armories, nothing stopped their movement. They moved alone, both unaware of their partner, dancing parallel to them in the mist. Both moved towards the same destination, and left from the same place. Both had the same purpose, and both knew of the foolishness of their task. Both were equally determined. The Duo knew this city like a mother her child. It’s every nook and cranny were open to them. Every alleyway was an arrow, pointing to five victims. Every building a boulder, poised to collapse. Every fountain a grave, promising a watery death. The first Victim was a Thief. A Man who lived to steal coins and bread. He was prowling the streets, breaking locks and windows to enter unoccupied homes when the first dancer found him. Pedro’s death was quick, and simple. He heard the sound of a door opening, and when he turned to check, saw only the bright shine of a knife opening his throat. The second Victim was an honorable man. A man who obeyed the law in all things. He saw, he judged, he proved, and he executed. Misbah a Khattar died far slower than the thief. He was abed, when he heard a growl from outside his window. But when he sought to scare the assumed dog off, he was torn from the safety of his house, and then torn limb from limb. The duo moved on, three more victims to kill. The third to die that night was a quiet man, who loved the mists and the wind. Khaladin Jamaicablessed people called him. He was not loved, but he was appreciated. People would toss him a coin when he was hungry, and he would help and entertain them when they were confused or bored. The first Dancer stopped, and gave him another coin. He thanked him, but the words died in his throat when the coin jumped from his throat to his chest, and then to the wall behind him. The fourth was Joseline Farouq, a happy man, who was excited to be of help. Anything and anyone that needed help had to only call his name, and he would run there to lend a hand, or a shoulder, or a back, or an ear. Humans and animals alike, Farouq helped. So when he heard the growl of a dog, he thought nothing of it, and sought the animal out. Barely half of him was ever found. The duo were stopped from killing their last victim. They circled the house, looking in vain for an opportunity to throw a knife, or to pull him out of the crowd, but they had no choice. Far too many people were already surrounding Soflo Rigorrio, screaming and rioting as they dragged him through the streets to the Hangman’s square. They watched in anger and sadness as their victim’s life was stolen from them by an angry mob. Both slipped away, into the dawning sun, neither aware of the other, neither aware of the third, who had watched them both. Ryth stood shoulder to shoulder with Regiie, both of them uncertainly watching King Penrod mutter to himself The king had gotten worse lately, staying up at all hours, ordering random men killed, and generally acting like a sick man. “Regiie! Ryth!” He was always snapping at them as well. “Come out onto the balcony, tell me what you see!” Ryth exchanged a glance with his partner, but obeyed. Both men walked out to the railing, flanking the king who was clutching at the railing like a falling man grasps a rope. “Your majesty? What are we looking for?” The King pointed down. “Someone’s under the balcony! I saw them climbing up the wall!” Another, far different look was exchanged. An assassin? It would not surprise Ryth if someone decided that Penrod was too unstable to keep his crown. “Your Majesty, please, return inside while we hunt the man.” “Pah.” He spat the word at them, but pivoted and stalked inside. As he slammed the door behind him, a great -CRACK- split the air. Both of the guards froze. There was another, softer crack. Both of them looked at each other. As the third crack sounded, and the balcony began to fall away from the building, they lunged for the doors. Ryth’s hand barely brushed the frame before gravity claimed him. He fell, screaming, into the mist. Darkness Ascendant was lynched! They were a Citizen Silverblade was killed! Votes: DA (5): Magestar, Bugsy, Elenion, Phatt, Silverblade Conquester (1): Lopen Bartimaeus (1): _stick_, Elenion (2: Alvron, DA Time until Cycle 5: To Survive the Silent Strets Player List:
  9. 3 likes
  10. Someone in the back room: *says something* Formerly Pushy Coworker: Hark! A thing is happening! I must abandon Twi at the front desk, for no minor thing is permitted to happen in my absence!
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  12. Question: What qualities would attract an inkspren? Answer: Inkspren don't like how variable humans are, it's a thing out of Honor, so a person who is willing to think about their life rather than reacting by instinct would work for them. The scholar is the perfect example but for instance a soldier who is very thoughtful and doesn't just rush into battle would work for them too.
  13. Hi All, I've discovered Sanderson's work through WOT and a glowing recommendation of a friend who's a big cosmere fan. So far I've read Mistborn (the original trilogy) and both Stormlight books. During the Mistborn read, I used to bounce ideas and theories with friends but we didn't have a chance to do so for WOR, so here I am... To throw my ideas out there and see how much I manage to get right (from past experience it's not much)..
  14. Ah, sorry, I didn't quite make myself clear. I was adding to Jondesu's vote - given that I've noticed before when you said things that were elim strategies enough that I nearly told you not to give stuff to the elims for free, I think his point holds merit, and makes me more suspicious of you than of Alv. Tintallë tried to walk on past Fifth, but her head was still reeling. She stopped, focusing on the wall beside her. It was just another bit of grey stone, here, undecorated and blank and still. She focused on it, blocking out all noise and distractions, imagining that she was stone. She heard someone approaching, but didn't bother to turn. "Tintall, I believe your name was?" she heard. "Tintallë," she corrected absently, not bothering to turn and look at the person addressing her, focusing on the wall. Breathing. Not fainting, preferably. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye. He kissed her hand, and she fell. Not in a romantic way. Jonly was... he was... oh, gods, Almighty above. If Tintallë could've closed her eyes in this not-quite-world, she would have. His soul was dark. That was the first thing. And not clean, sacred night. This was a darkness of eyes watching from the shadows, waiting for its prey to come nearer. This was a hard darkness, of blood and death and doing what was necessary rather than what was right. And... hatred. There was more hatred in his soul than Tintallë had known was possible. Almighty... And the darkness and the hatred mixed in horrible splendor. He hated everyone and everything, she saw, but there were a few images that stood out, though they made the darkness no less pervading, somehow. The image of a man with silver skin. A mysterious figure that nevertheless she somehow recognized, though she couldn't place from where. A woman, standing by a shining pool, glimmering brightly. And... a man in pack furs, standing near the woman from the third image. Jonly. She caught a glimpse, then, of what he had been: an honorable man, of ideals and wonder, who worshipped his goddess because he truly believed she deserved it, so much that he gave her the greatest gift in his world. And Tintallë saw when the woman cast him aside, and betrayed him, and left him for dead, and she wept at what his soul had become. A single word was written in blood in the darkness. Not dripping or messy or any such thing. Simple and elegant and horrifying. Monster.
  15. Note to all those who say that we are a fandom: we are not a fandom, we are a cult. Edit: although the Peirs Anthony cult is a shade more creepy.
  16. @Harakeke, listen to this. Ardents talking about Dawnchant. Relevant part starts around 19:00.
  17. I wasn't a chemistry major, but I have a degree in electronics, so I've studied a good bit about metals (although I've studied more about their uses for electricity in comparison to their chemical structures). But if we're going down the path of assuming cesium was the element Brandon modeled Ettmetal after, then I can think of a few possible ways this might affect Scadrial in future eras. 1. Cesium can be used to convert various from of energy (such as heat and light) into electricity. Converting light into electricity is used with various fiber optic devices. While other elements can also be used for optics (in safer ways), this is one function cesium is capable of. 2. Cesium used to be tested as a type of fuel for spacecrafts. Could be a possible use for the metal as Scadrial develops into a space exploration society. 3. With the explosive natural of cesium, all I really know is that there's a super-oxide created when cesium burns in the air. Super-oxides are typically used to create the sources of oxygen used for astronauts, although I think other elements such as potassium and its super-oxide are more regularly used for the oxygen generators. When cesium reacts with water, you would get a different output since the element would be combining with H2O, and I'm not entirely sure what that ends up creating (besides an explosion lol). I'll take a wild guess and say we might end up seeing Ettmetal play into Scadrial as a fuel for space travel based on the chemical nature it's based off of. I'm just not that confident in being able to guess how everything with Ettmetal will play into the magic systems of Scadrial.
  18. "I'm thinking that the so-called prophet is someone we should be looking at more closely," I said. Prophets. Anyone who claimed to see the future like that was a heretic. I'd seen enough charlatans trying to con decent people out of their money, but at least they never believed it themselves. People who said they could foretell the future and believed it of themselves were worse though. Honest criminality was understandable. But claiming to see The Lord Ruler's plans like that? Maybe even subvert them? That was a sin on a much greater spiritual level. But that's not a reason to suspect someone. I wouldn't let my dislike of his so-called visions colour the investigation. No, it was something else that caught my eye. A few days ago, we strung Carmichael up, Hoid was the one who started the dog-pile, commenting that it sounded like Carmichael was being all 'look at me, I'm still alive and it surprises me, I can't possibly be evil guys', with his commentary. Thing is, while I can understand why you might find it odd, he did exactly the same thing a few days ago with his comments on El's death. 'I have no idea why she was killed, when will they come for me, I can't possibly be evil'. Seems like he might've been fishing for a reason when it came to Carmichael. Plus he did the same when it came to our courier coming back into action. 'Poor evil guys, getting Tin like that, it can't possibly be me inconvenienced by this'. Not sure if he was a Mistborn or if he was just lamenting that his team was affected by this, but he certainly seemed to me to be acting odd.
  19. Jude wasn't sure what he saw there, floating in the sky. He had just found his way to the inner-city area of Portland, with its horrible ruined pavements, brightly painted brick facades, and blood-soaked streets strewn with bits of... reptile flesh? The large, columned building floated stationary in the air above a large pit, occasionally firing off very excited-looking beams of color and sparkle. Shaking his head, he walked on, and instinctively reached in his duffel. Oh. Right. The cat had scampered off a mile or so back. Jude had searched and searched, to no avail. Shame. He quite liked that cat. Hope he's alright, Jude thought to himself, and walked on towards the giant, floating structure.
  20. I just updated the OP with the links to the audio files and the Rithmatist Q&A transcript. I'm going to start on the Friday signing line transcription now. I had a few other questions answered that I'll paraphrase quickly.
  21. Seeing the lovely woman in her arms squee with joy because of her made Shiny tingle with pride. She was shortly confused by all the names rattling out of Funtimes adorable and kiss enticing lips but that quickly changed when Funtimes started to work her wonders. Leaves turn into pancakes wasn’t something even Shiny had seen before. Thankfully, Shiny rolled up the pancake, so she could hold it with one hand and with the other hugged Funtimes around the waist to pull her closer. Funtimes enormous grin was just irresistibly cute, so Shiny couldn’t help herself but press a kiss on her cheek. “You’re just getting more wonderful by the second.” Kiss. “Thank you for the pancake, now to see if it’s as sweet as you are.” Kiss. Shiny took a bite out of the pancake and found it to be not only wonderfully sweet but also fluffy, as if Funtimes had taken an ideal pancake right out of her mind and made it real. “You’re right, these pancakes are great.” Kiss. “I love them almost as much as I do you.” Kiss. “Are these other pancake lovers you mentioned, as good at making pancakes as you are?” Kiss. “Or as colorful?” Kiss. “Or as fun?” Kiss. “Or as cuddly?” Kiss. “Or as welcoming.” Kiss. “Or as beautiful?” Kiss. “Or as nice?” Kiss. “Or as energetic?” Kiss. “Or as sweet?” Kiss. “Or as cute?” Kiss. “Because I love all of those things about you.” Kiss. “Just look at what kind of frenzy you worked me into.” Kiss. “I love you with every sparkle of my being.” Kiss. “And if anyone is good enough to be your friend, I’d love to meet them as well.” Kiss. “Even if they couldn’t hold a candle to how much I love you.” Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
  22. Not quite. 'The same thing that happened in oregon' works better, or perhaps 'the same thing as what happened in oregon.'
  23. I've started a google doc for transcribing the Rithmatist Q&A audio. At the moment it has timestamps for all of the questions, and paraphrased answers, but nothing is verbatim yet. Help would be appreciated. (Audio files are linked in this post above) The first 20 minutes are fairly quiet, since I was sitting partway back in the room. If those portions are too difficult for you to hear, @Ironeyes's recording may be better as he was in the front row.
  24. I can predict the future. Bummer.
  25. 2 likes
  26. Aww, thanks! OK, here is the gist of it. Harmonium's instability IS caused by some of the subatomic particles being of Ruin and some of Preservation. Harmonium is NOT an alloy, but rather a complete metal. Its particles are NOT composed of investiture, but have a "spiritual identity" that associates them with one of the shards. A portion of the energy that comprises the explosion when harmonium touches water is energy being pulled directly from the spiritual realm and the particles thus losing their spiritual association with one of the shards. Due to this, there is no such thing as Harmonium Oxide, although he did add a cryptic comment that there is "something else" left behind after the explosion which is "interesting" and will be important to Scadrial's future. At this point I figured I couldn't hold up the line much longer and started fishing for a RAFO card. So I asked about Harmonium's nuclear potential. But get this: He didn't RAFO it!! He said that harmonium can't actually create a nuclear explosion but it does something similar which will be "very important" to the cosmere in the future. He explained that this is because he essentially added a third state of matter, since investiture is analogous to energy and matter where one can be transformed into the others through the right processes. So harmonium can create an effect that is somehow similar to a nuclear explosion but instead of transforming matter into energy, it does something with investiture. He didn't elaborate after that. As soon as we get the recording transcript done we can analyze his exact words, but this is what I remember for now. Please ask for any clarifications since I'll probably remember in better detail if a specific question is asked.
  27. You just gave me a mental image of a rosharan army advancing in a line equipped with mops, scrubbing the ground clean and shiny at its passage...
  28. As I recall, there are a number of issues with that old font. This comes out to: rahy? be?ohl dea? stleng? be?ohl ?eaknes jo?lney be?ohl destina??h It should look more like: Edit: As long as I'm at it, here are all the Ideals:
  29. Day 14: Not Again Senn felt that looming sense of deja vu that he’d been feeling ever since that first man had died with a warning on his lips. He watched as the entire town fell into chaos and couldn’t help thinking that it was all too familiar. Now, he was staring at pages upon pages of reports about what was happening in the village; all of it dismal. There was a lack of food and supplies. No preparations were being made to stop the coming horde. Buildings were being looted and burned. And it all felt like he had been through it all before. He could almost tell what the next page was going to say before even looking at it. Senn rubbed at his temples, trying to massage away this portending feeling he had. He felt so helpless at the moment. He knew that he should be down in the village trying to add some sense of stability and try to steer things away from this course, but it seemed as if this was fated to happen. If it wasn’t, his feelings of deja vu wouldn’t still be there, right? Eventually, he couldn’t take just sitting there anymore and so he began pacing. This triggered another episode of deja vu in him and it just made him more antsy. What were they to do? Was there anything they could do? Were they meant to just die here, again and again; never learning from the error in their ways? He paused in his pacing. Again? Where had that idea come from? He’d never been through something like this before…. Had he? Suddenly, he just knew that he’d find his inkwell would be dry. He didn’t know how he knew, but it would be true nonetheless. He had what seemed like a vision of him going to collect a new one and then returning to his study, only to be ambushed and killed. He shook himself back to reality. The vision had seemed so clear and so detailed, but it couldn’t possibly be true. He had noticed that it had been snowing out in the vision and there wasn’t even the hint of frost in the air yet in the season. Even so, it was with a shaky hand that he finally built up the resolve to reach out and check the inkwell. *slosh* Senn let out a breath that he didn’t ever realize he’d been holding. The inkwell was still easily half full. His sense of deja vu had been wrong. He mulled over that last bit in his mind for a moment. His sense of deja vu had been wrong. If it had been wrong here, then that meant it could be wrong in other areas too! Perhaps the town wasn’t fated to fall! Perhaps there was still hope! For the first time in weeks, Senn turned to look out the huge window that dominated one wall of his study and looked out at the town of Tyrian Falls with something bordering on optimistic resolve. He smiled. He didn’t notice the figure standing behind him in the reflection of the glass until he felt something tug at his throat and soon after the world went dark. The only thought that Senn could muster before dying was, Not again… Night 14 is over and Day 14 begins! You have 48 hours. Seonid was attacked! They were a Regular Villager! Good Luck! Player List
  30. When you have a really good meme to share, but you forget it.
  31. This transcript is very interesting to me. It sounds like the reaction is basically what we think of as nuclear but with different terminology. 'Nuclear' reactions are basically matter being converted to energy and as a tiny amount of matter us equivalent to a massive amount of energy, it's a big reaction compare to chemical reactions. The other way of course it takes massive amounts of energy to 'make' matter. The ettmetal reaction is analogous to a nuclear reaction (presumably fission more than fusion). The difference in the Cosmere is that there's a third state, investiture. With fissile material the element has an unstable nucleus. With ettmetal it is the investiture that is unstable. So my question is, if energy:matter=huge:tiny, what is the ratio of investiture:matter? I imagine even bigger but that's pure speculation. And how much investiture does it take to 'create' normal energy or matter? Have we seen any potential examples of the matter/energy/investiture conversion elsewhere? (And correct me if I'm wrong with anything, I'm not a physicist)
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  32. But I'm still suspicious of Hero. I know it doesn't change the lynch target, but eh
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  33. Everyone knows that oathbringer is going to be BIG, but this article puts it into perspective. http://thewertzone.blogspot.com/2017/02/brandon-sanderson-may-have-written.html?m=1
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  34. These six-word stories are entertaining.
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  35. They probably say he's going insane because the alternative is one they would rather not dwell on, since all Voidbringers are suppose to be gone. I think there is a scene though where theyou are worried because visions are tabbooed in Vorinism. The coppermind page on the Hierocracy states that visions were the primary problem during the Hierocracy, but all forms were outlawed.
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  36. I agree. The way Shallan described what she saw behind the stormwall seemed like there is a connection specifically to the highstorms. My best guess is that they are members of the same spren class that Brandon said that Cusicesh belongs to, a step below spren like the Stormfather and Nightwatcher.
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  37. When you see this Tweet and immediately think of Lightsong playing Tarachin.
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  38. Vasher already bears the sins of living for centuries, not to mention his role in the ManyWar. He already has plenty on his conscious.
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  39. @Oversleep@Deliiiiiightful@Erunion So, minor archery update. I might not be able to do the tuition for a while (between costs and scheduling) but they do offered thing where you can shoot 30 arrows for minimum cost. Also, they run combat archery sessions. 'kay, I offically have a goal. Self-teach myself archery Oliver Queen style, and win a combat archery game. Well, my parents always wanted me to get into a sport... (Plus, a fantasy setting I have is based around archery so, research)
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  40. On Friday, I asked (paraphrasing) what happened to a person's Physical self when they traveled into the Cognitive Realm. He replied that it depended on how they did it: Elsecalling and worldhopping via Shardpools vs Soulcasting. When Jasnah or Hoid are Elsecalling / Shardpooling, their Physical Self goes into the Cognitive Realm with them. He described Soulcasting more like astral projection: the body is still in the Physical Realm but the mind peers into the Cog Realm. I then asked for clarification on the Elsecalling / Shardpooling part, specifically that the Physical Self was actually in the Cog Realm so there are two "levels" of self there (paraphrasing) as opposed to someone like Kelsier who only had two "levels" of self and he said yes, that's right. One last thing: In my personalized book, he wrote " 'Are you listening?' " (he put quotes around it in the book). I'm not exactly sure when he wrote it during his answer so I'd be interested in listening to the audio recording to see if there's something I missed. I got the front of the line late, around 6 o'clock, I believe.
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  41. Funtimes leaned into the hug. She loved hugs, and she loved shinies, but she love love loved hugs from shinies. Hugs from shinies—she hadn't even known that was possible, but she was here and Shiny was here and it was happening to her because of Shiny. She squealed again, and Shiny nuzzled her. “I do like pancakes actually. Sweet ones especially. And I downright love to eat them in the company of sweeties like you. So Doctor, how about we go share some pancakes and have a fun time with each other? I don't think I could have more fun with anyone buy you. But first let me hug you again. You’re just so adorable and beautiful and energetic and wonderful! I just want to keep hugging you and tell you how much I love you as I shower you in sparkles.” Funtimes let out a long gasp, her hands flying to her cheeks. "Yes! We should have pancakes! Chocolate chip and sprinkles and jellybean and blueberry and—" She gasped again. "Blueberry! And Nathan and Sammy and Revvie and Remington! They love pancakes, not as much as I do but they love them because who doesn't love pancakes and I make really really good pancakes—see, look look look!" She waved a hand toward a cluster of dead leaves hanging from a branch, and pancakes rained from the trees. As she promised, some were chocolate, some had sprinkles, and some were flecked with jellybeans. Funtimes caught one and presented it to Shiny with an enormous grin. "See? Pancakes! I can make it rain pancakes and now it's a pancake-raining party!"
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  42. I think you are mixing effects together...Dai.gonerthis isn't the Unmade related to Death Rattle, Moelatch is the Death Rattle's one. Returning to Cusicesh and his possibly "Unmade" status...this would be weird, it's a Spren struck there from years (at least), if He is an Unmade. It would be the easier Unmade to track down, I find strange that Spren's comunity, the Stormfather or the remaining order didn't place it in some kind of "isolation" (if its descruction isn't possible)
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  43. From the album: The Cosmic Fish Aquarium

    Wanted to make a piece to get signed by Brandon Sanderson someday if I ever get a chance to go to a signing. It's Shallan!:D

    © sketchyfish

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  44. With Ruin Beside Us Welcome back to Emperor Elend’s Luthadel. King Penrod has been growing more and more, irrational. Ordering people to fight each other for their daily bread. Speaking to the mists as if to Emperor Venture, rubbing his chest whenever he talks. The Physicians whisper of the attack, the inquisitor that tried to assassinate him. Whisper that he has recruited others to continue his foul work in the city. When the Government is broken and corrupt, The Citizens must rise up, as the Survivor has taught. But his Heir has warned of the servants of a darker God, the Spiked, who will try to destroy you all. But the Survivor does not expect you to do this on your own. He has gifted you all with power of the Mist, Allomancy. Use his gift to hunt down the Spiked. Welcome to MR20: With Ruin Beside Us. This is a standard Elimination game. Each cycle will be 48 hours long, and will have a lynch. Each player may use their role, or faction ability, every cycle. Possible Roles: Coinshot: Attack one player. Unprotected players are killed. Lurcher: Protect one player from one attack. Thug: You have an Extra Life. You can survive one attack, or one Lynch. Tineye: You can start PM’s with players. You have to be in the PM. Soother: Cancel a Player’s vote. Rioter: Double's a Vote Smoker: Seekers, Rioters, and soothers targeting you all fail. You can target yourself and one other. Seeker: If a Player took an Metallic action, you will learn what it is. Regular: You know whether or not this game is Role madness. ???: This Role is secret. What could it be? ###: Is this even a role? &%&: Am I just trolling you at this point? Alignments: Spiked: The Spiked will have a doc, and a faction kill. They win when all the citizens are dead. Citizenry: The Citizenry win when all the Spiked are dead. Miscellaneous rules: PM’s are closed, except for the Tineyes. Only Tineyes can start PM’s. No Pinch hitters or inactivity filter. Only the lynch reveals alignments I will not differentiate between Coinshot kills and Eliminator kills. I will neither confirm nor deny the existence of Secret roles, rules, factions, players, cycles, characters, moderatoers, or the treasure of the Count of Monte Cristo. All may or may not be in this game. The same rules, but with a bunch of Frequently asked questions added onto them: Anyway. I have a lot of free time. So when you sign up, please vote for when rollover should happen. It can happen any time between 4pm PST and midnight, PST. Also, to the newer players, who haven’t played a game with me as a GM. Ask an older player if you really want to. If the older player likes you, they’ll tell you no, Joe is a troll, and a bastard, who powers his laptop with the agony and hatred of his players. If they don’t like you, they’ll tell you to play. Wilson, did i forget to tell them anything? Quick Links:
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  45. Day 12: Perchance to Dream Jack was having a horrible dream- if you could call it a dream. It seemed a bit too vivid for that. It felt more like it was a recollection from another time, where events similar to those taking place in Tyrian Falls… had happened? Were going to happen? In the end, it didn’t matter. They were similar enough in structure that he saw how it would all play out. He saw how the paranoia and the fear slowly sank their teeth into the villagers. He saw how it turn friend against friend and elevated petty differences into justifications for death. He saw as supplies were destroyed and reserves ruined, which made the villagers all the more frantic and fanatic in their search to purge the evil out from amongst them. If it wasn’t so horrifying, he could almost respect the way these forces of destruction systematically encouraged the people to do their work for them. And in his sleeping state, the recent events in Tyrian Falls mixed with those recollections and he dreamt about the gruesome deaths that had just recently happened in new and mortifying ways. Jack tossed and turned throughout the night. He wanted to wake up; to let this nightmare end. But he was not immune to the effects of what was happening in Tyrian Falls and his body was just too exhausted. Then he dreamt of a figure creeping into his room, cloaked in darkness and comfortable in the shadows. The figure stealthily made their way across the room; avoiding any of the squeaking boards that could have given them away. When they reached his bed, they pulled out a wicked looking dagger. When they raised it above their head, it glinted in the moonlight and it looked stained with the blood of those it had already killed. Now this dream felt incredibly weird to Jack. This didn’t feel like a recreation from an earlier time and it seemed embedded in his current reality. Some part of Jack’s instincts kicked in and he snapped awake. He awoke to the exact same scene he had just been dreaming about! And the dagger was already plunging towards his chest. Suddenly, before he could do so much as breath in to scream, he was yanked to the right with such force that he felt as if he had been slammed into by a Koloss’s fist. The dagger stabbed down and sank almost to the hilt into the bed where Jack had laid just a second before. The force was so strong, it carried him across the room and crashing out through the window; glass ripping at him as he barrelled through. Finally, he rolled to a stop in one of the huge piles of ash that hadn’t been cleaned up in the town recently. As Jack lay there, panting and trying to calm down, he could only think of one thought: Thank the gods I got a room on the first floor! Night 12 has ended and Day 12 begins! You have 48 hours. A Joe in the Bush was attacked, but they survived! Good luck! Player List
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  46. The wind wasn't the beginning, but it was A beginning.
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  47. CAUTION!! The following post contains blatant grammatical nitpicking. If you or those you love are prone to nitpick caused reactions such as bursts of anger, nausea, skin irritations, or death, please navigate away from this post. David does not use bad metaphors. In fact, if I recall, he does not use a single metaphor in the entire book. David uses bad similes. A simile is, of course a comparison using a word such as like or as (e.g., David eats like a pig) whereas a metaphor draws a direct connection to something else (e.g., David is a pig). This is not a criticism of you Mikanium. The characters in the book erroneously used the term 'metaphor' to classify David's (cleverness?). It may have even been intentional on Brandon's part (I hope). This concludes the grammatical nitpicking. If you have disregarded the caution at the head of this post, or have discovered an adverse reaction to nitpicking upon reading this post, please seek immediate medical attention as necessary.
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