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  1. Night 2: Dissension Kasther's pocketwatch continued to turn. It made no noise, for the only moving parts were the Awakened string pieces used to make it. There was no comforting clockwork tick or set of musical chimes to play on the hour. It hung in the study from the desk, a stark reminder of what had already happened. It spun on without a care for the world or its previous owner, their only way to see what the time was now that the sun was fading away. No clocks in the House worked. They all stood frozen at different times, where they had finally wound down after their last owner had passed away or left, and no-one had been left to care for them. The House was eerily silent when it wasn't being loud. No people or animals or clocks to fill the awkward and long silences. If they weren't even there, who was to say whether the House would even notice the passage of time? It continued on, unheeding of the changing world around it. And in the study of the House, thirty-odd people whose own lives were frozen while the mystery of the House remained. By the time that the dark, orange-painted dusk had descended on the House and its inhabitants, the Explorers had almost come to blows. Accusations were flying all over the place, some thought-out, others just reactionary as someone else said something they disagreed with. None of them said it, but the pachyderm in the study was that someone had to have killed Huxton. People didn't just up and die out of nowhere. Sure, they might die accidentally like Doctor Oglethorpe (and it was definitely and undeniably accidental. Or at least, they all shared the blame in a way, and none of them wanted to admit it), but not like Huxton had. None of them were able to brush that off as accidental. But the crux of matters was that they did not know each other well and had not been in each others' company for long enough to get a feeling for each other. They did not know who to trust or, more importantly in some ways, who not to trust. Some seemed shifty and shady and had done since they arrived at the House, but that didn't mean that they would go as far as to commit murder. And then there was the issue of this place, which straddled the line of possibility in such a way that even those familiar with Awakening were forced to admit it seemed alien. They had all agreed to fashion a noose. Someone had found some strong rope, and they'd use a chair as the stand for it. It was crude, and potentially not a clean death, but it was all they could provide in this place, or at least, it was all they could provide with what people had admitted to finding. In a way, this was the catalyst for the current air of distrust and gloom. Before, regardless of what had happened yesterday, it didn't seem quite real. Like a dream that had simply continued on too long without waking. Now, with the stark and mundane reminder of death before them, it had snapped them back to attention, but the fear was preying on their minds. A simple comment would be spun into an attack on another person's character. A muttered utterance became contorted as other people strained to hear it and misheard what was said. The conditions were rife for a disaster in the making if the right spark was provided. The tension was thick in the air, everyone keeping to themselves and showing a gruff exterior to anyone who attempted to coax their opinion. Something was said, a comment that in retrospect was fairly reasonable was taken the wrong way. The Explorers, fearing that the problem of this House and the potential murderer(s) would never be solved if they acted passively, forced the speaker, Doctor Artie Neuems, onto the chair. It was kicked away from him, and the old man fell, his neck snapping. They all stood for a moment, watching the corpse hanging from the sturdy chandelier in the study, before one of them had the sense to check his person for any evidence of wrongdoing. None was found. Night 2 has begun! It will end at 9 PM GMT on Monday 28th November. PMs may be continued until the end of the Turn. Dr Artie Neuems (Arraenae) was an Explorer! Dr Artie Neuems/Arraenae (5): Quintus (Jondesu), Isaac Jones (Elenion), Arinian (as himself), Greg Ronald (STINK), The Guy in the Red Uniform (Ecthelion III) Rotiart/Paranoid King (3): Dr Konwa Arelle (Wonko the Formerly Sane), Dr Artie Neuems (Arranae), Eques Tempore (Straw) Yiferien/Daniyah (1): Ararlis (Araris Valerian) Isaac Jones/Elenion (1): Khaos (little wilson) Eques Tempore/Straw (1): Rotiart (Paranoid King) Character List Kasther's Pocketwatch
  2. Introducing the "Evil Kermit" meme to the Shard:
  3. Is it just me, or does cowboy slang make everything sound more badchull? "A cow puncher went over to the dough wrangler and asked for a family disturbance, stamping his beetle-crushers when he heard the converter ask why he needed a full bottle." Translation: "A cowboy asked the cook for a bottle of whiskey, stamping his feet when the preacher asked why he needed a full bottle."
  4. As you can tell from Ned Stark (and this post on the forum), Ookla season is upon us. A bunch of you have already changed your names, and that's fine--feel free to join in the festivities! Of course, this puts your GM and sub-GM in a slightly awkward position when accepting actions (less so, since your PMs are labelled) but especially so when counting votes (whether votes you are placing) or the targets of votes. (This is especially a big deal when some people also change their member titles, sigs, and avatars to go with the name!) To make things easier on us all and to decrease the chances we'll make a mistake when doing vote tallies for the lynch (!), please indicate your usual name/character name and the usual name/character name of the person you're placing a vote on. (In other words, carry on doing what you're doing now - just please do not vote for Ookla.) Thanks! e.g. Wilson, now Ookla the Inimitable, wants to vote for Elenion, now Ookla the Unpredictable. So whether through blue-text or through RP, Wilson would indicate that she is Khaos/Wilson, and that she is placing a vote on Elenion/ "The Hammer". [Bolded words mine, and no, this does not constitute a sub-GM vote on Elenion. tldr; just make sure we can identify who you are and who your target is - not Ookla. Carry on!]
  5. Or, you know, she ate the pancakes like this (excuse the hasty Paint illustration):
  6. Welcome one and all once again to our yearly tradition! That's right Ookla the Mokovial is now! For those new to the tradition, every year around this time, we have fun renaming ourselves to "Ookla the _____" in celebration of @PeterAhlstrom, Brandon's assistant! For those wondering about the lore behind this holiday, i say shove off! ...Ok, fine. This tradition was started to recognize peter for generally being awesome for all the unseen work he does! The reason for the name change is because way back on the time waster's guide forums, peter went by the username "Ookla the Mok". In order to commemorate him and his old username, we came up with this tradition mostly off handedly and/or as a joke some 5 or 6 years back, and it just kinda stuck! The holiday generally runs until we get bored of it, which usually goes for about a week or so, so until then, try to come up with a creative, festive name!
  7. I found Hoid. LOL. That must have been what started the event that Hoid referred to when he talked about spending "the better part of a year in a large stomach, being digested" back in WoR.
  8. I think it's a possible counterpart to the newly named Shard of Ambition. Now I'm thinking the Shard that just wants to hide and survive might be named something along the lines of Caution. In keeping with the theory that the Shards are all divine attributes, if Ambition is the divine urge to create, to do things, to advance....Caution is the divine urge to wait, to use restraint, to not do simply because one can, but to be aware of repercussions, ramifications. And as a singular Shard, without the influence of other divine attributes such as Ambition, Endowment, Cultivation, etc.....a Shard named Caution might simply want to hide and survive, isolating him or herself from the conflicts raging elsewhere throughout the cosmere.
  9. At least he apologises, guys >>. Also, it's nine o' clock, you know what that means! Yes, the Cycle has ended. Stay tuned, but also not very tuned, since I haven't written anything yet in anticipation of you lot being utter bastards >>.
  10. Mistrunner, after an hour of diligently trying, realizes that she is, in fact, terrible at knitting, and should stop before she manages to kill a man with a ball of yarn.
  11. Not that that doesn't make sense, but Lift's condition (in relation to her partially inhabiting the Cognitive Realm) is unique, and it seems to me like this ability is probably the Resonance that all Edgedancers share (I don't know if Resonances are uniform within an Order/all people possessing the same two powers, but my current thinking on it is that it varies a bit in expression within the individual but remains mostly consistent). Granted, my evidence for that is highly circumstantial, but it just seems to fit so well. In WoR, it seems like such a clever little joke that the first Edgedancer we see is an uncouth street kid, when the historical Order had such a reputation for eloquence. However, with the evidence in Edgedancer, everything changes. If Lift applied this ability to the highfalutin types that she has so little time for, wouldn't they think she was an exceptionally eloquent young woman? No doubt they would. Of course historians and the like thought the Edgedancers were eloquent and refined. They valued those things, the highborn sources they talked to valued those things, and any encounter they had with an Edgedancer or heard about from an associate would be characterized by the like. Meanwhile, the Edgedancers were probably trading dirty jokes with the stable hands as soon as they were out of earshot.
  12. Seriously. We have an opening sequence with a bald windrunner. There are multiple sequences with lashings and running up walls and changing directions of gravity and falling down corridors. We have an Awakened cloak. We have magic glowing Aons. Mordu (?) is very Nale-esque, rigidly following laws with no room for flexibility. Discuss.
  13. So near the beginning of Chapter 6 of Edgedancer Lift has a conversation with a street urchin in a pretty thick dialect. Afterwards she has the following conversation with Wyndle about ti: What if an enhanced ability to communicate is the Resonance (i.e. Order Perk/passive ability) associated with combining Abrasion and Progression?
  14. If there's somebody out there who can't solve mine, I'm going to need to stare at a wall and rethink the world for a while.
  15. Very well. Keep whacking the stick thingy and be nicer to the librarian.
  16. Now I have to: Its basically Elhokar/Szeth/Jasnah/Alethi soldiers and Szeth and maybe Taravangian at the end. I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes Listened as the crowd would sing Now the old king is dead long live the king One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon spheres of salt and spheres of sand I hear Kharbranth bells a-ringing Parshendi cavalry choirs are singing Be my Shards, my sword and shield Devotaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain Once you'd gone there was never Never an honest word And that was when I ruled the world It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become Altho kingdoms wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? wicked wild wind that shattered windows? Its perfect!
  17. Spoilers for Shadows of Self. Warning: this conjecture relies on some guesswork about the nature of Shards and, importantly, the ending of the Stormlight Archive. It should not be read as a definitive statement, given how much we still don't know about these particular topics. Instead, I hope to draw some conclusions that others find useful. Let's collect a few things we know about Shards. First, Odium has a way to take down shards. This process is difficult. Second, Odium could manifest on Scadrial. It may show up as metal. Third, it seems that the way Hemalurgic constructs are controlled by a Shard is quite general. Fourth, Shards can have champions. Fifth, Hoid has a grudge with Rayse and Bavadin, the holders of Odium and Autonomy. We also know that Era 2 takes place after the Way of Kings. Importantly, it is not clear exactly how long, meaning that the fifteen-year gap between Stormlight 5 and 6 could be relevant. I conjecture the following: Odium and Autonomy are working together on Scadrial to undermine and defeat Harmony in Era 2. Before getting to the in-book evidence, I want to address a few points. First and most strikingly, depending on how we interpret the quote about the timelines, then I am in fact implying that Odium (or a sufficiently large splinter) survives the events of the Stormlight Archive. It could also be the case that Era 2 happens in the gap years. I would find Odium's absolute defeat at the conclusion of the Stormlight Archives to be unlikely at best unless there is a bigger, badder bad guy waiting in the wings. Second, the connection between Rayse and Bavadin is tenuous at best. Odium desires to be the only Shard remaining, meaning that Autonomy will eventually face his wrath. However, I believe that Odium is clever enough to know when he will need help, and that he could somhow convince Autonomy to assist him in taking down someone with almost twice his raw power. Third, "undermine and defeat" is purposefully vague. This stems from the fact that we know almost nothing about a Shard's limits. My proposed mechanism will involve champions, of which we know less. I am well aware that this limits the predictive power of my theory. Fourth, some of the evidence below is easily ascribed to other influences or Shards. Since I am working with not particularly much in the way of hard evidence, I will necessarily struggle to prove that this solution is unique. I contend that this acceptable, since it may open new avenues of thinking. Now, the justification. I. Unusual Hatred Even before finishing Shadows of Self, a particular moment stood out to me. Wax had just shot Lessie (again), and "let out a low-pitched howl from deep within, a raw shout that echoed into the night." What happens next is remarkable: Before finishing the page, I figured that this was signalling that Harmony knew Wax was none too pleased with him. However, Wax then describes himself as (emphasis his) This is, of course, understandable, given what he had just been forced to do. Let us compare this to Kaladin's imprisonment in Words of Radiance: Again, emphasis his. Kaladin had been sitting and stewing in his own hatred and depression for several weeks by this point. His bond with Syl was weakening by the minute, and by time he is released from prison he's barely even a Windrunner. Szeth also has a contribution here: Still, emphasis his. The latter two are, I think, pretty obviously explained by Odium's influence on Roshar. Odium would like to prevent any resistance whatsoever for the upcoming Desolation, and what better way to do that than to destroy the nascent Radiants before they can reform. In Kaladin's case specifically, Odium's influence is correlated with the weakening of Syl's bond. Curiously, I think we can draw parallels with Wax - one of the least hateful people on Scadrial. He is ordinarily very careful to reserve judgement, not killing out of hate but out of necessity. Instead, he now feels an intense, remarkable hatred towards Harmony and the kandra at the same time that the mists pull away from him. I claim that both effects are due to Odium's direct influence on Wax. This is where the chronology issue comes into play. In principle, there could be a splinter of Odium that could achieve a similar effect, so Odium does not necessarily need to be whole or even directly nearby. Thus we could accept any solution that has a sufficently large amount of Odium on Scadrial without strictly having to worry about the timeline. One might also object that Odium would have to expend considerable effort to influence Wax. I will argue below that this is justified in this case. II. Autonomy's influence This point is considerably shorter, as several people on the forums have already commented. The claim is simple: the new metal is due to the Shard Autonomy. The evidence is straightforward - Paalm suddenly develops an anomalous independence streak, both for herself and the people of Scadrial. This is very different than Odium's "divide and conquer" strategy. One might argue that the metal, and its effects, is attributable to many sources. Additionally, Autonomy already features prominently in a book (White Sand) and this would be a good time to introduce one of the seven remaining Shards. Both of these points are completely valid, and I could not hope to provide a watertight argument that it must be Autonomy. However, I believe that in conjunction with the other evidence it is likely. I believe that Autonomy is the source of Miles' and Bloody Tan's madness, if we make the simplifying assumption that there is only one external force acting directly through Hemalurgy. III. Champions Here we must depart the realm of (shaky) evidence and move into pure hypothesis. At the risk of saying too much, I simply hypothesize the following: Wax is Harmony's (unwitting) champion, and his defeat or death at the hands of another Shard's champion would be devestating to Harmony. I do not claim to know anything about the particulars, or how this helps Odium in his quest, except that it is damaging in some way. We do note that Wax seems to fit Harmony's Intent pretty well: he is profoundly destructive, but only in the quest to save others. This is remarked upon quite a bit in Shadows of Self, where even his detractors admit he is effective. Also, at the young age of twelve, he interupts a loan meeting with the poor man with the intent of letting the worker make an informed choice. We do know that Harmony has been specifically looking out for Wax, going so far as to use kandra to ensure his survival in the Roughs. My conjecture can thus be explained as follows: Odium and Autonomy set out specifically to destabilize Harmony by killing his champion, Wax. They do this by arranging for Tan to "kill" Lessie, then spiking Lessie with the Autonomy spike(s) to drive her mad. In her Autonomy-driven madness, she is set up for a collision course with Wax, being careful not to reveal her nature until the end. Then, when Wax realizes what he has done, Odium comes in and sucker-punches him in the same way he did Kaladin and Szeth. The practical upshot is that Wax wants nothing to do with Harmony, putting both of them in unspecified but serious danger. Should Wax and/or Harmony not figure things out in time, then Odium will be able to strike and kill Sazed and shatter Harmony. Also, if anything like this is correct, it makes me feel so much worse for Wax and Lessie. It's been a while since I've written a long-form theory, and I'm sure that this idea is riddled with errors. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to comments! Edit: formatting bug
  18. If you participate in Ookla season, please sign your posts with the username you signed up under. This is particularly important if you are placing, changing, or removing votes, as I will ignore any posts that aren't signed. When placing or removing votes on players participating in Ookla season, please place votes using the username they signed up with, not their Ookla name. I will not accept any votes or kill orders that don't follow these rules.
  19. Based on Brandon's response to that question, I've just had a thought. What if someone in-world is writing a book about Dalinar, titled Oathbringer. Navani perhaps? That's something I could see her doing.
  20. Mists came out for the third time in row. ... While I still don't have a mistcloak, throwing on a regular coat still does the job. Sure, it may be too thick and heavy to properly flutter behind me but it still kinda flows when I'm running... EDIT: And now I've gone and taken photos (it was just after midnight). Welcome to Elendel: I think that's the best one. I have a few more but my non-existent photographic skills only allowed me to pick the correct mode and hold objective steady
  21. I suspect that only Lift sees it, because she sees somewhat into the Cognitive Realm. As to what caused the phenomenon in the first place, his death does seem likely, as if his Cognitive and Physical selves weren't put back together quite right, so his Cognitive self is a little out-of-sync. EDIT: [All right, @Pagerunner, don't be smug.] This appears to be confirmed by WoB here. [Well done. Next time, don't talk to yourself in your own post, though.]
  22. On page 600 of AU, I noticed something that sounded really familiar to a game that a confirmed Worldhopper from Nalthis has played in the Stormlight Archive, Zahel/Vasher. "The children seemed to love it. They ran up and down the steps, laughing and giggling. Others sat in circles on the ground, playing games with painted pebbles." This game seems awfully familiar to the game that we saw Zahel playing. "Kaladin marched them up to Zahel, who stood at the back of the sand-covered courtyard. Though the other ardents all busied themselves carrying water, towels, or sparring weapons to dueling lighteyes, Zahel had drawn a circle in the sand and was throwing little colored rocks into it." This could mean a number of things: The game that Zahel/Vasher brought over from Nalthis (Travel edition of Tarachin) has spread to other places in Roshar, and is played by many. The kids that live in the orphanage learned the game from "The Stump" (the lady who runs the orphanage). The Stump just learned it from other people playing it on Roshar The Stump might be a Worldhopper, or knows Worldhoppers, and learned the game from one or both of those possible facts. The kids learned it from the guy who might be Hoid. Other reasons that I have not thought of... Did anyone else notice this, am I crazy, is it just coincidence?
  23. I thought learning biology would mean my children knew it too, but I was off Lamarck.
  24. Out of context, this is rather humorous.
  25. That is exactly what Nohadon said, and look what he ended up doing...
  26. People who behave like elitist snobs toward librarians. First off, I wasn't trying to deny you your lawful right. I was trying to follow our study room policy, which is in place so that groups of three or more, like yours, take precedence over groups of two. You're getting huffy over a room that you are renting for free. Calm down. Second, you had three people in your group. You could have just said that when I asked, instead of making it sound as though you only had two before haughtily pointing me toward the note on your account reminding the whole staff how that you get special treatment. Third, don't assume that because I am here offering you a free service I am somehow beneath you. I have a Master's degree. I worked my chull off to get it. Finally, dude. You're getting a free study room in a public library. You didn't get that note on your account by being an important member of the community or a frequent donator to the library. You got it by bullying the staff. That's not something to take pride in. Additional peeve: Backhanded apologies. "I don't like being rude, but if you had been more observant then I wouldn't have had to have been" is not an apology and you know it.
  27. Exp Share might be helping with the ease of difficulty. I appreciate not have to grind, but Popplio became Brionne and I used him maybe in a dozen fights? OR=Omega Ruby? Honestly, I'm digging this game. I like Team Skull, and the whole tone is... Alola feels like a unique region. The last game I really finished was Ruby, and while Kanto, Johto and Hoenn had their differences, they didn't feel as diverse or immersion as Alola. Honestly, I'm considering treating this as a straight up role-playing game for a change. I'll probably finish Sun to get a feel for it, then restart and do a Let's Play-style RP of the game on a second run through, because it feels like that would be fun.
  28. Considering how I one-shot the Kahuna's pokemon, I think I might have gone too far. Then again, I had type advantage on my side, so...
  29. Let it be known that I'm so excited about the essays that I haven't even read Edgedancer yet (even though Stormlight is my favourite series). We got some lovely information from Khriss that clarifies so many old questions. I have a few main theories that I want to bring up, that I know some people have already tossed a few of these around, but well, I'm just so excited I needed to make my own thread. Sorry, not sorry. Selish Observations Scadrian Observations (Secret History spoilers as well as Arcanum Unbounded) Taldain Observations Threnodite Observations Drominad Observations I have to go for now, I'll continue later tonight with the Rosharan system, Silverlight, and some theories I've got about all this new info. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Time to do a complete cosmere reread and hunt for clues.
  30. Hey all, new to the forum, but a huge fan! Looks like SA3 will stay as Oathbringer? surprised it won't be an in-world book title. or perhaps it is...?
  31. It felt like the feruchemical ability of Connection we see in the Mistborn books. I like the idea that her Resonance is an ability we have somewhat seen other places in the cosmere. Similar to how various forms of lightweaving are seen throughout the cosmere. Maybe the Resonance is more of a passive ability like Connection, Fortune, Wakefulness, or something similar.
  32. Can confirm. Made the Reddit comment, finished Edgedancer last night, and my mind is still blown.
  33. That scene in WOR where Rock grabs a cremling, pops it into his mouth and eats it, suddenly became a lot funnier.
  34. Pure reaction a few moments after finishing Edgedancer: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHARD FORK SHARD FORK SHARD FORK IT IS THE INFAMOUS SHARD FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE! SHARD FORK!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around in a rather large circle about three or four times* SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! SHARDFORK!!!!!!!! Friends reaction to my reaction: Winter, are you okay?
  35. Interesting. Perhaps the huge amount of Investiture that has passed through Szeth's body over the years gave his dead self a longer time limit in the Cognitive Realm, just like a certain character we know from another series. Or... maybe the girl could have been saved if her body also fell a hundred feet from the ground whilst being pummeled by a highstorm.
  36. So with 4 Shards confirmed killed by Odium now, that's a quarter of the entirety of Adonalsium! Plus Ruin and Preservation... sheesh. Gods these days. They just don't make 'em to last anymore!
  37. Okay, it's time. I'm going to put this in spoiler tags just in case. I assume this is about the Sleepless.
  38. Since Kell seems to be recalling the appearance of the Skaa hovels in the coppermind, I would say he does seem to remember. Also
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  39. You are correct, Chaos. That was a tad disrespectful. Sorry, Windrunner. I should have realized that your statements weren't necessarily towards the OP. Also sorry for going on the offensive. Side note, I will avoid responding to posts when I've had a few too many Horneater Ale's.
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  40. My favorite threads are usually the ones pertinent to whatever the latest Cosmere release was, anything in Cosmere Theories, and of course, The Stormlight Archive forum, since it's my favorite series. Mistborn is good place to discuss stuff, too, since it looks like a lot of the deeper mysteries of the Cosmere are going to come out in those books (Bands of Mourning and Secret History were a one-two punch of revelations).
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  41. Another thing we may conclude from this fact: it was Rayse who got to killing Shards. Soon after Shattering, so it wasn't like he has gone on murder rampage after Odium warped him to its Intent; no, Rayse took to killing Shards from the get-go (or soon after).
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  42. That imagery is just so awesome that I have no choice but to give in. Consider me converted to @Ookla the Indefinite's theory.
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  43. Really powerful Splinters could be considered demigods. I assumed that he was just talking about some of the Unmade and/or other similar superspren.
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  44. I don't remember seeing this WoB before, but it's from awhile ago. I think this gives us a more definite answer that there is definitely at connection between Trell and Odium, even if Trell is not Odium.
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  45. We dont know for sure if he was rly summoning blade at that point or only prepared for it. When I read it I imagined it that way. He dismissed blade so he could easier attack Lift with knife. Then he put his hand to side waiting for effect of his attack with knife, when it worked how he planed he summoned blade instantly (it was assumption which Im not sure now if its correct, more below). Thing is, Nale has Surge of Gravitation and I think ability to suck in Stormlight, so either he has Honorblade, or he bonded spren. If that was spren I would except him to progress enough to have alive Shardblade which he could not only summon instantly but change it shape. Other explanation is that he has dead Shardblade, and his powers are from fabrials, maybe there is fabrial which can do Reverse Lashing (Sanderson said that all Surges could be replicated with fabrial), but it would not explain why did he glow. Or we just make false assumption that Honorblades are summoned instantly. I assumed that Heralds could summon it instantly but I now realize that there was no proof of it. Szeth needed 10 heartbeats to summon his. I think that he should have knowledge that it was no dead Shardblade, so there shouldnt be false belief like in case of Shallan sumoning Pattern after 10 heartbeats. Only other time we see Herald summoning blade is in WoK prologue and its not clear if they need to wait or not. BTW when i checked prologue of WoK now to see if there is mention of of delayed summoning this fragment attracted my attention : "Groans of the dying haunted them from behind. There, in Jezrien’s eyes, Kalak saw anguish and grief." When I read it before I just assumed it was sounds of men on battlefield, but what if this sentence is about same thing which happened to Szeth who hears screams of his victims? What if this is side effect of using Honorblade? If that would be true, it could be argument against theory that Nale retrieved his blade, and it would partially explain why Heralds all seems to go mad.
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  46. Has anyone seen the movie or read the book "Starship Troopers"? "Kill 'em all" is a meme line from the movie. The basic plot of story is a rich kid joining the army to kill alien bugs in powered armour. Pretty much plateau runs IN SPACE with nuclear Shardplate. I actually drew the mech suit to look similar to Adolin's Shardplate. The helmet's face opening is designed to resemble the shape of his helm visor. Well, I thought it was funny.
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